三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
- 2024.11.21 [PR]
- 2012.05.31 アピア街道を往く / Going on Via Appia Antica
- 2012.05.30 古代ローマに想いを馳せて / Going back the time of Roman Empire
- 2012.05.29 ローマへ / To Rome
- 2012.05.28 フィレンツェ散策 / A walk in Firenze
- 2012.05.27 フィレンツェへ / To Firenze!
Day 672: 2012年5月30日
Rome (Camping Seven Hills Village)
Last night I was updating my blog till late, but I made a little research on Musei Vaticani. And I found out that as there were so many things to see, even 1 week woul not be enough to0 go throug every single piece of the colelctions (actually it will take more than years to see everything if you spend 30 sec for each item). So I need to make a good plan whatI ould lie to see the most. So I decided to visit Vatican tomorrow and instead I will visit other attractions.
ちょっと時間にゆとりが出来たので、朝は洗濯を少々。キャンプ場を出たのは9時。目指すのはポロロ広場(Piazza del Popolo)。
So I had extra time this morning, I did some laundry. Then I left the campground at 9am. I headed to Popolo Plaza.
This "Gate of Popolo" was used to be the northern gate to the city of Rome.It's quite massive.
Then there was an Obelisk (24m tall) in the middle of the plaza.
エジプトはローマ帝国の属領になったので(マルクス・アントニウスとクレオパトラがオクタヴィアヌスにアクティウムの海戦で負けたためにプトレマイオス朝 エジプトが滅亡)、オベリスクなどじゃんじゃん持って来たのでしょう。一時期エジプト文化や宗教がお洒落として流行ったとか。エジプトのイシス信仰(地母 神信仰)が後にカトリックの聖母崇拝につながっていったと思われます。
Egypt used to be a part of Roman Empire (as Mark Antony and Cleopatra lost against Octavianus in the battle of Actium Ptolemy dinasty of Egypt corrupsed), that'S why Romans took many things such as Obelisks to Rome. Egyptian culture and religion became poplar in Rome, especially worshipping godess Isis. This Isis worshipping later was transfromed (probably) to the worship of Virgin Mary in Roman Catholic.
I walked down south and passed Mauselium of Augustus, and
ナボナ広場(Piazza Navona)へ。お菓子のホームラン王ではありません。広場です。
I came to Navona Plaza.
Here was another obelisk. Romans took so many obelisks out of Egypt...
で、ローマ国立博物館アルテンプス宮(Museo Nazionale Romano Palazzo Altemps)に行こうとしましたが、入館料がローマ・パスで半額で6.5ユーロ!!もするので止めました。なので時間が余ったので、これは遠くてちょっと行こうか行かないか迷ってた「オスティア・アンティカ(Ostia Antica)に行くことに。
I wanted to visit Natinal Museum of Rome, Altemps Palace, but the entrance fee was 6.50 Euros even with Roma Pass, so I did not go in. Then I had extra time, so I decided to visit "Ostia Antica" where I thought too far to visit.
It was still just after 11am. But I had an early lunch. Today I had pasta with carbonara sauce. It was a small searve, but the pasta was cooked in "Al dente" and was very good. It came with bruschetta and a cup of coffee and cost 1o Euros (including service charge). But I thought I could have the same in Japan or in Australia.
先ずは30番のバスに乗ってピラミデ(Piramide)駅まで。ピラミデ?? そうなんです、ピラミッドなんです。ローマにも在るんですピラミッド。これは流石にエジプトから持ってくることは出来なかったので模倣でしょうけどね。
I took a bus No.30 to Piramide. Piramide? Yes, it's Pyramid. Here in Rome there is one. But this one wasn't from Egypt just an imitation (even ancient Romans could not carry a pyramid from Egypt!).
From Piramide, I took a train to Ostica Antica. It took 30 mins. Fromthe station, it took 5 mins to the site. The ancient Roman city of Ostica. The entrance ee was 6.50 Euros usualy but with Roma Pass I got a free entrance.
This city was flourshed as a port of Rome. It used to have 100,000 population at its peak.
Mosaics were stil visible.
A temple ruined temple.
An open air theatre!
These huge vats were used to ut olive oil and carried by ships.
Another mosaic.
It was huge andtThere were many to see.
再び電車に乗り、ピラミデまで戻って、118番のバスに乗って、アッピア旧街道(Via Appia Antica)を訪ねます。アッピア街道。懐かしい響きです。これも中学2年の時に斑で歴史新聞を作るときに、ワシの斑は「アッピア新聞」って名前にしたんですよね。だから、是非ともアッピア街道を歩きたかったのです。
I went back to Piramide by train and caight a bus No.118 to Via Appia Antica. I learnt about Via Appia when I was in junir high school. When we made a class hostrical nuews paper, the name of the paper was "Via Appia News". So I realy wanted to visit here and walk on it.
バスをサン・セバスティアーノのカタコンベで降りて歩きます。これはマクセンティウス帝の競技場跡(Circe e vila di Massenzio Mausoleo di Romolo)。
I got off the bus at Catacombe e Chiesa di San Sebastiano and walked on Via Apia. This is the ruin of the race track of Emperor Massentius.
そしてチェチーリア・メテッラの墓(Tomba di Cecilia Metella)。ローマの貴族マルクにウス・リキニウス・クラッスス(第一回三頭政治ほ1人。)の娘のお墓でしたが後に城塞として再利用されたもの。
This is the tomb of Cecilia Metella,a daughter of Marcus Licinius Crassus who was one of "Triumviratus". Then later on it was used as a fortress.
