三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
グアナファトに2人ノリで / Guanajuato!
Day87: 2010年10月19日
Zacatecas to Guanajuato
24,397km to 24,778km = 381km
今日は7時に起きて出発の準備。カーラもちゃんと起きて来ました。彼女の荷物はブライアンが受け持つ事に。 先ずはガソリンを入れて45号線を南下します。カーラも問題なく乗れます。アグアスカリエンエンテスまでは迷わない為に高速道路で。30ペソです。
アグアスカリエンエンテスでスティーブンが小腹が減ったとのことで、小休止。 ここから下道を行きます。途中の小さな街で昼メシを食べました。少年がスティーブンに懐き飯屋に着いて来ました。可愛らしいガキです。なにやら言ってますが、ワシらにはわかりません。カーラの登場!どうやらコーラが飲みたいとのこと。カーラが買ってあげました。そしたらチキンも欲しいと。ガキ、だんだん調子に乗って来ます。
さてと、ここからグアナファトまであと150キロくらいですかね。Sileoまできましたが、ここからがトリッキーです。クルクル高速に乗ったり降りたりしてようやくグアナファトの方角へ⁉ トラックが追い抜いていったら、ホワイトタイガー(白虎)が4〜5匹運ばれててます。虎を見れて虎男のワシとしては嬉しい限りです。
さてグアナファトに付きましたが、思った通りに迷路です。目的のホテルにGPS上では限りなく近いのですが、一方通行だらけで近づけません。バイクを停めるのにも一苦労。 ようやくバイクを停めて徒歩でホステルへ。ブライアンなちとは離れ離れになってしまいました。歩きでも迷いに迷って到着。カーラがいなければどんなに苦労したことか。ブライアンたちは既に到着していて、ホテルにバイクを停めに行ったとか。
バイクに戻りホテルへ。ホテルは簡単に見つかったのですが、駐車場の入り口は反対側だと。カーラが行き方をききましたが、また迷いに迷って全然辿り着けません。道をタクシー運転手にきいたり近所な人にききましたが、みんなホテルの裏口の方にいけと言います。ふむ。また道を聞こうとカーラがバイクから降りようとしたら、バランスを崩して左側に立ちゴケ! すぐにバイクを起こしてダメージを確認。エンジンガードとパニアの下側に軽く擦り傷が付いただけです。カーラが自分のせいでコケた、と落ち込んでますのでなだめる方に専念。
仕方がないので、またホテルに戻って駐車場の入り口への行き方を訪ねてると、ブライアンたちがやって来ました。ホステルのスタッフがスクーターで先導してくれるとのこと。ようやくこれで駐車場に着きました。これじゃわからないわ、てな道で辿り着きました。 チェックインして夜の街をブラブラ。そしたらエルエロい子とナオに再会。彼らのホステルでしばらく歓談して帰って寝ました。
Day87: 19 Oct 2010
Zacatecas to Guanajuato
24,397km to 24,778km = 381km
We got up at 7am and got ready. Brian will take care of Cara's baggage, so I can carry her on my bike. It took a while to get out from the city but we managed. Cara was doing all right in the pillion seat. I'm glad that she was having fun.
We took the toll road to Aguascalientes. We were stopped by highway police! No helmet on Cara! I thought we will get a fine or will be stopped to go ahead. But only they asked were documentations and a few questions. They did not mention anything about wearing a helmet. So we kept going.
At Aguascalientes, we made a brief stop as Steven was hungry. He is a big guy, so he needs loads of foods! Now we took no toll road. We had BBQ chicken for lunch at a little town. Steven made a friend with a little kid and he came to the restaurant. He was telling us something in Spanish, but we didn't understand a bit. So we sent him to Cara. He was asking for money to buy a bottle of Coke. She bought one for him and now he asked for a plate of BBQ chicken! The kid is getting more wild! She told him that we were leaving soon.
We arrived Guanajuato around 3:30pm. But getting to the hostel "La Casa del Tio" was a nightmare! On GPS, we were so close to the hostel, but we couldn't find the way. We decided to take a walk to find the hostel but finding parking spot was hard as well. So we ended up parking at different spots and we were separated. Even on foot, it was hard to get to the hostel. When finally we arrived, we found out Brian and Steven already took off to the hotel with free parking spot.
So Cara and I went back to the bike to find the hotel. It was easy to find the hotel, but the entrance of the car park is opposite side... It was really hard to find the way. We asked many people but we still couldn't get there. Once Cara got off from the bike, I lost balance and dropped the bike! We quickly picked up the bike and found little scratches on the engine bar and the side of the pannier. Cara was so shocked, so I told her no to worry at all. Don't worry, Cara! It's like a war wound.
We came back to the hotel and asked for the direction again. Then Brian, Steven and Shige turned up with a guy on a scooter. He was gonna lead us to the entrance! Good job, guys! It would be no way that Cara and I could find the entrance by ourselves. Back to the hostel, we had dinner and went out to see the town of Guanajuato. Festival is on these days, so there were full of people and lots of music on the streets. We happened to see El Chio and Nao! We went to their hostel for a while and came back to the hostel and went to bed.
