
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



Day 569: 2012年2月16日

Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)


朝は納豆とご飯! 美味い!! メキシコ・シティー以来の納豆ですね。しかもパラグアイ産無添加大豆仕様です。



みんなでこの暑い中鍋を囲み楽しい夕食になりました。が、しかしこの暑い中クーラー無しで寝られるかな?? にほんブログ村 旅行ブログ 世界一周へ

Day 569: 16 FEB 2012

Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)

Today I did not do much.

I had natto with rice for breakfast. What is "Natto"? According to Wiki "Nattō is a traditional Japanese food made from soybeans fermented with Bacillus subtilis. It is popular especially as a breakfast food. As a rich source of protein and probiotics, nattō and the soybean paste miso formed a vital source of nutrition in feudal Japan. Nattō can be an acquired taste because of its powerful smell, strong flavor, and slippery texture." Now you have a better picture of Natto?

Taijyu and Saki went to Ciudad del Este to buy bus tickets to Rio de Janeiro. With Hoshi and Yumi, I was having Terere and chatting whole morning and afternoon.

Unfortunately the hostel has been partially lost electricity supply (we haven't identified the cause yet). My room and Hoshi & Yumi's rooms do not have any electricity, so we cannot use air-cons!! Ouch!!!

In the afternoon, we got another guest - Mari - to the hostel. She is single, so there are 2 couples and 1 male single and 1 female single under 1 roof. Mari used to be a leader of a Cheer Aquad and is going to join the parade of Carnival of Rio de Janeiro!

We cooked the hot pot as we planned. Usually we cook hot pot in a cold season, but it was excellent!


Day 568: 2012年2月15日

Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)





DSCF1112.jpgしばらく休憩し(暑いのでダレます)、生協に買い出し。今日は味噌味の鍋を作ろうと。サトイモや牛蒡も購入! 納豆も購入! 米はヒトメボレ。



Day 568: 15 FEB 2012

Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)

This morning I had breakfast with the member from yesterday. Takuma & Miyuki couple and Yuta will go to Ciudad del Este this morning, so the ones staying here saw them off. They were lucky though. Mr. Sonoda was going to Ciudad del Este, so he gave them a lift to the city. ENjoy your viisit to Iguazu Falls and Carnival in Rio!

After doing laundry, I went to the restaurant "Yguazu Grill" with Nozomi, Sho, Taiju and Saki. They had Soba, Ramen, Gyoza and Tonkatsu - Japanese dishes - but I had "Bife a Caballo" - a Paraguayan dish.

It was pretty good. Beaf steak cooked with garlic topped with 2 flied eggs. Yum.

Back to the hostel, we saw off Sho and Nozomi leaving to Asuncion. Now we have only 5 guests at the hostel.

After having a rest (it was really hot, so we needed to clow down!!), we went to a coop supermarket to buy vegies and meats for dinner. We were planning to cook Japanese style hot pot tonight. Yes, a hot pot in this hot climate!

But Pablo - the son of Mr. Sonoda - asked us if we would like to join their BBQ party tonight. Why not. So we had BBQ with Sonoda family and their friends! We had a great time!


Day 567: 2012年2月14日

Puerto Iguazu - Argentina to Yguazu - Paraguay (Pension Sonoda)
55,492km to 55,551km = 59km (Argentina = 3km, Brazil = 15km and Paraguay 41km)



フォス・ド・イグアス(Foz Do Iguacu)の街を通り抜けて直ぐにパラグアイ側へ向かいます。ブラジル側の出国も税関がわかりづらいところに有り、ちょっと手間取りました。


パラグアイ側の街シウダー・デル・エステ(Ciudad del Este)は免税の街で「南米のスーパーマーケット」って言われているらしいです。電化製品などが安く、店が沢山あります。人も多く、治安もあんまり良く無さそうな雰囲気がありました。


DSCF1107.jpgパラグアイ側ではガソリンスタンドがやたらに多いです。しかし暑い! 20分くらい走り、イグアスの移住区へ到着。ペンション園田に宿を取ります。





「史料館」から帰ってきましたら、アスンシオン在住のオカモトさんという方からワシに電話があったと。なんとイワモトさんは園田さんと同船でパラグアイに来られた方だそうで、ワシのブログの読者さんだそうです。宿の電話を拝借してイワモトさんに電話。「是非アスンシオンに遊びに来てください!」と。なんと土曜日にこちらまで迎えに来てくださると!! 光栄です!!! 楽しみだぁ。



Day 567: 14 FEB 2012

Puerto Iguazu - Argentina to Yguazu - Paraguay (Pension Sonoda)
55,492km to 55,551km = 59km (Argentina = 3km, Brazil = 15km and Paraguay 41km)

After I had brakfast, I checked out at 10am and went to the consulate of Brazil in front of the hostel to wait for the visa issued.

