
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



Day 532: 2012年1月8日

El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
50,696km to 50,700km = 4km



昼飯はインスタントラーメン。そしてホセとササヤマさんと夕飯用の食料を買出し。ステーキと野菜スープを作る予定。ウベとポールをキャンプ場に訪ねましたが、いなかったので「Calafate Hostel」を訪ねたらネットしてました。明日9時過ぎに出発とのことなので、明日の朝見送りに行くことに。


ホセが「暑い暑い」と窓を開けるので、ハエが大量に入ってきたので、ハエ叩きを続行。結局312匹をやっつけました!! ワシって凄いかも。


DSCF0744.jpg312匹で打ち止め、かと思いきや、まだまだハエが出てきたので結局333匹を達成!!! その後10匹殺したので本当は343匹なんですけどね。エル・カラファテの藤旅館。ハエ叩きコンテスト。皆さんも343匹の記録に挑戦してみませんか!?

Day 532: 08 JAN 2012

El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
50,696km to 50,700km = 4km

I was awake by flies. They were so annoying!! WIth Yutaka, I went ot buy breads at a breadshop.

As there were many flies inside the hostel, I started to kill flies. In the morning I killed 87 flies. Then I visited Uwe and Paul at their campground to wash our bikes. But what I did not realise was it was sunday! So I caht with them and went back to my hostel.

I restarted killing flies. I reached No. 100 before lunch. After having lunch, with Yutaka and Mr Sasayama, I went to a supermarket to get foods for dinner. We planned to cook steaks and vegetable soup.

I visited Uwe and Paul at their campground but they weren't there. I went to find them at "Calafate Hostel". They said they will be leaving after 9am tomorrow, so I will go to see them off at their campground.

Back to the hostel, I restarted to terminate flies. I got more than 200 before cooking dinner. After dinner Yutaka opened windows, to more flies came in. I killed total of 312 flies!! It was fun but very tiriing.

Yutaka bought us ice cream and soda, so we had them in the evening. Thanks, Yutaka!!

I thought 312 flies would be enough to terminate al flies in El Calafate, but later in the evening, there wer more flies! So I restarted my terminator work, and reached No. 333! I killed 10 more in the end, so I killed 343 flies total in a day. Amazing!!


Day 531: 2012年1月7日

Punta Arenas - Chile to El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
50,219km to 50,456km = 237km (Chile side)
50,456km to 50,696km = 240km (Argentina side): Total = 477km



途中でヴァ・テウレチェス(Va Tehuelches)という集落(往路でもここで休憩しました)。珈琲休憩をして、店の窓に「M-26-7」のステッカーを貼りました。ウベとテッドも欲しいと言うので、贈呈。テッドのKTMにはチェのステッカーが既に貼ってあるので、「M-26-7」のステッカーを喜んでました。


DSCF0735.jpgDSCF0736.jpgリオ・トゥルビオ(Rio Turbio)で給油・昼飯休憩をして、タピ・アイケ(Tapi Aike)まで。ここからルート40のダートに入ります。往きは風が強かったのですが、復路の今日は風が無いので、時速100~110キロでダートを駆け抜けます。イバちゃんの代わりにタイヤを運んでいるので、軽い軽い。昨日交換したばかりのテッドのリア・タイヤ(台湾製のMaxxis)のブロックが既に破損。これは酷いタイヤふだ。


なんと、ホセが到着してました!! チヒロちゃんもいます。久しぶりの再会を祝します。ウベとポールがBBQをやるというおで、ホセとチヒロちゃんも誘ってウベのキャンプ場へ。アルゼンチン牛、最高!!


Day 531: 07 JAN 2012

Punta Arenas - Chile to El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
50,219km to 50,456km = 237km (Chile side)
50,456km to 50,696km = 240km (Argentina side): Total = 477km

I was wondering if Uwe, Paul and Ted could wake up this morning (they emptied a bottle and half of whisky and some beers last evening), but I successfully woke them up. The gate of the garage next door opened at 8:30am, so we brought our bikes outside and geared up. We left there at 9am. There was no wind amaziningly.

Without wind, it was easy to ride through on the bituman. We stopped at Va Tehuelches, where we had a coffee break on the way to Ushuaia as well, and had a coffee break! I put my "M-26-7" sticker on the window, and Uwe and Ted wanted to have a sticker, I gave them one each.

Ted has "Che" sticker on his KTM and he put "M-26-7" sticker next to "Che", so it looks really cool!! An American on an Austrian motorcycle with Che and M-26-7 stickers! Very interesting mix, isn't it!?

Then we rode to the border. It was an easy process to get cross the border. I think I won'T be back to Chile again for a while. Good-bye to Chile, for now.

In Argentinian side, Rio Turbio, we stopped for fuel and lunch. There was no strong wind, so we rode on the bituman very confortably.

