
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



Day 327: 2011年6月16日

Cuenca to Loja (Hotel Metoropolitano)
32,925km to 33,237km = 312km









恐らくしばらくネットにアクセスできないので(ピウラ - Piuraという街まで)ブログの更新は3-4日お休みになります。

Day 327: 16 JUN 2011

Cuenca to Loja (Hotel Metoropolitano)
32,925km to 33,237km = 312km

The weather of Cuenca this orning was fine. I was glad that I stayed 1 more day here.

I got ready by 9am. I said good-bye to Uwe and went to Cesar's
Smash Repair shop to say good-bye. But Cesar wasn't in yet. So I said good-bye to all staff and took off.

It got really cold on the top of the pass to Loja, and it was very foggy. It rained sometimes, but wasn't hard enough to get wet. But there was a place (I guess just removed mud from the road after a landslide), full of muddy water on the road, so mud splashed onmy GS and and my boots! I need a big wash again!!

I arrived Loja before 12:30pm. Vilcabamba was 41km away, so I continued.

I had lunch at small village. I had Fritada with Yuka. Lots of meat and I liked the dish, but I was charged US$5! That's a rip off!

I arrived Vilcabamba before 2pm. I thought I could spend 2 nights here, but nothing was appealing. So I decided to go back to Loja. Anyway, the border I am planning to cross is at Macara. From Vilcabamba, I had to take a dirt road to Macara, but from Loja, the road would be sealed most of the place.

I came back to Loja before 3pm. I went passed Hostal Londores, the cheapest hostel on Lonely Planet, but it did not look like I could park my GS. So I went to Hotel Metropolitano. The single costs US$12 and I had to pay US$2 to park my bike. It was expensive, but I was a little tired and it had WiFI, so I am staying here now.

When I was wiping dirt off my GS, those staffs at the hotel started to wash a car with a high pressurerised hose. After they finished washing, they rent me the hose. Now my GS is clean again and if I went to a carwash, it would cost US$3 or 4, the rent of US$14 wouldn't be bad.

Tomorrow, I will leave here early and head to Macara. Then I will cross the border to Peru on Saturday morning.
I guess I won'thave Internet access for 3-4days till I get to Piura, Peru, so the blog will not be updated  for a while.



Day 326: 2011年6月15日

Cuenca (La Casa de Cesar)

今日は出発の日! しかし、起きたら雨…。恐らく南下すれば雨から逃れることが出来るのでしょうが…。


雨は8時ごろに止んで曇ってますが道路も乾き始めました。アダムは9時ごろに出発。キトからほぼずっと行動を共にしてきたので別れるのは寂しいですがペルーの何処かで再会できるでしょう。それまで友よ無事で良い旅を! Buen viaje, mi hermano inglaterra!

朝飯を食べてカオル先輩の宿泊先Hostal Tourista del mundoを訪ねます。幸い先輩は寝てました!


DSCF5944.jpgDSCF5946.jpgウベは一旦家に戻り先輩とワシは近くのプーマプンゴ・インカ遺跡(Ruinas de Pumapungo)へ。入り口が分からずウロウロしましたが博物館から入れることが判明。


Day 326: 15 JUN 2011

Cuenca (La Casa de Cesar)

It was raining hard this morning. Adam was having a cabin sickness, so he decided to leave. We had a feeling that the rain just stayed here and once we went over the mountains, it would be clear.
But I had a bad feeling to leave today, so I decided to stay one more day. Also my friend Kaoru was in town, so I could meet him.

Uwe had something going on with Elizabeth, so he was happy to stay longer here.

The rain stopped around 8am and even though it was clouded, the street got dry. Adam left around 9am. Since Quito, we had been together most of the time. So it was sad to see him off, but we were solo anyway.  We will meet up somewhere in Peru for sure Till then have a safe and fun adventure, my English borther! Buen viaje mi hermano Inglaterra!

I went to Hostal Tourista del mundo where Kaoru stayed. Luckily he was there. At the hostel I updated my blog and uploaded photos to Facebook, then we went out for lunch at Mercado. We met up with Uwe on the way. Kaoru had Cuy there. But he said the skin was hard and it smelled a bit.

Uwe went home and Kaoru and I went to Inca ruins - Pumapungo. We could not find the entrance but we found out we could go into the ruin from the museum. The entrance of the museum and the ruin was free. But they were not really great.

I started to fel sick, so I said good-bye to Kaoru and went home to have nap. He wa also heading to Peru, we will meet up again.

Tomorrow even it rains, I will head to Vilcabamba.


Day 325: 2011年6月14日

Cuenca (La Casa de Cesar)






Day 325: 14 JUN 2011

Cuenca (La Casa de Cesar)

Today is Ernesto's birthday. Happy birthday mi amigo. If you are still around, you will be 83.

We supposed to leave Cuenca and head to Vilcabamba, but it rained hard. So we decided to stay here one more day.

Uwe went out with Elizabeth, so I cooked dinner with Adam.

Tomorrow we will leave Cuenca and head to Vilcabamba if not raining...


Day 324: 2011年6月13日

Parque Extremo to Cuenca (La Casa de Cesar)
32,872km to 32,925km = 53km





調べた結果ペルーでは車両保険の加入が義務付けられていて1ヵ月で97ソル、2ヶ月で150ソルもします(1米ドル=2.76ソル)! 思いの外高い!! ホルへ・ファンを夕食に招きましたが残念ながらキトに出張とか。

それから両替所(Vas Corp)でドルをペルーの通過ソルに両替。100米ドルが270ソルになりました。



Day 324: 13 JUN 2011

Parque Extremo to Cuenca (La Casa de Cesar)
32,872km to 32,925km = 53km

The strong wind blew whole night. I got up before 7am. Sky was very dark at the southern side, but the wind was blowing from north, so it would be cleared later.

