三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
- 2024.11.21 [PR]
- 2011.07.18 最後のアンティクーチョ@コンドリート / The last Anticucho @ Condorito
- 2011.07.18 カレー祭りとヴォン・ジョン・ヴォビ / Indian Curry Party
- 2011.07.17 マーク&クレア到着 / Mark & Claire arrived!!
- 2011.07.16 体調悪いのでまたのんびりと / Another relaxing day as I was a little sick
- 2011.07.15 今日も1日ゆっくりと / Another relaxing day in Cusco
Day 358: 2011年7月17日
Cusco (Estrellita)
今日は朝Casa del Inkaに行ってネットと歓談。それからアダム、マーク&クレアとNorton Pubでハンバーガーを。テラスから道を行きかう人を見ているのは楽しいですね。インディヘナの女性が子羊を運んでます。最近の流行みたいです。まぁ写真を撮らせてお金をもらうんですがね。
Cafe Dos x 3でコーヒーをと思いましたが今日は日曜日なので閉まってました。ので違うカフェで。ここも悪くないけどちと高し。
それからCasa del Inkaにて歓談。イド氏がいなくなると寂しくなりますね。Yoshi DR650を待っているのですが、なかなか来ませんねぇ。火曜日か水曜日に腰を上げますか。
Day 358: 17 JUL 2011
Cusco (Estrellita)
This morning I visited Cas del Inka, updated my blog and chat with my friends there.
Adam, Mark&Claire and I went to Norton Pub and I had a Humberger. Looking down from the terrance people going through the street was fun. Those Indegena ladies carrying little lambs in their bags. Thos lambs were so cute. But they were not as cute as Mr. Sheep.
We wanted have cuppa @ Cafe Dos x 3, but it was closed (it was Sunday). We found another cafe nearby. It served a good coffee but it wasn't as good as Cafe Dos x 3 and more expensive.
Tomorrow Jose will be leaving Cusco, so he wanted have his lsat supper in Cusco at Anticucheria Condorito. There were only 3 choices on the menu. Anticucho, Rocoto Relleno, and Choncholi. Jose and Masa had Choncholi before and it was aweful. But I wanted to try it, and it wasn't that bad. I gave some to Leon and he said it wasn't hat bad.
We went back to Casa del Inka and talked till late. It is sad to see Jose off tomorrow but one day we have to leave any way. I will wait for Yoshi DR650. If he would not turn up by tuesday, I will leave to Arequipa.
Day 357: 2011年7月16日
Cusco (Estrellita)
今日は朝飯後アダム、マーク&クレアとしばらく歓談。それからCasa Del Incaの面々とガラクタ市に行ってズボンがないか探しましたが収穫なし。それからいつものメルカドで昼飯。違う飯屋で昨日と同じ「Seco de Cordero」を頼んだら絶品!! うーん、これにははまりそう。
それからいつものCafe Dos x 3でコーヒーを。そろそろ我々も常連かな。マサさんに「いつもの(Como siempre)」とチーズケーキを頼んでもらいたかったのですが、「今日は二日酔いで胃の調子が悪いから、ケーキはいいや」と。残念。
夜はアダム、マーク&クレアとインドカレーの食べ放題を。イギリス人はインドカレー好きですね。食べてたらVirgen del Carmenのお祭りパレードが通りました。それにしてもカトリックは色んな聖人の祭りがあるなぁ。
それからCasa del Incaのテラスにて歓談。何故かジョン・ヴォン・ジョヴィの名前がヴォン・ジョン・ヴォビとなり下らないことでみんなゲラゲラ。こういう一時がPricelessですね。
Day 357: 16 JUL 2011
Cusco (Estrellita)
With Jose, Masa and Leo, I went to a Black Market to find a pair of trausers. But there was nothing... Then we went to the Mercado for lunch as usual. I ordered Seco de Cordero at another restaurant. And it was excellent!!
We had cuppa at Cafe Dos x 3. We reckoned we were already a regular there, so we wanted to Masa to make an order of his favorite cheese cake "Come siempre (as usual)", but he had hang over, so he did not order it.
With Adam, Mark&Claire, I had Indian Curry buffet. British like Indian Curry a lot. While we were eating, Virgen del Carmen procession went through the street. There are lots of holy days for many Saints in Catholic Church.
