三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
もうひとつの土曜日 / Another Saturday
Day 619: 2012年4月7日
Balneario Camboriu (La Casa do Dolor&Angela)
59,187km to 59,229km = 42km
I rode to the farm house again.
Angeka told me the lunch would start around 12noon. Then it was.....
なんと娘さんのポウラ(ペドロのお母さん)の誕生日でした! 2児の母なのに超美人。旦那のアンドレがうらやましい。ワシなんも知らんかったので、プレゼントとか用意してませんが・・・。まぁ、そんなことは気にせず、お昼ご飯を楽しみました。
Birthday of Paula! She is mum of 2 kids (Pedro and Clara) and still very beautiful. Andre, you are the lucky man. I did not know it was her birthday, so I did not prepare any present.... But anyhow, I enjoyed the lunch.
After lunch, kids were enjoying fising. Pedro caight a big Tilapia, andthen Juan - Jorge's son - caught another big one!
Then I played "tag" with Pedro, Juan and Mateus. It had been a while sine I ran around so much, so I was exhausted....
山羊は相変らずのんびりと。ヒツジも仲間に入れてもらうか?? 「いや、僕はヒツジ。彼等は山羊だから」、とヒツジ。
Those goats were relaxing as usual. Mr. Sheep, do you want to oin them?? "No, I am a sheep, but they are goats.", he replied.
Just like this, a day has gone.
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I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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Balneario Camboriu (La Casa do Dolor&Angela)
59,187km to 59,229km = 42km
I rode to the farm house again.
Angeka told me the lunch would start around 12noon. Then it was.....
なんと娘さんのポウラ(ペドロのお母さん)の誕生日でした! 2児の母なのに超美人。旦那のアンドレがうらやましい。ワシなんも知らんかったので、プレゼントとか用意してませんが・・・。まぁ、そんなことは気にせず、お昼ご飯を楽しみました。
Birthday of Paula! She is mum of 2 kids (Pedro and Clara) and still very beautiful. Andre, you are the lucky man. I did not know it was her birthday, so I did not prepare any present.... But anyhow, I enjoyed the lunch.
After lunch, kids were enjoying fising. Pedro caight a big Tilapia, andthen Juan - Jorge's son - caught another big one!
Then I played "tag" with Pedro, Juan and Mateus. It had been a while sine I ran around so much, so I was exhausted....
山羊は相変らずのんびりと。ヒツジも仲間に入れてもらうか?? 「いや、僕はヒツジ。彼等は山羊だから」、とヒツジ。
Those goats were relaxing as usual. Mr. Sheep, do you want to oin them?? "No, I am a sheep, but they are goats.", he replied.
Just like this, a day has gone.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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