三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
新聞記者とインタビュー! そして骨折後初乗り! / An interview woth a journalist and the first ride after the crush.
Day 611: 2012年3月30日
Balneario Camboriu (La Casa do Dolor&Angela)
58,917km to 58,959km = 42km
It'S a fine day again! I went for a work after breakfast as usual. But as Dolor will pick me up around 11:30am, I did ot go far. I walked for 1 hour and came home.
Dolor picked me up and went o the house in Itajai tohave lunch with his family. Then we went to his office to wait for a journalist and a camera man. Today Pedro would do the translation!
While waiting, I chat with Pedro.
Then around 1:30pm, the journalist and the camera man arrived. Soon the journalist started interviwing me. He asked me about my age, my family, when I left Japan, what I was doing before this trip, where I have been on this trip, how I have spend nights during this trip, what it would be the worst happened to me during this trip, what was the most dangerous situation I encountered, what it would be the best moment of my trip,
whih sport I like, why I admire Ernesto "Che" Guevara, and the message to Brazilians.
Pedro at the age of 13, translated the questions from the journalist immediately to English, and then translated my answer in Portugese. What a taalented young man he is!!
Interview lasted for 30mins or so. It will be on the news paper tomrrow. I am looking forward seeing the article. As I do not take any photo during the interview, I will get some from Dolor later.
Then Pedro took me around the offices and the factory of "Angel". Started from dispatchment room, project room, design room, the factory, pressing room etc, there are 170 employees working for "Angel". There would be around 2,000 clothes made each day. Not bad, not bad at all.
Everyone seems to be happy working there.
The end products await for dispatchment thoughout Brazil.
There is an old Elgin sewing machine in the office of Dolor. Everything started with this old machine. The machine seems to be pround of itself!
夜はバイク乗りの集まりに参加しました。毎週金曜日2箇所で催されているとのことで、先ずはイタジャイの「MEGA Lanches」へ。ドロール&アンジェラは愛車のHONDA Valkylie 1500で、ワシはエスペランサで! まだ右ひじに痛みはありますが、短い距離なら問題ないだろう、ということで骨折後初乗りです。
Dolor&Angela took me to motorcyclist gatherings in the evening. Every friday, there were 2 venues those local motorcyclists gather. We went one "Mega lances" in Itajai first. Dolor&Angela rode their beloved HONDA Valkylie 1500 and I rode my Esperanza!! I still have some pain on my right elbow, hut we reckoned it would be OK to ride for a short distance only.
We rode on a highway and I accelarate unto 120km/h, there was no problem with Esperanza nor myself. I think I could restart my journey sometimes next week.
「Mega Lanches」のオーナーの名前はなんとシドニー(写真の左端)。ワシが16年過ごした街の名前と同じです。「君のような旅人を迎えることが出来て、光栄だよ。今日は店のおごり!」とシドニー。ありがとう!! 地元のバイク乗りたちとスペイン語と片言のポルトガル語、そしてドロールの通訳で盛上がります。
The owner of "MEGA lanches" (the far left on the photo) is called Sidnei (Sydney), the same name as Sydney, Australia where I lived for 16 years. He said to me "It's our previlage to have a traveller like yours. So you ae my guest tonight!" Thank you so much, Sidnei!! With the local motorcyclists I spoke in Spanish and a little bit of Portugese and of course Dolor translated to me some.
そしてもう1つの集まりはカンボリウのPHDで。ここはハーレー乗りが主ですが、バイク乗りなら誰でも歓迎。結構皆テレビと新聞を見てくれたらしく、ワシは有名人です! 嬉しいですねぇ。アルフレッドさんとジアナさんも来てました。写真撮影!と思ったら、一枚で電池が切れてしまいました・・・。
We left there around 11pm and then went to another venue "PHD" in Camboriu. Here the mojority of the customers are HD riders, but any motorcyclists are welcome. Many people could recognise me from the TV show and the News Paper, so I was kinda famous. A little bit like a celebrity!? Alfredo and Giana were there too. I wanted to take more photos but I could take only 1 as my battery gone flat.
ドロールから写真をゲットしました! ウェイトレスのお姐さんにケツを触られているワシ。
We stayed there until 1:30am or so. We went home as we were getting tired and sleepy. But the night was still young for everyone else!
明日はPHDの隣のバイク修理屋さんでパーティーに招かれています。が、朝の8時から始まるそうで、みんなどうやって早起きするんだろう?? っていうか、ワシ起きれるかな??
Tomorrow I am invited to a aprty hostedby the motorcycle repair shop next to PHD. But it will start fom 8am, I wonder how those peeple could get up so early. Well, could I get up that early??
