
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



Day10: 2010年8月3日
8290Km to 8803km = 513km
Fort Nelson to Watsons Lake

biffndave.jpgBiff, DaveとMartyに別れをつげて出発。Ft NelsonからSummit Lakeまでは工事中が多く何ども止まりました。しかもジャリ道になったりアスファルトになったりと繰り返すところもありで、カナダ、ちゃんと道整備しろよ!と思ってしまいます。高い税金払ってるんですからね。


buffaloburger.jpgbuffalonhitsuji.jpgToad Riverで給油とバッファローバーガーの昼飯をすませて、Coal Riverに向けて走ってると、なんとバイソン(バッファロー)の群れが!10頭以上はいるでしょうか、昼寝で路肩に寝っ転がっていました。モチロン写真を撮りました。ヒツジさんも大興奮です。

Coal Riverで給油を済ませ休んでいると、Moto Guzziに乗ったカップルが来ました。イタリア人のGianniと彼女です。アラスカの一番てっぺんのPrudhoe Bayからアルゼンチンの最南端Ushuaiaまで30,000kmの旅をしてるとのこと。この旅はスポンサーが付いていて、半分仕事なのだとか。羨ましい。また何処かで会えたらいいね、と再会を願って別々の道へ。あとここではアメリカ人のハーレー乗りのおっちゃん二人とも話こみました。ライダーはやっぱりいいですね。
5時にWatsons Lakeのキャンプ場につきました。インターネットがつながるのですが遅くてブログのアップが2日分しか出来ません。メールも読めますが返信出来ません。とほほ。

Day10: 3Aug2010

Left the camping ground after said good-bye to Biff, Dave and Marty.

On the way to Summit Lake, there are some road works going on, so I was delayed a bit. Also lots of loosen gravels on the road I found. Some areas are not even sealed. There are lots of pit holes everywhere. Not sure what Canadian Government is doing about the road maintenance.

In the mountain area, the road is winding, so it's really fun to ride through there. The contrast of the mountains and the lake is beautiful. I saw some goats on the road side. They are cute. I saw a bear too.

Had lunch, a buffalo burger, and filled fuel at Toad River. On the way to Coal River, I saw a herd of buffalos lying beside the road. I was so excited to see them in real life. They are so huge and hairy!
I took a few photos of them. Mr. Sheep was also very excited.
I could see them 'Cos I had the buffalo burger!?

At Coal River, I met Gianni, rides Moto Guzzi. He and his girl friend is riding from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska to Ushuaia, Algentina. It's 30,000km trip! He said this trip half holiday and half job. He is testing a product on this trip. Please visit www.avl.com/roadtest for details.
I also met two Harley riders from the States and had a chat for s while. It's good to be a motorcycle rider! Making friends easily.

Arrived at Watsons Lake camping ground before 5:00pm. Here has free Wi-Fi connection but it is very slow. I could only update diary for two days but could not reply any mails. Sun set after 10:00pm here. Without checking time on a clock, I cannot tell it's so late already.
Tomorrow I will get to Whitehorse.



Day9: 2010年8月2日
7722km to 8290km = 568km
Chetwynd to Fort Nelson


100キロ走りDawson CreekのTim Hortonsで昼飯。駐車場で20ドル拾いました。ついますね。Fort St Johnで給油しFort Nelsonまで400キロです。ここまで来ると街もまばらですしガソリンスタンドも中々有りません。やっぱりガソリンも高くなって来ました。


6時前にFort Nelsonに到着しキャンプ場に。ここでアメリカ人ライダーのBiff, DaveとMartyに出会いました。BiffはBMW R1200RT、DaveはホンダGold Wing 1500、MartyはBMW R1200GSに乗っています。みんな北から帰って来たので色々アドバイスをくれました。



Day9: 2Aug2010

As the temp dropped a lot late at night, the tent is wet with dew. My bath towel is still wet too. To let it dry, I took time to get ready.

Left the camp ground after 9:00am and head to Dawson Creek. Had early lunch at Tim Hortons and headed to Fort St John, where I filled gas. Oh I picked up $20 at the car park of Tim Hortons.

To Fort Nelson, another 400km ride. It is mainly straight road and got bored. There are less towns in between and no much gas stations. The temp varies on altitude. Up on mountains around mid 20 degrees and down on fields around 30 degrees.

