三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
パラグアイ総走行距離:55,510km to 56,257km = 747km
使った金額 (注:通貨単位はパラグアイ・グアラニーPG)
現金合計: 1,000,000PG+93,000PG+140米ドル=1,093,000PG (257米ドル)+140米ドル= 397米ドル
入国とバイク輸入諸手数料: 無料
保険: アルゼンチンで加入した保険が有効
バイク関連費用: 無し
生活費(食費+宿代+交通費): 397米ドル÷23日=1日当り、78.125ソル。(17.30米ドル)
が、しかし、ペンション園田のスタッフの皆さんの魅力、そしてペンション園田で多くの素敵な出会いがワシを魅了しました。そして、思いもかけずアスンシオンのオカモトさんとの出会い! パラグアイはワシにとって実にドラマチックな場所となりました。
2. ラ・コルメナ(La Colmena): パラグアイでの最初の日本人移住区。富士見ホテルがあります。レストランも経営してるのでここで日本食のお昼をいただきました。部屋の料金は宿泊していないので、不明です。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 589: 2012年3月7日
Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)
そして今日も仲間が2人出発して行きました。人気ブログ「世界新聞社」のアツシ君とサッカー青年タロウ君。短い間だったけれど、楽しかったよ。Buen viaje!
夕飯は中華風あんかけパスタ? 結構美味しく出来ました。
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にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 589: 07 MAR 2012
Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)
I woke up earlier this morning. It was milder in the morning. I would be able to ride out tomorrow in the morning.
Sachiko was about to go to CIudad del Este to get her "exit stamp" of Brazil, then she was planing to catch a 12 noon bus to Santa Cruz, Bolivia. But she realised she would not have enough time to ctach the bus, so she decided to stay 1 more day. She went to Este toget the stamp and buy the ticket abyway.
Today, 2 more friends left here - Atsushi and Taro. It is about time for me to restart my trip as well.
With Tatsu and Kotaro, I went to Co-op supermarket. We made Cold Chinese Noodle again for lunch.
It got really hot again around the lunch time. After lunch, I had a nap. When I got up, Kazuko the bread maker was here. I bought a cream bun and cookies from her as it would be the last chance. Shin was cutting Mr. Sonoda's hair. He is the professional hair dresser. It's cool to see him working as the hair dresser. He also cut the hair of Kazuya - a staff member of the hostel later.
For dinner, we cooked stir-fried noodle. Here at Pension Sonoda, I re-recognised how fun cooking is. Also I could make my blog better. And the most of all, I met so many nice people here. I thank you all! I will continue my trip and have fun. I will be back here one day.
I will go to Brazil tomorrow, heading to Bonito (will take 2 days to get there). I will re-united with Shin and Tatsu there.
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にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)
******************************************************************************************************************************************************* 世界ブログランキング参加中です。クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 589: 07 MAR 2012
Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)
I woke up earlier this morning. It was milder in the morning. I would be able to ride out tomorrow in the morning.
Sachiko was about to go to CIudad del Este to get her "exit stamp" of Brazil, then she was planing to catch a 12 noon bus to Santa Cruz, Bolivia. But she realised she would not have enough time to ctach the bus, so she decided to stay 1 more day. She went to Este toget the stamp and buy the ticket abyway.
Today, 2 more friends left here - Atsushi and Taro. It is about time for me to restart my trip as well.
With Tatsu and Kotaro, I went to Co-op supermarket. We made Cold Chinese Noodle again for lunch.
It got really hot again around the lunch time. After lunch, I had a nap. When I got up, Kazuko the bread maker was here. I bought a cream bun and cookies from her as it would be the last chance. Shin was cutting Mr. Sonoda's hair. He is the professional hair dresser. It's cool to see him working as the hair dresser. He also cut the hair of Kazuya - a staff member of the hostel later.
For dinner, we cooked stir-fried noodle. Here at Pension Sonoda, I re-recognised how fun cooking is. Also I could make my blog better. And the most of all, I met so many nice people here. I thank you all! I will continue my trip and have fun. I will be back here one day.
I will go to Brazil tomorrow, heading to Bonito (will take 2 days to get there). I will re-united with Shin and Tatsu there.
******************************************************************************************************************************************************* I joined the "World trip blog ranking" Please click the button!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 588: 2012年3月6日
Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)
今日も暑し! 熱中症気味です、最近は。なんと本日は「世界一周 ブログランキング」が74位から48位と躍進いたしました。これでより多くの方々に我がブログを呼んでいただけます。皆様の応援のお陰です。これからもよろしくお願いいたします。
それにしても暑いです。毎日「暑い暑い」と言ってますね。今日はブログに新メニューを追加しました。「PROFILE」(自己紹介)、「旅する理由 / Why RWT?」です。機会があればご覧ください。
にほんブログ村 *************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 588: 06 MAR 2012
Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)
It's bloody hot again today! I am saying that everyday recently. To be honest, I am not feeling very well recently. I do enjoy staying here, but I could not leave here because of the heat. I received only 30 days temporary import permission for my motorcycle, so I have to leave Paraguay before it expires...
I have a good news today. My blog is getting more popular and now it is ranked 48th among 1398 blogs (it was 74th yesterday). Thank you all for supporting my trip and blog!
I added a few menu - "PROFILE" and "Why RWT?". Please have a look if you are interested.
But somehow the plugin menu displayed at the right hand side of the main body moved to the bottom of the page. The photo of Chuck Norris is also at the bottom....
I tried to fix it for a while, but I could not do it... Please someone help me!