Via Appia Antica is still stone paved road but this part of section would be the origianl from Ancient Rome. There was less traffic around here and it was a good atmosphere to think back the time of Ancient Rome.
ここから引き返し、歩く歩く。途中から交通量が増え、路肩が狭いので結構怖い。ようやくドミネ・クォ・ヴァディス教会(Domine Quo Vadis?)まで来ました。
I turned around and walked back the way I came from. It got more traffics and the road was reaqlly anrrow, so it was quite scarely. Finaly I arrived Church Domie Quo Vadis?.
ネロ帝の時代のローマの大火の後、キリスト教徒に火事の罪が被せられて、ペドロは難を逃れるためにローマから逃げたのですが、ここでキリストに出会い、ペドロ: 「主よ何処に行かれるのですか?(Domine quo vadis?)」と尋ねたところ、キリスト: 「もう一度十字架にかけられにローマに行く」と答えたそうです。ペドロは逃げている自分を恥じて、ペドロはローマに戻り殉教したとか。その場所にこの教会は建ってます。
The Great Fire of Rome (Latin: Magnum Incendium Romae) was an urban fire that occurred beginning July 19, AD 64 in the era of Emperor Nero. The emperor blamed Christians for arsoning the fire and started to capture Christians. For this reason, St. Peter was escaping from Rome and then he met Jesus Christ where the church stands now. He asked Jesus "Lord, where are you going? (Domine, quo vadis?)". His Lord replies, "I am going to Rome to be crucified again. (Eo Romam iterum crucifigi)", by which Peter understands that he (Peter) must return to the city to face the martyrdom God intended for him.
The reprica of foot print of Jesus Christ.
そしてサン・セバスティアーノ門(Porta San Sebastiano)まで戻り、アッピア旧街道散策は終了!! 念願(?)が叶いました。
Then finally arrived The gate of San Sebastiano the begining of Via Appia. FInally my childhood dream came true!
I went back to the campground after this. Now I have to make a good plan for tomorrow.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Rome (Camping Seven Hills Village)
Last night I was updating my blog till late, but I made a little research on Musei Vaticani. And I found out that as there were so many things to see, even 1 week woul not be enough to0 go throug every single piece of the colelctions (actually it will take more than years to see everything if you spend 30 sec for each item). So I need to make a good plan whatI ould lie to see the most. So I decided to visit Vatican tomorrow and instead I will visit other attractions.
ちょっと時間にゆとりが出来たので、朝は洗濯を少々。キャンプ場を出たのは9時。目指すのはポロロ広場(Piazza del Popolo)。
So I had extra time this morning, I did some laundry. Then I left the campground at 9am. I headed to Popolo Plaza.
This "Gate of Popolo" was used to be the northern gate to the city of Rome.It's quite massive.
Then there was an Obelisk (24m tall) in the middle of the plaza.
エジプトはローマ帝国の属領になったので(マルクス・アントニウスとクレオパトラがオクタヴィアヌスにアクティウムの海戦で負けたためにプトレマイオス朝 エジプトが滅亡)、オベリスクなどじゃんじゃん持って来たのでしょう。一時期エジプト文化や宗教がお洒落として流行ったとか。エジプトのイシス信仰(地母 神信仰)が後にカトリックの聖母崇拝につながっていったと思われます。
Egypt used to be a part of Roman Empire (as Mark Antony and Cleopatra lost against Octavianus in the battle of Actium Ptolemy dinasty of Egypt corrupsed), that'S why Romans took many things such as Obelisks to Rome. Egyptian culture and religion became poplar in Rome, especially worshipping godess Isis. This Isis worshipping later was transfromed (probably) to the worship of Virgin Mary in Roman Catholic.
I walked down south and passed Mauselium of Augustus, and
ナボナ広場(Piazza Navona)へ。お菓子のホームラン王ではありません。広場です。
I came to Navona Plaza.
Here was another obelisk. Romans took so many obelisks out of Egypt...
で、ローマ国立博物館アルテンプス宮(Museo Nazionale Romano Palazzo Altemps)に行こうとしましたが、入館料がローマ・パスで半額で6.5ユーロ!!もするので止めました。なので時間が余ったので、これは遠くてちょっと行こうか行かないか迷ってた「オスティア・アンティカ(Ostia Antica)に行くことに。
I wanted to visit Natinal Museum of Rome, Altemps Palace, but the entrance fee was 6.50 Euros even with Roma Pass, so I did not go in. Then I had extra time, so I decided to visit "Ostia Antica" where I thought too far to visit.
It was still just after 11am. But I had an early lunch. Today I had pasta with carbonara sauce. It was a small searve, but the pasta was cooked in "Al dente" and was very good. It came with bruschetta and a cup of coffee and cost 1o Euros (including service charge). But I thought I could have the same in Japan or in Australia.
先ずは30番のバスに乗ってピラミデ(Piramide)駅まで。ピラミデ?? そうなんです、ピラミッドなんです。ローマにも在るんですピラミッド。これは流石にエジプトから持ってくることは出来なかったので模倣でしょうけどね。
I took a bus No.30 to Piramide. Piramide? Yes, it's Pyramid. Here in Rome there is one. But this one wasn't from Egypt just an imitation (even ancient Romans could not carry a pyramid from Egypt!).
From Piramide, I took a train to Ostica Antica. It took 30 mins. Fromthe station, it took 5 mins to the site. The ancient Roman city of Ostica. The entrance ee was 6.50 Euros usualy but with Roma Pass I got a free entrance.
This city was flourshed as a port of Rome. It used to have 100,000 population at its peak.
Mosaics were stil visible.
A temple ruined temple.
An open air theatre!
