三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day 703: 2012年6月30日
Nantes to Caen (Camping Hautes Sentes)
70,985km to 71,310 = 325km
It started rainng while I was packing... I was just about putting away the tent, but so I escapedinto the tent. I waited for a while stop raining.
Luckily the rain stopped in 20 mins, so I restarted packing up I wiped the tent and let it dried. It took a while but I could leave by 10:30am. But I found out the headlght bulb of Esperanza was out. I had to buy a new one somewhere.
I went to the centre of Nantes. Cathedral was pretty impressive.
Those curvings above the main gate were really detailed.
The inside of Cathedral was plain and simple. It was solemn and I liked that.
I've seen many churches and cathedrals, butI like this Cathedral of Nantes. It could be the on of the best so far.
I visited Castle of Count of Burgundy. There was a moat surrounding the castle, and the difense seemed to be pretty tight.
But inside of the castle was not really huge. The house looked elegant.
It started to rain hard again. I gave up sightseeing Nantes and escaped to a petrolstation. Here I could buy a lght bulb and fitted it. I waited there until the rain eased up.
It rained and stopped. Those little towns and villages on the way were built with stones and were really nice. If the weather was better, they would be prettier.
そして遂にモン・サン・ミシェルが見えました!! エスペランサを停めて先ずは写真。
Then, finally I saw Mont Saint Michel in a distace!! I pulled over at the roaside and tok a photo.
I thought I could ride up to Mont Saint Michel really close up, but all vehicles were to be parked at a paied parking area.... I saw a number of British registered motorcycles went past. I thought they might know a tricl, so I followed them. But it srated to rain rally really hard. There was a food stand and had a few tents where we could stay dry, so we had a cuppa and had a chat. As they were gong to tae a ferry this afteroon, so they would not go into Mont Saint Michel, they said.
The rain stopped and I said good-bye to those Bristish riders and went to the parking area. It cost 3.5 Euros for 2 hours... It was not as expensive as I thoughtbut it was stil expensive.
There was a bridge from where I could see a good view of Mont Saint Michel. Well, as the weather was really bad, so it did not look really great....
Mr.Seep was very disappointed with the view of Mont Saint Michel with the grey sky.
I met 3 Japanese girls on a short holiday in France there. I asked them to rake photos of me and M. Sheep with Mont Saint Michel.
彼女たちと話をしているうちに、晴れ間が広がって来ました!! なのでもう一枚撮ってもらいました。ヒツジも喜んでます。
While I was talkng to them, the weather got beter!! Now Mr. Sheep was happy!!
A shot of Mont Saint Michel with a zoom.
I said good-bye to them and took a free shuttle bus to Mont Saint Michel.
Sankaku with Mont Saint Michel.
But I did not go inside. Those Japanese girls told me, I could go inside the gate and around for free. But to enter Monastery, I had to pay a fee. I imagined inside would not be very special and I wanted to go ahead while the eather was good, so I turned back to the parkig area.
I rode to Caen and it took 2 hours or so. It eained hard a few times on the way. I arrived a campground after 6pm. While I was pitching the tent, it started to rain again. When the tent was done, it was pouring and it continued raining hard for 30 mins or so. Luckily I did not spend longet in Mont Saint Michel.
ここノルマンディーは当に「D-Day(ノルマンディー上陸作戦)」の舞台ですね。「The Longest Day」、「Saving Private Ryan」や「Bond of Brothers」で何回も見た、当に激戦地。キャンプ場でノルマンディーの第2次世界大戦の遺跡などを詳しく聞いて、明日に備えます。
So I am in Normandy. The place where D Day invasion took place on 6 of June, 1944. I watched those D Day movies and TV series like "The Longest Day", "Saving Private Ryan" and "Bond of Brothers". I asked info at the campground and I am ready for tomorrow!
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Nantes to Caen (Camping Hautes Sentes)
70,985km to 71,310 = 325km
It started rainng while I was packing... I was just about putting away the tent, but so I escapedinto the tent. I waited for a while stop raining.
Luckily the rain stopped in 20 mins, so I restarted packing up I wiped the tent and let it dried. It took a while but I could leave by 10:30am. But I found out the headlght bulb of Esperanza was out. I had to buy a new one somewhere.
I went to the centre of Nantes. Cathedral was pretty impressive.
Those curvings above the main gate were really detailed.
The inside of Cathedral was plain and simple. It was solemn and I liked that.
I've seen many churches and cathedrals, butI like this Cathedral of Nantes. It could be the on of the best so far.
I visited Castle of Count of Burgundy. There was a moat surrounding the castle, and the difense seemed to be pretty tight.
But inside of the castle was not really huge. The house looked elegant.
It started to rain hard again. I gave up sightseeing Nantes and escaped to a petrolstation. Here I could buy a lght bulb and fitted it. I waited there until the rain eased up.
It rained and stopped. Those little towns and villages on the way were built with stones and were really nice. If the weather was better, they would be prettier.
そして遂にモン・サン・ミシェルが見えました!! エスペランサを停めて先ずは写真。
Then, finally I saw Mont Saint Michel in a distace!! I pulled over at the roaside and tok a photo.
I thought I could ride up to Mont Saint Michel really close up, but all vehicles were to be parked at a paied parking area.... I saw a number of British registered motorcycles went past. I thought they might know a tricl, so I followed them. But it srated to rain rally really hard. There was a food stand and had a few tents where we could stay dry, so we had a cuppa and had a chat. As they were gong to tae a ferry this afteroon, so they would not go into Mont Saint Michel, they said.
The rain stopped and I said good-bye to those Bristish riders and went to the parking area. It cost 3.5 Euros for 2 hours... It was not as expensive as I thoughtbut it was stil expensive.
There was a bridge from where I could see a good view of Mont Saint Michel. Well, as the weather was really bad, so it did not look really great....
Mr.Seep was very disappointed with the view of Mont Saint Michel with the grey sky.
I met 3 Japanese girls on a short holiday in France there. I asked them to rake photos of me and M. Sheep with Mont Saint Michel.
彼女たちと話をしているうちに、晴れ間が広がって来ました!! なのでもう一枚撮ってもらいました。ヒツジも喜んでます。
While I was talkng to them, the weather got beter!! Now Mr. Sheep was happy!!
A shot of Mont Saint Michel with a zoom.
I said good-bye to them and took a free shuttle bus to Mont Saint Michel.
Sankaku with Mont Saint Michel.
But I did not go inside. Those Japanese girls told me, I could go inside the gate and around for free. But to enter Monastery, I had to pay a fee. I imagined inside would not be very special and I wanted to go ahead while the eather was good, so I turned back to the parkig area.
I rode to Caen and it took 2 hours or so. It eained hard a few times on the way. I arrived a campground after 6pm. While I was pitching the tent, it started to rain again. When the tent was done, it was pouring and it continued raining hard for 30 mins or so. Luckily I did not spend longet in Mont Saint Michel.
ここノルマンディーは当に「D-Day(ノルマンディー上陸作戦)」の舞台ですね。「The Longest Day」、「Saving Private Ryan」や「Bond of Brothers」で何回も見た、当に激戦地。キャンプ場でノルマンディーの第2次世界大戦の遺跡などを詳しく聞いて、明日に備えます。
So I am in Normandy. The place where D Day invasion took place on 6 of June, 1944. I watched those D Day movies and TV series like "The Longest Day", "Saving Private Ryan" and "Bond of Brothers". I asked info at the campground and I am ready for tomorrow!
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 702: 2012年6月29日
Lasarte Oria - Spain to Nantes - France (Nantes Camping)
70,393km to 70,985km = 592 km
It was overcasted this morning. Daniel would be heading to Angers and would stay at his friend'S place. I would be heading to Nantes and spend a night there and heading to Normandy. So we rode together today until the junction we split.
先ずはフランスとの国境手前で給油。フランスに入るとガソリンが高くなるんで。しかしスペイン最後の写真が「Maxi China」ってのもなんですねぇ。
We filled up our tanks before we cross the border to France. Petrol costs more in France. The last photo in Spain was "Maxi China"... Nothing Spain about it...
In France, we were riding to Bordeaux first. But there were many small towns on the ways and tons of roundabouts. So we could not ride the distance. We made just 80km after 2 hours.
