三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day8: 2010年8月1日
6973km to 7722km= 749km
Marble Canyon to Chetwynd
Clinton, 70 Mile Houseを過ぎ100 Mile Housrにて早めの昼飯。カナダのファーストフードチェーン、A&Wで食べました。パニアを降ろしてセンタースタンドを立てオイルのチェック。オイルは減ってないですね。
12時過ぎに100 Mile Houseを出てWilliams Lakeへ。給油を済ませてQuesnelへ。燃費はリッターあたり20キロです。
QuesnelのTim Hortonでコーヒーブレイク。隣りに座ったカップルがバイク乗りだったのでしばし歓談。KatherineとKeethにPrince George以降Yukonまで西ルートか東ルートかどっちがいいかアドバイスをもらいました。西の方が見所ありますが、動物に当たる可能性が高いとのこと。行きは東ルートで帰りは西ルートにします。
Prince Georgeまでの道で鹿2頭目撃。リスも道路を横切ったりといよいよカナダの奥地に入ってきた感じですね。
Prince Georgeを過ぎ更に北上。ちょっと雲行きが怪しいかな。何か黒い動物が路肩にいるなと思ったら小熊でした!野生の熊見るの初めてです!
5時を過ぎたので、Beaver Lakeでキャンプとも思ったのですが、まだ日があるので先に進みます。これが裏目に。
明日はFort Nelsonを目指します。550キロくらい先です。
Day8: 1Aug10
I woke up at 6:30am and got prepared. I tried to arrange the luggages again and ended up leaving there just after 8:30am. Said Good-bye to Horst and Anne-Mary. Oh, not sure why, ash was on top of my tent and bike.
Around 30km later, route 99 ends there and merges to route 97. Passing Clinton and 70 Mile House, I stopped at 100 Mile House and had lunch at A&W, the Canadian fast food chain.
Check the engine oil level there. The oil level is still full. Good!
At Williams Lake, filled Gas. The petrol consumption is 20km/liter.
I had afternoon coffee break at Tim Horton, Quesnel. A couple next table also ride motorcycles and we had a chat while. I ask the conditions of route 97 and route 16. I can take either to Whitehorse but not sure which route to take. Route 16 has better views but more chances to hit wild animals. Anyway I decided to take 97 on the way up and 16 on the way coming back.
I saw two deers and squall on the road.
Around Prince George, it got cloudy and sprinkled a bit. On the side of the road, I saw a black bear! It was a cub! My first sight of bear ever!
I was thinking to camp at Beaver Lake. It was after 5pm but still blight, so I took a few photos of the lake and went ahead. This was a mistake.
I ended up camping near Chetwynd. More than 200km away from Beaver Lake. I missed another camping site nearby Beaver Lake and there were a few site in between but it was sprinkling...
I arrived at the camping site just before 8:30pm. What a long day!
Had shower and writing diary now. Will go to sleep soon. Tomorrow I'm heading to Fort Nelson, around 550km away from here.