三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day 78: 2010年10月10日
San Vicente to Bahia de Los Angeles
21,969km to 22,314km = 345km
El Rosarioで給油をし一号線を南下。背の高いサボテンが荒涼とした土地に沢山生えていて、「あぁ、メキシコだ」という風景が広がります。途中の集落でR1200GSとR1100GSに乗った二人組みに会いました。今日ワシが目指すバイア・デ・ロス・アンヘレス(Bahia de Los Angeles)から来たそうです。「日本人に会わなかったか?」と聞きましたが、見なかったとのこと。
エル・ロサリオ(El Rosario)からバイア・デ・ロス・アンヘレス(Bahia de Los Angeles)まで290キロ間ガソリンスタンドはありません。が、ドラム缶やジェリカンにガソリンを入れて売ってるところも2箇所くらいあります。
明日はサンイグナシオ(San Ignacio)を目指します。
Day 79: 10 Oct 2010
San Vicente to Bahia de Los Angeles
21,969km to 22,314km = 345km
It was really foggy in the morning. My tent was all dumped with dew.
Anyway, I left the campground around 8:20am and head South on the Route 1.
The fog got clear around 9am and it became a really beautiful day.
Filled up gas at El Rosario as there is no gas station till Bahia de Los Angeles for around 290km.
But there are 2 places you can buy gas from barrels in a small villages.
There are lots of tall cactus everywhere. It is difinately Mexican scenery!
Entering Bahia de Los Angeles, I came down hill and the view of the bay is so beautiful from the hill top. I saw DR650 just after came into the town. It is Shige! He just had lunch at Taqueria and about to take off. I was lucky to find him so easily. I had lunch there too. It was nice tacos! A pick up truck crushed into a pole and fell onto the gap. I wonder what happened but here is Mexico!
The campgrond is right in front of a beach. We went for swiming and caught lots of clams. We will cook clams tonight!
We went back to the taqueria for afternoon snack and we relaxed at the campground for a while.
I realised my iPod is missing! I thought I put it into the pannier or the top case before going swiming but I could not find it!!! It is not in any pocket either. Have I dropped it on the way?
I feel so upset now.
We cooked clams. We tried to grill them but it took to long time, so we boiled them. They taste pretty good. We put some soy souce and it made even better. We steamed rice with some clams and the rice was excelante! But in my mind, I was thinking all about iPod...
Tomorrow we are heading to San Ignacio.
Day 77: 2010年10月9日
San Diego to San Vicente
21,620km to 21,969km = 349km
German Pancakeを頼んだのですが、巨大です。食べきれませんでした。
しかし、ここでツーリストカード(Tarjeta de Turista)と車両一時輸入許可書(Permiso)を取得しなければいけません。
更に一号線を南下。ここから工事中が多く、道も未舗装でかなり荒れていてトラックとかに引っかかってかなり時間を費やしました。2時過ぎにサンビセンテ(San Vicente)という集落でタコス屋=タケリア(Taqueria)で牛肉タコス2個食べました。20ペソなので1.8米ドルくらいです。安い!しかも美味い!
サンキンティン(San Quintin)に5時ごろ到着しました。給油をしたところ(メキシコでは店員が給油してくれます)ガソリンがタンクからあふれてボクサーエンジンにザバザバかかりました!
明日はバイア・デ・ロス・アンヘレス(Bahia de Los Angeles)を目指します。シゲさんまだ待ていてくれるかな?
Day 78: 2010年10月9日
San Diego to San Vicente
21,620km to 21,969km = 349km
I got up at 7am and got ready. Kwun took me to a nice pancake shop for breakfast.
I had a German Pancake but it was too huge! I could not finish it all.
We went to Kinkos to print out Mexican Auto Insurance policy, as if I don't have the copy when I have an accident, I will be put in a jail!
Back to Kwun's place, and it was already 10am!
We promised we will catch up in Mexico or Brazil and I took off to Mexico.
Kwun, thanks for your hospitality and help!
I went down the Route 5 South, and it took 20 mins to the border.
There was no any check at the border and I could go into Mexico so easily.
Tijuana, a border city, everyone told me stay away from. But I had to get a Tourist Card (Tarjeta de Turista) and Vehicle Permit (Permiso) here, so I had to look for Imigrecion.
THe streets have pot holes and the city is a bit chaiotic. But I like the place like that!
I found a sign "Auto Insurance", so I stopped there and asked for the direction. In Tijuana, people speak English, so it is easy to get the direction.
The guy told me it is near McDonald's.
At Imigracion, the officer filled out FMM and I went to a bank next door. I payed the fee of US$22, and went back to Imigrecion to get a stamp on my pasaporte.
I got 180 days permission to stay. Then I went back to the bank to get Permiso. I paid US$35 to get that.
The girl at the counter is quite beatiful. Her name is Anahi. She asked me how to write her name in Japanese and I wrote her name down in Hiragana and Kanji.
She was pretty happy! If I could ask her for a date in Spanish it would be great, but my Spanish sucks.... I need more practice to pick up a girl.