We pulled over at the road side and discussed if we could another way to avoid roundabouts. We could take the toll way, but we would not want to spend extra, so we decided to stay on the same way. Then soon, it became a major highway and we could cruise at 90-100km/h.
We bypassed Bordeaux and then there were many grape vines everywhere. Yes, Bordeaux is one of the most famous wine production area in France.
If I could drink wines I would visit some wineries, but I cannot have any alchole.
Daniel also wanted to go ahead as we just made less than 200km so far. We had a long ride ahead of us still.
シャンパーニュ(Champagne)という小さな街を通り過ぎましたが、あのシャンペンの産地のシャンパーニュなんでしょうか?? ただ通り過ぎたので写真は無いです。
We passed a small town named "Champagne". I was not sure if it was the "Champagne" - the home of sparkling wine "Champagne". As we rode through the town, we did not take any photo.
そしてダニエルとお別れのときが。約一週間一緒に行動しましたので名残惜しいですが、彼もワシももともと一人旅。Buen viaje mi amigo! Suerte!!
Then we came to the junction where we split. We rode together for a week. It was sad to be apart. But we are primary travelling solo anyway. Buen viaje mi amigo. Que te vaya bien y suerte!
I was riding straight to Nantes.
I arrived Nantes after 7pm. It was still bright and I could see the city well while riding through. There were rivers, cannels and beautiful buildings. I would like to spend a few days here (but I have to move on...).
Cathedral of Nantes.
It's pitty that I will be leaving here tomorrow. I will walk around the city tomorrow morning before heading to Normandy.
The campground I went was 5 star campground. I thought it would be 20 Euros but it was 25 Euros as it was already high season!! I thought about going to another campground, but after 600km of riding, I decided to stay there.
明日はナントの街を軽く見てから、あのモン・サン・ミシェル(Le Mont Saint Michel)を訪ねて、ノルマンディーの街カン(Caen)を目指す予定です。
I will explore the city of Nantes, I will visit Le Mont Saint Michel, and then I will head to Caen in Normandy.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Lasarte Oria - Spain to Nantes - France (Nantes Camping)
70,393km to 70,985km = 592 km
It was overcasted this morning. Daniel would be heading to Angers and would stay at his friend'S place. I would be heading to Nantes and spend a night there and heading to Normandy. So we rode together today until the junction we split.
先ずはフランスとの国境手前で給油。フランスに入るとガソリンが高くなるんで。しかしスペイン最後の写真が「Maxi China」ってのもなんですねぇ。
We filled up our tanks before we cross the border to France. Petrol costs more in France. The last photo in Spain was "Maxi China"... Nothing Spain about it...
In France, we were riding to Bordeaux first. But there were many small towns on the ways and tons of roundabouts. So we could not ride the distance. We made just 80km after 2 hours.
We pulled over at the road side and discussed if we could another way to avoid roundabouts. We could take the toll way, but we would not want to spend extra, so we decided to stay on the same way. Then soon, it became a major highway and we could cruise at 90-100km/h.
We bypassed Bordeaux and then there were many grape vines everywhere. Yes, Bordeaux is one of the most famous wine production area in France.
If I could drink wines I would visit some wineries, but I cannot have any alchole.
Daniel also wanted to go ahead as we just made less than 200km so far. We had a long ride ahead of us still.
シャンパーニュ(Champagne)という小さな街を通り過ぎましたが、あのシャンペンの産地のシャンパーニュなんでしょうか?? ただ通り過ぎたので写真は無いです。
We passed a small town named "Champagne". I was not sure if it was the "Champagne" - the home of sparkling wine "Champagne". As we rode through the town, we did not take any photo.
そしてダニエルとお別れのときが。約一週間一緒に行動しましたので名残惜しいですが、彼もワシももともと一人旅。Buen viaje mi amigo! Suerte!!
Then we came to the junction where we split. We rode together for a week. It was sad to be apart. But we are primary travelling solo anyway. Buen viaje mi amigo. Que te vaya bien y suerte!
I was riding straight to Nantes.
I arrived Nantes after 7pm. It was still bright and I could see the city well while riding through. There were rivers, cannels and beautiful buildings. I would like to spend a few days here (but I have to move on...).
