三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day 458: 2011年10月26日
Sucre to Uyuni (Hostal Avenida)
41,138km to 41,496km = 358km
ポトシには10時ごろ到着。オイルは全く見られなくなりました! カルロスの言う通りに工場で組み立てた時の残りだったのでしょうか。


ウユニには2時半ごろ到着。HOSTAL AVENIDAに宿を取ります。そしてらチリ・ナンバーのオレンジ色のGSが停っているではないですか! しかもAFRICA TWINとTRANS ALPが1台ずつ。まだライダーには会ってないですが、会って話をするのが楽しみです。
Day 458: 26 OCT 2011
Sucre to Uyuni (Hostal Avenida)
41,138km to 41,496km = 358km
I left the hostel around 8:15am. Until Potosi, I stopped many times to check the shock absorber.
Firstly I could see oil on the rod of the shock (I wiped it off every time), but gradually there was less oil could be seen on the rod.
I arrived Potosi around 10am. And there was no oil on the rod! So as Carlos said, oil was remaining from the factory.
I decided to go to Uyuni as the shock is fine. The road to Uyuni was almost paved, but there were places under constructions, so I had to ride on dirt. There were several bridges left half way constructed. I wondered why they did t complete those bridges? IF they were completed, there would be smoother traffic.
Even after rode on dirt, there was no oil coming out from the shock. Good.
I got to Uyubi around 2:30pm. I checked in at "Hostal Avenida", there another Orange GS was parked (with Chilean number plate). Also there were 1 Africa Twin and 1 Trans Alp. I have not met the riders, but I am looking forward seeing them this evening and talking with them.
When I was just about to go for dinner, I met a Japanese girl. She was Ohagi from Osaka, travelling around South Ameriva for 3 months. She will go to Salar de Uyuni tomorrow with a 4x4 tour, so we might catch up there.
Tomorrow I will go to Salar and spend a night there camping. Its gonna be fun!
Sucre to Uyuni (Hostal Avenida)
41,138km to 41,496km = 358km
ポトシには10時ごろ到着。オイルは全く見られなくなりました! カルロスの言う通りに工場で組み立てた時の残りだったのでしょうか。
Day 458: 26 OCT 2011
Sucre to Uyuni (Hostal Avenida)
41,138km to 41,496km = 358km
I left the hostel around 8:15am. Until Potosi, I stopped many times to check the shock absorber.
Firstly I could see oil on the rod of the shock (I wiped it off every time), but gradually there was less oil could be seen on the rod.
I arrived Potosi around 10am. And there was no oil on the rod! So as Carlos said, oil was remaining from the factory.
I decided to go to Uyuni as the shock is fine. The road to Uyuni was almost paved, but there were places under constructions, so I had to ride on dirt. There were several bridges left half way constructed. I wondered why they did t complete those bridges? IF they were completed, there would be smoother traffic.
Even after rode on dirt, there was no oil coming out from the shock. Good.
I got to Uyubi around 2:30pm. I checked in at "Hostal Avenida", there another Orange GS was parked (with Chilean number plate). Also there were 1 Africa Twin and 1 Trans Alp. I have not met the riders, but I am looking forward seeing them this evening and talking with them.
When I was just about to go for dinner, I met a Japanese girl. She was Ohagi from Osaka, travelling around South Ameriva for 3 months. She will go to Salar de Uyuni tomorrow with a 4x4 tour, so we might catch up there.
Tomorrow I will go to Salar and spend a night there camping. Its gonna be fun!
Day 457: 2011年10月25日
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
今日は出発の準備です。ミカは11月8日までにサルタに戻らなければならないので、今朝旅立ちました。一晩だけしか話しませんでしたが、面白い人ですね。またいつかどこかで再会できたらいいです。そうだ、12月初めにHorizons Unlimitedの集会がアルゼンチンにあるとのことなので、出来ればそこで再会ですね。Bue Viaje!!
Day 457: 25 OCT 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
This morning I saw of Mika. As he has to get back to Salta by 8th of Nov, he has to keep going. He said he might go to Horizons Unlimited meeting in the begining of December in Argentina, so we can cacth up there. Tlil then, buen viaje!!
I went to buy a few tihngs in the supermarketand started to pack up stuffs. Now I am ready for an adventure.
In the afternoon, I went to the school to day good-bye to teachers. Now I had done everything in Sucre.
Tomorrow I will ride to Potosi first and se if the shock is fine or not. THen I will go toTupza. Abad news is that there may be a road closure in Potosi tomorrow (due to a demonstration). Wish me luck!
