三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
ドイツ博物館 - 科学と技術の国ならでは / Deutsches Museum
Day 649: 2012年5月7日
Munich (La Casa de Laura)
The presentation at the primary school by Kimi and Takuya went very well. I joined them via Slype for 10mins or so and I could have some interractions with those students. It was a great opportunity to share the experiences I have acquired during this trip to those young kids. I really thank Kimi, Takuya, the teacher and the kids who provided me such an experience.
It started at 9am Japan time and my appearance was ended after 9:30am. Which means it was 2:30am in German time. So I slept in this morning. It was cloudy but there were some blue sky time to time.
I went to Deutshes Museum after lunch time. I heard that it's huge and has lots of exhibitions, so it would not be enough to go through in a day, but I went there in the afternoon. Do I have enough time?? Anyway, I got off the train at Isartor station.
Duetsches Musem is located on an island of Isar river. It looks really huge.

入館料は8.50ユーロ。ミュンヘン郊外にクラシックカー博物館と航空博物館もあり、セットで買うと15ユーロ。セットを買おうとしたら、受付のお姐さんが「本当に3つ行くの?」と。「多分ここ本館と航空博物館だけ」と答えると、「だったら15ユーロ払う必要ないわ。8.5ユーロであとはフリーチケット付けてあげる。」と!! なんて親切なんでしょう。ありがとう。
The entrance cost 8.50 Euros. There are an airplane division and a classic automobile division located elsewhere in Munich. The combine ticket would cost 15 Euros and I was about buy it, the lady at the ticket office asked me "Are you intended to visit all 3 musuems?". I replied "No I am visiting here and the airplane museum only." Then she said "So you don't need to buy a combine ticket. You pay 8.50 Euro for this museum and I give you a free ticket for another one!" How kind of her!! Danke!!
At the entrace, a big ship greeted me!!

そして飛行機!! 第二次大戦中ドイツ軍ジェット戦闘機メッサーシュミット Me262(Messerschmitt Me 262)です。
Then my favorites - airplanes!! Messerschmitt Me 262, one of the first jet airplane during WWII.

第二次大戦中ドイツ軍戦闘機メッサーシュミット Bf109 (Messerschmitt Bf109)です。
Also there was a Messerschmitt Bf109), the fighter plane from WWII.

There were rockets displayed too.

星型エンジン!! その他にも沢山飛行機に使われたエンジンが展示されていました。
A radial engine!! There were more engines used for airplanes were displayed.

倒立V12エンジン。ダイムラーベンツ(Daimler Benz)のDB601!! このエンジンは先ほどのメッサーシュミット Bf109に搭載されていました。
Daimler Benz DB601 Inverted V12 liquid cooled engine. It was used for Messerschmit Bf109 shown above.

It's not an octopus. It's the connecting rods of a radial engine. The master connection rod is fixed to the axle.

そしてプラット&ホイットニー(Pratt&Whitney)のワスプ・メジャー (Wasp Major)。71.5リットルで3,295馬力です。
Then Pratt&Whitney Wasp Major. It has 71.5Litre and produce 3,295PS!!

There was a section for space exploration (Those rockets used to launch spacecrafts were from the technology developed in Germany duriung WWII, especially known wit V2 rocket

Exhibitions about development of paper making technologies,

The developement of printerng technologies. "Letterpress printing of Gutenberg" was the first letterpress printing techonology widely available to public.

Time keepers,

And of course, the development of beer brewing technologies!

Beer was invented in Ancient Middle East (esopotaia) and Egypt.

There were Minings, Welding & Soldering, Forging metals, Music instruments etc... anything to do with technologies and science were covered. I stayed until 5pm - close time - but in the end I needed to rush!!
The view from the top was good too.

I got home before 6pm. I really enjoyed but I was very tired.

