三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Harlowton to Yellowstone Nat'l Park
13,262km to 13,706km = 444km
8時20分に出発し最寄りの大都市Billingsを目指します。 Billingsには10時半頃に到着。ここではやりたいことが2つあります。先ずは帰りの航空券のキャンセル。アシアナ航空に電話です。オペレーター曰くキャンセルにはメールを送る必要があるとのこと。面倒だなぁ。
ガソリンスタンドから電話してたんですが、我がGS注文の的です。色々話しかけられます。アメリカ人は話好きだな。 もう一つは両替。銀行を探しましたが、走っているとなかなか見つからないですね。
インフォメーションセンターがあったのでイエローストーンの情報をも仕入れに行きました。そしたらWiFiがあるじゃないですか! 早速アシアナ航空にメール。ブログをアップしたりしてたらもうお昼の時間です。なかなか写真がアップ出来ないのが残念です。もう暫くお待ちください。
お昼は待ちに待ったBurger Kingで。ダブルワッパーを頼みます。オーストラリアのよりデカイです。流石アメリカ。お腹いっぱい。
銀行はあったのですが駐車ができなかったので、諦めました。 ここから212号線でイエローストーンへ。ここはBeartooth Passと言ってワインディングが盛りだくさんな峠道。最高点で10,947㌳あります。多分3,300 メートルだと思います。かなりの標高ですね。 景色も良いし、道も整備されてるし最高ですね。Brianが絶賛する訳だ。ここは本当にオススメです。 上の方に上がると流石に寒くなります。木々も無くなり荒涼とした景色が拡がります。風がハンパなく強いです。
峠を下りTop of the worldでステッカーを買いました。そうそう、Beartoothではアライグマがよく轢かれて死んでます。可哀想に。 ここからCooke Cityまで暫く走り給油。ここで両替をしてイエローストーンに向かいます。
Tower Fallを見てから今日のキャンプ場Mammoth Hot Springsに行きました。ここでエルクの群れが。カナダで見れなかったので嬉しいですね。バイクに乗ってたんで写真は撮れまけんでした。 Mammothでは何週間か前クマに襲われて1人亡くなったらしいです。キャンプ場にもクマが来ないように食べ物とかの管理について厳しく定められてます。 隣りのハーレー乗りと話しをしたり、公園のレンジャーの話を聞いたりしてよるを過ごしました。 明日は間欠泉を見に行きます。楽しみだなァ。
Day 34: 27Aug2010
Harlowton to Yellowstone Nat'l Park
13,262km to 13,706km = 444km
It's clouded this morning. I hoped it wouldn't get too hot today.
Left the campground at 8:20am and arrived Billings 10:30am.
In Billings, I wanted to do 2 things: Canceling the air ticket home and exchange Canadian Dollars to US Dollars. I called Asiana Air, but the operator told me to send an e-mail for the cancelation. That's not easy. I was at a Gas station and my GS was getting lots of attentions. People ask me questions. I found Americans are talkative and kind. Looking for a bank but I came to the edge of the city. I found Information Centre, so I went in for information on Yellowstone.
Here has free WiFi connection! I sent an e-mail to Asiana air and updated my blog. It was nearly lunch time, so I went to Burger King. I have been waiting for eating at BK in the States! Double Whapper seems lots bigger than Aussie one. It's too big! I found a bank but I could not park nearby, so I took off.
The route 212, Beartooth Pass is an awesome route to ride. Nice scenery and lots of windings. No wonder Brian said here it the best road to ride. If you are going to Yellowstone, I recommend you to take this route. The highest point of the pass is 10,947ft. It got really cold up there. There is no tree around and so windy. The view is amazing.
Fueled up in Cooke City and entered Yellowstone Nat'l Park. The entrance fee is $20 but it's valid till 2Sep. Riding through the park, I found huge herd of Bisons! Countless number of bisons can be seen. At Soda Butte, it smelt sulfur. Surely I am in Yellowstone.
I met 2 Japanese, Kenji and Mina at a look out. They were studying at Uni in Las Vegas. Kenji offered me accommodation when I come to Las Vegas. Nice!
After seeing Tower Fall, I came to Mammoth Hot Springs where I stay tonight. People told me that a couple weeks ago, a person was killed by a bear here. We have to manage our foods properly not to attract any bear. Tomorrow I will see geysers. I'm very excited.
Canada: Fort MacLeod to US border Carway
15,686km to 12,773km = 87km
Canada total: 6,619km to 12,773km = 6,154.6km
US: Carway to Harlowton, Montana
12,773km to 13,262km = 487.9km
先ずはGreat Fallsを目指します。国境からBrowningという街まではワインディングが続いて楽しいです。たまに牛とか馬とか柵の外に出ていて危ないです。
Browningでお昼。Taco JohnというTex Mexのファーストフード屋さんで食べました。アメリカの方が食べ物と飲み物断然安いです。
本当に暑い!GSの温度計では43度までいきました。Great FallsでKFCとA&Wが一緒になった店でドリンク休憩。なんとここKFCの食べ放題が大人一人7.99ドルです。安い!
Day33: 2010年8月26日
Canada: Fort MacLeod to US border Carway
15,686km to 12,773km = 87km
Canada total: 6,619km to 12,773km = 6,154.6km
US: Carway to Harlowton, Montana
12,773km to 13,262km = 487.9km
Today is the last day in Canada.