Cathedral of Nantes.
It's pitty that I will be leaving here tomorrow. I will walk around the city tomorrow morning before heading to Normandy.
The campground I went was 5 star campground. I thought it would be 20 Euros but it was 25 Euros as it was already high season!! I thought about going to another campground, but after 600km of riding, I decided to stay there.
明日はナントの街を軽く見てから、あのモン・サン・ミシェル(Le Mont Saint Michel)を訪ねて、ノルマンディーの街カン(Caen)を目指す予定です。
I will explore the city of Nantes, I will visit Le Mont Saint Michel, and then I will head to Caen in Normandy.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 701: 2012年6月28日
Leon to Lasarte Oria near Sansebastian (Hotel Ibiltze)
69,974km to 70,393km = 419km
Half of baguette, half of Chorizo and yogurt, they were my breakfast. Recently Daniel and I have been eating lots of Chorizos. But I love sausage type of foods, so it's all good for me!
レオンから「サンティアゴ巡礼路自動車道(Autovia Camino de Santiago)」を一路東に向かいます。今日は短い距離なので気分が楽です。
From Leon, we rode on "Autovia Camino de Santiago" to the east. Today the distance to cover would not be too long, so we were easy.
ブルゴス(Burgos)を越えてミランダ(Miranda)に入ると「バスクの国(Pais Basco)」です。バルセロナ近辺のカタルーニャもそうですが、バスク地方も独自の言語文化を持っているんです。一頃はETAなどの独立運動・テロ活動が盛んでしたね。こういうバナーがそこかしこに。
Passed Burgos and entered Miranda, we were in "Pais Basco". This area of Spain is very unique. Thos Basque people speak their own language - tatally different from Spanish or other Latin Languages. Orgin is not known yet. Before, ETA was very active for independence movement of Basque. Recently I have not heard much about them though. But there were banners like below everywhere.
Around 2pm, we stopped at a petrol station for refuel and lunch. We had another Chorizo! With Daniel, it'S been 6days and we had 5 Chorizos already!
It was really hot until we had lunch and left the petrol station. But once we left there, there were thick clouds in front of us. As we got closer to San Sebastian, the clouds got thicker and misty. It started to rain as well.
We arrived San Sebastian. Daniel checked a hotel with parking space on the web, but somehow we could not find it. We also checked a campground but we did not want to pich our tents in this weather. We went a few hotels, but they were all expensive or did not have any parking space.
The city of San Sebastian was pretty nice. If it was sunny, it should look better.
Daniel asked a taxi driver where we could find an economical hotel with parking space. He said we had to go outside of San Sebastian. He told Daniel how to get there and Daniel keyed the place into his GPS.
で、サン・セバスチャンの南10キロくらいの街ラサルテ・オリア(Lasarte Oria)で宿を見つけました。駐車場混みで1人30ユーロとちょっと高いですが、雨の中探し回るのは大変なのでここで手を打ちました。
We rode some 10km south of San Sebastian, a town called Lasarte Oria. The hotel cost 30 Euros each including parking fee. But we did not want to look around in the rain, so we decided to stay there.
After we checked in, we went out to the town. There was a festival going on. It was for "St Peter's day". From today till sunday, they will have festival.
で、バスク地方といえばベレー帽の発祥の地。この間「Parque Extremo」の帽子を失くしたのでもう一つ帽子が欲しかったので、ここで購入することに。
Beret is actually originated in Pais Basco. I lost "Parque Extremo" cap the other day and I wanted to have another cap or hat, so I wanted to buy a real Basque beret here. They I found one!
Here it is!!!
What do you think? I think it suits me pretty well!
It cost 25 Euros but it is the genuine Basque beret. It'S different from my usual "Guevara" style beret and I really like it.
We looked around the town and enjoed atmosphere of the festival. As it would be our last night in Spain for a long time, we wentto a bar to have tapas.
There were some selections of tapas, so I was wondering what to have. The space is limited in my stomach. I ordered a seafood croquette with a piece of bread and Daniel had parma ham and mashuroom on a piece of bread.
どれもこれも美味しい!! 1タパ1.5ユーロです。
They were all good! Each cost 1.5 Euros and we had 3 different tapas each.