These huge vats were used to ut olive oil and carried by ships.
Another mosaic.
It was huge andtThere were many to see.
再び電車に乗り、ピラミデまで戻って、118番のバスに乗って、アッピア旧街道(Via Appia Antica)を訪ねます。アッピア街道。懐かしい響きです。これも中学2年の時に斑で歴史新聞を作るときに、ワシの斑は「アッピア新聞」って名前にしたんですよね。だから、是非ともアッピア街道を歩きたかったのです。
I went back to Piramide by train and caight a bus No.118 to Via Appia Antica. I learnt about Via Appia when I was in junir high school. When we made a class hostrical nuews paper, the name of the paper was "Via Appia News". So I realy wanted to visit here and walk on it.
バスをサン・セバスティアーノのカタコンベで降りて歩きます。これはマクセンティウス帝の競技場跡(Circe e vila di Massenzio Mausoleo di Romolo)。
I got off the bus at Catacombe e Chiesa di San Sebastiano and walked on Via Apia. This is the ruin of the race track of Emperor Massentius.
そしてチェチーリア・メテッラの墓(Tomba di Cecilia Metella)。ローマの貴族マルクにウス・リキニウス・クラッスス(第一回三頭政治ほ1人。)の娘のお墓でしたが後に城塞として再利用されたもの。
This is the tomb of Cecilia Metella,a daughter of Marcus Licinius Crassus who was one of "Triumviratus". Then later on it was used as a fortress.
Via Appia Antica is still stone paved road but this part of section would be the origianl from Ancient Rome. There was less traffic around here and it was a good atmosphere to think back the time of Ancient Rome.
ここから引き返し、歩く歩く。途中から交通量が増え、路肩が狭いので結構怖い。ようやくドミネ・クォ・ヴァディス教会(Domine Quo Vadis?)まで来ました。
I turned around and walked back the way I came from. It got more traffics and the road was reaqlly anrrow, so it was quite scarely. Finaly I arrived Church Domie Quo Vadis?.
ネロ帝の時代のローマの大火の後、キリスト教徒に火事の罪が被せられて、ペドロは難を逃れるためにローマから逃げたのですが、ここでキリストに出会い、ペドロ: 「主よ何処に行かれるのですか?(Domine quo vadis?)」と尋ねたところ、キリスト: 「もう一度十字架にかけられにローマに行く」と答えたそうです。ペドロは逃げている自分を恥じて、ペドロはローマに戻り殉教したとか。その場所にこの教会は建ってます。
The Great Fire of Rome (Latin: Magnum Incendium Romae) was an urban fire that occurred beginning July 19, AD 64 in the era of Emperor Nero. The emperor blamed Christians for arsoning the fire and started to capture Christians. For this reason, St. Peter was escaping from Rome and then he met Jesus Christ where the church stands now. He asked Jesus "Lord, where are you going? (Domine, quo vadis?)". His Lord replies, "I am going to Rome to be crucified again. (Eo Romam iterum crucifigi)", by which Peter understands that he (Peter) must return to the city to face the martyrdom God intended for him.
The reprica of foot print of Jesus Christ.
そしてサン・セバスティアーノ門(Porta San Sebastiano)まで戻り、アッピア旧街道散策は終了!! 念願(?)が叶いました。
Then finally arrived The gate of San Sebastiano the begining of Via Appia. FInally my childhood dream came true!
I went back to the campground after this. Now I have to make a good plan for tomorrow.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 671: 2012年5月29日
Rome (Camping Seven Hills Village)
今日はテンコ盛りの1日でした。撮った写真はなんと199枚!! 流石ローマ、見所いっぱい。ヒツジもワシも楽しみましたが、疲れきりました。
I was on full action today. I took 199 photos!! Rome, such a historic and sightscenic city it is. Mr. Sheep and I realy enjoyed exploring the city but it was really exhausting.
I would not able to write everything here, so I try to keep it short.
In the morning the earliest shuttle bus to the closest train station was on 8am. So I took it and got to the central station of Rome "Termini". I went to Tourist Information office and bought "Roma Pass" for 30 Euros! It was expensive, but it would give me free or disconted access to main tourst destinations and also free access to any public transport in Rome city. I would not need to queue up to buy a ticket either.
Then I walked to Coloseo. Finally, I am time travelling to Ancient Roman time!!
It was 9:30am and there was a ling queue for buying tickets. But I could skip the line with Roma Pass. A good deal.
Inside of Coloseo, it looked like this. It's been 2,000 years since it was built but it still keep the most of its original stracture besides those marble stones taken by generation of citizens to build other things.
A black cat was napping in the shade. Yes, it was becoming hot.
The floor of the battle ground was gone and the basement was exposed. But from this side, the 3rd was newly reconstructed, so we could imagine how it looked like in the ancient time.
There were more things to see today. I went out and walked pass the Triumph arch of Constantine Caesar (Arco di Constantino) and visited Foro Romano and Monte Palatino.
I did not need to line up here either. Foro Romano was the centre of Ancient Roman city. Monte Palatino was the expensive residencial area of Ancient Rome.
I liked this "ruins" look. When Roman Empire was its peak, here looked so great, I supposed.
The ruin of a temple. Now it has just some pillers remainng.
Another temple. Only pillers too.
In Monte Palatino, the garden was beautiful.
I could see Coloseo in a distance. I liked the view of it from there.
It took a few hours to look around Foro Romano and Monte Palatino. It was already past noon. I went to Domus Aurea - the palace buy Nero Caesar, but it was closed for restoration...
So I went to Foro Triano.
