三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
中世の世界へ / Back to the Middle Ages??
Day 648: 2012年5月6日
Munich (La Casa de Laura)
It was a rainy day, unfortunately... From yesterday, the weather did not look very well, but it's raining today. Ina and I was having coffee in the morning and had a slow and relaxed morning. Then we went out to te city after 11am, to catch up with Laura. Derek could not join us as he was out till early in the morning (there was a final of succor league last night and his favorite team won the match!). So we 3 took a tram to Olympic Park west, where the Middle Ages Market held.
The Middle Ages Market?? What is it about, I wondered too. I was looking forward seeing what kind stuffs they would be selling.
会場に着くと、早速中世の服に身を包んだ人たちが! 出店している人たちは、本気です。中世の方法で作ったものが売られています。
At the park, there were people in the medieval period costumes!! Those opening the stands were very into the Middle Ages. They were selling goods made with the medieval techniques.

Bows and arrows,

And of course, beers!!

Traditioanl foods,

Traditioanl breads. They were not backed in an ovel, rather they were skewered and backed (?) in the grill.

Laura and a skewered bread.

People dressed in fur and bbqing the meats.

Armers, shields, and swords.

台湾の臭豆腐と同じ臭いが漂ってきた、と思ったら、チーズを溶かしてパンに塗って売ってました。「Schweizer Kasschmelzerey」とは「スイスチーズ溶かし屋」って言う意味です。この臭いんですがなんとも言えない臭いがたまりませんね。1つ4ユーロですが買ってみました。チーズが熟成されていて美味い!! こういう醗酵系の食べ物が大好きです。
Then I smelt something like "Stinky Tofu" - the Taiwanese favorite fermented tofu. But it was smell of melting swiss cheese!! "Schweizer Kasschemezery" means "Swiss Cheese Melter". The smell was kinda bad, but I could not resist to buy one. The cheese was very matured and full of flavour. I love those fermented foods.

Bowguns and swords were sold too. I saw on TV once or twice about those "Middle Ages" clubs in Europe. They wear armers and have a battles in a field occasionally. I would love to join those battles. One of my dream is to do "Battle of Sekigahara". It would be really hard to assemble army, so each one contributes would be a war lord, earing an armer and putting a flag, then all would gather in "Sekigahara". Battle of Sekigahara in 1600AD was the east againt the west and it was the biggest battle in Japanese history (more than 70,000 against more than 80,000). If you are interested in the battle, please check this out."Battle of Sekigahara"

Some were practicing swords. It was interesting to see.

It was a bad weather day, but as there were less people around, so we could see around in our pace. So it was good after all. But if we stayed there too long, we would be wet and get cold, so we went home around 3pm.
Back home, having coffee and tea, we had a few chat. Then Laura went back to her apartment. I had a nap.
I need to stay up till early in the morning as I was invited to be on live (Skype) for a presentation my friends Kimi and Takuya will be doing at a primary school.
I would like to tell those kids how wonderful to travel overseas and the importance of learning different cultures and meeting people.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Munich (La Casa de Laura)
It was a rainy day, unfortunately... From yesterday, the weather did not look very well, but it's raining today. Ina and I was having coffee in the morning and had a slow and relaxed morning. Then we went out to te city after 11am, to catch up with Laura. Derek could not join us as he was out till early in the morning (there was a final of succor league last night and his favorite team won the match!). So we 3 took a tram to Olympic Park west, where the Middle Ages Market held.
The Middle Ages Market?? What is it about, I wondered too. I was looking forward seeing what kind stuffs they would be selling.
会場に着くと、早速中世の服に身を包んだ人たちが! 出店している人たちは、本気です。中世の方法で作ったものが売られています。
At the park, there were people in the medieval period costumes!! Those opening the stands were very into the Middle Ages. They were selling goods made with the medieval techniques.
Bows and arrows,
And of course, beers!!
Traditioanl foods,
Traditioanl breads. They were not backed in an ovel, rather they were skewered and backed (?) in the grill.
Laura and a skewered bread.
People dressed in fur and bbqing the meats.
Armers, shields, and swords.
台湾の臭豆腐と同じ臭いが漂ってきた、と思ったら、チーズを溶かしてパンに塗って売ってました。「Schweizer Kasschmelzerey」とは「スイスチーズ溶かし屋」って言う意味です。この臭いんですがなんとも言えない臭いがたまりませんね。1つ4ユーロですが買ってみました。チーズが熟成されていて美味い!! こういう醗酵系の食べ物が大好きです。
Then I smelt something like "Stinky Tofu" - the Taiwanese favorite fermented tofu. But it was smell of melting swiss cheese!! "Schweizer Kasschemezery" means "Swiss Cheese Melter". The smell was kinda bad, but I could not resist to buy one. The cheese was very matured and full of flavour. I love those fermented foods.
Bowguns and swords were sold too. I saw on TV once or twice about those "Middle Ages" clubs in Europe. They wear armers and have a battles in a field occasionally. I would love to join those battles. One of my dream is to do "Battle of Sekigahara". It would be really hard to assemble army, so each one contributes would be a war lord, earing an armer and putting a flag, then all would gather in "Sekigahara". Battle of Sekigahara in 1600AD was the east againt the west and it was the biggest battle in Japanese history (more than 70,000 against more than 80,000). If you are interested in the battle, please check this out."Battle of Sekigahara"
Some were practicing swords. It was interesting to see.
It was a bad weather day, but as there were less people around, so we could see around in our pace. So it was good after all. But if we stayed there too long, we would be wet and get cold, so we went home around 3pm.
Back home, having coffee and tea, we had a few chat. Then Laura went back to her apartment. I had a nap.
I need to stay up till early in the morning as I was invited to be on live (Skype) for a presentation my friends Kimi and Takuya will be doing at a primary school.
I would like to tell those kids how wonderful to travel overseas and the importance of learning different cultures and meeting people.
世界一周ブログランキングに参加中です。 上位にランクインすることで、このブログがより多くの方の目に留まります。そして更に多くの方に読んでいただけます。 クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************