We planned to go to Bonito, Brazil together, but the access to Bonito from here isn't reallu good and some of the member do not have Brazil visa, we had to abandon the plan.
So now my plan from here is leaving here on Thursday to Sao Paulo, Brazil, then catch up with Shin and Tatsu there. Then we catch a bus to Bonito together. We will go separate ways from there.
I did not have any appetite as it was too hot. So I had only some fruits and the left over potato salad from yesterday for lunch. Then I went to my room and had a nap.
In the evening, I got better. Tatsu the kick boxer went for a shopping, so we could make "Cold Chinese Noodle" for dinner. I could make the sauce pretty well! So even though we used pasta instead of a proper Chinese noodle, it was good!
So tomorrow will be my last day here in Pension Sonoda. What will I do?
I joined the "World trip blog ranking" Please click the button!
にほんブログ村 *************************************************************************************************************************************************
Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)
今日も暑し! 熱中症気味です、最近は。なんと本日は「世界一周 ブログランキング」が74位から48位と躍進いたしました。これでより多くの方々に我がブログを呼んでいただけます。皆様の応援のお陰です。これからもよろしくお願いいたします。
それにしても暑いです。毎日「暑い暑い」と言ってますね。今日はブログに新メニューを追加しました。「PROFILE」(自己紹介)、「旅する理由 / Why RWT?」です。機会があればご覧ください。

にほんブログ村 *************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 588: 06 MAR 2012
Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)
It's bloody hot again today! I am saying that everyday recently. To be honest, I am not feeling very well recently. I do enjoy staying here, but I could not leave here because of the heat. I received only 30 days temporary import permission for my motorcycle, so I have to leave Paraguay before it expires...
I have a good news today. My blog is getting more popular and now it is ranked 48th among 1398 blogs (it was 74th yesterday). Thank you all for supporting my trip and blog!
I added a few menu - "PROFILE" and "Why RWT?". Please have a look if you are interested.
But somehow the plugin menu displayed at the right hand side of the main body moved to the bottom of the page. The photo of Chuck Norris is also at the bottom....
I tried to fix it for a while, but I could not do it... Please someone help me!
We planned to go to Bonito, Brazil together, but the access to Bonito from here isn't reallu good and some of the member do not have Brazil visa, we had to abandon the plan.
So now my plan from here is leaving here on Thursday to Sao Paulo, Brazil, then catch up with Shin and Tatsu there. Then we catch a bus to Bonito together. We will go separate ways from there.
I did not have any appetite as it was too hot. So I had only some fruits and the left over potato salad from yesterday for lunch. Then I went to my room and had a nap.
In the evening, I got better. Tatsu the kick boxer went for a shopping, so we could make "Cold Chinese Noodle" for dinner. I could make the sauce pretty well! So even though we used pasta instead of a proper Chinese noodle, it was good!
So tomorrow will be my last day here in Pension Sonoda. What will I do?
I joined the "World trip blog ranking" Please click the button!

にほんブログ村 *************************************************************************************************************************************************
出身地 /Birthplace: 不明 / Unknown
趣味 / Hobbies: 旅、絵画、睡眠など / Traveling, Drawing, Sleeping etc
特技 / Skills: 睡眠、加速と急激な減速 / Sleeping, Rapid accelaration and rapid slowing down
Since 2006, he is the travel buddy of Saburo. He visited castles in Japan, did the motorcycle adventure in Cape York Australia, and travelled around Australia on the motorcycle with Sabruo.
Now he is travelling round the world on the BMW R1200GS.
He is little shy and modest, but when he has to do, he will do anything!
He has a big dream "To be the king of all Sheep".
Once his bell rings, he accerelate so fast but once the bell rings again, he slows down rapidly.
Now he is travelling round the world on the BMW R1200GS.
He is little shy and modest, but when he has to do, he will do anything!
He has a big dream "To be the king of all Sheep".
Once his bell rings, he accerelate so fast but once the bell rings again, he slows down rapidly.
出身地 / Birthplace: 東京都足立区西新井近辺 / Tokyo, Japan
趣味 / Hobbies: バイク、旅、歴史、アンティーク時計収集などなど。 / Motorcycling, Traveling, History, Collecting antique watches etc
オーストラリア最北端のケープ・ヨーク(Cape York)へのバイクでの冒険(2009年)、オーストラリア一周(2010年)を経て、2010年からおやすみ羊「ヒツジ」と愛車BMW R1200GS「エスペランサ」で世界一周中。
Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!
My first trip abroad was to Australia in 1994 as a working holiday maker. I got my first motorcycle license there and I fell in love with travelling on a motorcycle.
I met so many wonderful people during my stay in Australia and decided to migrate there.
I quite the university in Japan and went to the University of Western Sydney. Luckily I got a Permanent Residency of Australia after the graduation, and lived in Australia until I started this RWT in 2010.
From Australia, I was seeing my mother country - Japan. From the distance, I could see what was happening in Japan in macro view. I started worrying the future of Japan. I was hoping someone came along and change the course of Japan, but I realised that I should not wait for anyone, rather I should do it and lead others!
During my trip round the world, I will meet lots of people and will spread my idea of "Revolution", and together we can change Japan and the world, so I believe!!
Since 26 July 2010, I am travelling round the world with Mr. Sheep on BMW R1200GS "Esperanza"!
Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!
現在の愛車 / Current bike:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza」(世界一周 / RWT)
過去の愛車 / Previous bikes:SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市 / Magoichi」(オーストラリア一周 / Around Aus Trip)、Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago