三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Mexico City
Day128: 29 Nov 2010
Mexico City
Spanish lesson in the morning. Back to Pension Amigo, I did some training.
I hope I can get back my strength before I leave D.F.
We tested the kitchen sink in the evening, but we found another leak. There is a crack....
Sealed the crack with silion again and let it dry for another 24 hours. Not sure when it will be fixed...
We had a debate about current afair and future of Japan and till 4am.
Mexico City
Day127: 28 Nov 2010
Mexico City
It's Sunday and I was planning to have a lazy day, but it got a little busy.
I cleaned my bike as dust was covering all over. I put a bike cover to save another hustle.
Then Yoshi and I went to Merced to buy food stuffs. As I have been eating to much recently, I bought more veggies to be healthier.
Back to Pension Amigo, Dios Fujii was fixing the kitchen sink. The handyman yesterday didn't do a good job and we found a leak this afternoon again. We went to Walmart to buy a tube of silicon and a drain pipe. We spent hours to fix it but it was all fun! We have to let silicon get dried. So we can see if it's fixed tomorrow.
Day126: 2010年11月27日
Mexico City
Day126: 27 Nov 2010
Mexico City
We watched the movie "Platoon" till late, so we woke up at 9am.
Maria Fe came to pick us up around 10:30am and we went to the bus terminal. She is also catching a bus to her hometown.
This time we try another bus company "Caminante". The fare was MX$44, cheaper than ETN.
We said good-bye to Maria Fe and got on the bus. She told us that Imelda and she will visit us in D.F. next Thursday, so it's gonna be more fun!
The service and quality of the ride was much better with ETN. The Cominante bus stopped frequently to pick up more passengers on the way and there was o WiFi on board.
I watched an American movie in Spanish translation onboard. Surprisingly I could understand the story line and enjoyed the movie.
We were caught in a traffic but we managed to get back to D.F. before 12:30pm. Back to Pension Amigo and we found out there is a leak from the pipe of the kitchen sink and a Mexican handyman fixing it. It will take a while before we can use the sink again.
Yoshi and I went to have lunch outside as we cannot cook in the kitchen. Then we went to Walmart to buy grocerries. On the way back to Amigo, we saw a taffic accident. Two ladies were run over by a bus. They were taken by an anbulance immediately. Hopefully they are all right.
In the afternnon, Kouji came back with a brand new YAMAHA Virago. We all helped him to take the bike inside the building and talked about the bike. There are three motorcycles in Pension AMigo again!
Yoshi and I cooked a big dinner again. I seriously need to go on diet....
Mexico City
Day125: 27 Nov 2010
Mexico City
Well, today I skipped the Spanish class and went to Toluca with Matsu to see Maria Fe and Imelda.
Left the pension around 9am and caught 10:10am bus to Toluca. The fare costs $55 and it comes with a drink n snack. Surprisingly there is WiFi onboard!
It took 1 hour to get to Toluca. Imelda picked us up at the bus terminal and went to the centro of Toluca to see Maria Fe.
Maria Fe and Imelda attended UAEM, where the faculty of art and design is famous, and we visited the uni to have lunch. There we met their friends.
Toluca seems to be a cultural city. There are many cultural things We went to the complex of museums. I like the cultural atomosphier of the city a lot.
We went to a bar and played a few games of pool, and later on went to have a taquerria for dinner. The dis was something different from what I eat usually and really nice. It was already after 10pm, so Matsu and I stayed in a hotel. We had really good time today, thanks to Maria Fe and Imelda. Muchas Gracias!
Mexico City
Day124: 2010年11月25日
Mexico City
今日は学校に日本からTBSの取材が来てました。ワシのクラスがインタビューの対象となり中庭で撮影となりました。3月にBS TBSで放映されるそうです。
Day123: 24 Nov 2010
Mexico City
This morning there was a TV crew from Japan in the school. They interviewed us why we are in Mexico and why we are studying Spanish here. The TV show will be on air next March on BS TBS.
Back to Pension Amigo and had lunch, then went to Mikasa Japanese Supermarket to buy some survenier for Maria Fe and Imelda.
Kuzu-san could not pack his baggage and he decided to stay one more day. We cooked a big serving of pasta again. Yoshi is a good cook and we have been adding lots of weights recently.
I received an e-mail from Shige that he caught up with Brian in Panama city. They are havng fun travelling and I am glad to hear my friends are doing all right.