三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
カナダ入り!しょっぱなから問題発生! / Canada Vancouver Day1
Day 1 25-Jul-2010
さあ、次はカナダ入国です。 2時間半くらい走って国境に到着。一回バスを降りて入国審査を受けます。ちょっと質問されて、はいok!意外と簡単に通過。やはり帰りのチケットは有るかは聞かれましたが。あとは一路バンクーバーへ。バックパッカー近くでバスを降ろしてもらったので楽チン。
Day 1 25-Jul-2010
This morning I left my place at 11:30am. Mum, Dad and my cousin Shun and his daughter Haruka came to seeme off at the airport.
We arrived at the airport 2 hours before the depature, it seemed everything would go smoothly... But at the check-in, a big problem happened. The lady at the check-in told me that if I don't have a return flight or any outgoing flight from the U.S., I cannot enter the U.S.! We spent an hour to get the best option, and I purchased a flight back from the U.S. to Japan. It costs me US$1,250...
We had no time to have lunch together, so I proceeded to the custom.
Said Good-bye to my mum nearly made me cry.
Flights to Korea and Seattle were smooth. They were crowded but I had a nice sleep.
Arrived at the Seattle airport around 1:00pm. Going through the custom was very quick and easy.
Took a while to find the bus to Vancouver but managed to get on 2:00pm bus. It took 2 1/2 hours to the border. Everyone on the bus got off there and went through Custom checks. I was asked if I have a return ticket home here. I explained my plan - motorcycle trip around the world - and no problem to get through Canadian custom.
From the border to Vancouver, it took around an hour. The bus driver took me to the railway station nearby where I stay. So it was very easy trip after all. I have two room mate in my dorm. Two Canadian, Edward and TJ. They are from other States, though. Now it's 9:00pm here in Vancouver. I will take shower and have early sleep.
さあ、次はカナダ入国です。 2時間半くらい走って国境に到着。一回バスを降りて入国審査を受けます。ちょっと質問されて、はいok!意外と簡単に通過。やはり帰りのチケットは有るかは聞かれましたが。あとは一路バンクーバーへ。バックパッカー近くでバスを降ろしてもらったので楽チン。
Day 1 25-Jul-2010
This morning I left my place at 11:30am. Mum, Dad and my cousin Shun and his daughter Haruka came to seeme off at the airport.
We arrived at the airport 2 hours before the depature, it seemed everything would go smoothly... But at the check-in, a big problem happened. The lady at the check-in told me that if I don't have a return flight or any outgoing flight from the U.S., I cannot enter the U.S.! We spent an hour to get the best option, and I purchased a flight back from the U.S. to Japan. It costs me US$1,250...
We had no time to have lunch together, so I proceeded to the custom.
Said Good-bye to my mum nearly made me cry.
Flights to Korea and Seattle were smooth. They were crowded but I had a nice sleep.
Arrived at the Seattle airport around 1:00pm. Going through the custom was very quick and easy.
Took a while to find the bus to Vancouver but managed to get on 2:00pm bus. It took 2 1/2 hours to the border. Everyone on the bus got off there and went through Custom checks. I was asked if I have a return ticket home here. I explained my plan - motorcycle trip around the world - and no problem to get through Canadian custom.
From the border to Vancouver, it took around an hour. The bus driver took me to the railway station nearby where I stay. So it was very easy trip after all. I have two room mate in my dorm. Two Canadian, Edward and TJ. They are from other States, though. Now it's 9:00pm here in Vancouver. I will take shower and have early sleep.