Ina had an appointment with her friends and would be home late, so Laura came to prepare dinner for me. Derek also came by and we had dinner and talk together. He contacted the workshop and found out Esperanza would be ready by thursday. So he will take me to the workshop in thursday to pick her up! Danke, Derek!!
It was a good day again. Tomorrow I will visit the airplanedvision of Deutsches Musuem. Oh, Derek told me there is a casstle nearby the musuem, so I might pay a visit there too.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
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Munich (La Casa de Laura)
The presentation at the primary school by Kimi and Takuya went very well. I joined them via Slype for 10mins or so and I could have some interractions with those students. It was a great opportunity to share the experiences I have acquired during this trip to those young kids. I really thank Kimi, Takuya, the teacher and the kids who provided me such an experience.
It started at 9am Japan time and my appearance was ended after 9:30am. Which means it was 2:30am in German time. So I slept in this morning. It was cloudy but there were some blue sky time to time.
I went to Deutshes Museum after lunch time. I heard that it's huge and has lots of exhibitions, so it would not be enough to go through in a day, but I went there in the afternoon. Do I have enough time?? Anyway, I got off the train at Isartor station.
Duetsches Musem is located on an island of Isar river. It looks really huge.
入館料は8.50ユーロ。ミュンヘン郊外にクラシックカー博物館と航空博物館もあり、セットで買うと15ユーロ。セットを買おうとしたら、受付のお姐さんが「本当に3つ行くの?」と。「多分ここ本館と航空博物館だけ」と答えると、「だったら15ユーロ払う必要ないわ。8.5ユーロであとはフリーチケット付けてあげる。」と!! なんて親切なんでしょう。ありがとう。
The entrance cost 8.50 Euros. There are an airplane division and a classic automobile division located elsewhere in Munich. The combine ticket would cost 15 Euros and I was about buy it, the lady at the ticket office asked me "Are you intended to visit all 3 musuems?". I replied "No I am visiting here and the airplane museum only." Then she said "So you don't need to buy a combine ticket. You pay 8.50 Euro for this museum and I give you a free ticket for another one!" How kind of her!! Danke!!
At the entrace, a big ship greeted me!!
そして飛行機!! 第二次大戦中ドイツ軍ジェット戦闘機メッサーシュミット Me262(Messerschmitt Me 262)です。
Then my favorites - airplanes!! Messerschmitt Me 262, one of the first jet airplane during WWII.
第二次大戦中ドイツ軍戦闘機メッサーシュミット Bf109 (Messerschmitt Bf109)です。
Also there was a Messerschmitt Bf109), the fighter plane from WWII.
There were rockets displayed too.
星型エンジン!! その他にも沢山飛行機に使われたエンジンが展示されていました。
A radial engine!! There were more engines used for airplanes were displayed.
倒立V12エンジン。ダイムラーベンツ(Daimler Benz)のDB601!! このエンジンは先ほどのメッサーシュミット Bf109に搭載されていました。
Daimler Benz DB601 Inverted V12 liquid cooled engine. It was used for Messerschmit Bf109 shown above.
It's not an octopus. It's the connecting rods of a radial engine. The master connection rod is fixed to the axle.
そしてプラット&ホイットニー(Pratt&Whitney)のワスプ・メジャー (Wasp Major)。71.5リットルで3,295馬力です。
Then Pratt&Whitney Wasp Major. It has 71.5Litre and produce 3,295PS!!
There was a section for space exploration (Those rockets used to launch spacecrafts were from the technology developed in Germany duriung WWII, especially known wit V2 rocket
Exhibitions about development of paper making technologies,
The developement of printerng technologies. "Letterpress printing of Gutenberg" was the first letterpress printing techonology widely available to public.
Time keepers,
And of course, the development of beer brewing technologies!
Beer was invented in Ancient Middle East (esopotaia) and Egypt.
There were Minings, Welding & Soldering, Forging metals, Music instruments etc... anything to do with technologies and science were covered. I stayed until 5pm - close time - but in the end I needed to rush!!
The view from the top was good too.
I got home before 6pm. I really enjoyed but I was very tired.
Ina had an appointment with her friends and would be home late, so Laura came to prepare dinner for me. Derek also came by and we had dinner and talk together. He contacted the workshop and found out Esperanza would be ready by thursday. So he will take me to the workshop in thursday to pick her up! Danke, Derek!!
It was a good day again. Tomorrow I will visit the airplanedvision of Deutsches Musuem. Oh, Derek told me there is a casstle nearby the musuem, so I might pay a visit there too.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

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