Then I visited the symbol of modern Rome "Vittoriano" - Altare della Patria. It is a monument built to honour Victor Emmanuel, the first king of a unified Italy. The monument is built of white marble. It looked impressive.
Inside of the monument, there was a museum (free admission) showing the history of uniting Italy. There were personal tihngs used by General Guiseppe Garibaldi.
A view of city of Rome from Vittoriano.
I went to Piazza del Camidoglio where was designed by Michelangelo. In the middle of the plaza, there was a bronze statue of Marcus Aurelius Caesar (reprica).
Then I visisted Musei Capitolini. The collections of this museum were great. There were ancient Roman scalptures everywhere. The photo shown is a bust of Commodus - Emperor that Maxumus was in vengence against in the movie "Gladiator". This bust is portraying him in the guise of Hercules, reinforcing the image of him as a demigod, a physical giant, a protector and a battler against beasts and men.
In the plaza, there was the reprica, but this is the real one. It'S been more than 1,800 years since t was casted, but it was in really good condition and there were still some gold palting.
Then the status of Romulus and Remus, the legendary twin who were brought up with a wolf and built Rome.
The huge bronze statue of Constantine the great. It looked little stupid to me.
But the statue of Marcus Aurelius was very cool. He is the father of Commodus.
I liked this stone art. A tiger biting a bull.
Another statue of Constantine the great. This time it was made with white marble. But broken in pieces again...
From a terrance, I could see the view of Foro Romano.
A bust of Marcus Aurelius.
And a bust of Commodus. They are the father and the son. They look a like, don't they? But the works they did were so different.
A bust of Augustus Caesar. The first Roman Emperor. He was a nephew of Julius Caesar and later adopted as his son.
A bust made with a few different type of stones. The artist used the colours of stones very well.
A statue of Amazon soldier. I like a strong girl like her!
It was really a hot day. Thanks to those fountains, I did not get dried.
「真実の口(Bocca della verita)」は無料で見れるんですが、行列が出来ていたので、脇から写真を撮って終了。
"The mouth of Truth (Bocca della verita)" was free admission, but there were a long queue, so I just took a photo from the side and walked past.
チルコ・マッシモ(Cicro Massimo)。15万人も収容できたと言う円形競技場。ここで戦車(馬車)レースが行われていました。そうです、あの名画「ベン・ハー」の名シーンはここで行われた、という設定なんです。
Cicro Massimo - the oval racing track whick could host around 150,000 spectators at once! The charrot racings were held here. Yes, the scene of the chariot racing from the movie "Ben Hur" was supposed to be held here.
ここからカラカラ浴場(Terme di Caracalla)へ。「カラカラ浴場」という名詞を聞いたのは確か中学2年の社会の授業で。それから何年の月日がたっとコトか。遂にその場へやってきました。しかし入園料3ユーロ。ローマ・パスは2つの考古学サイトは無料ですがそれ以降は割引価格になるそうです・・・。それにしても大規模な施設だな。
Then I walked to "Baths of Caracalla (Termi di Caracalla)". I was 14 years old when I heard about "Baths of Caracalla" in a history class. It's been a long time since and finally I was there! It was a huge complex - not only thermal baths, there were lots of leisure facilities.
There were some mosaics could be seen. They were more than 1,800 years old.
Now those bricks were exposed, but when it was in use, it was covered by marbles and it looked very nice. It was the mega leisure place for Ancient Romans.
Then I visited "Basilica di San Pietro in Vincoli" and saw Moses by Michelangelo.
トレビの泉(Fontata di Trevi)へ。流石に有名だけあってなかなかの意匠です。やっぱり観光客であふれてます。
After that, I walked to Fountain of Trevi. As it is so famous, it looks really nice. But there were tons of tourists spoiling the scene... Yes, I was one of them.
Pantheon. It was built by Hadrianus in 118. It still keeps its origianlshape! Incredible!!
There was a 9m diametre roof window at the dome.
I visited Mausoleum of Augustus, but it ws closed for restoration...
Then I finished today with Spanish Plaza!
It was hard day, but Mr. Sheep and I really had a great time. Tomorrow I am thinking either visiting Vatican or going around places I could not visit today. I will make up my mind when I get up tomorrow.
******************************************************************************************************************************************************* 世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。 I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Rome (Camping Seven Hills Village)
今日はテンコ盛りの1日でした。撮った写真はなんと199枚!! 流石ローマ、見所いっぱい。ヒツジもワシも楽しみましたが、疲れきりました。
I was on full action today. I took 199 photos!! Rome, such a historic and sightscenic city it is. Mr. Sheep and I realy enjoyed exploring the city but it was really exhausting.
I would not able to write everything here, so I try to keep it short.
In the morning the earliest shuttle bus to the closest train station was on 8am. So I took it and got to the central station of Rome "Termini". I went to Tourist Information office and bought "Roma Pass" for 30 Euros! It was expensive, but it would give me free or disconted access to main tourst destinations and also free access to any public transport in Rome city. I would not need to queue up to buy a ticket either.
Then I walked to Coloseo. Finally, I am time travelling to Ancient Roman time!!
It was 9:30am and there was a ling queue for buying tickets. But I could skip the line with Roma Pass. A good deal.
Inside of Coloseo, it looked like this. It's been 2,000 years since it was built but it still keep the most of its original stracture besides those marble stones taken by generation of citizens to build other things.
A black cat was napping in the shade. Yes, it was becoming hot.
The floor of the battle ground was gone and the basement was exposed. But from this side, the 3rd was newly reconstructed, so we could imagine how it looked like in the ancient time.
There were more things to see today. I went out and walked pass the Triumph arch of Constantine Caesar (Arco di Constantino) and visited Foro Romano and Monte Palatino.