I was told that it would be ready by 11am, so I waited there. Many of applicants I saw yesterday turned up before 11am and waited there.

Then around 10:45am, my visa was issued. Now I can cross to Brazil. I rode to the border and exit Argentina side easily.

At Brazilian side, immigration was easy to pass but it took a while to get throughh Custom. Somehow the officer was not familiar with making a document, he took so long time to complete.

Then I entered Brazil - the 17th country on this trip. I rode throgh the city of Foz do Iguacu and went to the border.

At the exit, the immigration was easy to pass but Custom office was not easy to find. Everything was in Portguese, so I did not know how to ask "Where is Custom office?". I spoke Spanish but everyone replied in Portguese, so could not really understand.

It was located at the other side of the road and I could cancel the temporary import permit for my GS.

At Paraguay side, it was the same. It took a while to get the temporary import permit. Ciudad del Este, is the duty free city, AKA, the supermarket of South America. There were so many shops selling those appliances and so many people on the street. I did not particulary like the atomospehere of the city, so I kept riding straight to today's destination "Colonia Yguazu" located 41km from the city.

After 20mins riding, I got to "Yguazu". Here is a Japanese settlement. So I could have Japanese foods here! Nice!! I checked-in at "Pension Sonoda".

Then I woke around the town and withdrew some cash. I had late lunch at an eatery. I had "Tonkatsu" (Japanese style Portk Cutlet) for 20,000PYG (Paraguayan Guarani). I could be quite expensive as the Paraguayan average price, but it was pretty good.

Back to the hostel, I met Takuma & Miyuki couple, Nozomi, and Yuta. We all went to a supermarket to get ingridients for dinner. We planned to cook Japanese style curry, BBQ and Teriyaki chicken.

Then at 6pm, Mr. Sonoda - the owner of the hostel - took us to "Japanese immigrant culture and hostry centre". Here he told us stories of those Japanese migrants here in Yguazu. Now Paraguay is the 4th bigest soy bean exporter of the world. This is mainly due to the efforts for those Japanese migrants. The initially they really had hardships nit they overcame those and made it happen!!

Mr. Sonoda keeps his Japanese spirits even after 50 years after he migrated here. As a Japanese resides overseas, he would like to have better mutual coorporation between thsose in Japan and overseas. I was thinking the same and I felt like I found "companero" here in Yguazu.

When we came back from the centre, I received a call from Asuncion. I was Mr. Okamoto. I have never met him but he said he was the fan of my blog! He will come here on Saturday and we will ride to Asuncion together. How wonderful!!

In the evening we cooked dinner as we planned. It was excellent dinner with my new friends!


Day 566: 2012年2月13日

Puerto Iguazu (Peter Pan Hostel)
55,488km to 55,492km = 4km






しかし今日中の発給は無理だそうで、「明日の11時から12時の間」と。なので、向かいの「Peter Pan Hostel」にはバイクを駐車できるスペースがあるのでチェックイン。1日のんびり過ごします。



2人は別々で旅をしていて、たまたま今日宿の前であったとか。2人とも大学生で休学中。好青年ですね。夕食を共にし、しばらく歓談。楽しい夜を過ごせました。サトウ君は今日パラグアイから来たそうですが、なんとパラグアイからフェリーが出ていたのだとか! 彼もそれを昨日は知らずに、ブラジルのビザを取るために1日シウダー・デル・エステに1泊したのだそう。ワシもそれでパラグアイに渡れたかも・・・。まぁ、いいか。

ジュン君は明日カラファテに飛び、サトウ君はイグアスの滝に行くそうです。Buen viaje!!

さて、明日はビザを取得できるかな? 出来れば先ずはブラジルに入り、それからパラグアイに入ります。上手くいけばイグアス日本人移住区のペンション園田ですね。

Day 566: 13 FEB 2012

Puerto Iguazu (Peter Pan Hostel)
55,488km to 55,492km = 4km

I went to the consulate of Brazil here in Puerto Iguazu in the morning. I got up at 5:30am and left the campground at 7am. But wheI got to the consulate, there were 2 people (Australians) aleady waiting! 

They told me that I need to print out an applicaition form and a bank statement. Luckily a hostel next door "Bambu" was offering the service (20APs!) and I went there to print them out.

When I came back, there were more people waiting. A staff just came by a car and he said "Eeryone has a application form and a bank statement ready?" Some did not and they all rushed to Bambu. What a good business they have.

Once in the consulate, the aplication was fairly simple. But as I would be riding in and out of Brazil, the staff was taking a time (usually an applicant needs to have a ticket - bus or air - out of Brazil). Anyway, my application would be processend and I paid 115APs for the fee. It would be ready by tomorrow 11am - 12noon. So I have to stay 1 more day here.

