三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
雨、ビザ、トルクメニスタン / Rain, Visas, Turkmenistan
Day 664: 2012年5月22日
Thalwil (Das Haus von Laura & Uwe)
It was a beautiful weather. From the morning, Uwe went out to do something with his prospecting job. After he came back, we planned to ride to Schaffausen, but he did not come back even after 12 noon.
So I made researches on the route I would be taking from now on. What I found out was there is a special treaty between Japan and Austria, so even Austria is a apart of Schengen Agreement counries, Japanese can stay there for 180 days.
The problem would be Austria is surrounded by other Schengen countires, so when I would be leaving Schengen area, I would be classified as "Overstayed". I guess I would be leaving Schengen area from Slovenia or Hungary, and I am hoping the immegration process would be casual.
Then another thing I was researching was visa conditions for Iran, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Russia. Almost all the countries I am planning to go through after Turkey require a visa...
Especially Iran, to get a temporary vehicle importation permit, I need to have a carnet. Also it looks like I have to apply the Russian visa from Japan, so I would have to go back to Japan next spring to do those beurocratic works.
Anyway, I could find out many things while waiting for Uwe. He came back after 1pm and as I guessed he got the work! From next week, he will be asigne to Mauritania, West Africa as an enginner at a gold mine for 3 weeks. That sounds very interesting.
As he had to sort out a few things at home, we had lunch at the town and stayed at home. I continued my research in the afternoon.
So I did not do any sightseeing today. We would do it tomorow but according to weather focasts, it would be raining....
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Thalwil (Das Haus von Laura & Uwe)
It was a beautiful weather. From the morning, Uwe went out to do something with his prospecting job. After he came back, we planned to ride to Schaffausen, but he did not come back even after 12 noon.
So I made researches on the route I would be taking from now on. What I found out was there is a special treaty between Japan and Austria, so even Austria is a apart of Schengen Agreement counries, Japanese can stay there for 180 days.
The problem would be Austria is surrounded by other Schengen countires, so when I would be leaving Schengen area, I would be classified as "Overstayed". I guess I would be leaving Schengen area from Slovenia or Hungary, and I am hoping the immegration process would be casual.
Then another thing I was researching was visa conditions for Iran, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Russia. Almost all the countries I am planning to go through after Turkey require a visa...
Especially Iran, to get a temporary vehicle importation permit, I need to have a carnet. Also it looks like I have to apply the Russian visa from Japan, so I would have to go back to Japan next spring to do those beurocratic works.
Anyway, I could find out many things while waiting for Uwe. He came back after 1pm and as I guessed he got the work! From next week, he will be asigne to Mauritania, West Africa as an enginner at a gold mine for 3 weeks. That sounds very interesting.
As he had to sort out a few things at home, we had lunch at the town and stayed at home. I continued my research in the afternoon.
So I did not do any sightseeing today. We would do it tomorow but according to weather focasts, it would be raining....
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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