I got up at 7am and geared up. I used the straps I got yesterday to strap the tent and other stuffs on top of the panniers. It took a while to rearrange the stuffs, so I left there at 9:30am. Carway, the border of the US is 87km away.
Arrived at the border, I spent all my Canadian coins at the gift shop.
At Canadian Custom, I got a stamp and signature on my Carnet. At the US Custom, the officer asked me a few questions and I was off go! That was easy.
But my stay in the States is still 90days after I arrived at Seattle. So I can stay in the States till 23 Oct.
Seeing Rocky Mountains on my right, it was a nice ride down to the States. But it was so hot and windy!
From the border to Browning, the road is nicely winding, so it was fun riding through. But live stocks were on loose, so I gotta be careful.
Had lunch at Browning. Taco John. The foods and drinks are much cheaper in the States than Canada. It will help my tight budget.
Filled up gas at Choteau. It's per gallon, so I wasn't sure how many liter I put. I need to learn the conversion between gallon and liter.
Montana reminds me of NSW, Australia. The scenery is so alike.
It's bloody hot! On board thermometer is 43℃!
I saw the thermometer of s gas station showing 92°F.
I stopped at KFC in Great Falls for a cold drink break. This KFC has buffet for $7.99! That's really cheap.
Here I met a nice old couple from Kevin near the border. They were interested in my RWT, and talked for a while. George, the husband, gave me a calendar but I could not take it as I am full loaded. Instead I took a picture of them and will send it to them!
Now I am camping in Harlowton, the town George grew up. The tent site costs $7 here. It had no shower but has flush toilet. Everything so far is cheaper in the States.
Tomorrow I will be in Yellowstone National Park. It's one of my must see destinations.

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
注: ドルはカナダドルです。
カナダ総走行距離(バイクで): 6,619kmから12,773km = 6,154.6km
車での走行距離: XXXKm
使った金額: 3,869.51ドル
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I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 ******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day32: 2010年8月25日
シボレー インパラ
Whitecourt to Calgary
20,615km to 21,070km = 465km
Calgary to Fort MacLeod
15,510km to 15,686km = 176km
エドモントンまで160キロ。土地の街のTim Hortonsでブランチを食べて気力充実。エドモントンはバイパスを使って市街地を避けます。ここまで来ると信号が増えて来ますし街も多いです。
エドモントンを抜けてカルガリーまで約300キロ。途中のRed Deer(レッドディアー)のスーパーSafewayでネット休憩。なんとこのスーパーのチェーンではWiFiがタダで使えるんです。
荷物をGSに乗せるのに結構時間がかかりました。Daveとスタッフに別れを告げて5時過ぎに出発。カルガリーから170キロくらい南の街Fort MacLeodを目指します。途中Blackfootのバイク屋に寄ってBMWのタイダウンストラップ4本をタダでもらいました!やったね。
Day32: 25Aug2010
Chevrolet Impala
Whitecourt to Calgary
20,615km to 21,070km = 465km
Calgary to Fort MacLeod
15,510km to 15,686km = 176km
Today is the last day of my car trip. I needed to get to Anderwerks before 5pm, so we left the campground before 9:30am.
Around 160km to Edmonton. We had brunch at Tim Hortons.
As we did not go through too many traffic lights, we bypassed Edmonton and stopped at Red Deer for a net break. At Safeway (Supermarket chain) we can get free WiFi! We stayed there till 2pm.
It was another 160km to Calgary from Red Deer. We arrived at Anderwerks around 4pm.
Said good-bye to Shun and Akko, they will go to Banff and drive around Canadian Rocky. Have a good trip! We might see again in Las Vegas.
It was a little touching to see my GS. Yes, I'm back on two wheels!
Geared up and said good-bye to Dave and staff, I headed down South.
I stopped at Blackfoot motorcycle to get BMW tie-down straps. They gave me 4 straps for free! Nice!
Arrived at Fort MacLeod around 170km south of Calgary.
As it will be my last dinner in Canada, I had a burger meal at A&W. Then went to a campground. It costs CAD20 a night but it has free WiFi connection. Nice.
Tomorrow I will enter the USA. Hope there is no drama.
Yellowknife to White Court
19,287km to 20,615km = 1,328km
5時くらいにHigh Levelの街に到着。既に900キロ走ってます。
9時ごろにPeace Riverを過ぎEdmontonまであと160キロ手前の街White Courtに11時過ぎに到着。今日の走行距離は1,300キロを超えました。やるなインパラ。ここのキャンプ場に今夜はキャンプ。3人で32.50ドルと高めですが施設が整っていて快適です。しかし今日は遅いのでシャワーを浴びて寝るだけです。
Day31: 2010年8月24日
Yellowknife to White Court
19,287km to 20,615km = 1,328km
It has been a month since I came to Canada. Time passes so fast.
We had to cover long distance today. If possible, we would like to make to Edmonton, around 1,500km away from Yellowknife.
We left YK at 9:30am and made to Mckenzie River by Lunch time.
We just drove all the way, and we had our light lunch in the car without stopping.
At 5:00pm, we arrived the town of High Level, around 900km from YK. We had early dinner at KFC here.
At 9:00pm, we passed Peace River and arrived at White Court at 11:00pm. Here is around 160km west of Edmonton.
We decided to camp here. The campground costs CAD32.50 for 3 people. It's expensive but it has nice facilities. But we could't appreciate them as it was too late to use them. We just showered and went to sleep.
Tomorrow we should be in Calgary by early afternoon.
I will see my GS and I'm excited to see her!