I went to a hostel in front of the consulate. The name is "Peter Pan Hostel". There was a space for motorcycle and I coul get a dorm bed for 70APs (including breakfast).

After checked in, I washed my shirt and socks. As I was wearing them for 5days, they were...

I updated my blog in English and surfed the Net for a while. Then I went out to have lunch. I found a nice empanada shop. 1 empanada costs 4APs. I bought 4 diferent ones and they were all freshly made and excelent!

I came back to the hostel and had a nap.

I the afternoon, I went out to have the empanadas again, but the shopwas closed. So I had donner at a hamburger shop nearby where I met Sato from Japan and Jun from Korea. The are both students. We had dinner together and chat for a while. Sato told me that he came from Paraguay today. He caught a ferry from Paraguay to Argentina directly!! He did not know about it yesterday and he had to stay 1 night in Ciudad del Este last night to get a Brazilian visa. But this morning, he was told that he could catch the ferry. I could have caught it to Paraguay... But anyway, I need the Brazilian visa sooner or later. 

Jun will fly to El Calafate tomorrow and Sato will visit Cataratas del Iguazu tomorrow. Buen viaje!

Hopefuly I can get the visa tomorrow as I was told. Then I will cross to Brazil, then to Paraguay. If everything works as planned, I should be able to get to Pension Sonoda @ Yguazu Japanese setlement.


Day 567: 2012年2月12日

Puerto Iguazu (Complejo Turistico Americano)
55,445km to 55,488km = 33km




DSCF1015.jpg上の歩道しばらく歩いていくと、見えて来ました!!! 弩迫力です。凄い水量。言葉は要りませんね。ヒツジさんもサンカクも大興奮!!



DSCF1039.jpgDSCF1040.jpgそして、サン・マルティン(San Martin)島に渡ります。しばらく歩くと、「悪魔の喉笛(Garganta del Diablo)」が遠めに見えます。


DSCF1064.jpgまたてくてく歩くと、滝が前面にパノラマ状だ!! 虹まで見えて、ヒツジさんも大喜び。








明日はパラグアイのイグアス日本人移住区に行くつもりなんですが、ここからパラグアイまでは直接道が無く、ブラジルに一旦入国しなければいけません。なので明日朝一番でビザ申請です。上手く行くかな?? 駄目だったらもう1泊ここでするか、ちょっと戻って(300キロ以上)他の国境を越えるかですね。

Day 567: 12 FEB 2012

Puerto Iguazu (Complejo Turistico Americano)
55,445km to 55,488km = 33km

Today I visited Iguazu Falls!! I rode to the national park. THe entrance fee was 100APs (US$25) and it was expensive but it was worth it! The parking fee for a motorcycle was 12APs.

As soon as I parked my GS and got ready to walk, I started to walk on the "Upper Trail" to see the falls. On teh way, I could see some native animals.

Then I started to see magnificent falls!! Mr, Sheep and Sankaku were very excited too!

Then I walked o "Lower Trail". Here I could see the falls closer. The volume of water rushing down was so much. It was really amazing to see that.

From the botom of "Lower Trail", I ook a dingy to San Martin Island. Walking on the trail for a while, I saw "Devil's Throat (Garganta del Diablo)" from the distance Wow, that would be awesome to see that close by. 

Then I walked on he trail again. Then those falls appeared panoramically in front of my eyes. Wow.

I  could see a rainbow to. What a beautiful senery. Mr. Sheep lost his words.

After the sland trecking, I went back up andtook a train to "Devil's Throat". Once I got off the train, I walked on a trail over the rivers. I could see big catfish and turtles in the river. 

Then I saw "Devil's Throat".It was incredible! So much water was gong down at once! It was the expensive but it was totally worth doing it! As I did not g to Naiagara, now I should be satisfied "Falls".

In the end, I walked on a jungle trail. I heard that I could see a small fall in the end at the information. In the hot and humid climate, I walked more than 40mins one way. But in the end, the fall was not spectecular at all/. There was a natural swimming pool at the bottom of the fall and some tourists were having good time there, but I just turned and walked back.

After this walk, I was exhausted. But I really enjoyed seeing those magnificent falls.

Tomorrow I am planning to go to Yguazu Japanese settlement in Paraguay, but I have to cross to Brazil first to enter Paraguay (there is no direct route to Paraguay from Puerto Iguazu - Argentina). So I have to apply a Brazilian visa first thing in the mornng. I hope it would be done tomorow. Otherwise, I have to ride back to Posada (30km southwest) and cross to Paraguay...


一日一回クリックするとランキングがあがります! よろしくお願いいたします!!
にほんブログ村 旅行ブログ 世界一周へ

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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
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