
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



Day74: 2010年10月6日

San Diego
21,490km to 21,527km = 37km













10時の開館から入って3時まで楽しめました。それからポイントロマ(Point Loma)に行ってサンディエゴの街を一望しました。ここには戦艦大和や武蔵などの巨大戦艦の来襲に備えて大きな大砲を設置したそうです。大和級戦艦の主砲ほどの大きさはありませんが、大和級に対抗できる大きさだとか。結局杞憂に終わったわけですが、敵をビビらせた大和と武蔵、やるな。

Kwunが帰って来るまでしばらくマックでネットしてPhil's BBQという流行りのレストランでビーフリブとポークリブを食べました。腹がハチ切れそうです…。最近食べてばかりだなぁ。


Day74: 2010年10月6日

San Diego
21,490km to 21,527km = 37km

We went to have breakfast burritos at the nearby Mexican take away. We saw off Shigeru there and Kwun went to work. 
So I am back to solo again! 

The weather isn't good today again. I rode to USS Midway museum. The car park costs $5 and the admission is $18. It's not cheap but I certainly enjoyed the museum! 

USS Midway was completed in 1945, so it wasn't involved in the battle of Midway. It was based at Yokosuka, Tokyo Bay for 19 years, so it is very familiar to Japanese. I guess there is not many chance to be onboard an actual aircraft carrier, so I was very excited to be onboard. 

The first thing I was surprised was the finish of the ship isn't that good. The floor tiles are same as ones used in floors of schools. Anyway, the functions come fast in military, so looks do not matter much. 

A headphone is provided for self guided tour, so I could see things in details. Some sections, there are volunteers (retired navy personnels) providing guide talks. One of the volunteers told me that USS Midway was carrying nuclear warheads during the stationery in Yokosuka! It is against Japanese Constitution!! A while ago, classified documents were revealed in Japan, the secret treaty between Japan and the US governments regarding bringing in nuclear warheads to Japan! 
There is a section in Midway, only authorized person can access and the access was guarded by the Marines 24/7. There is a panel stating a comment by an ex-navy saying "The Marines had order to shoot to kill if a sailor tried to break into this access route that led down to the nuclear weapon"!!! 
It would be a big news in Japan, but in the States it is not really a well kept secret. 

I spent 5 hours there and really had a good time. Then I went to Point Loma to see the entire view of San Diego. 

After Kwun came home, together with Kwun's friend JC, we had dinner at Phil's BBQ. It was good rib! 

Back home we installed the Touratech pannier frame on my GS. It is much narrower than Hepco&Becker but a problem is I have Akrapovic muffler, so the heat shield of the left pannier hit against the muffler. Tomorrow we cut up a little bit of the shield and it should be all fine.


Day73: 2010年10月5日

San Diego
21,449km to 21,490km = 41km

DSCF2201.jpgDSCF2202.jpg今日は朝8時に起きて10時くらいにSD BMWに向かいました。雨です。2日続けて雨なんて珍しいのではないでしょうか。犬のエイモスとバディが懐いてきて別れずらかったです。







Day73: 2010年10月5日

San Diego
21,449km to 21,490km = 41km

Today is the last day atTony's place. We said good-bye to Amos and Buddy (they are so lovely, so it was hard to leave them), and went to SD BMW.

Dan came to gave us more lecture on Mexico trip. It is all useful info and we should be ready to go into Mexico. Thanks, Dan!

We said good-bye to Tony and other staffs. It was very nice of him to let us stay at his place and gave us opportunity to feel Real San Diego neighborhood. Thanks again, Tony!

We were planning to have lunch at In-N-Out burger but we found Mitsuwa Japanese Supermarket right in front if In-N-Out. Today is Shige's last day in the States, and he wanted to have Japanese meal, so we went to Mitsuwa and had Japanese take away. 

There were Book-Off, the Japanese second hand book shop and I bought a book to read on the way down to the tip of Baja. 