I did not need to line up here either. Foro Romano was the centre of Ancient Roman city. Monte Palatino was the expensive residencial area of Ancient Rome.
I liked this "ruins" look. When Roman Empire was its peak, here looked so great, I supposed.
The ruin of a temple. Now it has just some pillers remainng.
Another temple. Only pillers too.
In Monte Palatino, the garden was beautiful.
I could see Coloseo in a distance. I liked the view of it from there.
It took a few hours to look around Foro Romano and Monte Palatino. It was already past noon. I went to Domus Aurea - the palace buy Nero Caesar, but it was closed for restoration...
So I went to Foro Triano.
Then I visited the symbol of modern Rome "Vittoriano" - Altare della Patria. It is a monument built to honour Victor Emmanuel, the first king of a unified Italy. The monument is built of white marble. It looked impressive.
Inside of the monument, there was a museum (free admission) showing the history of uniting Italy. There were personal tihngs used by General Guiseppe Garibaldi.
A view of city of Rome from Vittoriano.
I went to Piazza del Camidoglio where was designed by Michelangelo. In the middle of the plaza, there was a bronze statue of Marcus Aurelius Caesar (reprica).
Then I visisted Musei Capitolini. The collections of this museum were great. There were ancient Roman scalptures everywhere. The photo shown is a bust of Commodus - Emperor that Maxumus was in vengence against in the movie "Gladiator". This bust is portraying him in the guise of Hercules, reinforcing the image of him as a demigod, a physical giant, a protector and a battler against beasts and men.
In the plaza, there was the reprica, but this is the real one. It'S been more than 1,800 years since t was casted, but it was in really good condition and there were still some gold palting.
Then the status of Romulus and Remus, the legendary twin who were brought up with a wolf and built Rome.
The huge bronze statue of Constantine the great. It looked little stupid to me.
But the statue of Marcus Aurelius was very cool. He is the father of Commodus.
I liked this stone art. A tiger biting a bull.
Another statue of Constantine the great. This time it was made with white marble. But broken in pieces again...
From a terrance, I could see the view of Foro Romano.
A bust of Marcus Aurelius.
And a bust of Commodus. They are the father and the son. They look a like, don't they? But the works they did were so different.
A bust of Augustus Caesar. The first Roman Emperor. He was a nephew of Julius Caesar and later adopted as his son.
A bust made with a few different type of stones. The artist used the colours of stones very well.
A statue of Amazon soldier. I like a strong girl like her!
It was really a hot day. Thanks to those fountains, I did not get dried.
「真実の口(Bocca della verita)」は無料で見れるんですが、行列が出来ていたので、脇から写真を撮って終了。
"The mouth of Truth (Bocca della verita)" was free admission, but there were a long queue, so I just took a photo from the side and walked past.
チルコ・マッシモ(Cicro Massimo)。15万人も収容できたと言う円形競技場。ここで戦車(馬車)レースが行われていました。そうです、あの名画「ベン・ハー」の名シーンはここで行われた、という設定なんです。
Cicro Massimo - the oval racing track whick could host around 150,000 spectators at once! The charrot racings were held here. Yes, the scene of the chariot racing from the movie "Ben Hur" was supposed to be held here.
ここからカラカラ浴場(Terme di Caracalla)へ。「カラカラ浴場」という名詞を聞いたのは確か中学2年の社会の授業で。それから何年の月日がたっとコトか。遂にその場へやってきました。しかし入園料3ユーロ。ローマ・パスは2つの考古学サイトは無料ですがそれ以降は割引価格になるそうです・・・。それにしても大規模な施設だな。
Then I walked to "Baths of Caracalla (Termi di Caracalla)". I was 14 years old when I heard about "Baths of Caracalla" in a history class. It's been a long time since and finally I was there! It was a huge complex - not only thermal baths, there were lots of leisure facilities.
There were some mosaics could be seen. They were more than 1,800 years old.
Now those bricks were exposed, but when it was in use, it was covered by marbles and it looked very nice. It was the mega leisure place for Ancient Romans.
Then I visited "Basilica di San Pietro in Vincoli" and saw Moses by Michelangelo.
トレビの泉(Fontata di Trevi)へ。流石に有名だけあってなかなかの意匠です。やっぱり観光客であふれてます。
After that, I walked to Fountain of Trevi. As it is so famous, it looks really nice. But there were tons of tourists spoiling the scene... Yes, I was one of them.
Pantheon. It was built by Hadrianus in 118. It still keeps its origianlshape! Incredible!!
There was a 9m diametre roof window at the dome.
I visited Mausoleum of Augustus, but it ws closed for restoration...
Then I finished today with Spanish Plaza!
It was hard day, but Mr. Sheep and I really had a great time. Tomorrow I am thinking either visiting Vatican or going around places I could not visit today. I will make up my mind when I get up tomorrow.
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Day 670: 2012年5月28日
Firenze to Rome (Camping Seven Hills Village)
64,134km to 64,416km = 282km
今日は雨!! 7時に目が覚めましたが、雨の中出発の準備をしても濡れるだけなので8時ごろまで二度寝。8時ごろには雨はほぼあがっていましたが、曇り空。
It was raining this morning when I woke up at 7am. I would not want to get wet, so I went back to sleep til 8am. Then the rain stopped. But it was still cloudy.
WHen I was getting ready, the rain came back and stopped. But I reckoned that if I started to ride this much of rain would not be aproblem.
But it took a time to get ready: drying the tent and so on, extra works when it's wet. Finally I could take off at 10am. But it became sunny. Vamos a Roma!!
