三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
さらばミュンヘン! / Good-bye Munich!
Day 655: 2012年5月13日
Munich to Höchst im Odenwald (La Casa de Katrin)
62,031km to 62.407km = 376km
It's my dad'sbirthday today. Congratulations!
Mr. Sheep, Sankaku and Laura's sheep. Mr. Sheep said it's hard to say good-bye...
今朝は曇りで寒いですが、バイクで移動するには丁度いい気候。朝は軽くパンを抓んでイナと歓談。そして荷物をエスペランサに積みます。カリさんにいただいたOrtliebのRack Packを後部座席と荷台に縦に置き、RocStrapで括り付けます。これで荷物の積み降ろし、そして持ち運びが大分楽になります。
This morning it was cloudy and cold but it would be a nice day to ride a motorcycle. I had some breads for breakfast and chat with Ina. Then I loaded up luggages on Esperanza. I put the Ortlieb Rack Pack given by Kari on the pillion seat and the rear rack and secured it with the Rok Straps. With these, it is much easier to load, unload and carrying the luggage.
Laura came to visit me around 11:30am then I had Munich famous "White Sausage" breakfast. It was served with sweet mastered. Traditionally it must be consumed before noon and would be served in pair. As it was white, I thought it was made with pork, but Ina told me it was made from veal. The texture was pretty similar to Japanese Hanpen or Chikuwa (both of them are fish cakes), or kinda in between them. It tastes more like those fish cakes rather than meat sausages.
While having white sausages, the weather got better and better and it was little hot staying at the balcony.
Until around 1:30pm, I was chatting with Laura and Ina. It was hard to leave, but I must move on. I stayed there for more than 2 weeks. Ina was very friendly and very kind. As Laura's mum, she was very intellegent and I really enjoyed talking to her.
Lura was busy with her uni works and tutoring works, but with her boy friend Dirk, she helped me around a lot. It was really nice to catch up with her. Thank you guys so so much! Danke!!
Anyway, I am planning to come back to Munich by the late September or the early October (for Octoberfest!), so I will se them again soon.
"See you in Autumn!", then I left there.
I bypassed the city of Munich and passed by the Succor stadium, then went on the route 9. I followed the signs to Nurnburg and Berlin. I was cruising at 100-110km/h and many cars were passing me by so fast! As there were 3-4 lanes on the highway, it was not scary or anything.
It got really cold while riding. As it was partially coudy, it did not have enough sun to heat up the air. So I made a short stop at a rest area to wear the inner jacket. Then I rode acorss a bridge over "Donau" river. As I learnt this name "Donau" in the history class and the geography class when I was a kid, I had kinda special feeling when I crossed the bridge seeing the actual river.
ニュルンベルクを越えた辺りで給油。そして3号線に入りフランクフルト・アム・マイン(Frankfurt am Main)方面へ。あとでカトリンに聞いたんですけど「アム・マイン(am Main)」ってどういう意味なんだろう?って思いながら走ってたんです。で、マイン(Main)川を越えたので、マイン川に関係あるんだろう、ってのは判ったんですけどね。
I made another short stop just after Nurnburg for refueling. Then I turned into the route 3, heading to Frankfurt am Main. I was wondering what "am Main" means. Later on I asked Katrin and found out.
正解は「フランクフルト」という地名はドイツに2つあって、1つは世界的に有名な「フランクフルト」これが「アム・マイン」です。もう一つはベルリンの近くにある「フランクフルト」。こちらはフランクフルト・アン・デア・オーダー(Frankfurt an der Oder)。「アム=am」は畔という意味なので、「フランクフルト・アム・マイン」とは「マイン川畔のフランクフルト」という意味になります。
Katrin told me that "am Main" means "beside Main river". As there is another Frankfurt near Berlin, which is called "Frankfurt an der Oder", Frankfurt, the famous one in the middle of Germany is called "am Main" o distiingush from another one.
90km or so before Frankfurt am Main, I got off from the route 3 and rode on the local road. There were some bends on the road I could enjoy riding through and the pastral scenary pleased my eyes. I went through some sall towns on the way, I got to the town of Höchst im Odenwald where Katrin lives after 6:30pm. She was hitchhiking in South America and did not have much money, but her place looked pretty good. It's been more than a month and half since we saw last time in Sao Paulo.
Her dad Roland came out and helped me to park Esperanza in the garage. There were her sister and nephew too, so we had dinner together. Some smoked salmon, 2 kinds of salames, various cheese and various breads.
After dinner, her sis and nephew went back their home in Darmstadt. Then with Katrin, her dad and mum, I played "Rummy". It was the first time for me to play the game, and it required lots of thinking, so I was a bit confused for a few games. But I found it really interesting. In the end, her mum won 3 games, her dad won 1 game, Katrin won 1 game, and I did not win any game... Next time, I will do better!!
