三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day118: 2010年11月19日
Mexico City
Day118: 19 Nov 2010
Mexico City
I slept in this morning. It was 3am in the morning I went to bed last night, that's why.
I went shopping to Merced. Every kind of food stuffs are cheap here. I bought meat, cheese and vegetables. Today is the last day for Matsu, so we decided to cook Tempura tonight.
Yoshi cooked Temura very well and we ate a lot!
I have been eating a lot now a days. My belly s getting bigger...
Mexico City
Day118: 19 Nov 2010
Mexico City
I slept in this morning. It was 3am in the morning I went to bed last night, that's why.
I went shopping to Merced. Every kind of food stuffs are cheap here. I bought meat, cheese and vegetables. Today is the last day for Matsu, so we decided to cook Tempura tonight.
Yoshi cooked Temura very well and we ate a lot!
I have been eating a lot now a days. My belly s getting bigger...
Day117: 2010年11月18日
Mexico City

ようやくお迎えが来たのは6時半。それから更に車を待って7時過ぎに出発。服を取りに行ったりして会場に着いたのが8時過ぎですかね。 まずは歩き方の練習をし、着替えます。流石はメキシコファッション、ストーンウォッシュ的な脱色されたスキニージーンズにデニムシャツ。これはかっこ良くないぞ。 しかも、Yoshiさんが消えたと思ってたら、凄いメークをされて出て来ました!これは罰ゲームか?我々は大丈夫かと思いきや、皆とんでもないメークを施されてしまいました…。これじゃ、会場に来ているお姉さんをナンパ出来ませんね。

かなりテンション下がって、いよいよ本番が始まります。何かコンセプトは侍らしいので、一応立ち止まって刀を抜く仕草をしてみたりして会場を盛り上げておきました。 最後は皆で記念撮影。ガッキーポッキーをメキシコ人に教え込んでやりました。残念ながらワシのカメラで撮らなかったので写真はありません。 飯も食わずに気が付けば深夜過ぎ。パーティーはこれからですが、アミーゴ連は帰宅しました。楽しかったと言えば楽しかったですが、何か消化不良な一日でしたね。
Day117: 18 Nov 2010
Mexico City
Spanish class in the morning. We were supposed to be picked up by 2:30pm for the photoshooting. But she did not turn up. She called us and informed us that she would be here by 4pm due to a traffic.
We got nothing to do here until 4pm, so Kuzu-san I played Japanese chess. I am not a good player of Japanese chess but Kuzu-san is even worse... We did several games and it passed 4pm already...
BUT she still did not turn up!
It was 6:30pm, finally she arrived. However, her car is an old VW Golf, only 5 people can be fit in. We waited till 7pm for another car to pick us up.
They brought us to a boutique,to pick up some clothes and met the designer Ricardo.
Finally we arrived at the venue after 8pm...
We were already exhaused from waiting long time.
We had a few practice sessions for walking on the stage and we got dressed in the designed clothes.
ell, we did not like the clothes at all. A pair of stonewashed skinny jeans and a denim jacket aren't cool in our sense, but Ricardo seems to be happy to see us in the clothes.
Yoshi disappeared for a while and when he came out he got a really wired make-up on! Everyone laughed at him. BUT every one of us got the wired make-up!! Now we were totally upset with our outlook. There was no way we can pick up any chick with our looks.....
According to Ricardo, the concept is SAMURAI. But we don't reckon it'S SAMURAI at all.
But we did our job well done, I guess. We did some Japanese moves to make the audiences happy.
It was midnight when the show ended and the party began after that. But we were too exhaused to have fun. We went home with bitter feelings.
