三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Today Raymond at the Nippon Express sent me the photos of my GS been crated.
It was a surprise to know the crating is completed so quickly.
Please take a look at the photos above.
Thank you heaps, Raymond!
This morning I went to the gym and joint Tai-Chi class and did some cardio to burn calorie.
In the afternoon, my cousin Shun took me to Shibamata Taishakuten ith his brand new hybrid car.
The car is so quiet and smooth. The fuel comsuption is really low as well.
Taishakuten attracts lots of visitors even on the week day. The movie series "Tora-san" made this temple really famous through out Japan. The shops around the temple are kept in old fashioned way and making the atmosphere of this area rally special. You can buy varieties of authentic Japanese snacks, sweets, goods, etc here. I did not take my camera, so sorry folks, no photos.
I do recommend to visit this temple if you come to Tokyo. You can experience old fashioned Tokyo downtown.
1. BMW オンボードツールキット (これでホイールまで外せます)
2. KTC デジラチェ (トルク管理はしっかりと!普通のトルクレンチより軽くてコンパクトなので選びました)
3. KTCトルクスレンチセット
4. KTCラジオペンチ (サトルには安いのでいいと言われたんですが、やっぱ良いのを買いました)
5. KTCニッパ (同上)
6. ハンマー(鉄、銅、プラスチックと頭が付け替え可能)
7. 六角、プラスマイナスドライバーのビットセットとドライバーの柄
1. Mont-Bellのテント(ステラリッジ2型: 2人用です。室内に荷物を入れるスペースを確保できますし、1人用より快適です)
2. 上記テント用グランドシート
3. Mont-Bellチタン製コッヘルセット(小型フライパン、ナベ大・小: 軽いのが一番!)
4. 250キロまで耐えられるロープ20メートル(洗濯物干すのに活躍!あと万が一バイクが止まってしまったときに活躍)
1. ヘルメット-AraiのTour Cross2 (曇り止め防止ピンロックシートも)
2. Alpine Starのゴアテックス防水ツーリングブーツ
3. Rough&Roadのゴアテックス防水ライディングパンツ
4. Rough&Roadのゴアテックス防水ジャケット用防寒ンインナー(ジャケットは入れるスペースが無かったので手荷物として持って行きます)
5. パンク修理キット
6. GS用イグニッションセンサー
7. GS用サイドスタンドエンラージャアー(サイドスタンドの面積を拡大します。カンジキみたいなものですね。ぬかるみや砂地に停める時にサイドスタンドがめり込まない!)
Today is the day to crate my GS. Until I pick her up in Vancouver, we are apart a little while.
Last night I put some stickers on the panniers and the helmet, then I packed tools, riding gears, camping gears inside the panniers.
It is the first time for me to ride GS with full gears on, but I did not feel any weight at all.
The crating centre is located in Fukagawa, Tokyo. As the fuel tank must be near empty, so yesterday I went around to burn excess fuel.
At the crating centre, I disconnected the battery terminal (negative), took off the side mirrors, and put on the international number plate on GS.
The guys at the crating centre reckon that it is better to keep the panniers on GS rather than putting then on the side. Putting them aside is insecure during the shipment and might damage the bike and the pannisers. As the volume of the crate will increase, I have to pay more for the shipment. But how can I say "No", if I was told "it might damage your bike".
Anyway, I'm hoping to see her in good condition in Vancouver.
明日は川崎のRough & Roadに行って防水ブーツや曇り防止バイザーなどを購入しようと思ってます。
Today I brought GS to MSC Hara (BMW Dealer) to go through the final check before sending her to Canada.
Went through the basic periodical service, like, changing engine oil and oil filter, tightening bolts, checking any error with the computer, etc.
Also the mechanic gave me tips where and what I should be mindful during my trip.
Basically, if the oil and filer are changed regularly, GS usually will not have a problem.
After that I was chatting with Mr W-Nabe and other customers until 2:30pm.
Went to the gym in the evening to built up strength and stamina for the trip. Hopefully this hard work will pay off during the trip.
Tomorrow I'm planning to go to a bike accessory shop "Rough & Road" in Kawasaki and will buy a pair of water proof boots and an unti-fog visor.
Today Tokyo has a clear sky, the temp is around 21 degree. It was raining whole week in Sydney, so I really appreciate sunshine.
It has been two months since I saw my GS last time, so I was afraid that she does not wake up so easily. However, she looks just so good as two months ago and the engine started with one push, no hassle at all.
Since it was good day today, I should have gone for a ride to somewhere. But it was nearly lunch time, so the main roads were already busy....
Anyway I took her for a short ride and went to a motorcycle accessory shop to check on waterproof boots, groves and untifogg visor.
It should be fine tomorrow as well, so I will go for a ride after gym training.
I just came back to Japan.
From tomorrow, I will be busy preparing for the world tour.
The first thing to do is to wake up GS, has been kept in the garage for nearly two months!
The second thing to do is do the final check of GS with the dealer.
Then I will take GS to the shipping campany by the beginning of next week.
The flight to Canada will be around 14th of July.