三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
講演は1時から3時まででしたが、その後WTN-Jの方々と居酒屋で歓談。ここでもいろいろな方と知り合えてとても勉強になりますし楽しいですね。6月25から28日まで原宿でWTN-J主催の海外ツーリングフェスタをするそうです。無料です。場所はデザイン・フェスタ・ギャラリーです。詳しくは、http://www.wtn-j.com まで。
Today I went to Cannon S Toweer in Shinagawa to listen to Mr Kannichi Fujiwara, the legend & the pinoeer of the moped overlanders. In 1990 to 92, he has ridden his moped around the world and did a number of overseas riding in 90s. And in 2005, he went around the world with an electric bike - YAMAHA Passol.
As the bike can run only for 20-30km with a battery and limited baggage carrying capacity, his wife Hiroko accompanied him with Yamaha 250cc Scooter.
Their speech was really interesting and the photos they took are really good. They are so good to make me want to go Africa even though I wam not planning to go sub-Sahara. Am I going sub-Sahara? It really depends on the situation when I get there.
After the speech, with the member of WTN-J, we went to have a drink in Shinjuku. Here I could meet more people, listen to their experiences and have good time.
Between 25th to 27th June, WTN-J will host "Oversea Touring Festa" in Harajuku. There are many overlanders posting their photos and memorabilias, so if you are interested, please go there! You can get details from http://www.wtn-j.com
Oh, I will be in Taiwan from 25th to 30th of June, so I cannot be in the festa....
講演の後は2次会です。はい飲み会です。ここでは参加者のみなさんと知り合えるいい機会が持てます。あの「バイクの松尾」の松尾さんや坪井さんとも知り合えてとても楽しいときが過ごせました。 また、このブログをいつも読んでくださっているYoshiさんに高尾山の交通安全祈願のステッカーをいただきました。Yoshiさんの応援とてもうれしいです!
で、今日6月14日はEl CheことErnesto Rafael Guevara de la Serna(チェ・ゲバラ)の誕生日です。特にこれといった催しとかは無いのですが、我が敬愛する先人の一人であるEl Cheが生まれた日なのでなんかウキウキしています。
Yesterday (6/13), I went to WTN-J gathering in Meguro, Tokyo. The presenter was Mr. Furuyama who has done motorcyle touring in many countries. What is remarkable about him is that although he has been so many places, he still keeps his job. This is very unusual in Japan. Usually once you take a long holiday, your position is gone or you have to give up your promotion..... This is the reality in Japan. I wish we can change the situation.
The topic was about his and his wife's motorcycle touring in Libya in 2004.
It is very hard to get information about Libya as Lybia has been asolated from "Western world" for many years. But Mr. Furuyama has been dreaming to see Sahara for many years.
In 2003, he went to Tunisia and saw Sahara, but that made him go even further to deeper Sahara.
His speech was very interesting and I could learn lots from it. Unfortunately, the conditions of entering Libya is changing all the time, so it is unsure by the time when I get there if I can get into the country. According to one of the Japanese rider in Africa now, it is almost impossible to get into Libya at the moment.
After the speech, we went for a drink. Here we can get to know those people with same spirit, so I could spend quality time.
Today (6/14) is El Che's birthday. He was born in 1928, so if he was alive, he would be 82 years old. In Japan, there is no much happening on this day, but I am little excited bout his birthday as he is one of my idol.
My friend in Australia, Kuro-san is in Fuchu, west side of Tokyo, so I went to see him there.
Fuchu is around 20mins away from Shinjuku (the biggest city in Tokyo) by express.
Kuro requested to have "Ramen" (Japanese style soup noodle), so we went to "Lion Ramen" which is very popular in Fuchu. The noodle was great!
Spending time with Kuro-san like this made me feel like I'm still in Sydney.
His daughter Karen is getting much taller. When I see her again, she will be year one student.
For dinner, I ordered a delivery pizza. Today is my birthday, but there is no girl celebrating with me...., I'm so sad....
実家からは乗り継ぎで千代田線を赤坂駅で下車。ここから青山通りまで歩いていきます。 そこそこ距離はありますが、10分くらいで到着。8時半過ぎです。
カナダ大使館に戻ってきて査証部の窓口で「ビザください」と言ったところ、かなり係りの方が驚いてる様子。なぜなら日本国籍保持者はビザ不要とのこと。ふぬぬぬ? 片道航空券での入国でも、入国審査時に滞在予定帰還をまかなえる資金証明書(銀行の明細など)や旅行計画書を提出すれば問題ないとのこと。 なぁんだ、やっぱビザいらないんじゃん。振り込んでしまった申請料の返金の手続きをして、終了。
This morning I visited Embassy of Canada in Akasaka, Tokyo. It took me 50mins to get there.
The Visa office opens afrom 9:00am, so I went to the bank to deposit the visa application fee of 7,000yen.
At the visa office, the staff was a little shocked when I asked for a temporary resident visa. She said Japanese passport holder does not need to get a visa even though s/he has an one way ticket.
According to her, all I have to prepare are the bank statement, which can prove I have enough fund to cover my stay in Canada, and the travel plan.
Ok, now I'm relieved. But I have mixed feeling of relief from troublesome processes of getting a visa and wasting my time and money for nothing.....
Anyway, the preparation for the world tour can go ahead without problem now.
Well, now I need to get an one way aire ticket to Vancouver; however, the end of July is in Summer holiday season in Japan. So all cheap flights are sold out. Also travel agent told me that I need to get a visa unless I have a return ticket. This is totally unecpected. The home page Embassy of Canada states that Japanese passport holder does not acquire a visa.... But it seems it is ot the case for one way ticket holder.
Anyway, I downloded the application forms and need to visit Embassy tomorrow morning.
It costs 7,000yen to apply a visa and it will take 1 to 4 weeks to process the application. Luckily I still have enough time.
Now the travel agent reserved a seat for 24th July (China International Air - via Beijin). It costs 127.000yen.... Ouch. I do not have much Japanese yen at the moment as the exchange rate of AUD is really bad at the moment.
Another idea is flying to Seatle and catching a coach to Vancouver. If it is much cheaper, I will take this option. The agent is checking the price and availability.
Hope the visa will be granted soon and I can have a good deal for the flight.