三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day30: 2010年8月23日
19,190km to 19,287km = 97km
昨日は結局曇って来てオーロラ 少しだけ見えました。初日よりはハッキリと見えましたが、こんなものじゃ無いはずだ、オーロよ!
12時前にキャンプ場のオバちゃんがオススメのPrelude Lake(プレリュードレイク)まで出発。30キロくらい離れてます。街の明かりが無い方がヤッパリ見えやすい、と。そしたら既にオーロラ始まってます!今日のは凄い!!空から降って来るようです。何回か車を停めて見ましたが、プレリュードまで急ぎます。

19,190km to 19,287km = 97km
昨日は結局曇って来てオーロラ 少しだけ見えました。初日よりはハッキリと見えましたが、こんなものじゃ無いはずだ、オーロよ!
12時前にキャンプ場のオバちゃんがオススメのPrelude Lake(プレリュードレイク)まで出発。30キロくらい離れてます。街の明かりが無い方がヤッパリ見えやすい、と。そしたら既にオーロラ始まってます!今日のは凄い!!空から降って来るようです。何回か車を停めて見ましたが、プレリュードまで急ぎます。
Day30: 2010年8月23日
19,190km to 19,187km = 97km
Last night it became a little gassy, and we could see the lights clearer than the first night. But we want more lights! We were not really satisfied...
It's a sunny day! But we were not sure if the weather holds like this. We discussed if we should stay or head back to South. We flipped a coin to make the decision. Queen, we stay, Polar bear, we go. We got Queen and we stay one more night.
Now we got nothing to do till midnight. We gathered fire woods in the morning.
In the afternoon, we spent time chatting, grocery shopping, window shopping at an outdoor equipment store, and net surfing at the cafe.
Around 8pm, we came back to the campground. After shower and dinner, around 10pm we made camp fire to keep ourselves warm.
The lady at the campground told us to go to Prelude Lake for a good view of Northern Lights. She said it's clearer without any lights around.
We left the campground before midnight. But we found Northern Lights were already seen clearly!
We stopped the car few times to see the lights. It looked like the lights were pouring down from the sky. We were hurry to the lake but it's 30km away from the town.
By the time we got to the lake, the lights moved to North and were fading out. We took some photos there. We waited for another one for a while but it did not come back. We had the climax of the lights while driving, but we had a good look of them and we were pretty happy.
Came back to the campground and went to sleep at 2am.
Tomorrow we will head to south.
Day29: 2010年8月22日
Desperation Lake to Yellowknife
19,117km to 19,190 = 73km
Day29: 22Aug2010
Desperation Lake to Yellowknife
19,117km to 19,190 = 73km
It was fine this morning. If it was like that last night, it would have been perfect for seeing Northern Lights.
We came back to Yellowknife for Internet access. Asked the location of the library and the Internet cafe at Information Centre, but the library was closed as it's Sunday and the Internet cafe was relocated.
It was almost lunch time, so we drove off from the town and found the rest area at a lake side. We cooked instant noodles there. Having the instant noodles in such a location made the taste really good.
We found a cafe with WiFi in town and surfed Net till 5pm. According to weather forecast the weather tonight and tomorrow isn't that good. That's too bad!
We came back to the campground we stayed a couple nights ago. Can we see Northern Lights tonight?
Desperation Lake to Yellowknife
19,117km to 19,190 = 73km
Day29: 22Aug2010
Desperation Lake to Yellowknife
19,117km to 19,190 = 73km
It was fine this morning. If it was like that last night, it would have been perfect for seeing Northern Lights.
We came back to Yellowknife for Internet access. Asked the location of the library and the Internet cafe at Information Centre, but the library was closed as it's Sunday and the Internet cafe was relocated.
It was almost lunch time, so we drove off from the town and found the rest area at a lake side. We cooked instant noodles there. Having the instant noodles in such a location made the taste really good.
We found a cafe with WiFi in town and surfed Net till 5pm. According to weather forecast the weather tonight and tomorrow isn't that good. That's too bad!
We came back to the campground we stayed a couple nights ago. Can we see Northern Lights tonight?
Day28: 2010年8月21日
Yellowknife to Desperation Lake
19,014 to 19,117km = 103km
街の明かりが無い方がオーロラ見易いとのことなので、イエローナイフの東70キロくらいのDesperation Lakeまで行きます。ここで道は途絶えています。湖も綺麗ですしなかなか良い所です。松茸がここら辺でうじゃうじゃ生えているそうです。
しかし雲がここでは多く、松茸も見つからないので少し西へ戻ったキャンプ場(Reid Lake Territorial Park)に泊まることにしました。
テントを張る前に松茸狩り。見た目は松茸なのですが、全く匂いがありません。Sushi Northのオーナーさんは匂いをかげばわかると言っていましたが、これじゃわかりません。キャンプ場の管理人に聞きましたが、食べられるかわからないと言っています。大事をとって食べないことに。

Day28: 21Aug2010
Yellowknife to Desperation Lake
19,014 to 19,117km = 103km
It was really cold last night. I woke up in the middle of night and could not go back to sleep as it was too cold.