I took the Route 1, the toll way to Ensenada. There were 3 tolls before Ensenada and costs US$2.20, &2.20 and $2.40, total of US$6.80.
You can pay in Mexican Peso or US$. The free way is well maintained the Ocean view is so great!
At Ensenada, I filled up gas and paid in US$. But after Ensenada, US$ will not be accepted, so I went to a bank to withdraw Mexican Peso.
There were lots of road works after Ensenada. The road is not paved and pretty rough. May cars stuck behind trucks so it took long time to get through the section.
Around 2pm I arrived at San Vicente, here I had 2 tacos at a Taqueria. 2 tacos cost MX$20 (US$1.8) and very delicious!
I am not sure about hygene, but it is 9pm as I am writing this diary and I have no any problem so far.
Arrived at San Quintin around 5pm. At the gas station, the attendant was filling gas onto my GS and he spilled lots of gas!
Gas was all over the boxser engine but luckily it did not ignite!
I found a campground sign and tirned right. Other than main road in Baja California, all roads are unpaved and rough.
Around 3km ride, I found the campground. It costs MX$50 a tent site with hot shower. The faclities are clean and the owner is so friendly and helpful.
After put up the tent and had rest, I went back to the town for dinner. I went into a local restaurant.
I guess not many travellers go into the restaurant, I got everyone's attention. I ordered Enchilada and the waitress asked me what I wanna put in.
All I understood was Queso (Cheese), so I ordered Queso Enchilada. I need to polish up my Spanish seriouly!
But the choice was good! It had tomatos, letus, avocados, onions and other veggies on top, and accampanied with salsa and sour cream.
I asked for a cup of coffee and all cost MX$45 (US$3.80)! The taste was great and I had a nice dinner.
Back to the campground and I took shower and am writing a diary.
I will head to Bahia de Los Anheles. I wonder if Shige is still waiting for me.
注: ドルはアメリカドルです。
アメリカ総走行距離: 12,773km to 21,655km = 8,882km
クレジットカード: $1868.23 (生活費とガソリン代だけで$765.47)
8・9月: 1045.24 - 501.62 (タイヤ交換)-42.44(キャンプ用品)= $501.18
9・10月: 822.99 - 448.98(BMWサービス)-109.72(キャンプ用品と本) = $264.29
現金: $3700+$575 = $4275 (生活費とガソリン代だけで$1739)
手元に残った現金: 620ドル-575ドル(400+100+75) = $45
引き出した現金: $3700-2325(ツーラテックのパニアと備品) - 120(カジノでの負け)-91(国立公園) = $1164
1. アメリカについて感じたこと
2. アメリカをツーリングしてみて
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San Diego
Day76: 08Oct201o
San Diego
It was late las night so I got up late this morning.
I bought Mexican Auto Insutance premium onlne. It costs US$116 for 180days, liable only.
Then I finished packing. I tried many times to make all stuffs into the panniers and the top box, but still some stuffs have to be straped on top of the pillon seat. But anyway, I like the new setup.
I surfed the Net in the afternoon and called my parents on Skype. It's great to see their faces! I am glad that they are fine. Mr. Sheep was also happy to see them :-)
Kwun took me to an indoor cart race. His friend JC and Davd came along. It costs $20 a race and we did two races. It was a real fun! Everyone was experienced but I am a novice, so I tried not to block their lines but I could really enjoy it. If only it was cheaper...
Then we went to Tajima, Japanese restaurant for diner. It was packed and we gotta wait for a while.
But the wait was worth, the foods were good and JC paid the bill!
I will go down to Mexico tomorrow. Say Good-Bye to Tthe USA!
San Diego
21,527km to 21,620km = 93km
Day75: 2010年10月7日
San Diego
21,527km to 21,620km = 93km
It was cloudy and sprinkling in the morning but it got fine in the afternoon.
I wanted to buy a few stuffs before leaving the US, so today is my shopping day!
I went to Post Office first to send post cards and letters. Then I went to NAPA to get gummy warms and an electric air pump but they have only big ones. I just bought gummy warms.
At REI, the outdoor equipment store, I got a 35 liter dry sack. I will put cloths in it and tie it on top of a pannier.
My nail clipper was stolen at Banana Bungalow SD, so I went to Mitsuwa to get a new one. People there wish me luck on my RWT!
I also wanted to buy a guid book for South America. It was hard to find a book shop and after I asked so many times, finally I got to Borders, book store. I bought Lonely Planet South America. I will make plans where I will go in SA with the book.
I've done the most of things I planned. I went back to Kwun's place and cleaned my GS.
We went to Hodad burger with Kwun's friend Laius. He owns a ship repair workshop and we cut the heat shield of a pannier to match the Akrapovic muffler. The burger was huge! We ate them all but we were so full!! Laius paid the bill for me, thanx!
Back home, we continued our work to set up the panniers. Kwun drilled holes to panniers to install an external bottle holder and oil canister. It was just before midnight we finished the work. Thank you so much, Kwun!
Now I have to think howI pack up stuffs and it was 3am when finally I completed it. I don't think I can get up early tomorrow to go to Mexico, so I decided to stay one more day here. Tomorrow I make sure the new set up works.