Mexico City
ようやくお迎えが来たのは6時半。それから更に車を待って7時過ぎに出発。服を取りに行ったりして会場に着いたのが8時過ぎですかね。 まずは歩き方の練習をし、着替えます。流石はメキシコファッション、ストーンウォッシュ的な脱色されたスキニージーンズにデニムシャツ。これはかっこ良くないぞ。 しかも、Yoshiさんが消えたと思ってたら、凄いメークをされて出て来ました!これは罰ゲームか?我々は大丈夫かと思いきや、皆とんでもないメークを施されてしまいました…。これじゃ、会場に来ているお姉さんをナンパ出来ませんね。
かなりテンション下がって、いよいよ本番が始まります。何かコンセプトは侍らしいので、一応立ち止まって刀を抜く仕草をしてみたりして会場を盛り上げておきました。 最後は皆で記念撮影。ガッキーポッキーをメキシコ人に教え込んでやりました。残念ながらワシのカメラで撮らなかったので写真はありません。 飯も食わずに気が付けば深夜過ぎ。パーティーはこれからですが、アミーゴ連は帰宅しました。楽しかったと言えば楽しかったですが、何か消化不良な一日でしたね。
Day117: 18 Nov 2010
Mexico City
Spanish class in the morning. We were supposed to be picked up by 2:30pm for the photoshooting. But she did not turn up. She called us and informed us that she would be here by 4pm due to a traffic.
We got nothing to do here until 4pm, so Kuzu-san I played Japanese chess. I am not a good player of Japanese chess but Kuzu-san is even worse... We did several games and it passed 4pm already...
BUT she still did not turn up!
It was 6:30pm, finally she arrived. However, her car is an old VW Golf, only 5 people can be fit in. We waited till 7pm for another car to pick us up.
They brought us to a boutique,to pick up some clothes and met the designer Ricardo.
Finally we arrived at the venue after 8pm...
We were already exhaused from waiting long time.
We had a few practice sessions for walking on the stage and we got dressed in the designed clothes.
ell, we did not like the clothes at all. A pair of stonewashed skinny jeans and a denim jacket aren't cool in our sense, but Ricardo seems to be happy to see us in the clothes.
Yoshi disappeared for a while and when he came out he got a really wired make-up on! Everyone laughed at him. BUT every one of us got the wired make-up!! Now we were totally upset with our outlook. There was no way we can pick up any chick with our looks.....
According to Ricardo, the concept is SAMURAI. But we don't reckon it'S SAMURAI at all.
But we did our job well done, I guess. We did some Japanese moves to make the audiences happy.
It was midnight when the show ended and the party began after that. But we were too exhaused to have fun. We went home with bitter feelings.
Day116: 2010年11月17日
Mexico City
昨日はサボってしまったので今日はちゃんと学校に行きました。早速BIMBO Tシャツの売り込みです。サンフェル在住のヒグラシ君からのオーダーが入りました!ありがとうございます!!
Day116: 17 Nov 2010
Mexico City
In the Spanish School, I got an order for the BIMBO T-Shirt! The T-Shirt business might provide me some pocket money!?
Back to Pencion Amigo, we played Table Tennis. at 2:30pm Claydy left Pencion Amigo. Everyone went out to see her off. She had so much buggages, so I accampanied her to the bus terminal.
The taxi driver was very friendly and once he knew Claydy is from Chiapas, he started to talk about Zapatista! He asked me if I know VIce Commandante Marcos. I answered "El es mi amigo!". And he said "Soy Marcos!" with a pieace of cloth covering his mouth!! It was a fun drive to the bus terminal.
At the terminal we had a few moment together before she got on the bus. I am sure that she has mixed feelings going back her hometown after 4 years working in D,F. and Pencion Amigo. I wish I could speak better Spanish to console her.
Anyway, I promised her I will visit her in Chiapas next month and will be speaking better Spanish.
Thank you for everything, Claydy. Have a nice trip back home!
Back to Pencion Amigo, did laundry and cooked Nikujaga (a Japanese favorite dish) with Yoshi. It was so yummy!
The photo shooting for tomorrow morning was cancelled and we have only cat walk tomorrow evening. This is Mexico!
Mexico City
昨日はサボってしまったので今日はちゃんと学校に行きました。早速BIMBO Tシャツの売り込みです。サンフェル在住のヒグラシ君からのオーダーが入りました!ありがとうございます!!
Day116: 17 Nov 2010
Mexico City
In the Spanish School, I got an order for the BIMBO T-Shirt! The T-Shirt business might provide me some pocket money!?