I like Pais Basco!
The barman was cool too.
I wish I could spend more time in Pais Basco, but I have to hurry to UK. So we stay a night here and move onto France tomorrow.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Leon to Lasarte Oria near Sansebastian (Hotel Ibiltze)
69,974km to 70,393km = 419km
Half of baguette, half of Chorizo and yogurt, they were my breakfast. Recently Daniel and I have been eating lots of Chorizos. But I love sausage type of foods, so it's all good for me!
レオンから「サンティアゴ巡礼路自動車道(Autovia Camino de Santiago)」を一路東に向かいます。今日は短い距離なので気分が楽です。
From Leon, we rode on "Autovia Camino de Santiago" to the east. Today the distance to cover would not be too long, so we were easy.
ブルゴス(Burgos)を越えてミランダ(Miranda)に入ると「バスクの国(Pais Basco)」です。バルセロナ近辺のカタルーニャもそうですが、バスク地方も独自の言語文化を持っているんです。一頃はETAなどの独立運動・テロ活動が盛んでしたね。こういうバナーがそこかしこに。
Passed Burgos and entered Miranda, we were in "Pais Basco". This area of Spain is very unique. Thos Basque people speak their own language - tatally different from Spanish or other Latin Languages. Orgin is not known yet. Before, ETA was very active for independence movement of Basque. Recently I have not heard much about them though. But there were banners like below everywhere.
Around 2pm, we stopped at a petrol station for refuel and lunch. We had another Chorizo! With Daniel, it'S been 6days and we had 5 Chorizos already!
It was really hot until we had lunch and left the petrol station. But once we left there, there were thick clouds in front of us. As we got closer to San Sebastian, the clouds got thicker and misty. It started to rain as well.
We arrived San Sebastian. Daniel checked a hotel with parking space on the web, but somehow we could not find it. We also checked a campground but we did not want to pich our tents in this weather. We went a few hotels, but they were all expensive or did not have any parking space.
The city of San Sebastian was pretty nice. If it was sunny, it should look better.
Daniel asked a taxi driver where we could find an economical hotel with parking space. He said we had to go outside of San Sebastian. He told Daniel how to get there and Daniel keyed the place into his GPS.
で、サン・セバスチャンの南10キロくらいの街ラサルテ・オリア(Lasarte Oria)で宿を見つけました。駐車場混みで1人30ユーロとちょっと高いですが、雨の中探し回るのは大変なのでここで手を打ちました。
We rode some 10km south of San Sebastian, a town called Lasarte Oria. The hotel cost 30 Euros each including parking fee. But we did not want to look around in the rain, so we decided to stay there.
After we checked in, we went out to the town. There was a festival going on. It was for "St Peter's day". From today till sunday, they will have festival.
で、バスク地方といえばベレー帽の発祥の地。この間「Parque Extremo」の帽子を失くしたのでもう一つ帽子が欲しかったので、ここで購入することに。
Beret is actually originated in Pais Basco. I lost "Parque Extremo" cap the other day and I wanted to have another cap or hat, so I wanted to buy a real Basque beret here. They I found one!
Here it is!!!
What do you think? I think it suits me pretty well!
It cost 25 Euros but it is the genuine Basque beret. It'S different from my usual "Guevara" style beret and I really like it.
We looked around the town and enjoed atmosphere of the festival. As it would be our last night in Spain for a long time, we wentto a bar to have tapas.
There were some selections of tapas, so I was wondering what to have. The space is limited in my stomach. I ordered a seafood croquette with a piece of bread and Daniel had parma ham and mashuroom on a piece of bread.
どれもこれも美味しい!! 1タパ1.5ユーロです。
They were all good! Each cost 1.5 Euros and we had 3 different tapas each.
I like Pais Basco!
The barman was cool too.
I wish I could spend more time in Pais Basco, but I have to hurry to UK. So we stay a night here and move onto France tomorrow.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 700: 2012年6月27日
Oporto - Portugal to Leon - Spain (Camping Ciudad Leon)
69,389km to 69,974km = 585km
We left the hotel before 9am. We rode to the north from Oporto and around 100km later, we crossed a bridge and entered Spain! We spent only 4 days in Portugal but we had great time there.