At Tapi Aike, Uwe and I refueled for just in case. From there we hit the dirt section of Ruta 40. Without strong wind and Iba, it was an easy ride. I could cruise at 100 - 110km/h. With Heidenau front tyre and Sahara 3 rear tyre, I could ride on dirt with more confident. They are really good tyre (Well Continental TKC 80 front tyre was better on dirt than Heidenau).

We rode through 65km of dirt  inno time and came to the paved road. We took a few photos there. Ted'S reat tyre - Maxxis - got many knobbs already broken off. It might not be designed for high speed cruising but it should not be broken like that!

We arrived El Calafate around 6pm. We had a drink at a pub and I went to "Fuji Ryokan". Other 3 went to the campground of "Jorgito".

At "Fuji Ryokan", Yutaka and Chihiro were waiting for me. It's nice to see my old friends again. I invited them to the BBQ party at "Jorgito" with Uwe and Paul tonight. We had a good evening!!


Day 528: 2012年1月4日

Ushuaia (Ueno Sansou)
49,710km to 49,746km= 36km


なので、Moto Pabloへ。しかし開店は4時半から。パブロも出かけていませんでした。なので4時ごろ戻ってこようかな、と。




4時になったのでMoto Pabloへ。早速タイヤ交換を頼みます。Metzeler Sahara 3 を選択、というか、それしか合うやつは無いです。が、しかし「Tube Tyre」って書いてあります。「えええええぇぇぇえええぇ!!!」です。この間パブロは「チューブレス用だよ」っと言ってたのでそれを信用してたのが間違いですね。

DSCF0697.jpgしかし、パブロは「チューブ用でも問題ない!」と。「今までこれをGSに装着してきたけど、問題なかったよ。というか、チューブレス用とか、そんなの気にしたことも無い。」と。うーーーーん、心配だ。しかし今履いているツーランスはもう限界ギリギリ。パブロを信用して、Sahara 3を入れてみますか。


DSCF0698.jpgDSCF0700.jpgで、結果は? ちゃんと装着されています。走ってみても問題無さそうです。パブロ曰く「120キロくらいで巡航している分には何にも問題ない。」とのこと。



明日は8時ごろにウベとテッドと道で落ち合い、先ずはRio Grandeを目指し、彼らはプンタ・アレーナスを、ワシは多分Rio Gallegosを目指します。

Day 528: 04 JAN 2012

Ushuaia (Ueno Sansou)
49,710km to 49,746km= 36km


Day 527: 2012年1月3日

Ushuaia (Ueno Sansou)
49,687km to 49,710km = 23km

e7ad3a9c.jpegさて、今日は朝からウベのキャンプ場に行き、ウベと連れ立ってバイク屋「Moto Pablo」へ行きました。残念ながらウベのチェーンは有るけどスプロケットが無い、と。

ワシの場合はタイヤが1,300ペソ、パニア修理が380ペソ、オイルが300ペソ、そして工賃が480ペソと2,430ペソ(600米ドル)とお高いマンエン。しかし、必要経費ですねコレは。ドロールとアンジェラが見に来てくれて、一緒にエンパナーダを食べました。ブラジルでの再会を約束して別れました。Buen viaje mis amigos!!

DSCF0694.jpgエスペランサを預けて、スーパーに買出し。スーパーに入ったところで、ウベが「あ、そういえばポールがYAMAHAが既にタイヤをプンタ・アレーナスに送ったといってたよ!」と。急遽Moto Pabloに引き返し、タイヤ交換は保留となりました。なので出発は明日にしないで明後日にしよう、となりました。


うーん、ウシュアイアで交換は高いけど、確実だから、ここで交換するかな? もうタイヤの残りが僅かだから、ダートでのパンク、濡れている路面が怖いですよね。

DSCF0693.jpg6時半までキャンプ場で過ごし(ビジターの施設使用量10ペソ支払って)、Moto Pabloに戻ると…、オイル交換は完了してましたが、エアフィルター清掃、パニアの修理が何もなされていない…。「パニアの蓋を開けられないから…」とパブロの言い訳。鍵はかけてないのに! サクッとパニアを開けて見せると、「9時か10時には仕上がるから!」と。

DSCF0695.jpg残念なことに、エンジンアンダーガードの六角ネジを取り外しのときに舐めてしまっているので、ボルトに交換されていました。ボルトのヘッドが石にやられてしまうんじゃないの?? まぁ、今のところはこれでいいか。パニアは溶接屋さんが取りに来て運ばれていきました。「1時間か1時間半で戻る。」とのこと。ブラジル人ライダー何人かがSUZUKI V-Stromで来ているのですが、1台が電気系の問題で手こずっております。エンパナーダを夕飯に。



Day 527: 03 JAN 2012

Ushuaia (Ueno Sansou)
49,687km to 49,710km = 23km

From the morning, I visited Uwe at his campground and together we rode to "Moto Pablo". Unfortunately, they had a chain for Uwe but no sproket... For me, it will cost 2,430APs (1,300APs for a tyre, 300APs for engine oil, 380APs for fixing the pannier, and 480APs for labour). Very expensive. Pablo said, it will be ready by 7pm.