The road condition does get worse up here. I found lots of pot holes and loosen gravels on the road. And there are lots of road works as well, so we gotta to slow down or stop for a while. But the great views make me forget all about those.

Arrived Ft. Nelson before 6:00pm and met Biff, Dave and Marty. They are American riders and all came down from Whitehorse. So they gave me good advice.


Day8: 2010年8月1日

6973km to 7722km= 749km
Marble Canyon to Chetwynd


Clinton, 70 Mile Houseを過ぎ100 Mile Housrにて早めの昼飯。カナダのファーストフードチェーン、A&Wで食べました。パニアを降ろしてセンタースタンドを立てオイルのチェック。オイルは減ってないですね。anw01.jpganw02.jpg

12時過ぎに100 Mile Houseを出てWilliams Lakeへ。給油を済ませてQuesnelへ。燃費はリッターあたり20キロです。

QuesnelのTim Hortonでコーヒーブレイク。隣りに座ったカップルがバイク乗りだったのでしばし歓談。KatherineとKeethにPrince George以降Yukonまで西ルートか東ルートかどっちがいいかアドバイスをもらいました。西の方が見所ありますが、動物に当たる可能性が高いとのこと。行きは東ルートで帰りは西ルートにします。


Prince Georgeまでの道で鹿2頭目撃。リスも道路を横切ったりといよいよカナダの奥地に入ってきた感じですね。

Prince Georgeを過ぎ更に北上。ちょっと雲行きが怪しいかな。何か黒い動物が路肩にいるなと思ったら小熊でした!野生の熊見るの初めてです!
5時を過ぎたので、Beaver Lakeでキャンプとも思ったのですが、まだ日があるので先に進みます。これが裏目に。

明日はFort Nelsonを目指します。550キロくらい先です。

Day8: 1Aug10

I woke up at 6:30am and got prepared. I tried to arrange the luggages again and ended up leaving there just after 8:30am. Said Good-bye to Horst and Anne-Mary. Oh, not sure why, ash was on top of my tent and bike.

Around 30km later, route 99 ends there and merges to route 97. Passing Clinton and 70 Mile House, I stopped at 100 Mile House and had lunch at A&W, the Canadian fast food chain.
Check the engine oil level there. The oil level is still full. Good!

At Williams Lake, filled Gas. The petrol consumption is 20km/liter.

I had afternoon coffee break at Tim Horton, Quesnel. A couple next table also ride motorcycles and we had a chat while. I ask the conditions of route 97 and route 16. I can take either to Whitehorse but not sure which route to take. Route 16 has better views but more chances to hit wild animals. Anyway I decided to take 97 on the way up and 16 on the way coming back.

I saw two deers and squall on the road.

Around Prince George, it got cloudy and sprinkled a bit. On the side of the road, I saw a black bear! It was a cub! My first sight of bear ever!

I was thinking to camp at Beaver Lake. It was after 5pm but still blight, so I took a few photos of the lake and went ahead. This was a mistake.

I ended up camping near Chetwynd. More than 200km away from Beaver Lake. I missed another camping site nearby Beaver Lake and there were a few site in between but it was sprinkling...
I arrived at the camping site just before 8:30pm. What a long day!
Had shower and writing diary now. Will go to sleep soon. Tomorrow I'm heading to Fort Nelson, around 550km away from here.


Day7: 2010年7月31日

6657km to 6973km = 316km
Vancouver to Marble Canyon







Pavillionを過ぎた辺り、Marble Canyon Parkで5時過ぎたのでキャンプすることに。16ドル払わなきゃなんですが、10ドルと50ドルしか無いので10ドルだけいれました。


明日はPrince Georgeを越えたくらいのところを目指します。

Day7: 31Jul2010

Today is the day of days, starting my around the world trip by the motorcycle. Woke up early to sort the luggages in better manner. Took me while to reshape all the stuffs but it's better form now. But I need to make it better along the way.
Yoshi also got ready, so we left the hostel at 10:30am. Shota and Seita saw us off.

I needed to go to a camping store to get a bear spray and dry sacks, so said good-bye to Yoshi at Burrard street. 

I managed to get out from Downtown after 11:30am. Now I can head to Whisler, the home of 2010 winter Olympics game.