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Balneario Camboriu (La Casa do Dolor&Angela)
58,917km to 58,959km = 42km
It'S a fine day again! I went for a work after breakfast as usual. But as Dolor will pick me up around 11:30am, I did ot go far. I walked for 1 hour and came home.
Dolor picked me up and went o the house in Itajai tohave lunch with his family. Then we went to his office to wait for a journalist and a camera man. Today Pedro would do the translation!
While waiting, I chat with Pedro.
Then around 1:30pm, the journalist and the camera man arrived. Soon the journalist started interviwing me. He asked me about my age, my family, when I left Japan, what I was doing before this trip, where I have been on this trip, how I have spend nights during this trip, what it would be the worst happened to me during this trip, what was the most dangerous situation I encountered, what it would be the best moment of my trip,
whih sport I like, why I admire Ernesto "Che" Guevara, and the message to Brazilians.
Pedro at the age of 13, translated the questions from the journalist immediately to English, and then translated my answer in Portugese. What a taalented young man he is!!
Interview lasted for 30mins or so. It will be on the news paper tomrrow. I am looking forward seeing the article. As I do not take any photo during the interview, I will get some from Dolor later.
Then Pedro took me around the offices and the factory of "Angel". Started from dispatchment room, project room, design room, the factory, pressing room etc, there are 170 employees working for "Angel". There would be around 2,000 clothes made each day. Not bad, not bad at all.
Everyone seems to be happy working there.
The end products await for dispatchment thoughout Brazil.
There is an old Elgin sewing machine in the office of Dolor. Everything started with this old machine. The machine seems to be pround of itself!
夜はバイク乗りの集まりに参加しました。毎週金曜日2箇所で催されているとのことで、先ずはイタジャイの「MEGA Lanches」へ。ドロール&アンジェラは愛車のHONDA Valkylie 1500で、ワシはエスペランサで! まだ右ひじに痛みはありますが、短い距離なら問題ないだろう、ということで骨折後初乗りです。
Dolor&Angela took me to motorcyclist gatherings in the evening. Every friday, there were 2 venues those local motorcyclists gather. We went one "Mega lances" in Itajai first. Dolor&Angela rode their beloved HONDA Valkylie 1500 and I rode my Esperanza!! I still have some pain on my right elbow, hut we reckoned it would be OK to ride for a short distance only.
We rode on a highway and I accelarate unto 120km/h, there was no problem with Esperanza nor myself. I think I could restart my journey sometimes next week.
「Mega Lanches」のオーナーの名前はなんとシドニー(写真の左端)。ワシが16年過ごした街の名前と同じです。「君のような旅人を迎えることが出来て、光栄だよ。今日は店のおごり!」とシドニー。ありがとう!! 地元のバイク乗りたちとスペイン語と片言のポルトガル語、そしてドロールの通訳で盛上がります。
The owner of "MEGA lanches" (the far left on the photo) is called Sidnei (Sydney), the same name as Sydney, Australia where I lived for 16 years. He said to me "It's our previlage to have a traveller like yours. So you ae my guest tonight!" Thank you so much, Sidnei!! With the local motorcyclists I spoke in Spanish and a little bit of Portugese and of course Dolor translated to me some.
そしてもう1つの集まりはカンボリウのPHDで。ここはハーレー乗りが主ですが、バイク乗りなら誰でも歓迎。結構皆テレビと新聞を見てくれたらしく、ワシは有名人です! 嬉しいですねぇ。アルフレッドさんとジアナさんも来てました。写真撮影!と思ったら、一枚で電池が切れてしまいました・・・。
We left there around 11pm and then went to another venue "PHD" in Camboriu. Here the mojority of the customers are HD riders, but any motorcyclists are welcome. Many people could recognise me from the TV show and the News Paper, so I was kinda famous. A little bit like a celebrity!? Alfredo and Giana were there too. I wanted to take more photos but I could take only 1 as my battery gone flat.
ドロールから写真をゲットしました! ウェイトレスのお姐さんにケツを触られているワシ。
We stayed there until 1:30am or so. We went home as we were getting tired and sleepy. But the night was still young for everyone else!
明日はPHDの隣のバイク修理屋さんでパーティーに招かれています。が、朝の8時から始まるそうで、みんなどうやって早起きするんだろう?? っていうか、ワシ起きれるかな??
Tomorrow I am invited to a aprty hostedby the motorcycle repair shop next to PHD. But it will start fom 8am, I wonder how those peeple could get up so early. Well, could I get up that early??
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