Dolor and Angela visited there to check availabilty of tyres for me! HOw kind. We had empanadas together and had chat. I will see them again in Brazil for sure. Buen viaje, mis amigos!

I left my GS there and we went to a supermarket. Then Uwe realised he received a message from Paul about the tyre. He said his used rear tyre was already sent from Temco last Thursday to Punta Arenas! So it would be there already.

We quickly went back to Moto Pablo and told Pablo to hold the job for changing tyre.

At Uwe'S campground, I checked the message from Paul. He said he will check the situation and let me know. I paid 10APs to the campground to use their facilities. We stayed there till 6:30pm and went back to Moto Pablo.

When we got there, the engine oil was changed but other jobs had not been done. Pablo said "I could nt open the pannier. It was locked..."  Nop, it was not locked. I opened it without using key and he said "Ok, it will be done by 9 or 10pm!"

Unfortunately, when taking off the bash plate, the bolt heads were damaged and he put other bolts. The bolt heads were not flat, so they stick out. I am affraid the rocks might hit them, but as a temporary solution, I have to accept it.

A welder came to pick up my pannier. He said it wold be done in 1 - 1 1/2 hour.

There were several Brazilians on SUZUKI V-Strom. One of them had got an electronic problem and mechanics were having hard time to identify the problem.

I had empanadas again for dinner and finally the pannier was fixed around 10pm. The welder did the great job. It was straighted, reinformced and welded very well. I think it was money well spent.

Back to the hostel, there were 3 new guys, but I was too tired, so I went to bet soon. Tomorrow, I will check with Paul and decide if I will change the tyre here or go back to Punta Arenas.


Day 526: 2012年1月2日

Ushuaia (Ueno Sansou)
49,660km to 49,687km = 27km



街に出てピザで昼飯。キャンプ場に戻り、ネット。ブログのアップとメールチェック。そうしたら、ポールから「テムコのYAMAHAディーラーがポールの使い古しのタイヤをプンタ・アレーナスまで送れる」、とのメッセージが。そして、この間出会ったドロールからウシュアイアのMoto Pabloという店でタイヤを買えるという情報を入手。

早速Moto Pabloへ。しかし営業時間は夕方の4時半から夜10時まで。時間は3時半。しかも今日開店するのかわかりません。ガラス越しにみると、MetzelerのTouranceやSahara 3が置いてあります。Touranceのサイズはステッカーが貼ってあってわかりませんが、Sahara 3は140/80-17ですのでエスペランサに装着可能です。

「タイヤが欲しいんだけど。」というと、「中に入っていいよ。」と。Touranceはサイズが130だったので細すぎますが、他にMetzeler Marathonの150/80-17が有りました。しかしこれはロード向きすぎますか。値段は大体1,000ペソ(250米ドル)です。高い!!! TouranceやHeidenauにならその値段を払ってもいいですが…。どうしますかねぇ。まぁ、高いけど、ここで交換しておけば今後は安心して走れますね。







Day 526: 02 JAN 2012

Ushuaia (Ueno Sansou)
49,660km to 49,687km = 27km

I woke up at 11:30am. I had an apointment with Uwe at 12noon, so I quickly got ready and went to his campground.

Uwe told me that he saw a car repair shop nearby, so we went there first. But as it is a public holiday (the new year'S day was on sunday, that's why), the shop was closed.

We went to the town and had a pizza for lunch, then went back to his campground.

I checked e-mails and found out YAMAHA Temco can send the Paul's used Tourance to Punta Arenas and I can get a new tyre here in Ushuaia (the informatio from Dolor and Elton, thanks amigos!).

So I went to the moto shop recomended by Dolor and Elton. The shop is called "Moto Pablo". It was closed but I could see tyres from the window. I could see Metzeler Tourance and Sahara 3. I could not know the size of Tourance, but Sahara 3 was 140/80-17.It will fit to my GS.

Now the consern is the price. Then Pablo came out from the shop. Lucky me. I asked him the price and he said around 1,000ALPs. It is really expensive. But he said he could repair my pannier tomorrow, so I decided to chane the tyre, change the engine oil, clean the air filter and fix the pannier at his workshop. So tomorrow it will be a busy day.

Back to the campground,I sent a message to Paul to cancel the shipment of the used tyre from Temco. Uwe also needs to change his chain and sprokets, so he wil go to Moto Pablo tomorrow morning with me.

Back to the hostel, I read a Japanese novel. Iba, Dai and Shino came back from the town and we cooked dumplings and pasta for dinner. Dai and Shio are leaving here earlymorning tomorrow. Iba will catch afternoon plane to E Calafate. So we will sprit up here. Thank you, Iba, I had a good time with you. We might be able to catch up in El Calafate.

Well, I should go to sleep early today.


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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
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