
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



Day 239: 2011年3月20日

Medellin (Hostal Medellin)




Day 239: 20 Mar 2011

Medellin (Hostal Medellin)

I rergret to announce that I broke up with Claydy. We agreed to coperate each other before I went to pick her up in Mexico,but in my opinion, she was not really willing to coperate with me. She has been very childish and selfish all the way since she has come to Medellin. Recent few days, I tried to talk to her seriously and get more understanding what she was upto, but everytime she was just joking around. I could not take her attitude... When a person is talking seriously, joking or making fun of it is not an acceptable behaviour, I reckon.

I wish I could accept her as she is still young and new to travelling and foregin country. But I have not developed my mentality so generously as yet.... I also regret this point....

So she will go to Bogota on 24th of March and wil catch a plain on the early morning of 25th. I really really regret that I could not get her understanding and I could not make her happy here.

So I continue my trip with Mr. Sheep. I appreciate your continuing support!  



Day 238: 2011年3月19日

Medellin (Hostal Medellin)
30,172km to 30,185km = 13km

DSCF4311.jpg今日は朝Ruta40にGSwo受取に行きました。Google Mapで見るとメトロIndustorias駅の近くなのでメトロで行って歩きました。流石に今日は土曜日なので他のお客さんも来ています。コロンビアは関税が高いのでBMWのバイクを乗れる人は本当に富裕層に限られると思いますが、やはりいるもんなんですねぇ。





Day 238: 19 Mar 2011

Medellin (Hostal Medellin)
30,172km to 30,185km = 13km

I picked up my GS at Ruta40. Checked on Google Map, it is located near Metro Industias station, so I took Metro there. 

The service cost me COP300,000 (About US$165). They changed Engine oil, oil filter, checked the computer etc. I asked if they have a sticker of Ruta40, and they gave me some stickers of Ruta 40 and Colobian flag for free. Thanks so much!

Came back to Hostal Medellin, and we waited for Noah to go gor shopping but he was busy with something, so it was postponed to tomorrow. Then Yutaka and I played pool for a while again. He was getting beter and better. Sometimes he won and other times I won.

Later Claydy joined us and played with another rule. Who gets most balls in the pockets would be the winner. We palyed twice and I won twice!

In the afternoon, we went to Exito to get food stuff. I think we bought too much and would be enough till I go to Cuba. 

In the evening, Claydy started to watch a movie with Noah and Scott, but did not ask me to watch together. So I went for a night ride. But while I was riding on the fringe of the mountains, I saw lightenings. I thought it was about to rain, so I returned (But it did not rain). 

Now I don't have confidence to travel with Claydy, so I am seriously thinking to go solo or not.... 


Day 237: 2011年3月18日

Medellin (Hostal Medellin)


DSCF4300.jpgDSCF4299.jpg昼過ぎにメトロに乗って植物公園(Jardin Botonico)へ。タダで中には入れるんですけど、そんなに大したことありませんね。クライディーがちょっと建物の中に入ってる時に外で待ってたんですが、遠足で来てる中学生たちに掴まりました。「どっから来たノー!?」と聞いてくるので英語で返したらもう大喜び。いろいろ質問攻めです。やはりアジア人は珍しいのだろうか?






Day 237: 18 Mar 2011

Medellin (Hostal Medellin)

As Clayding was sleeping in today (as usual), I had breakfast alone and I bothered Yutaka doing maintenance on his bicycle. Sorry buddy, I was bored.... After that I was playing pool alone for a while. Then Claydy came down and joined me to play pool. We had a few games before she suggested to bet COP20,000. I guess she thought she could win easily as I was not doing very good. But with little more concentration, she was defeated!! I won COP20,000. But this COP20,000 was mine anyway. 

We took Metro to Jardin Botanico (Botanical Garden) in the afternoon. The entrance was free. While Claydy was checking out butterflies inside a cage, I was waiting outside. Then school kids (low teen) sorrounded me. Around 20 of them!! They said "Hello!", so I answered in English and they were so excited! They started questioning me in mixture of Spanish and English. Where I was from, what I was doing here etc etc... I guessed they did not see much Asian here, so for them I was special. Some of them asked me if they could take a photo with me. What surprising was many of them had digital cameras. I did not see that in Central America. Not even in Mexico. I reckoned Colombia is much wealthier than other Latin American countries I had been through.

Then Claydy came out. She was surprised to see me sorrounded by bounch of kids! They were ver amazed to know that Claydy is Mexicana and they asked her those Mexican Spanish words and terms. They took photos of us and I took a photo of them. I had a good time wit you guys, kids!

After walked around the garden for a while, we had late lunch at the restaurant on the garden. It was a bit expensive and the COP20,000 this mornig was gone....

We went back to the hostel and played pool again. Thistime we bet COP2,000. I won 3 times and make COP6,000. Now she was broke...

Tomorrow I will pick up my GS at Ruta40 and then we will go to a mercado with Noah and Scott.


Day 236: 2011年3月17日

Medellin (Hostal Medellin)
30,165km to 30,172km = 8km

今日はバイクをサービスに出しにBMWディーラーRuta40に行きました。ここはHorizon Unlimitedでも評判のディーラーでBMWのバイクで旅をしているライダーの多くがここでサービスや点検をして南下するらしいです。



タクシーで宿まで戻り(6,000ペソ)、昼飯を作って食べてDVD「The Blind Side」を観賞。サンドラ・ブルック主演の実話に基づいた話でイイ映画でした。しかしサンドラは相変わらずマイケル・ジャクソンに似ていてそれが気になってしょうがないです・・・。


Day 236: 17 Mar 2011

Medellin (Hostal Medellin)
30,165km to 30,172= 8km

This morning I brought my GS to BMW Dealer Ruta 40. Brian told me that Ruta 40has lots of credits on Horizon Unlimited Hubb and I heard lots of good things from other riders as well.

