三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
巡礼地「サンティアゴ・デ・コンポステーラ」 / Santiago de Compostela
Day 700: 2012年6月27日
Oporto - Portugal to Leon - Spain (Camping Ciudad Leon)
69,389km to 69,974km = 585km
We left the hotel before 9am. We rode to the north from Oporto and around 100km later, we crossed a bridge and entered Spain! We spent only 4 days in Portugal but we had great time there.
スペインに戻って来ました!! ガソリンはスペインのほうが安いんです。
So we were back in Spain! Petrol is cheaper in Spain.
From Redondela till Arcade, the road went along side of a bay and there were some nice sceneries. We stopped and took some photos.
国境から140キロくらい走ると、巡礼路「カミノ・デ・サンティアゴ(Camino de Santiago)」のサンティアゴ・デ・コンポステーラ(Santiago de Compostela)に到着します。
After riding 140km or so after crossing the border, we arrived Santiago de Compostela.
Santiago is the nickname of St Jacob the apostle. At the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, his body is rested. Here is the highlight of the pilgrimage.
At the centre of the town, there were many pilgrims with backpacks. From the begining of the Camino de Santiago at the border of France to Santiago, there would be 1,000km! There are hills, mountians, valleys etc. It would be really hard to walk through all the way. Ryo (I met him at the hostel in Granada) walked through this pilgrimage route. Mr. Ogino - the owner of "Savana Kitagawa" in San Jose, Costa Rica, likes walking through the route, and he comes here every year.
We asked where we could have a nice lunch and they told us "Gato Negro (Black Cat)". But it was expensive, so we went to a supermarket to make sandwithces.
After lunch, we visited the cathedral. The tower was magnificent.
It is a huge cathedral as 1 of 12 Apostles is resting.
Those curvings are pretty good too.
Inside the cathedral, it was gorgeous. Actually taking photo was prohibited, but we did not know and took a photo below. But other tourists were taking photos and the security guard did not say anything...
There is a statue of St. Jacob there and we could go behind the statue and touch it (we did not touch it but there were some graffitis there...)! I had never seen a church / cathedral like this.
We took a stair down to the basement where the body of St. Jacob resting. I was really amazed with this cathedral. Daniel was also glad to visit here.
それにしても暑い!! 時間は4時です(スペインはポルトガルより1時間進んでます)。目指すレオンまでは300キロ以上。走るぞー!!
It was really hot!! It was 4pm (Spanish time zone is 1 hour ahead of Portugal). Leon, where we were heading to would be some 300km away! So we still had a big ride ahead!!
何回か休憩し、ようやくレオンに到着したのは9時ごろ。目星のキャンプ場は1人11ユーロで、WiFiも無料! ヨシ!!
We had a few rests on the way and finally got to Leon around 9pm. The campsite cost 11 Euros and it got free WiFi!! Great!!!
We went to a supermarket to buy our dinner and breakfast. We wanted to sleep early today ut we had to make a research on accomodation tomorrow and update blog, so we were busy till late.
明日はバスクの地サン・セバスチャン(San Sebastian)まで走る予定です。
Tomorrow we try to get to an Sebastian, Pais Basco.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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Oporto - Portugal to Leon - Spain (Camping Ciudad Leon)
69,389km to 69,974km = 585km
We left the hotel before 9am. We rode to the north from Oporto and around 100km later, we crossed a bridge and entered Spain! We spent only 4 days in Portugal but we had great time there.
スペインに戻って来ました!! ガソリンはスペインのほうが安いんです。
So we were back in Spain! Petrol is cheaper in Spain.
From Redondela till Arcade, the road went along side of a bay and there were some nice sceneries. We stopped and took some photos.
国境から140キロくらい走ると、巡礼路「カミノ・デ・サンティアゴ(Camino de Santiago)」のサンティアゴ・デ・コンポステーラ(Santiago de Compostela)に到着します。
After riding 140km or so after crossing the border, we arrived Santiago de Compostela.
Santiago is the nickname of St Jacob the apostle. At the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, his body is rested. Here is the highlight of the pilgrimage.
At the centre of the town, there were many pilgrims with backpacks. From the begining of the Camino de Santiago at the border of France to Santiago, there would be 1,000km! There are hills, mountians, valleys etc. It would be really hard to walk through all the way. Ryo (I met him at the hostel in Granada) walked through this pilgrimage route. Mr. Ogino - the owner of "Savana Kitagawa" in San Jose, Costa Rica, likes walking through the route, and he comes here every year.
We asked where we could have a nice lunch and they told us "Gato Negro (Black Cat)". But it was expensive, so we went to a supermarket to make sandwithces.
After lunch, we visited the cathedral. The tower was magnificent.
It is a huge cathedral as 1 of 12 Apostles is resting.
Those curvings are pretty good too.
Inside the cathedral, it was gorgeous. Actually taking photo was prohibited, but we did not know and took a photo below. But other tourists were taking photos and the security guard did not say anything...
There is a statue of St. Jacob there and we could go behind the statue and touch it (we did not touch it but there were some graffitis there...)! I had never seen a church / cathedral like this.
We took a stair down to the basement where the body of St. Jacob resting. I was really amazed with this cathedral. Daniel was also glad to visit here.
それにしても暑い!! 時間は4時です(スペインはポルトガルより1時間進んでます)。目指すレオンまでは300キロ以上。走るぞー!!
It was really hot!! It was 4pm (Spanish time zone is 1 hour ahead of Portugal). Leon, where we were heading to would be some 300km away! So we still had a big ride ahead!!
何回か休憩し、ようやくレオンに到着したのは9時ごろ。目星のキャンプ場は1人11ユーロで、WiFiも無料! ヨシ!!
We had a few rests on the way and finally got to Leon around 9pm. The campsite cost 11 Euros and it got free WiFi!! Great!!!
We went to a supermarket to buy our dinner and breakfast. We wanted to sleep early today ut we had to make a research on accomodation tomorrow and update blog, so we were busy till late.
明日はバスクの地サン・セバスチャン(San Sebastian)まで走る予定です。
Tomorrow we try to get to an Sebastian, Pais Basco.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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