It is fine day today. I dried my tent and sleeping bag under the good sun light.
We went to the town and bought foods for tonight and did some laundry. We bought Canadian AAA grade beef lib for our dinner. It's gotta be good.
As we heard Northern Lights can be seen more clearly outside of Yellowknife, we went to Desperation Lake, 70km east of Yellowknife. Also the boss of Sushi North told us that we can pick lots of pine tree mushroom around the area.
The lake is beautiful but it was cloudy around the lake, so we decided to go back little westwards. We decided to stay at a campground (Reid Lake Territorial Park).
We were searching for the mushrooms and found many, just look like ones found in Japan. But those do not have that distinctive smell. The boss told us we can tell it or not by just sniffing it, but it has no smell at all. We asked the campground care takers, but even they did not know if we can eat those mushrooms, so we did not eat them.
After setting up tents, we were finally cooking AAA grade beef. I cooked it blue rare and it was so tender and juicy!
It was getting cloudy around 8pm and by 10pm the sky was covered by cloud. At this stage, we were unlikely to see Northern Lights tonight. It was so fine in day time!
We went to sleep and woke up at 12 midnight to see any luck. But the sky was full of cloud. Later of the night, it rained a bit. Hummm, this is the nature.
Hopefully, we can see Northern Lights tomorrow.
Yellowknife to Desperation Lake
19,014 to 19,117km = 103km
しかし雲がここでは多く、松茸も見つからないので少し西へ戻ったキャンプ場(Reid Lake Territorial Park)に泊まることにしました。
テントを張る前に松茸狩り。見た目は松茸なのですが、全く匂いがありません。Sushi Northのオーナーさんは匂いをかげばわかると言っていましたが、これじゃわかりません。キャンプ場の管理人に聞きましたが、食べられるかわからないと言っています。大事をとって食べないことに。
Day28: 21Aug2010
Yellowknife to Desperation Lake
19,014 to 19,117km = 103km
It was really cold last night. I woke up in the middle of night and could not go back to sleep as it was too cold.
It is fine day today. I dried my tent and sleeping bag under the good sun light.
We went to the town and bought foods for tonight and did some laundry. We bought Canadian AAA grade beef lib for our dinner. It's gotta be good.
As we heard Northern Lights can be seen more clearly outside of Yellowknife, we went to Desperation Lake, 70km east of Yellowknife. Also the boss of Sushi North told us that we can pick lots of pine tree mushroom around the area.
The lake is beautiful but it was cloudy around the lake, so we decided to go back little westwards. We decided to stay at a campground (Reid Lake Territorial Park).
We were searching for the mushrooms and found many, just look like ones found in Japan. But those do not have that distinctive smell. The boss told us we can tell it or not by just sniffing it, but it has no smell at all. We asked the campground care takers, but even they did not know if we can eat those mushrooms, so we did not eat them.
After setting up tents, we were finally cooking AAA grade beef. I cooked it blue rare and it was so tender and juicy!
It was getting cloudy around 8pm and by 10pm the sky was covered by cloud. At this stage, we were unlikely to see Northern Lights tonight. It was so fine in day time!
We went to sleep and woke up at 12 midnight to see any luck. But the sky was full of cloud. Later of the night, it rained a bit. Hummm, this is the nature.
Hopefully, we can see Northern Lights tomorrow.
Day27: 2010年8月20日
Mannings to Yellowknife
18,084 to 19,014 = 930km
ワシが運転して200キロ先のHigh Levelという街でコーヒーブレイク。ここでシュン君に運転を交代して更に先に進みます。
6時過ぎにイエローナイフに到着。お祝いにSushi Northでお寿司を食べました。まさかここまで来てお寿司を食べられるとは思ってみませんでした。久しぶりのお寿司は美味しかったです。お店の他人に色々オーロラについて情報をいただきました。
Day27: 20Aug2010
Mannings to Yellowknife
18,084 to 19,014 = 930km
This morning no dew was covering my tent. The wind stopped but it was cloudy.
We left the campground after 8am.
I drove the car till the town of High Level, 200km from Mannings. We had a coffee break there and Shun took the drover's position.
Just after noon we passed Sixties Parallel where also is the border of Alberta and Northwest Territory.
We took some photos there and had a quick lunch.
Another 300km to the ferry crossing Mackenzie River. I took the driver seat again here.
After the ferry, it is just around 300km to Yellowknife. We were almost there. We saw buffalos many times. Twice were herds of them. Shun and Akko were so excited to see them!
We arrived at Yellowknife after 6pm. We had dinner at Sushi North to celebrate our arrival here. It was nice to have Sushi after such long drive! We got some tips about Northern Lights from the staffs.
Today we are camping at a campground outside of the town. After setting up our tents, we wait for Northern Lights. It was still bright after 10pm and lots of mosquitos! And it got really chilly after the sunset.