I went pass Piazzale Michelangelo and went to the suburb of FIrenze. Then I was trapped in a traffic jam. It looked like there was an accident. After while I could get through the traffic and continued on a highway. In Italy, national highway has no toll but the speed limit is 90km.h, so I could progress farely fast.
But it got cloudy again. The surface of the road was wet too. So the view wasn't good either.
There were some towns / villages with a castle on a mountain / hill top. It would be very intersting to visit those small towns / villaages as Italy has long history. Well, next time.
A castle in a town around 60km north of Rome. I guess it was Bolsena. This was only photo I took today.
そして3時過ぎにローマ郊外のキャンプ場「Seven Hills Village」に到着。1泊14.5ユーロです。WiFiあり。街まではシャトルバスと電車で行かなければなりませんが、まぁ、調べた結果街中の安宿は駐車場が無く、停められるスペースがあるホステルは満室、なのでいいでしょう。
I got to a campground "Seven Hills Village". It cost 14.5 Euros per night. With WiFi. I have to take a shuttle bus and a train to get to the city, but I could not find any hostel with a parking space in city.
I researched where I would like to visit in Rome. There were so many places Colosseo, Foro Romano, Palatino etc - the ruins of Roman Empire; Venezia Plaza, Spanish Plaza, Popolo Plaza - those plazas, fountain of Trevi, the Mouth of Truth (Bocca della Verita), and Vatican.
I am thinking to visist from the ruins of Roman Empire tomorrow.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Firenze to Rome (Camping Seven Hills Village)
64,134km to 64,416km = 282km
今日は雨!! 7時に目が覚めましたが、雨の中出発の準備をしても濡れるだけなので8時ごろまで二度寝。8時ごろには雨はほぼあがっていましたが、曇り空。
It was raining this morning when I woke up at 7am. I would not want to get wet, so I went back to sleep til 8am. Then the rain stopped. But it was still cloudy.
WHen I was getting ready, the rain came back and stopped. But I reckoned that if I started to ride this much of rain would not be aproblem.
But it took a time to get ready: drying the tent and so on, extra works when it's wet. Finally I could take off at 10am. But it became sunny. Vamos a Roma!!
I went pass Piazzale Michelangelo and went to the suburb of FIrenze. Then I was trapped in a traffic jam. It looked like there was an accident. After while I could get through the traffic and continued on a highway. In Italy, national highway has no toll but the speed limit is 90km.h, so I could progress farely fast.
But it got cloudy again. The surface of the road was wet too. So the view wasn't good either.
There were some towns / villages with a castle on a mountain / hill top. It would be very intersting to visit those small towns / villaages as Italy has long history. Well, next time.
A castle in a town around 60km north of Rome. I guess it was Bolsena. This was only photo I took today.
そして3時過ぎにローマ郊外のキャンプ場「Seven Hills Village」に到着。1泊14.5ユーロです。WiFiあり。街まではシャトルバスと電車で行かなければなりませんが、まぁ、調べた結果街中の安宿は駐車場が無く、停められるスペースがあるホステルは満室、なのでいいでしょう。
I got to a campground "Seven Hills Village". It cost 14.5 Euros per night. With WiFi. I have to take a shuttle bus and a train to get to the city, but I could not find any hostel with a parking space in city.
I researched where I would like to visit in Rome. There were so many places Colosseo, Foro Romano, Palatino etc - the ruins of Roman Empire; Venezia Plaza, Spanish Plaza, Popolo Plaza - those plazas, fountain of Trevi, the Mouth of Truth (Bocca della Verita), and Vatican.
I am thinking to visist from the ruins of Roman Empire tomorrow.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 669: 2012年5月27日
Firenze (Camping Camerata)
It was sunny in the morning, but cold. After having breakfast, I walked to the city. Actually the hostel / campground was located a bit far from the city, but I reckoned it was still a walking distance.
Anyway, I walkeda lot. It took me nearly 1 hour to get to the city. The view of the old town.
街を歩いていると、見えましたサンタ・マリア・デル・フィオーレ大聖堂(Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore)。通称ドゥオーモ(Duomo)はこの街のランドマークです。
Walking down a street, the mighty "Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore" called "Duomo" appeared in the distance. It's the landmark of FIrenze.
It's gigantic!! It made other buildings looked small.
ヒツジとドゥオーモとジオットの鐘楼(Campanile di Giotto)。陽が翳ってしまってあまりキレイに写真が撮れませんでした。
Mr. Sheep, Duomo and Campanile di Giotto. The sun was hidden behind clouds, so I could not take the photo well.
The tower was 85m high. It was completed in 1359. I guess those people in that time would think this was the skyscraper.
ドゥオーモからヴェッキオ宮(Palazzo Vecchio)の方へ歩いていると、なんだぁ?
I was walking down a street to Palazzo Vecchio, and then somthing was coming toward me... What a..??
マラソン大会だ!! ランナーに継ぐランナーの波!! しばらく動けませんでした。
It was a marathon event!! There were so many runners coming, so I could not move for a while.
そしてヴェッキオ宮手前シニョリーア広場(Piazza della Signoria)にあるミケランジェロ作の「ダヴィデ像」見学へ。人だかりが…。
Then I walked to Piazza della Signoria just in front of Palazzo Vecchio to see "David" by Michelangelo.
This is one of the master pieces from Michelangelo. But it was a replica. The real one was located in Galleria del'Academia.
Persnonally I prefered this pieace "Pereus" with beheaded Medusa.
Kentauros under attack, I liked this as well as it was very dynamic.
