三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
聖金曜日の昼食会 / The Good Friday lunch
Day 618: 2012年4月6日
Balneario Camboriu (La Casa do Dolor&Angela)
59,143km to 59,187km = 44km
今日は復活祭「パスコア(Pasoa)」の初日「聖金曜日(Sexta-Feira Santa)」です。イタジャイ郊外の別荘で昼食会があるのでエスペランサに乗って行きました。
It's Good Friday (Sexta-Faira Santa), the first day of Easter Holiday (Pascoa). I rode to the farm house at the outskirt of Itanaji.
There were Dolor&Angela's family friends. Everyone was interested in how I am travelling around the world on the motorcycle. They asked me many questions. When I did not understand the questions, Jorge - the son of Dolor translated them into English.
Until lunch was served, everyone having a glass of beer or wine and snacks.
The goats were enjoying the holiday relazing. Well, they are always relaxing.
The boss of the herd. Baaaaaaaa------!!!
In Cathoric custom, today having meats is prohibited. So the main dish of the lunch were seafoods, like salmon, prowns, and scallops.
In Australia, Easter is celebrated. But what I experienced was a normal party with giving and receiving chocolate Easter Bunnys and Eggs. Well, it would depend on each family and their religious view. So I was interested to join the Easter party in Brazil.
There was no any religious ritual or anything. So even non cathoric like me could enjoy the party. It was a fun and good lunch!
Brazilian cuisins have variety of foods and they are all good. Then there were tons of desserts!! I will gain more weight...
After having the desserts, those guests started to leave. But their children were having fun fising and did not want to go home yet, so they said "Please give me a few minutes!!".
After all the guests left, I started to wash Esperanza. When I went for a ride with Mauricio the other day, we rode on a beach, so I wanted to wash off salt.
I was back to the apartment in Camboriu in the evening. I will have a quiet evening here.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
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Balneario Camboriu (La Casa do Dolor&Angela)
59,143km to 59,187km = 44km
今日は復活祭「パスコア(Pasoa)」の初日「聖金曜日(Sexta-Feira Santa)」です。イタジャイ郊外の別荘で昼食会があるのでエスペランサに乗って行きました。
It's Good Friday (Sexta-Faira Santa), the first day of Easter Holiday (Pascoa). I rode to the farm house at the outskirt of Itanaji.
There were Dolor&Angela's family friends. Everyone was interested in how I am travelling around the world on the motorcycle. They asked me many questions. When I did not understand the questions, Jorge - the son of Dolor translated them into English.
Until lunch was served, everyone having a glass of beer or wine and snacks.
The goats were enjoying the holiday relazing. Well, they are always relaxing.
The boss of the herd. Baaaaaaaa------!!!
In Cathoric custom, today having meats is prohibited. So the main dish of the lunch were seafoods, like salmon, prowns, and scallops.
In Australia, Easter is celebrated. But what I experienced was a normal party with giving and receiving chocolate Easter Bunnys and Eggs. Well, it would depend on each family and their religious view. So I was interested to join the Easter party in Brazil.
There was no any religious ritual or anything. So even non cathoric like me could enjoy the party. It was a fun and good lunch!
Brazilian cuisins have variety of foods and they are all good. Then there were tons of desserts!! I will gain more weight...
After having the desserts, those guests started to leave. But their children were having fun fising and did not want to go home yet, so they said "Please give me a few minutes!!".
After all the guests left, I started to wash Esperanza. When I went for a ride with Mauricio the other day, we rode on a beach, so I wanted to wash off salt.
I was back to the apartment in Camboriu in the evening. I will have a quiet evening here.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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