We waited until 1:00am and finally they appeared! They were not that clear but definitely the Northern Lights. We were watching them for a while, seeing them changing their appearance.
Tomorrow we hope we can see them more clearly.
Mannings to Yellowknife
18,084 to 19,014 = 930km
ワシが運転して200キロ先のHigh Levelという街でコーヒーブレイク。ここでシュン君に運転を交代して更に先に進みます。
6時過ぎにイエローナイフに到着。お祝いにSushi Northでお寿司を食べました。まさかここまで来てお寿司を食べられるとは思ってみませんでした。久しぶりのお寿司は美味しかったです。お店の他人に色々オーロラについて情報をいただきました。
Day27: 20Aug2010
Mannings to Yellowknife
18,084 to 19,014 = 930km
This morning no dew was covering my tent. The wind stopped but it was cloudy.
We left the campground after 8am.
I drove the car till the town of High Level, 200km from Mannings. We had a coffee break there and Shun took the drover's position.
Just after noon we passed Sixties Parallel where also is the border of Alberta and Northwest Territory.
We took some photos there and had a quick lunch.
Another 300km to the ferry crossing Mackenzie River. I took the driver seat again here.
After the ferry, it is just around 300km to Yellowknife. We were almost there. We saw buffalos many times. Twice were herds of them. Shun and Akko were so excited to see them!
We arrived at Yellowknife after 6pm. We had dinner at Sushi North to celebrate our arrival here. It was nice to have Sushi after such long drive! We got some tips about Northern Lights from the staffs.
Today we are camping at a campground outside of the town. After setting up our tents, we wait for Northern Lights. It was still bright after 10pm and lots of mosquitos! And it got really chilly after the sunset.
We waited until 1:00am and finally they appeared! They were not that clear but definitely the Northern Lights. We were watching them for a while, seeing them changing their appearance.
Tomorrow we hope we can see them more clearly.
Day26: 2010年8月19日
Lacombe to Mannings
17,348 to 18,084 = 736km
ここからSwan Hill(スワンヒル)という街までは煙が充満してました。また山火事ですかね。
最後はアッコちゃんに運転を交代してPeace River(ピースリバー)を100キロくらい過ぎたMannings(マニングス)という街でキャンプ。3人で10ドルと格安です!
Day26: 19Aug2010
Lacombe to Mannings
17,348 to 18,084 = 736km
This morning the tent was soaked by dew. I've never seen much dew all over my tent. I guess it's because of sudden drop in temp at the night.
Anyway, we couldn't dry our tents properly but had to take off as we had to cover the long distance today. I was the one taking the wheel this morning.
I've never driven left handle car before so I was a little cautious.
It took 2 hours to Edmonton, the capital city of Alberta. We had lunch and bought some groceries here. As it is a quite big city, we spent long time to get through.
From Edmonton to Swan Hill, smoke was covering all over the place! I guess another big bush fire.
Shun took the wheel from here.
The distance between towns are getting longer and longer. We had a coffee break or two, but generally just driving to get closer to Yellowknife.
Akko was driving last 200km of today's drive. We stopped at Mannings around 100km North of Pease River and are camping here. It costs CAD10 a site. So we paid CAD3.33 each!
The sky is cloudy and it is very windy but we built up the tents and cooked pasta with smoked sausages. It was really yummy! I hardly cook proper meals when camping alone. So it is another fun part of traveling with companions.
It's cold tonight, so we didn't take shower and went to bed.
Tomorrow we will be in Yellowknife.
Lacombe to Mannings
17,348 to 18,084 = 736km
ここからSwan Hill(スワンヒル)という街までは煙が充満してました。また山火事ですかね。
最後はアッコちゃんに運転を交代してPeace River(ピースリバー)を100キロくらい過ぎたMannings(マニングス)という街でキャンプ。3人で10ドルと格安です!
Day26: 19Aug2010
Lacombe to Mannings
17,348 to 18,084 = 736km
This morning the tent was soaked by dew. I've never seen much dew all over my tent. I guess it's because of sudden drop in temp at the night.
Anyway, we couldn't dry our tents properly but had to take off as we had to cover the long distance today. I was the one taking the wheel this morning.
I've never driven left handle car before so I was a little cautious.
It took 2 hours to Edmonton, the capital city of Alberta. We had lunch and bought some groceries here. As it is a quite big city, we spent long time to get through.
From Edmonton to Swan Hill, smoke was covering all over the place! I guess another big bush fire.
Shun took the wheel from here.
The distance between towns are getting longer and longer. We had a coffee break or two, but generally just driving to get closer to Yellowknife.
Akko was driving last 200km of today's drive. We stopped at Mannings around 100km North of Pease River and are camping here. It costs CAD10 a site. So we paid CAD3.33 each!
The sky is cloudy and it is very windy but we built up the tents and cooked pasta with smoked sausages. It was really yummy! I hardly cook proper meals when camping alone. So it is another fun part of traveling with companions.
It's cold tonight, so we didn't take shower and went to bed.
Tomorrow we will be in Yellowknife.