三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day9: 2010年8月2日
7722km to 8290km = 568km
Chetwynd to Fort Nelson
100キロ走りDawson CreekのTim Hortonsで昼飯。駐車場で20ドル拾いました。ついますね。Fort St Johnで給油しFort Nelsonまで400キロです。ここまで来ると街もまばらですしガソリンスタンドも中々有りません。やっぱりガソリンも高くなって来ました。
6時前にFort Nelsonに到着しキャンプ場に。ここでアメリカ人ライダーのBiff, DaveとMartyに出会いました。BiffはBMW R1200RT、DaveはホンダGold Wing 1500、MartyはBMW R1200GSに乗っています。みんな北から帰って来たので色々アドバイスをくれました。
Day9: 2Aug2010
As the temp dropped a lot late at night, the tent is wet with dew. My bath towel is still wet too. To let it dry, I took time to get ready.
Left the camp ground after 9:00am and head to Dawson Creek. Had early lunch at Tim Hortons and headed to Fort St John, where I filled gas. Oh I picked up $20 at the car park of Tim Hortons.
To Fort Nelson, another 400km ride. It is mainly straight road and got bored. There are less towns in between and no much gas stations. The temp varies on altitude. Up on mountains around mid 20 degrees and down on fields around 30 degrees.
The road condition does get worse up here. I found lots of pot holes and loosen gravels on the road. And there are lots of road works as well, so we gotta to slow down or stop for a while. But the great views make me forget all about those.
Arrived Ft. Nelson before 6:00pm and met Biff, Dave and Marty. They are American riders and all came down from Whitehorse. So they gave me good advice.