三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day 78: 2010年10月10日
San Vicente to Bahia de Los Angeles
21,969km to 22,314km = 345km
El Rosarioで給油をし一号線を南下。背の高いサボテンが荒涼とした土地に沢山生えていて、「あぁ、メキシコだ」という風景が広がります。途中の集落でR1200GSとR1100GSに乗った二人組みに会いました。今日ワシが目指すバイア・デ・ロス・アンヘレス(Bahia de Los Angeles)から来たそうです。「日本人に会わなかったか?」と聞きましたが、見なかったとのこと。
エル・ロサリオ(El Rosario)からバイア・デ・ロス・アンヘレス(Bahia de Los Angeles)まで290キロ間ガソリンスタンドはありません。が、ドラム缶やジェリカンにガソリンを入れて売ってるところも2箇所くらいあります。
明日はサンイグナシオ(San Ignacio)を目指します。
Day 79: 10 Oct 2010
San Vicente to Bahia de Los Angeles
21,969km to 22,314km = 345km
It was really foggy in the morning. My tent was all dumped with dew.
Anyway, I left the campground around 8:20am and head South on the Route 1.
The fog got clear around 9am and it became a really beautiful day.
Filled up gas at El Rosario as there is no gas station till Bahia de Los Angeles for around 290km.
But there are 2 places you can buy gas from barrels in a small villages.
There are lots of tall cactus everywhere. It is difinately Mexican scenery!
Entering Bahia de Los Angeles, I came down hill and the view of the bay is so beautiful from the hill top. I saw DR650 just after came into the town. It is Shige! He just had lunch at Taqueria and about to take off. I was lucky to find him so easily. I had lunch there too. It was nice tacos! A pick up truck crushed into a pole and fell onto the gap. I wonder what happened but here is Mexico!
The campgrond is right in front of a beach. We went for swiming and caught lots of clams. We will cook clams tonight!
We went back to the taqueria for afternoon snack and we relaxed at the campground for a while.
I realised my iPod is missing! I thought I put it into the pannier or the top case before going swiming but I could not find it!!! It is not in any pocket either. Have I dropped it on the way?
I feel so upset now.
We cooked clams. We tried to grill them but it took to long time, so we boiled them. They taste pretty good. We put some soy souce and it made even better. We steamed rice with some clams and the rice was excelante! But in my mind, I was thinking all about iPod...
Tomorrow we are heading to San Ignacio.