As my friend Kwun will be home around 9pm, we killed time there. 
Reading Japanese free papers, we found a Vietnamese Buffet near by, so we had dinner there. 

Finding Kwun's place was easy but was little tricky to get there. It's been 4 months since I saw Kwun in Taiwan. I am very pleased to see my friend all the way across the globe. 

We talked till midnight and went to sleep. Shige is heading down to Mexico through Mexicali in the morning. We will see him off and I will go to Midway museum. Midway was in Yokosuka, Japan for 19 years. It will be fun to see the actual aircraft carrier!


Day72: 2010年10月4日

San Diego
21,399km to 21,449km = 50km











San Diego
21,399km to 21,449km = 50km

It was drizzling from morning and was cold day. 
When we got up, Tony left to work already. Shige and I was watching YouTube and talking rubbish. 

Tony called me to come to the shop as the replacement of brake and clutch lines are approved by BMW. 

Shige stayed at he as it was drizzling and he was chatting with his girl friend. I got to the shop around 10:30am. I was having a cup of coffee and reading a magazine and someone talked to me in Japanese. He is Akira, SD resident who migrated to Mexico 30 years ago. His story is so amazing and interesting. I imagine it required lots of guts to migrate to somewhere he knew nobody and spike no language. The reason why he chose Mexico is so unique. He wrote 5 destinations on each piece of paper and put them in a jar. He drew Mexico, so he went there just by himself. 
He told me about Mexico and it was good information. 

Kwun replied back to me finally. He is still in Korea and will be back to SD tomorrow evening. Now I can see him!

The job was done by 1pm and I went home. Shige and I had Vietnamese Pho for lunch and went to Downtown to see his friend Midori. She is a uni student here in San Diego and met Shige in NY. 

Tony came home around 7:30pm and we had dinner and talked till late at night. 

Tomorrow Dan will come to SD BMW to give us more info on Mexico.


Day71: 2010年10月3日

San Diego





Day71: 2010年10月3日

San Diego

We went to Chinatown in the neighborhood. Tony was working on his Mitsubishi GTO. There are lots of Vietnamese restaurant and shops. 
We found a bike shop and Shige bought engine oil and a new battery. 

We had lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant and went back to Tony's place. 

Tony let me wash my GS and Shige was changing engine oil and the battery. 
There were a few scratches from the bear attack in Yosemite. Tony touched them up and now it looks much better! Thanks.

We had great Sunday dinner and had great talks until late evening.


Day70: 2010年10月2日

San Diego
21,357km to 21,399km = 42km










Day70: 2Oct2010

San Diego
21,357km to  

This morning we went to SD BMW first thing in the morning. It is 20,000km service. Also I wanted to replace the brake horse but I have to wait till next week as the dealer needs to check with BMW in Germany if my Japanese model is covered in North America. 

Shige and I hanged around in the dealer as it has free WiFi and free soft drinks, coffee and tea. Tony and Mike treated us nicely. 

It is Saturday, so lots of BMW riders came to the shop and as Mike told them about us, we became instant celebrities! Mike called Dan, the Mexico and Latin America touring expert, and we got lots of useful information from him. 

After we came back from lunch, my GS was ready to go. It costs $449 total. 

My friend Kwun was supposed to be back from Korea today but he seems to be still not back yet. So we started looking for a place to stay tonight. We asked Dan and Mike if there is any cheap campground. One campground is free but 80km away, another one is near SD, KOA Kampground and $20 a site with a hot deal. We were about to go to KOA and Tony offered us to stay at his place! Yeah!! Now we can see real SD life. 

The shop is located right in front of Miramar Navy Airbase. Top Gun was used to be here (The movie Top Gun was filmed here)! We could see fighter formation flights, acrobatic flights for free! 

We went to Tony's place after 7pm and he baked a pizza. With cute two dogs and nice talks, we had a great evening!


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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
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