三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day6: 2010年7月30日
まずはミラーを取り付けて、バッテリーの端子をつけて、エンジンをかけます。ぶるるるるるん、一発です。さすがMy GS!
John Valk BMWに行き頼んでおいた部品を買います。ブレーキレバー、クラッチレバー、前後ブレーキパッド、オイルフィルター、オイルフィルターレンチ、オイル1リッターでCAD750!高いけどこれで安心して旅を続けられます。
それからカナダ、ブリティッシュ・コロンビア州(BC)のJAFにあたるBCAAで地図をもらい、Risaちゃんとお茶するのでGranville Islandまでいきました。インドカレーを昼飯にし、Risaちゃんからブラウニーをいただきました、ありがとー。
Day6, 30JUL2010
This morning they guys from the shipping company picked me up at the hostel.
Yoshi, the DR650 guy, came together with us as he needs to pickup a document at the shipping company.
First we went to ICBC North Vancouver to join Autoplan isurance.
It costs CAD77 for 15days. It's gona cover Canada and the USA, so I joined for 60days, which costs CAD462!
It is lots of money but without this I cannot ride in Canda and the States.
Then we went to the shiping company and picked up my bike.
The container was half broken by cusom but still required a big job to open it up.
I asked the guys at the shipping company to open it.
I wasn't sure if I paid for it but they were happy to do it for me.
It took half hour to open the contaner and finally my GS is under Canadian sunshine!
Put on mirrirs and connected the battery, I started up my GS, yes, with one push her engine hawls!
Now I gotta fill petrol. Luckily the gas station is just behind the company.
It is first time for me to ride on rightside of the road. I was narvus before I actually rode the bike, but it wasn't that hard.
I went to John Valk BMW to pick up parts I ordered, a brake lever, a clutch lever, front and rear brake pads, an oil filter, an oil filter wrench, 1 litre engine oil.
Total they cost me CAD750! But with these parts I can feel more secure t ride arond the continent.
THen went to BCAA (Automotive Accociation) to get a free map of BC and Yukon.
Risa asked me to come to Granville Island for a cuppa, so I rode there. With the bike, it is so mch easier to go arond Vancouver!
I had Indian curry for lunch and she gave me a nice brownie, thanks Risa. We looked around the shops for a while and she has to go to see other friends.
Went back to the hostel to sort out the luggages. It was hard to put everything in in nice order. I do not have enough space to put my laptop ant the moment,so tomorrow morning I have to work it out.
Probably I have to carry a backpack.
Yoshi could pick up his DR650 successfully We rode to a Supermarket to get foods for tmorrow onward.
I will be camping on the way to Whitehorse. So I might not be able to update my log for a while. SO PLEASE DO NOT WORRY!