Back to Pencion Amigo, we played Table Tennis. at 2:30pm Claydy left Pencion Amigo. Everyone went out to see her off. She had so much buggages, so I accampanied her to the bus terminal.
The taxi driver was very friendly and once he knew Claydy is from Chiapas, he started to talk about Zapatista! He asked me if I know VIce Commandante Marcos. I answered "El es mi amigo!". And he said "Soy Marcos!" with a pieace of cloth covering his mouth!! It was a fun drive to the bus terminal.
At the terminal we had a few moment together before she got on the bus. I am sure that she has mixed feelings going back her hometown after 4 years working in D,F. and Pencion Amigo. I wish I could speak better Spanish to console her.
Anyway, I promised her I will visit her in Chiapas next month and will be speaking better Spanish.
Thank you for everything, Claydy. Have a nice trip back home!
Back to Pencion Amigo, did laundry and cooked Nikujaga (a Japanese favorite dish) with Yoshi. It was so yummy!
The photo shooting for tomorrow morning was cancelled and we have only cat walk tomorrow evening. This is Mexico!
Day115: 2010年11月16日
Mexico City
1時頃にクライディーが準備出来たのでお出かけです。エル カルメン(El Carmen)と言うテピートに近い街で買い物。その後空港近くの長距離バス駅で明日のチケットを購入。あーあ、とうとう帰っちゃうんだなぁ。彼女と最近出かけたりしてるのでスペイン語は多少上達してるみたいです。前は全然会話になっていなかったのですが、最近は多少会話してますね。ありがとね、クライディー。
アミーゴに戻るとDios藤井が昨日のモデルスカウトの娘が5時くらいにくると伝えてくれました。さて誰が選ばれるのでしょうか!? 何時まで経っても来る気配がありません。インスタントラーメンを食べてパスちゃんにカレーライスをもらってお腹いっぱい!結局彼女が来たのは8時半!流石メキシコ時間です。 選ばれたのは、ワシ、藤井、ベロン氏、クズさんの5人です。明日はまだ準備が整わないとの事で、木曜日の朝から写真撮影にショーがあるそうです。楽しみだな!
サカテカスから一ヶ月以上一緒だったカザフとも今日でお別れです。色々楽しかったよ、カザフ。君とはまたグアテマラ辺りで再会しそうだね。では、良い旅を!Buen Viaje!
Day115: 16 Nov 2010
Mexico City
I couldn't get up early and I skipped the class... urfing net and updating Blog till lunch time.
Claydy got ready aroun 1pm and we went out for shopping again. She bought few more things in El Carmen, near Tepito and we went to the long distance bus terminal near the aireport to buy a bus ticket. Yes, she is leaving D.F. in real... I'm bit sad.
Thanks to her, my Spanish conversation skills improved a lot. But of cource it is not enough to comminicate with her freely. Hopefully by the time I visit her hometown in Chiapas, I can speak better Spanish.
Back to Pencion Amigo, Dios Fujii told us that the model scouting will be here by 5pm. Who will be chosen??
We waited for a long time but she didn't turn up until 8:30pm!
The ones chosen are, Fuji, Velon, Kuzu, Yoshi and myself. I wasn't sure what is the deal but we have photo shooting from Thursday morning! It's gonna be fun!
El Chino, I have been with him since Zacatecas, left Pencion Amigo this evening. He is heading to a small town near Oaxaca. It was fun to be with him and I wish him good luck. I am sure we will meet again somewhere in Latin America soon. Buen Viahe, El Chino!
Mexico City
1時頃にクライディーが準備出来たのでお出かけです。エル カルメン(El Carmen)と言うテピートに近い街で買い物。その後空港近くの長距離バス駅で明日のチケットを購入。あーあ、とうとう帰っちゃうんだなぁ。彼女と最近出かけたりしてるのでスペイン語は多少上達してるみたいです。前は全然会話になっていなかったのですが、最近は多少会話してますね。ありがとね、クライディー。
アミーゴに戻るとDios藤井が昨日のモデルスカウトの娘が5時くらいにくると伝えてくれました。さて誰が選ばれるのでしょうか!? 何時まで経っても来る気配がありません。インスタントラーメンを食べてパスちゃんにカレーライスをもらってお腹いっぱい!結局彼女が来たのは8時半!流石メキシコ時間です。 選ばれたのは、ワシ、藤井、ベロン氏、クズさんの5人です。明日はまだ準備が整わないとの事で、木曜日の朝から写真撮影にショーがあるそうです。楽しみだな!
サカテカスから一ヶ月以上一緒だったカザフとも今日でお別れです。色々楽しかったよ、カザフ。君とはまたグアテマラ辺りで再会しそうだね。では、良い旅を!Buen Viaje!
Day115: 16 Nov 2010
Mexico City
I couldn't get up early and I skipped the class... urfing net and updating Blog till lunch time.
Claydy got ready aroun 1pm and we went out for shopping again. She bought few more things in El Carmen, near Tepito and we went to the long distance bus terminal near the aireport to buy a bus ticket. Yes, she is leaving D.F. in real... I'm bit sad.
Thanks to her, my Spanish conversation skills improved a lot. But of cource it is not enough to comminicate with her freely. Hopefully by the time I visit her hometown in Chiapas, I can speak better Spanish.
Back to Pencion Amigo, Dios Fujii told us that the model scouting will be here by 5pm. Who will be chosen??
We waited for a long time but she didn't turn up until 8:30pm!
The ones chosen are, Fuji, Velon, Kuzu, Yoshi and myself. I wasn't sure what is the deal but we have photo shooting from Thursday morning! It's gonna be fun!
El Chino, I have been with him since Zacatecas, left Pencion Amigo this evening. He is heading to a small town near Oaxaca. It was fun to be with him and I wish him good luck. I am sure we will meet again somewhere in Latin America soon. Buen Viahe, El Chino!
Day114: 2010年11月15日
Mexico City

Yoshiさんが料理を担当して肉約2キロを5人で平らげました!Yoshiさんの料理は美味いなぁ。 明日は学校だというのに3時まで話し込んでしまいました。起きれるのかなぁ。
Day114: 15 Nov 2010
Mexico City
Today is the public holiday in Mexico, so the school is off. I had a lazy morning as usual. I had an appointment with Claydy at 1pm, but she cancelled it.... Now I got nothing todo whole day。
BUT, BUT BUT! It get more interesting in the afternoon.
A friend of the pencion owner came here to find Japanese models for photo shooting! She took our photos and will let us know who she will pick for the models! If chosen, we will be famous!?
As El CHino is leaving tomorrow, we went to Merced to buy meats and vegetables for a banquet tonight. Merced is a huge market place and everything is real cheap! One kilo of pork rib costs MX$35 and one kilo of good Queso Oaxaca costs MX$50!
Back to Pencion Amigo we cooked stir fried portk with ginger. 5 of us ate up 2kg of pork and vegetables! We talked till 3am. I have school tomorrow. Can I get up at 7am?
Mexico City
Yoshiさんが料理を担当して肉約2キロを5人で平らげました!Yoshiさんの料理は美味いなぁ。 明日は学校だというのに3時まで話し込んでしまいました。起きれるのかなぁ。
Day114: 15 Nov 2010
Mexico City
Today is the public holiday in Mexico, so the school is off. I had a lazy morning as usual. I had an appointment with Claydy at 1pm, but she cancelled it.... Now I got nothing todo whole day。
BUT, BUT BUT! It get more interesting in the afternoon.
A friend of the pencion owner came here to find Japanese models for photo shooting! She took our photos and will let us know who she will pick for the models! If chosen, we will be famous!?
As El CHino is leaving tomorrow, we went to Merced to buy meats and vegetables for a banquet tonight. Merced is a huge market place and everything is real cheap! One kilo of pork rib costs MX$35 and one kilo of good Queso Oaxaca costs MX$50!
Back to Pencion Amigo we cooked stir fried portk with ginger. 5 of us ate up 2kg of pork and vegetables! We talked till 3am. I have school tomorrow. Can I get up at 7am?