Day 356: 2011年7月15日
Cusco (Estrellita)
羊の煮込み「Seco de Cordero」最高です。ボリュームもあるし味も良し。
それからCasa del Inkaにいってテラスで歓談。アダムとクスコの街を散策し、宿に戻るとマーク&クレアのバイクが! 夜はレオンも交えて近くのレストランのメシを15ソルから10ソルに値切りました。
夜はナイトクラブに出かけましたが、大したこと無し(アダムはお留守番)。まぁ、皆でワイワイと楽しかったですがね。出かける途中マーク&クレアに会って再会を祝しました。さて明日は何をしようかな。Yoshi DR650がそろそろクスコに到着するはずなんだけど・・・。一応彼の到着を待ってアレキパに向けて出発をします。
Day 356: 15 JUL 2011
Cusco (Estrellita)
As I had a good sleep last night, I was well today! Having breakfast with Adam and having chat with him for a while. Then Jose and Masa came to visit me.
We all went out to Mercado for lunch. I had "Seco de Cordero (Stewed Lamb)". Mr. Sheep might not like it, but we went to have BBQed whole lamb in Sydney together before, he would forgive me. "Seco" was good! I liked it and don't mind to have it again.
After lunch we went to Casa del Inca, then Ada and I explored the town of Cusco. Then together with David, we went have lunch at nearby restaurant. Masa asked for a discount and 15 Soles set menu became 10 Soles!
When Adam and I went back to our hostel, Mark & Claire's bikes were there! Unfortunately they were out somewhere, so we could not see them.
But when I went out to a night club, I saw Mark & Claire! We had a little chat and I went to a nigt club with Jose, Masa and Leon. It was a fun night.
Day 355: 2011年7月14日
Cusco (Estrellita)
Cafe Dos x 3でビタミン補給のためにイチゴジュースを飲んだ後Casa de Incaのテラスで歓談。
Day 354: 04 JUL 2011
Cusco (Estrellita)
I went to Casa del Inca to see Jose and Masa. As usual, we went to Mercado for lunch. I did not have much appetite some how, so I left more than half of the fish. Jose finished it off for me.
We went to Cafe Dos x 3 for a cuppa. It seemed like I got feaver because I stayed at the terrace till late at night last night. So I had a trawberry juice to get some vitamins.
We went back to Casa del Inca and chatting at the terrace. But I felt not so good, and went back to my hostel for a nap.
On the way back, I saw a motorcycle passing. It was Adam!
He checked in at the same hostel as me and we had a little chat before I went to sleep.
Day 354: 2011年7月13日
Cusco (Estrellita)
夜11時頃までCasa del Inkaのテラスで歓談。さてと明日は何をするかなぁ。ちょい沈没気味。明日は満月なのでつきの神殿(Templo de la Luna)にでも行こうかな。
明日か明後日にはアダムが到着する予定です! そろそろ腰を上げるかな。
Day 354: 13 JUL 2011
Cusco (Estrellita)
Today my right leg and foot were still aching, so I took it easy.
Had lunch at Mercado with Jose and Masa, then I had dinner at Condorito with those 2 and Leon from Sweaden.
We spent the evening at the terrance of Casa del Inka. The moon was almost full. Tomorrow it will be full, so we might go to Templo de la Luna.
Adam sent me an e-mail saying he would be here tomorrow or the day after. It would be great to catch up with him!
Cusco (Estrellita)
夜11時頃までCasa del Inkaのテラスで歓談。さてと明日は何をするかなぁ。ちょい沈没気味。明日は満月なのでつきの神殿(Templo de la Luna)にでも行こうかな。
明日か明後日にはアダムが到着する予定です! そろそろ腰を上げるかな。
Day 354: 13 JUL 2011
Cusco (Estrellita)
Today my right leg and foot were still aching, so I took it easy.
Had lunch at Mercado with Jose and Masa, then I had dinner at Condorito with those 2 and Leon from Sweaden.
We spent the evening at the terrance of Casa del Inka. The moon was almost full. Tomorrow it will be full, so we might go to Templo de la Luna.
Adam sent me an e-mail saying he would be here tomorrow or the day after. It would be great to catch up with him!