Zacatecas to Guanajuato
24,397km to 24,778km = 381km
今日は7時に起きて出発の準備。カーラもちゃんと起きて来ました。彼女の荷物はブライアンが受け持つ事に。 先ずはガソリンを入れて45号線を南下します。カーラも問題なく乗れます。アグアスカリエンエンテスまでは迷わない為に高速道路で。30ペソです。
アグアスカリエンエンテスでスティーブンが小腹が減ったとのことで、小休止。 ここから下道を行きます。途中の小さな街で昼メシを食べました。少年がスティーブンに懐き飯屋に着いて来ました。可愛らしいガキです。なにやら言ってますが、ワシらにはわかりません。カーラの登場!どうやらコーラが飲みたいとのこと。カーラが買ってあげました。そしたらチキンも欲しいと。ガキ、だんだん調子に乗って来ます。
さてと、ここからグアナファトまであと150キロくらいですかね。Sileoまできましたが、ここからがトリッキーです。クルクル高速に乗ったり降りたりしてようやくグアナファトの方角へ⁉ トラックが追い抜いていったら、ホワイトタイガー(白虎)が4〜5匹運ばれててます。虎を見れて虎男のワシとしては嬉しい限りです。
さてグアナファトに付きましたが、思った通りに迷路です。目的のホテルにGPS上では限りなく近いのですが、一方通行だらけで近づけません。バイクを停めるのにも一苦労。 ようやくバイクを停めて徒歩でホステルへ。ブライアンなちとは離れ離れになってしまいました。歩きでも迷いに迷って到着。カーラがいなければどんなに苦労したことか。ブライアンたちは既に到着していて、ホテルにバイクを停めに行ったとか。
バイクに戻りホテルへ。ホテルは簡単に見つかったのですが、駐車場の入り口は反対側だと。カーラが行き方をききましたが、また迷いに迷って全然辿り着けません。道をタクシー運転手にきいたり近所な人にききましたが、みんなホテルの裏口の方にいけと言います。ふむ。また道を聞こうとカーラがバイクから降りようとしたら、バランスを崩して左側に立ちゴケ! すぐにバイクを起こしてダメージを確認。エンジンガードとパニアの下側に軽く擦り傷が付いただけです。カーラが自分のせいでコケた、と落ち込んでますのでなだめる方に専念。
仕方がないので、またホテルに戻って駐車場の入り口への行き方を訪ねてると、ブライアンたちがやって来ました。ホステルのスタッフがスクーターで先導してくれるとのこと。ようやくこれで駐車場に着きました。これじゃわからないわ、てな道で辿り着きました。 チェックインして夜の街をブラブラ。そしたらエルエロい子とナオに再会。彼らのホステルでしばらく歓談して帰って寝ました。
Day87: 19 Oct 2010
Zacatecas to Guanajuato
24,397km to 24,778km = 381km
We got up at 7am and got ready. Brian will take care of Cara's baggage, so I can carry her on my bike. It took a while to get out from the city but we managed. Cara was doing all right in the pillion seat. I'm glad that she was having fun.
We took the toll road to Aguascalientes. We were stopped by highway police! No helmet on Cara! I thought we will get a fine or will be stopped to go ahead. But only they asked were documentations and a few questions. They did not mention anything about wearing a helmet. So we kept going.
At Aguascalientes, we made a brief stop as Steven was hungry. He is a big guy, so he needs loads of foods! Now we took no toll road. We had BBQ chicken for lunch at a little town. Steven made a friend with a little kid and he came to the restaurant. He was telling us something in Spanish, but we didn't understand a bit. So we sent him to Cara. He was asking for money to buy a bottle of Coke. She bought one for him and now he asked for a plate of BBQ chicken! The kid is getting more wild! She told him that we were leaving soon.
We arrived Guanajuato around 3:30pm. But getting to the hostel "La Casa del Tio" was a nightmare! On GPS, we were so close to the hostel, but we couldn't find the way. We decided to take a walk to find the hostel but finding parking spot was hard as well. So we ended up parking at different spots and we were separated. Even on foot, it was hard to get to the hostel. When finally we arrived, we found out Brian and Steven already took off to the hotel with free parking spot.
So Cara and I went back to the bike to find the hotel. It was easy to find the hotel, but the entrance of the car park is opposite side... It was really hard to find the way. We asked many people but we still couldn't get there. Once Cara got off from the bike, I lost balance and dropped the bike! We quickly picked up the bike and found little scratches on the engine bar and the side of the pannier. Cara was so shocked, so I told her no to worry at all. Don't worry, Cara! It's like a war wound.
We came back to the hotel and asked for the direction again. Then Brian, Steven and Shige turned up with a guy on a scooter. He was gonna lead us to the entrance! Good job, guys! It would be no way that Cara and I could find the entrance by ourselves. Back to the hostel, we had dinner and went out to see the town of Guanajuato. Festival is on these days, so there were full of people and lots of music on the streets. We happened to see El Chio and Nao! We went to their hostel for a while and came back to the hostel and went to bed.