三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Mexico City
日曜日なのでテピートは人だかり。彼女は実家に帰るので色んなおみやげ物やクリスマスの飾りとか買ってました。ワシはカーゴパンツがそろそろ危険な状態になってきたので軍パンを300ペソで購入。クライディーが多少交渉して安くしてくれました。Muchas Gracias!
Day113: 14 Nov 2010
Mexico City
Claydy and I went to Tepito for shopping. As she is going back to her hometown this Wednesday, she bought lots of souvenirs to her family. It's SUnday and there were too many people in Tepito. Carrying heavy buggages and walking in the crowd wasn't fun....
I bought a pair of cargo pants for MX$300.
Back to Pencion Amigo, we went out to Walmart.
I could spend long time with Claydy today and could practice Spanish. It was a real fun day.
Mexico City
夕方に皆でBIMBO Tシャツを着てWalmartに買出し。以外に注目されないです・・・。
Day112: 13 Nov 2010
Mexico City
Now we can complete our project "Making BIMBO T-Shirts". The owner of Pencion Amigo, Senora Pez rent us an iron and we ironed the prints on our T-Shirsts.
Once we completed, we took photos together. It was a wired view to see everyone wearing the same T-Shirts. I guess any new comer see us, we would scare them off.
I sent a "thank you" mail to the designer Mr. Ishizawa.
Later in the afternoon, Yoshi, the Japanese rider I met in Vancouver, arrived here!
We talked about our trips and motorbikes for a while.
It was the birthday for the manager Mr. Velon. We bought a good bottle of Tequila and we all had fun. Claydy forced him to skull from the bottle. She could be very mean....
Mexico City
Day111: 12 Nov 2010
Mexico City
I went to the Spanish class in the morning. One of students in another class is leaving today, and they are having a farewell party in Condesa this evening and I was invited. I was tempted but I had an appointent with Claydy, so I reluctantly delined the offer. Sorry!
Back to Pension Amigo, we tookthe metro to Chabacano to make the BIMBO T-Shirts. It would be done at 5pm, so we left Kuzu-san and Matsu at the shop.
Claydy got ready by 4:30pm, so we walked to Tokyo restaurant in Zona Rosa. It was pretty expensive but she was happy, so guess it was money wel spent. She is going back to her home town in Chiapas soon and I hope this is one of the good memories in D.F.
The T-Shirts were done when we got back to Pencion Amigo. Tomorrow we will iron the front prints on the T-Shirts.
Day110: 2010年11月11日
Mexico City
今日は比較的温かいですね。学校で勉強。帰ってきて復習をしてたら眠くなって昼寝。 ついに旅沈の石澤さんからBIMBOのTシャツのデザインが届きました。早速明日プリント屋さんで作ります!石澤さん、ありがとうございます!!
Bimbo, la mayor productora de pan del mundo
Day110: 11 Nov 2010
Mexico City
It was warm today. After the lesson, back to Pencion Amigo and I had a nap. Ishizawa-san in Australia completed the BIMBO T-Shirt design and e-maild it to me. Tomorrow I will go to a print shop to make theoriginal T-Shirt.
Toku-san told me that BIMBO became the largest bread producer after purchasing Sara-Lee of USA. What a timely news!
Bimbo, la mayor productora de pan del mundo
I locked the password for my Internet Banking.... It is already after 5pm Friday in Australia, so I have to waite a couple of days to unlock it.... I need to transfer the fund into another bank account by Monday.
Mexico City
Day109: 10 Nov 2010
Mexico City
It's really cold in my class room. I guess I have to buy more cloth... Dios Fujii was no in the class but waiting for me in front of the school wearing suits. He went to the immigration office to extend his visa.
We had lunch in a cafe and I was late for the appointment with Claydy at 1pm!!
By the time when I got back to Pencion Amigo, she had already left to Tepito...
Around 2:30pm she came back and she was saying our appointment was at 10am???
I told her that my class starts from 9am and ends at noon and I will be back here at 1pm. But she understood me that my class starts at 9am and I will be back in 1 hour.... Sorry, my Spanish sucks...
But she forgave me and had chat for couple if hours. We made another appointment on this weekend.
In the evening, daily patrol around Revolucion area and we got a new member Kuzu-san.