それからアカデミア美術館へ行き本物の「ダヴィデ像」を見ようとしましたが、行列…。時間制なので、なんだか興味を失いドゥオーモ付属美術館(Mueso dell'Opera del Duomo)のミケランジェロ作「未完のピエタ」を見に行きましあ。
I ment to Galleria dell'Academia but there was a long queue... I had to make a booking for a sesson at the ticket office to enter the gallery, so I lost nterest to go in. I visited Mueso dell'Opera del Duomo to see incomplete "Pieta" by Michelangelo.
I guess there was water coming out from the mouth before.
This is "Pieta"by Michelangelo. It was left unfinished as he found some deffect in the stone and the knee of Christ and the elbow of Vergin were broken. Later on, his students and some other guys try to fixed but still imcomplete.
The old man behind Christ was crved in the image of Michelangelo himself.
A hand and wrist in silver. It did not look very special at a glance, but if I looked closely through the glass window, I could see a human wrist bone. Iassumed that there was a tradition to keep a deceased loved one's bone like this. There were some other holding a jaw and other parts of body.
The most impressive peice beside "Pieta" was this silver craft of "John the Baptist".
In the centre, there was a statue of Jon the Baptist and sorroundings were telling his life.
This was the scene his head was presented to King Herod.
There were many nice pieces and I really had a good time there. The entrance fee was Euros.
When I came out, it became sunny again. I took a photo of Duomo again.
Another photo of Campanile di Giotto as well. I hope this time was good.
Another photo of "David" by Michelangelo replica.
On the way to Ponta Vecchio, there were statues of people who contriuted a lotto the city of Firenze. This was Michelangelo.
Dante Alghieri, the auther of "Divine Commedy (La Divina Commedia)"
Amerigo Vespucchi who "found" American Continents.
And Galileo Gallilei.
アルノ川にかかるヴェッキオ橋(Ponte Vecchio)。多くの金細工屋が店を構えてます。
Ponte Vecchio (Vecchio Bridge) accross River Arno. On the bridge there were many shops selling gold crafts.
ピッティ宮殿(Palazzo Pitti)。ここの所蔵品は半端ない。
Palazzo Pitti. One of palaces of Medici. The collections here were so so many and gorgeous.
Unfortunately, photo was not allowed inside the museum. But there was Japanese art special exhibition going on, and I could see a sword made by Masamune,a Naginata made by Ikkanshi Tadatsuna and so on. It was a good surprise!!
Silver crafts, ivory crafts etc, there were so many things in details. I cannot describe the craftmanship of those works. They must be one of the best quality in the world. They were telling how powerful the house of Medici was.
In the garden, there was a realy obelisk.
A view of the palace from the garden.
バルディニ庭園(Giardino Bardini)から街が一望できます。
From Bardini garden (Giardino Bardini), I could see the city. Beautiful.
更にミケランジェロの丘(Piazzale Michelangelo)からは街全体が一望できます。
Then from Michelangelo Plaza (Piazzale Michelangelo), the entire city could be seen.
Here another replica of "David" by Michelangelo in bronze.
I really enjoyed sightseeing Firenze. Tomorrow I am riding to Rome - the centre of Roman Empire. I am very excited.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Firenze (Camping Camerata)
It was sunny in the morning, but cold. After having breakfast, I walked to the city. Actually the hostel / campground was located a bit far from the city, but I reckoned it was still a walking distance.
Anyway, I walkeda lot. It took me nearly 1 hour to get to the city. The view of the old town.
街を歩いていると、見えましたサンタ・マリア・デル・フィオーレ大聖堂(Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore)。通称ドゥオーモ(Duomo)はこの街のランドマークです。
Walking down a street, the mighty "Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore" called "Duomo" appeared in the distance. It's the landmark of FIrenze.
It's gigantic!! It made other buildings looked small.
ヒツジとドゥオーモとジオットの鐘楼(Campanile di Giotto)。陽が翳ってしまってあまりキレイに写真が撮れませんでした。
Mr. Sheep, Duomo and Campanile di Giotto. The sun was hidden behind clouds, so I could not take the photo well.
The tower was 85m high. It was completed in 1359. I guess those people in that time would think this was the skyscraper.
ドゥオーモからヴェッキオ宮(Palazzo Vecchio)の方へ歩いていると、なんだぁ?
I was walking down a street to Palazzo Vecchio, and then somthing was coming toward me... What a..??
マラソン大会だ!! ランナーに継ぐランナーの波!! しばらく動けませんでした。
It was a marathon event!! There were so many runners coming, so I could not move for a while.
そしてヴェッキオ宮手前シニョリーア広場(Piazza della Signoria)にあるミケランジェロ作の「ダヴィデ像」見学へ。人だかりが…。
Then I walked to Piazza della Signoria just in front of Palazzo Vecchio to see "David" by Michelangelo.
This is one of the master pieces from Michelangelo. But it was a replica. The real one was located in Galleria del'Academia.
Persnonally I prefered this pieace "Pereus" with beheaded Medusa.
Kentauros under attack, I liked this as well as it was very dynamic.
それからアカデミア美術館へ行き本物の「ダヴィデ像」を見ようとしましたが、行列…。時間制なので、なんだか興味を失いドゥオーモ付属美術館(Mueso dell'Opera del Duomo)のミケランジェロ作「未完のピエタ」を見に行きましあ。
I ment to Galleria dell'Academia but there was a long queue... I had to make a booking for a sesson at the ticket office to enter the gallery, so I lost nterest to go in. I visited Mueso dell'Opera del Duomo to see incomplete "Pieta" by Michelangelo.
I guess there was water coming out from the mouth before.