Before I put away my tent, it was blown off by the strong wind! And my tent fly got a few small holes... I need to patch them up....

We left Parque Extremo around 8am, we rode through the curves very comfortably. We got back to Cesar's place before 9:30am.

After unloaded gears, we went to see Cesar at his office, but he wasn't in yet. Dolores was very grumpy again. I don't know what's wrong with her...

Back to the house, while I was taking shower, Cesar came to visit us. How could we thank you, Cesar. We invited him for dinner tonight.

We went out for lunch in the town, and went to Austrian Cafe for Internet. I uploaded my diaries and photos to my blog.

Claire and Mark sent us an e-mail saying they were safely crossed the border to Peru and enjoying hospitality of Peruvian and blue sky!

They said having Insurance in Peru was compulsory (they checked with Tourist Information) and it would cost 97 Soles for a month and 150 Soles for 2 months. That's expensive!! We invited Jorge Juan for dinner, but he replied that he had to go to Quito, unfortunately. We wanted to thank him properly though.

Then we went to Currency Exchange at Vaz Corp. We changed US$100 each and it became 270 Soles.

On the way back to the house, we visited Cesar at his office and had chat. Dolores made us coffee but she was still grumpy...

We went to Taj Mahar again for dinner. Back to the house, having rum and listening electronic punk, we had good evening.

Cesar said to us "Any time you come back to Cuenca, visit me. Remember you have a friend in Cuenca." We would like to extend our gratitude to you, Cesar. Luckily he is also planning to see Dakar Rally at the end of this year with Juan and Pedro, so we might be able to meet in Argentina.



Day 323: 2011年6月12日

Parque Extremo

---1週間分の日記をアップしました。ご覧ください!! (ネットにアクセスできなかったもので)---


DSCF5816.jpgDSCF5824.jpg昨晩は暗くてよく見えませんでしたが、窓の外には絶景が! そして中東の宮殿を模した建物が。外に出て散歩。山が谷があり、素晴らしい風景。そして宮殿。こんなところに自分が招かれているとは。ちょっとそこら辺を歩いただけでも30分です。


DSCF5842.jpg昨日の夕飯の残りを電子レンジで暖めて食べてしばらく歓談したたら、「朝飯が用意できた」と。しまった! 母屋に行ってセビッチェとモルシーヤを。それから動物園に。











それからパルケ・エキストリーモに戻り人口池の畔で野営です。フェリペ運転のラリーカーでコースを一周する予定でしたがウベが一周して帰って来たらボンネットがいきなり開いて窓ガラスにガンと!! 残念ながらアダムとワシはラリーできませんでした。ホルへ・ファンは明日朝早くから仕事とのことでクエンカに戻りました。本当にありがとうホルへ・ファン。クエンカで再会しよう!!


Day 323: 12 JUN 2011

Parque Extremo

Last evening was incredible but today was even more unbelievable day.

Last night it was dark to see surrounding, but when I woke up, I could see an amazing scenery through a window.

There were mountains I could see from the distance and a palace in Middle Eastern style in front of me.

I got up from the bed and walked around. The hill where the palace located was surrounded by mountains and a valley. Very very beautiful place.

I could not really believe I was invited here. Just walking around took me 30mins.

Adam and Uwe were up too. I nuked the left over from last night and ate it. I was chatting with them and we were told that "Breakfast is served." Ouch, I was full already.

But I could not say "no" to Ceviche and Molcilla. I was so stuffed.

After breakfast, we walked to the "Zoo". As Jorge Juan said last night, there were 10 lions!

I had never been so close to lions before. 2 lions were just 1 year old but they were already very big girls.

There were many Ocilotos, Pumas - very beautiful cats, Bears, Cayman, Monkeys, birds (even Ostrich) etc, etc.

Back to the room once and we met Jorge Juan's dad Jorge and mum Rebecca. They were very very friendly and wonderful people.

Then we went to see the church. It looked like Arabic outlook with crosses. Inside was very proper church. I went up to the top of the tower, and there was an amazing view I cold see.

The reason why the palace and the church were built in Middle Eastern style, Eljuri family came from Lebanon long time ago.

When I came out from the church, Jorge Juan was waiting down there. He said he was gonna take us a tour inside the palace.

There were quite a few arts corrected by Jorge senior displayed in the house. I particularly liked the bronze works.

There was a swimming pool at a terrace. Both side of the swimming pool, there were terraces with a magnificent view. We were served coffee there. Fantastic.

The experience was very unusual for me, not in my reality, but it was good to experience the difference.

We were invited for lunch with Jorge senior and Rebecca. The typical cousin of Cuenca was served. It was excellent.

Wines and liquors severed were top quality as well. We talked about our trips, and Jorge senior talked about his passion on arts and auction.

They told us "You are welcome to be back any time." How wonderful they were.

If Adam's pannier frame was not broken, if my pannier was not dent, Juan did not take us to Cesar. If Cesar did not suggested us to go to Turi that night, we did not meet Jorge Juan.

Just by chance we were invited to Parque Extremo and the Eljuri's. That's why the trip is very very interesting. We don't know what will happen next.

We went back to Parque Extremo and at the lakeside, we pitched our tents. Jorge Juan suggested us to get into his Rally Car driven by Felipe and go around the course.

Uwe took the first round. But unfortunately, the bonnet came loose somehow and smashed into the front screen! No major damage but it was unsafe to go next round. So Adam and I missed out the opportunity...

Jorge Juan had to get back to Cuenca. We saw him off and went back to our camp site. The wind was strong, but camping under the stars, just 3 of us in Parque Extremo, it was priceless.


一日一回クリックするとランキングがあがります! よろしくお願いいたします!!
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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
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