スペインに戻って来ました!! ガソリンはスペインのほうが安いんです。
So we were back in Spain! Petrol is cheaper in Spain.
From Redondela till Arcade, the road went along side of a bay and there were some nice sceneries. We stopped and took some photos.
国境から140キロくらい走ると、巡礼路「カミノ・デ・サンティアゴ(Camino de Santiago)」のサンティアゴ・デ・コンポステーラ(Santiago de Compostela)に到着します。
After riding 140km or so after crossing the border, we arrived Santiago de Compostela.
Santiago is the nickname of St Jacob the apostle. At the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, his body is rested. Here is the highlight of the pilgrimage.
At the centre of the town, there were many pilgrims with backpacks. From the begining of the Camino de Santiago at the border of France to Santiago, there would be 1,000km! There are hills, mountians, valleys etc. It would be really hard to walk through all the way. Ryo (I met him at the hostel in Granada) walked through this pilgrimage route. Mr. Ogino - the owner of "Savana Kitagawa" in San Jose, Costa Rica, likes walking through the route, and he comes here every year.
We asked where we could have a nice lunch and they told us "Gato Negro (Black Cat)". But it was expensive, so we went to a supermarket to make sandwithces.
After lunch, we visited the cathedral. The tower was magnificent.
It is a huge cathedral as 1 of 12 Apostles is resting.
Those curvings are pretty good too.
Inside the cathedral, it was gorgeous. Actually taking photo was prohibited, but we did not know and took a photo below. But other tourists were taking photos and the security guard did not say anything...
There is a statue of St. Jacob there and we could go behind the statue and touch it (we did not touch it but there were some graffitis there...)! I had never seen a church / cathedral like this.
We took a stair down to the basement where the body of St. Jacob resting. I was really amazed with this cathedral. Daniel was also glad to visit here.
それにしても暑い!! 時間は4時です(スペインはポルトガルより1時間進んでます)。目指すレオンまでは300キロ以上。走るぞー!!
It was really hot!! It was 4pm (Spanish time zone is 1 hour ahead of Portugal). Leon, where we were heading to would be some 300km away! So we still had a big ride ahead!!
何回か休憩し、ようやくレオンに到着したのは9時ごろ。目星のキャンプ場は1人11ユーロで、WiFiも無料! ヨシ!!
We had a few rests on the way and finally got to Leon around 9pm. The campsite cost 11 Euros and it got free WiFi!! Great!!!
We went to a supermarket to buy our dinner and breakfast. We wanted to sleep early today ut we had to make a research on accomodation tomorrow and update blog, so we were busy till late.
明日はバスクの地サン・セバスチャン(San Sebastian)まで走る予定です。
Tomorrow we try to get to an Sebastian, Pais Basco.
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Oporto - Portugal to Leon - Spain (Camping Ciudad Leon)
69,389km to 69,974km = 585km
We left the hotel before 9am. We rode to the north from Oporto and around 100km later, we crossed a bridge and entered Spain! We spent only 4 days in Portugal but we had great time there.
スペインに戻って来ました!! ガソリンはスペインのほうが安いんです。
So we were back in Spain! Petrol is cheaper in Spain.
From Redondela till Arcade, the road went along side of a bay and there were some nice sceneries. We stopped and took some photos.
国境から140キロくらい走ると、巡礼路「カミノ・デ・サンティアゴ(Camino de Santiago)」のサンティアゴ・デ・コンポステーラ(Santiago de Compostela)に到着します。
After riding 140km or so after crossing the border, we arrived Santiago de Compostela.
Santiago is the nickname of St Jacob the apostle. At the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, his body is rested. Here is the highlight of the pilgrimage.
At the centre of the town, there were many pilgrims with backpacks. From the begining of the Camino de Santiago at the border of France to Santiago, there would be 1,000km! There are hills, mountians, valleys etc. It would be really hard to walk through all the way. Ryo (I met him at the hostel in Granada) walked through this pilgrimage route. Mr. Ogino - the owner of "Savana Kitagawa" in San Jose, Costa Rica, likes walking through the route, and he comes here every year.
We asked where we could have a nice lunch and they told us "Gato Negro (Black Cat)". But it was expensive, so we went to a supermarket to make sandwithces.