This is "Pieta"by Michelangelo. It was left unfinished as he found some deffect in the stone and the knee of Christ and the elbow of Vergin were broken. Later on, his students and some other guys try to fixed but still imcomplete.
The old man behind Christ was crved in the image of Michelangelo himself.
A hand and wrist in silver. It did not look very special at a glance, but if I looked closely through the glass window, I could see a human wrist bone. Iassumed that there was a tradition to keep a deceased loved one's bone like this. There were some other holding a jaw and other parts of body.
The most impressive peice beside "Pieta" was this silver craft of "John the Baptist".
In the centre, there was a statue of Jon the Baptist and sorroundings were telling his life.
This was the scene his head was presented to King Herod.
There were many nice pieces and I really had a good time there. The entrance fee was Euros.
When I came out, it became sunny again. I took a photo of Duomo again.
Another photo of Campanile di Giotto as well. I hope this time was good.
Another photo of "David" by Michelangelo replica.
On the way to Ponta Vecchio, there were statues of people who contriuted a lotto the city of Firenze. This was Michelangelo.
Dante Alghieri, the auther of "Divine Commedy (La Divina Commedia)"
Amerigo Vespucchi who "found" American Continents.
And Galileo Gallilei.
アルノ川にかかるヴェッキオ橋(Ponte Vecchio)。多くの金細工屋が店を構えてます。
Ponte Vecchio (Vecchio Bridge) accross River Arno. On the bridge there were many shops selling gold crafts.
ピッティ宮殿(Palazzo Pitti)。ここの所蔵品は半端ない。
Palazzo Pitti. One of palaces of Medici. The collections here were so so many and gorgeous.
Unfortunately, photo was not allowed inside the museum. But there was Japanese art special exhibition going on, and I could see a sword made by Masamune,a Naginata made by Ikkanshi Tadatsuna and so on. It was a good surprise!!
Silver crafts, ivory crafts etc, there were so many things in details. I cannot describe the craftmanship of those works. They must be one of the best quality in the world. They were telling how powerful the house of Medici was.
In the garden, there was a realy obelisk.
A view of the palace from the garden.
バルディニ庭園(Giardino Bardini)から街が一望できます。
From Bardini garden (Giardino Bardini), I could see the city. Beautiful.
更にミケランジェロの丘(Piazzale Michelangelo)からは街全体が一望できます。
Then from Michelangelo Plaza (Piazzale Michelangelo), the entire city could be seen.
Here another replica of "David" by Michelangelo in bronze.
I really enjoyed sightseeing Firenze. Tomorrow I am riding to Rome - the centre of Roman Empire. I am very excited.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 668: 2012年5月26日
Meran to Firenze (Camping Camerata)
63,716km to 64,134km = 418km
It was partially cloudy and sunny. My tent was wet from dew, so I wanted to let it dry but the sun did not come out as I hoped. So it took a time to dry it up.
I waited till it get completely dry and it was after 9am when I left the campground. The campground was very comfortable - clean andnice facilities and quiet environment. If only I could use WiFi, it would have been great.
I rode on local roads again as motorways would cost a lot. Italian roads generally are not well-maintained as those roads of Germany and Switzerland.
It sprinkled a bit. But nothing serious, so I kept riding. However, I could not enjoy the scenery...
Passed Trento and Verona, then the landscape became flat. It got boring. But as I was riding the local roads, I could not eat kms as much. Those loal roads did not connect the major cities directly, so I had to make turns many times insmall towns.
From Bologna it got more interesting. The road took me in the mountains and I was riding through curves.
Then I saw the city of FIrenze! It was beautiful. All the roofs were in orange colour. I wanted to take a photo, but I could not pull over.
I got to a hostel / campground I checked on web. Unfortunately all beds were occupied, so I would be camping next 2 days. The facilities were not as good as the campground in Lana, but it had WiFi.
I thought I would not be suffering from Hay fever if I came down douth, but I was wrong. The campground was surrounded by cedar trees that causing my allergy....
After I pitched the tent and went to a shopping, it was already 7pm. I made a research on whereabout I would be visiting tomorrow in Firenze. Now it's 10pm, I wil have a nap.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Meran to Firenze (Camping Camerata)
63,716km to 64,134km = 418km
It was partially cloudy and sunny. My tent was wet from dew, so I wanted to let it dry but the sun did not come out as I hoped. So it took a time to dry it up.
I waited till it get completely dry and it was after 9am when I left the campground. The campground was very comfortable - clean andnice facilities and quiet environment. If only I could use WiFi, it would have been great.
I rode on local roads again as motorways would cost a lot. Italian roads generally are not well-maintained as those roads of Germany and Switzerland.
It sprinkled a bit. But nothing serious, so I kept riding. However, I could not enjoy the scenery...
Passed Trento and Verona, then the landscape became flat. It got boring. But as I was riding the local roads, I could not eat kms as much. Those loal roads did not connect the major cities directly, so I had to make turns many times insmall towns.
From Bologna it got more interesting. The road took me in the mountains and I was riding through curves.
Then I saw the city of FIrenze! It was beautiful. All the roofs were in orange colour. I wanted to take a photo, but I could not pull over.
I got to a hostel / campground I checked on web. Unfortunately all beds were occupied, so I would be camping next 2 days. The facilities were not as good as the campground in Lana, but it had WiFi.
I thought I would not be suffering from Hay fever if I came down douth, but I was wrong. The campground was surrounded by cedar trees that causing my allergy....
After I pitched the tent and went to a shopping, it was already 7pm. I made a research on whereabout I would be visiting tomorrow in Firenze. Now it's 10pm, I wil have a nap.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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