三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
- 2024.11.21 [PR]
- 2011.07.08 ケンコー遺跡へ / Q'enco
- 2011.07.07 サクサイワマン!! / Saqsaywaman
- 2011.07.06 クスコ! / Cusco!
- 2011.07.05 標高600m地帯から4,600mへ! / From altitude of 600m to 4,600m!
- 2011.07.04 ナスカの地上絵 / Nasca Lines
Cusco (Hostel Estrellita)
それからクスコの街に戻り地方歴史博物館(Museo del Histrical Reginal)へ。ここも周遊券で。ここにはミイラや金細工、土器などが収集されていますが、大したことありません・・・。
Day 348: 07/JUL/2011
Cusco (Hostel Estrellita)
Today we went to Japanese restaurant "Kintaro". I had "Katsy-Don" (15 Soles). Then I went to Q'enco with Jose (The admission was included in the 10days pass).
Q'enco was located near Saqsaywaman. The site looked like used as a ritual site by Inca. But it was n't very impressive after seeing Saqsaywaman.
On the way back, when we passed Saqsaywaman, I could see it mighty.
Then we went to Museum of reginal history (1days pass). There was a mummy, gold, silver artifacts, potteries etc, but it was't very good eaither....
Tomorrow we will visit Pisac. This site seems to be very good (with 10days pass).
Day 347: 2011年7月6日
Cusco (Hostel Estrellita)
まずはその精巧な石組み。そしてその石の巨大さ。美しい。本当にインカが造ったのか、それともインカ以前に存在したのか? どうなんでしょうねぇ。ロマンを感じます。イド氏は以前に来たので再度の入園は出来ませんでした。身分証明が出来ればサイドは入れるらしいのですが。
Day 347: 06 JUL 2011
Cusco (Hostel Estrellita)
As my hostel dies not have Internet, I went to Jose's hostel to update my blog. On the way, I saw 12 sided stone block (Inca Block) and other Inca Walls. They were impressive. Just seeing them, it was worth to come to Cusco.
After updating my blog and returning a few e-mails, Jose and I discussed where to go today. We came up to idea to visit Saqsaywaman - the gigantic stone "Fortress". Tomo - from Osaka - also wanted to see Saqsaywanman, so he joined us.
It was 20 mins walk to there. The stone wall was amazing! Here much larger stone blocks were used to construct walls. The admission (including 13 other sites around Cusco, valid for 10 days) cost 130 Soles (US$45). Expensive, but it was worth spending. In fact, Saqsaywaman would be the best archeological site I have ever visited. The craft of each stone block - so precise, the size of stones - so massive, the finising result - very very beatiful walls.
I wondered if those were built by Inca or they were here before Inca came to Cusco. As the size of blocks used in Cusco city and here were so different, even though the technic to curve the stones could be the same, to me, it could be built by different people.
Idid enjoy seeing those walls. More than 1 hour, I walked around the site and really had great time.
We went back to Jose's hostel and had coffee at the terrace, where we met 4 Japanese girls (studying in Brazil). They said they are heading to Machupichu tomorrow, so Jose and I decided to check train tickets for tomorrow. As Tomo had to catch 4pm bus to Lima, we saw him off and went to the PeruRail. Unfortunately the train leaving tomorrow were fully booked out, so we had to buy ticket on Saturday. So we will stay at Aguas Carientes on Saturday night and visit Machupichu on Sunday.
We went for Indian Buffet for dinner (15 Soles). We ate tooo much...
Back to his hostel, we chat till 10pm and I went back to my hostel.
Tomorrow we will visit those histrical sites in Cusco.
Day 346: 2011年7月5日
Abancay to Cusco (Hostel Estrellita)
アバンカイは1,800メートルくらいで一気に3,700メートルくらいまで上がり、また1,800メートルまで降ります。インカはクスコの山奥から山を越え谷を超えよく海岸まで征服できたなぁ。補給路とかどうしたんだろう? 不思議です。
午後はイド氏を訪ねてHostal Casa Del Inkaへ。途中プラザ・デル・アルマスを通りますが、なかなかの景観。ちらほらとインカの石組みが見受けられますね。
Day 346: 05 JUL 2011
Abancay to Cusco (Hostel Estrellita)
37,031km to 37,222km = 191km
I left the hotel around 9am. There was less than 200km to Cusco, but on the way, there were lots of curves! So it took a longer time to get there.
The scenery was good, but the weather wasn'T the best again. Overcasted. I could see some snow capped mountains between clouds sometimes.
I certainly enjoyed riding through curves, but somehow I wasn't in the best condition. I might catch flu again as it was really cold yesterday.
I got to Cusco around 12:30pm. The hostel was Estrella where Adam recommended. After the main gate, there was a stair, so it looked like I could not bring the GS in, but they put a wooden board, so no problem.
There were 2 motorcycles already there. A guy came up tome and said "I know you. You are Shigeru!" Well, Shigeru is my friend, but I am not him... He knows Adam too. 2 Honda Transalp... Then I realised he is Frank! and his girl friend Simone.