After lunch, we visited the cathedral. The tower was magnificent.
It is a huge cathedral as 1 of 12 Apostles is resting.
Those curvings are pretty good too.
Inside the cathedral, it was gorgeous. Actually taking photo was prohibited, but we did not know and took a photo below. But other tourists were taking photos and the security guard did not say anything...
There is a statue of St. Jacob there and we could go behind the statue and touch it (we did not touch it but there were some graffitis there...)! I had never seen a church / cathedral like this.
We took a stair down to the basement where the body of St. Jacob resting. I was really amazed with this cathedral. Daniel was also glad to visit here.
それにしても暑い!! 時間は4時です(スペインはポルトガルより1時間進んでます)。目指すレオンまでは300キロ以上。走るぞー!!
It was really hot!! It was 4pm (Spanish time zone is 1 hour ahead of Portugal). Leon, where we were heading to would be some 300km away! So we still had a big ride ahead!!
何回か休憩し、ようやくレオンに到着したのは9時ごろ。目星のキャンプ場は1人11ユーロで、WiFiも無料! ヨシ!!
We had a few rests on the way and finally got to Leon around 9pm. The campsite cost 11 Euros and it got free WiFi!! Great!!!
We went to a supermarket to buy our dinner and breakfast. We wanted to sleep early today ut we had to make a research on accomodation tomorrow and update blog, so we were busy till late.
明日はバスクの地サン・セバスチャン(San Sebastian)まで走る予定です。
Tomorrow we try to get to an Sebastian, Pais Basco.
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Day 699: 2012年6月26日
Oporto (Residencial Oporto Nobre)
I will update English version later.
I had a good sleep. After breakfast, I made some researches on net and wth Daniel I went out to the city.
バスに揺られてセントロに。降りたところに観光案内所があったので地図をゲット! 丁度古い教会もあり、そこを訪ねてみました。
We caught a bus to centre and where we got off the bus there was a tourist info office, so we got a city map. There was a nice old church as well, so we went there to have a look.
どこのカトリック教会もイエスの像は痛々しいのですが、この像が今までで一番ショッキング!! 痛々しいを通り越して、見るのが辛い。イエスの受難をここまで生々しく描写するのが凄いですね。1人の人間としてのイエスの痛み、苦しみ、苦悩、そして神の子としての復活。
さて、明日はダニエルは巡礼路で有名なサンチアゴ・デ・コンポステラ(Santiago de Compostela)に寄った後レオン(Leon)で1泊の予定で、ワシはセゴビアに行く予定だったのですが、ワシもダニエルと一緒に行くことにしました。セゴビアにはローマ時代の水道橋とディズニーのシンデレラ城のモデルになった城があるんですけど、サンティアゴからレオン、そしてバスク地方に抜ける道のほうが面白そうなので、またダニエルとしばらく一緒に走りたいのでそうしました。
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Oporto (Residencial Oporto Nobre)
I will update English version later.
I had a good sleep. After breakfast, I made some researches on net and wth Daniel I went out to the city.
バスに揺られてセントロに。降りたところに観光案内所があったので地図をゲット! 丁度古い教会もあり、そこを訪ねてみました。
We caught a bus to centre and where we got off the bus there was a tourist info office, so we got a city map. There was a nice old church as well, so we went there to have a look.
どこのカトリック教会もイエスの像は痛々しいのですが、この像が今までで一番ショッキング!! 痛々しいを通り越して、見るのが辛い。イエスの受難をここまで生々しく描写するのが凄いですね。1人の人間としてのイエスの痛み、苦しみ、苦悩、そして神の子としての復活。
さて、明日はダニエルは巡礼路で有名なサンチアゴ・デ・コンポステラ(Santiago de Compostela)に寄った後レオン(Leon)で1泊の予定で、ワシはセゴビアに行く予定だったのですが、ワシもダニエルと一緒に行くことにしました。セゴビアにはローマ時代の水道橋とディズニーのシンデレラ城のモデルになった城があるんですけど、サンティアゴからレオン、そしてバスク地方に抜ける道のほうが面白そうなので、またダニエルとしばらく一緒に走りたいのでそうしました。
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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