The view on route 99 is awesome. 
There were traffic jams where two lanes marge one lane.

I found Yoshi resting at a roadside parking. Chat about 5 mins and I headed to Whisler. I'm sure we will see each other again.

Arrived Whisler around 1:30pm. Had lunch at McDonalds as there was no other choice. I should have had lunch at Squamish!

From Whisler to Lilloet, I did not make any tsp. Route 99 has lots of windings and up n down, and great scenery, I like it! But the road condition isn't good. Aussie road is better than here. Also there is no much sign indicating how far to next town, which is not nice. It got hotter after Whisler. The thermometer on the bike was showing 36 degrees.

Bought a bottle of water and cereal bars at Lillooet, and now need to find a camping ground. I cannot see any space for bush camping along route 99. I gotta rely on Michelin map for a camping ground.

Marble Canyon Park near Pavillion is my tent site today.
I have to pay CAD16. No tap water, no shower but it is on lakeside and mountains are just there. A nice view.

Horst and Anne-Mary camping next to me were nice to me. I bough a bag of coffee beans, which I thought grounded one. They exchange it to grounded coffee beans, so now I can enjoy cuppa. Had an instant noodle as my dinner as usual in camping. Now I gotta go to bed.


Day6: 2010年7月30日





まずはミラーを取り付けて、バッテリーの端子をつけて、エンジンをかけます。ぶるるるるるん、一発です。さすがMy GS!


John Valk BMWに行き頼んでおいた部品を買います。ブレーキレバー、クラッチレバー、前後ブレーキパッド、オイルフィルター、オイルフィルターレンチ、オイル1リッターでCAD750!高いけどこれで安心して旅を続けられます。

indiancurry.jpgそれからカナダ、ブリティッシュ・コロンビア州(BC)のJAFにあたるBCAAで地図をもらい、Risaちゃんとお茶するのでGranville Islandまでいきました。インドカレーを昼飯にし、Risaちゃんからブラウニーをいただきました、ありがとー。





Day6, 30JUL2010


This morning they guys from the shipping company picked me up at the hostel.
Yoshi, the DR650 guy, came together with us as he needs to pickup a document at the shipping company.

First we went to ICBC North Vancouver to join Autoplan isurance.
It costs CAD77 for 15days. It's gona cover Canada and the USA, so I joined for 60days, which costs CAD462!
It is lots of money but without this I cannot ride in Canda and the States.

Then we went to the shiping company and picked up my bike.
The container was half broken by cusom but still required a big job to open it up.
I asked the guys at the shipping company to open it.
I wasn't sure if I paid for it but they were happy to do it for me.
It took half hour to open the contaner and finally my GS is under Canadian sunshine!

Put on mirrirs and connected the battery, I started up my GS, yes, with one push her engine hawls!

Now I gotta fill petrol. Luckily the gas station is just behind the company.
It is first time for me to ride on rightside of the road. I was narvus before I actually rode the bike, but it wasn't that hard.

I went to John Valk BMW to pick up parts I ordered, a brake lever, a clutch lever, front and rear brake pads, an oil filter, an oil filter wrench, 1 litre engine oil.
Total they cost me CAD750! But with these parts I can feel more secure t ride arond the continent.

THen went to BCAA (Automotive Accociation) to get a free map of BC and Yukon.

Risa asked me to come to Granville Island for a cuppa, so I rode there. With the bike, it is so mch easier to go arond Vancouver!    
I had Indian curry for lunch and she gave me a nice brownie, thanks Risa. We looked around the shops for a while and she has to go to see other friends.

Went back to the hostel to sort out the luggages. It was hard to put everything in in nice order. I do not have enough space to put my laptop ant the moment,so tomorrow morning I have to work it out.
Probably I have to carry a backpack.

Yoshi could pick up his DR650 successfully We rode to a Supermarket to get foods for tmorrow onward.
I will be camping on the way to Whitehorse. So I might not be able to update my log for a while. SO PLEASE DO NOT WORRY!


一日一回クリックするとランキングがあがります! よろしくお願いいたします!!
にほんブログ村 旅行ブログ 世界一周へ

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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
Copyright ©  -- M-26-Julio 羊とめぐる冒険 BMW R1200GSで世界一周の旅 --  All Rights Reserved

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