I took Claydy there, but she didn't really want to go there. She said "It's a place of men". I replied "Yes it is, Honey. But we are travelling with a motorcycle, and I want you to know more about motorcyclising!" So I kinda forced her to go with me.

Well, as soon as we got there, staff came to me and started a conversation in Spanish. I wanted Claydy to get involved but she went miles away...

I was trying to explain in Spanish but I could not really understand what the recepcionist of Service department was saying. I understand either I should bring the bike on "Saturday" or it will be done by "Saturday". I looked at Claydy and asked her a help. But another staff asked me if I speak English. And we started to talk in English. So Claydy did not join our conversation. 

It will be ready by Saturday morning and the estimate cost was around US$180. The concern was a choice of tyre if we are going to Bolivia. The current set "Metzeler Tourance" have enough tread till Chile, but it would not be very good in the dirt. Continental TKC80 or Metzeler Karoo are the choices for dirt but it would be hard to carry Tourance as the spare, as now we are riding tandem...
I decided to leave the tyre issue and think about it till Saturday.

Claydy was using my spare gloves and they were too big for her. There was a pair of gloves at the shop so we bought that (COP80,000. Around US$42).

As she guessed, she did not have  agood time at Ruta 40.... I felt sorry to let her go there with me, but at the same time I wanted her to try a bit harder to enjoy motorcycling culture.... 

We took a cab back to Hostal Medellin (COP6,000).  Then cokked lunch and watched DVD "The Blind Side" starring Sandra Bullock. It's based on the true story and we enjoyed it.

In the evening, Yutaka and I played pool for a while. We played 5 games and he beat me by 3-2... He had almost never played pool before but was better than me.... What a shit player I am....
Tomorrow we will go to Jardin Botanica.


Day 235: 2011年3月16日

Medellin - Guatape - Medellin (Hostal Medellin)
29,991km to 30,165km = 174km














Day 235: 16 Mar 2011

Medellin - Guatape - Medellin (Hostal Medellin)
29,991km to 30,165km = 174km
I always wanted to go to Guatape since I saw a poster on the wall of Hostal Medellin. When Daniel was still here, we made a plan to visit there. But he decided to go ahead to Quito quickly, so I wanted to go when Claydy got here.

I took off panniers from my GS for easier riding. It's been shince the ride from San Cristobal to Paredon (the end of January) we rode together, so Claydy seemed to be a bit nurvous.

Guatape is located east of Medellin and it would take 1hr and half to 2hrs. I thought it would be easy to get to Autopista (Freeway) but I took a wrong turn and we got lost for a while in the city. We asked a few times and finally a cab driver lead us to the entrance of Autopista. How kind of him! Muchas gracias!!

Once we were on Autopista, it was easy. We just need to follow "Bogota" sign. There were 2 lanes and it was somooth overtaking slow vehiecles.There were lots of curves and I enjoyed riding through them. But as Claydy was onboard, I reserved speed for safety. 

We came quite far but we still had not seen the sigh "Guatape". We came to a small town and the Autopista became single lane. So we asked the local how far uapatpe would be. She said if we went a little further, we would se the sign "Guatape" and turn left. And she was right. We saw the sign 300m ahead (over the hill) and we took a left turn. There were another 32km to Guatape. 

Lots of curves, I liked them. But Claydy later told me that she was scared.... and she wanted to catch a  bus when going back to Medellin.... I am sorry honey, I will slow down a bit.

We saw the giant rock far away. It's quite a view. As we got closer, we saw the beautiful landscape of Guatape. We can get to the bottom of the rock by motorcycle and there is parking spots (COP1,000). As it was lunch time, we had lunch at a restaurant. Yes, there is the touristic place and it came with the touristic price. But the meals were good and we enjoyed our lunch seeing nice view. 

Now we gotta climb up the gigantic rock. 200m above the ground. I heard it is 3rd or 4th biggest rock in the world. The biggest (Mt Augustus in Western Australia) and 2nd (Uluru - Ayers Rock) are located in Australia. I am not sure what would be 3rd. El Capitan of Yosemite? Maybe.

We had to pay COP8,000 each at the entrance. Wow, that's expensive! We can climb up the stairs all theway to the top. Some 600 or more steps. The climb was not that tough but as Guatape is at high altitude, it was hard for our lungs. 

The view from the top was magnificent! We wondered if those water was river or lake. We guessed it would be a man made lake for generating electricity, and later we fond it right.

Here we met Giorgio of Italy, Shinsuke of Japan and Colombian couple Luis and his wife. Giorgio and Shinsuke are travelling together since Central America. Luis and his wife are from Bogota on vacation. Luis is a funny guy and is a lowyer. He gave us his business card and told us if we encounter with any problem, give him a call. He asked us "What is your plan next?" and I said "I am flying to Cuba alone and Claydy will be waiting for me in Medellin.". He said "That's no good. There are lots og playboys in Medellin. Why doesn't her to come to Bogota and stay with us?" Wow that's a nice offer. His wife also said "I will strap him on the bed while she is sleeping, so it is very safe!!" Hahahaha, they are really nice people. Claydy also thinks it is a good idea, and I think the same too. And we can get to know locals and Bogota. This is the trip, right!?

We left there around 4:30pm and got back to the hostel before 6pm. Tomorrow I will take my GS to the BMW dealer Ruta 40 for 30,00km service.


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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
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