The dorm cost 15 Soles. No WiFi here, but it would be the cheapest in Cusco. I started to wipe my GS. As it was polished in Lima, I wanted to keep her as clean as possible. But I got really hungry, so I went for lunch. Nearby the hostel, there were a few restaurants offering 2.5 Soles lunch. But the amount and the quality of the meal was accordingly.
Back to the hostel, I continued cleaning my GS. Had a few chat with Frank and Simone. Then I took my pants to repear at a seamstress. It cost 10 Soles.
And then I went to see Jose the cyclist. He was staying at a hostel "Hostal Casa del Inka". I walked pass Plaza del Armas. It looked really nice around there. The hostel located on the slope accessed only via stairs. So it was impossible to bring motorcycle in.
It's been more than 3 months since I saw Jose in Medellin last time. But it did not feel like we were apart that long. We had Coca tea at the terrace on the top of the hostel. A nice view of the city from there.
He and his friends were going for dinner tonight, so I joined them. We had "Anticucho" - BBQed Beef Heart served with Potatos. 5 Soles. We ordered stuffed cupcicum 3.5 Soles. They were very nice!
Tomorrow we will go around Cusco and will plan where to visit for next few days.
Nasca to Abancay (Hotel Imperial)
36,571km to 37,031km = 460km
カーブに継ぐカーブ。普段なら楽しいのでしょうが、何故だか波に乗れません。うーん、なんだろう? しばらくすると霧の中へ。まぁ、そんなに濃くないので大丈夫です。
霧を抜けるといい景色です。「ナスカからクスコまでの道はイイ!」と聞いてましたが、その通りですね。景色も素晴らしい! 写真では捉えれれないのが残念ですね。すでに高度3,000メートルを越えてます。寒い。
しばらく走ると氷河を頂いた山々が見えてきました。そして湖が!! GPSで高度を見ると4,431mとありました。富士山よりも700メートル上ですね。寒いわけだ。風も強いし。生憎天気悪し。
それから残雪がチラホラ路肩にある地帯へ。高度を見たら4,541m!! スゴイな。それからちょっと上がりましたので最高点は4,600メートルくらいだと思います。
さて、今日は疲れました。早めに寝ます。明日はクスコですね。「気高きぃー アンデスぅー かーけめぐるぅー、 インカのぉー 国をー 造るためぇー・・・ 目指すはクスコーーー」です。「インカ帝国の成立 by つぼいノリオ」です。
Day 345: 04 JUL 2011
Nasca to Abancay (Hotel Imperial)
36,571km to 37,031km = 460km
It rained last night, so the road was wet this morning.
Got ready before 9am, and said good-bye to Luis and Laurence and I took off.
As soon as I turned off to the route 26 off Panamerican Hwy, the road was ascending. Curves after curves! Going up the mountains very rapidly.
Unfortunately the weather wasn't that good. I went through fog (not so thick), then when it cleared, there was a nice view!
It got really colder up there. I guess it was already more than 3,000m high. Nasca was 600m high, so more than 2,000m difference.
Then when I reached the top of the pass, the altitude was 4,431m! Strong winds blew. There were herds of Vicunas and Alpacas. The temp was 6℃・・・。 Really cold.
Then snow capped mountains appeared in front. And there were lakes!! A nice view.
I started to see snow still remaining on the roadside. I checked the altitude and it was 4,541m! Then there was a little more up, so the highest pont of the road was around 4,600m, I reckon.
Then started to descend. It was a great ride on the route 26. Unfortunately the weather wasn'T the best, it rained (and even hailed) a bit.
I thought I could get to Anbacay before 3pm. If so, I thought I could get to Cusco before sunset, but when I arrived Anbacay, it was 3:30pm. There was still 200km to go and I had only 2 1/2 hours before sunset. So I decided to stay Anbacay a night. Luckily I found a hotel with a parking spot easily. The hotel is Hotel Imperial. The name is very impressive, but it is very basic accomodation. The private room cost 25 Soles, shared toilet and bathroom. It has WiFi too.
I am very tired riding in cold. So I will go to bed early. Tomorrow, CUSCO!!
Nasca (Inti Wasi Hostel)
Day 344: 03 JUL 2011
Nasca (Inti Wasi Hostel)
Today I took a flight over Nasca Lines. It was really expensive, but I had to see them. I got up arpund 8am, having breakfast with Tom and Nadia. CHattin with them for a while anfd the pick up bus came already! I hadn'T washed my face yet... Quickly I got ready and jumped on the bus.
The airport security was pretty tight. We needed to show pur passports, and went throgh secuity checks. I wonder who would hijack planes here. There wouldn't be any target to hit...
Then we hopped on to a sesna. Even though I like reciprocating airplanes, it was my first time to be on one of them! I was with 4 Japanese-American tourists.
The took off was smooth, seeing rugged terrerian of Nasca. Then the plane flied over those square, triangle lines. After that we saw Whale, Monkey, Dog, Parrot, Humming bird, Alcatoraz, Spider, etc. I saw those on TV and books, but now I was seeing on my bear eyes. Great.
Back to the hostel, after having a little break, I went out for lunch with Tom and Nadia. We had talked about many things and had great time. They were taking a night bus to Cusco tonight.
We went out for dinner together. Seeing them off, I went to bed early.