Just like this, the day had gone.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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Munich to Höchst im Odenwald (La Casa de Katrin)
62,031km to 62.407km = 376km
It's my dad'sbirthday today. Congratulations!
Mr. Sheep, Sankaku and Laura's sheep. Mr. Sheep said it's hard to say good-bye...
今朝は曇りで寒いですが、バイクで移動するには丁度いい気候。朝は軽くパンを抓んでイナと歓談。そして荷物をエスペランサに積みます。カリさんにいただいたOrtliebのRack Packを後部座席と荷台に縦に置き、RocStrapで括り付けます。これで荷物の積み降ろし、そして持ち運びが大分楽になります。
This morning it was cloudy and cold but it would be a nice day to ride a motorcycle. I had some breads for breakfast and chat with Ina. Then I loaded up luggages on Esperanza. I put the Ortlieb Rack Pack given by Kari on the pillion seat and the rear rack and secured it with the Rok Straps. With these, it is much easier to load, unload and carrying the luggage.
Laura came to visit me around 11:30am then I had Munich famous "White Sausage" breakfast. It was served with sweet mastered. Traditionally it must be consumed before noon and would be served in pair. As it was white, I thought it was made with pork, but Ina told me it was made from veal. The texture was pretty similar to Japanese Hanpen or Chikuwa (both of them are fish cakes), or kinda in between them. It tastes more like those fish cakes rather than meat sausages.
While having white sausages, the weather got better and better and it was little hot staying at the balcony.
Until around 1:30pm, I was chatting with Laura and Ina. It was hard to leave, but I must move on. I stayed there for more than 2 weeks. Ina was very friendly and very kind. As Laura's mum, she was very intellegent and I really enjoyed talking to her.
Lura was busy with her uni works and tutoring works, but with her boy friend Dirk, she helped me around a lot. It was really nice to catch up with her. Thank you guys so so much! Danke!!
Anyway, I am planning to come back to Munich by the late September or the early October (for Octoberfest!), so I will se them again soon.
"See you in Autumn!", then I left there.
I bypassed the city of Munich and passed by the Succor stadium, then went on the route 9. I followed the signs to Nurnburg and Berlin. I was cruising at 100-110km/h and many cars were passing me by so fast! As there were 3-4 lanes on the highway, it was not scary or anything.
It got really cold while riding. As it was partially coudy, it did not have enough sun to heat up the air. So I made a short stop at a rest area to wear the inner jacket. Then I rode acorss a bridge over "Donau" river. As I learnt this name "Donau" in the history class and the geography class when I was a kid, I had kinda special feeling when I crossed the bridge seeing the actual river.
ニュルンベルクを越えた辺りで給油。そして3号線に入りフランクフルト・アム・マイン(Frankfurt am Main)方面へ。あとでカトリンに聞いたんですけど「アム・マイン(am Main)」ってどういう意味なんだろう?って思いながら走ってたんです。で、マイン(Main)川を越えたので、マイン川に関係あるんだろう、ってのは判ったんですけどね。
I made another short stop just after Nurnburg for refueling. Then I turned into the route 3, heading to Frankfurt am Main. I was wondering what "am Main" means. Later on I asked Katrin and found out.
正解は「フランクフルト」という地名はドイツに2つあって、1つは世界的に有名な「フランクフルト」これが「アム・マイン」です。もう一つはベルリンの近くにある「フランクフルト」。こちらはフランクフルト・アン・デア・オーダー(Frankfurt an der Oder)。「アム=am」は畔という意味なので、「フランクフルト・アム・マイン」とは「マイン川畔のフランクフルト」という意味になります。
Katrin told me that "am Main" means "beside Main river". As there is another Frankfurt near Berlin, which is called "Frankfurt an der Oder", Frankfurt, the famous one in the middle of Germany is called "am Main" o distiingush from another one.
90km or so before Frankfurt am Main, I got off from the route 3 and rode on the local road. There were some bends on the road I could enjoy riding through and the pastral scenary pleased my eyes. I went through some sall towns on the way, I got to the town of Höchst im Odenwald where Katrin lives after 6:30pm. She was hitchhiking in South America and did not have much money, but her place looked pretty good. It's been more than a month and half since we saw last time in Sao Paulo.
Her dad Roland came out and helped me to park Esperanza in the garage. There were her sister and nephew too, so we had dinner together. Some smoked salmon, 2 kinds of salames, various cheese and various breads.
After dinner, her sis and nephew went back their home in Darmstadt. Then with Katrin, her dad and mum, I played "Rummy". It was the first time for me to play the game, and it required lots of thinking, so I was a bit confused for a few games. But I found it really interesting. In the end, her mum won 3 games, her dad won 1 game, Katrin won 1 game, and I did not win any game... Next time, I will do better!!
Just like this, the day had gone.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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