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
今日は出発の準備です。ミカは11月8日までにサルタに戻らなければならないので、今朝旅立ちました。一晩だけしか話しませんでしたが、面白い人ですね。またいつかどこかで再会できたらいいです。そうだ、12月初めにHorizons Unlimitedの集会がアルゼンチンにあるとのことなので、出来ればそこで再会ですね。Bue Viaje!!
Day 457: 25 OCT 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
This morning I saw of Mika. As he has to get back to Salta by 8th of Nov, he has to keep going. He said he might go to Horizons Unlimited meeting in the begining of December in Argentina, so we can cacth up there. Tlil then, buen viaje!!
I went to buy a few tihngs in the supermarketand started to pack up stuffs. Now I am ready for an adventure.
In the afternoon, I went to the school to day good-bye to teachers. Now I had done everything in Sucre.
Tomorrow I will ride to Potosi first and se if the shock is fine or not. THen I will go toTupza. Abad news is that there may be a road closure in Potosi tomorrow (due to a demonstration). Wish me luck!
Day 456: 2011年10月24日
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
41,131km to 41,138km = 7km
10時半には取り付け終了したので、試運転。ちょっと走ってみて、見てみたら、ショックのロッドにオイルが!!! ええええっーーーー!!!って感じです。
宿に戻り、一休み。夕方日記を書いていたら、バイクがやってくる音がしたので部屋を出ると、白いアフリカ・ツインが。彼はアルゼンチン在住のミカ。話を聞くとWTN-Jの講演にも参加したことがあるとか! アルゼンチンで多くの日本人ライダーがお世話になったホルへさんのお友達でもあるとか。彼は3週間の休みでボリビアを走りにきたそう。しばらくミカお歓談し夜は深けていくのでした。
Day 456: 24 OCT 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
41,131km to 41,138km = 7km
The bus arrived Potosi at 5am. It was really cold night. I woke up every 1 hour... tired. At the bus terminal, I had to find a bus to Sucre. Luckily I could the last seat for 6am bus! 17Bs.
The bus left at 5:45m as everyone was on board. The bus got to the fringe of Sucre by 8am, but it took long time to get to the bus terminal from there.
Arrived at the bus terminal around 8:30am and walked to "Hostal Pachamama" the place to be in Sucre. Luckily a private room was available, so I took out all the luggage from the storage and got ready to visit "Motoservi" to install the Wilbers shock.
I got to "Motoservi" around 10am. Jaime was not there (he is teaching at a school every monday morning), so Jimmy and I started to install the Wilbers shock to my GS. We fiished the installation around 10:30am.
I took my GS fora short spin. After a few kms, I checked the shock and I saw oil on the rod of the shock!! Why!!?? I wiped the oil off and continued riding for another few kms. And I saw oil on the rod... I could not believe my eyes...
As my visa and permission of the motorcycle is running out, even though oil is leaving from the shock (?), I have to ride to Santiago to fix it. Anyway I will contact Carlos @ Santiago to ask his opinion on this.
I went back to "Motoservi" and talked to Jaime. Jaime did not charge me at all! He had done so many things for me, but he did not charge me. How kind he is!! Thank you so much. With Jaime, Jimy and Shan, we took photos, and I said good-bye to them. I will definitely come back to see them in the future (hopefully in 5 years).
Back to the hostel, I sent an e-mail to Carlos. He replied to me immediately and saying it could be oil left from the factory. He suggested me to ride about 200kms and see if oil still on the rod. If yes, the oil seal failed. If not, there is no issue. So at this moment, it is not certain if the new shock is good or bad.
I went out for lunch. I dropped my laundry to a laudromat, and went to the immigration office. I asked if I could get more days to stay in Bolivia as until 28th of October would be too short. It took more than 1 hour to process, but I got the permision to stay until 7th of Novemember! Anyway my temporary permit for the motorcycle will expire on 30th of October, I have to exit out of Bolivia before then. But now I have a little longer time, so no need to hurry.
Back to the hostel and I took a rest. While writing diaries, I heard a motorcycle was coming in. I went out side and there was a Honda Africa Twin. He is Mika living in Salta, Argentina. He took 3 weeks off and will ride around Bolivia. He went to Japan and joined WTN-J meeting!! What a small world. We talked till late.
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
41,131km to 41,138km = 7km
宿に戻り、一休み。夕方日記を書いていたら、バイクがやってくる音がしたので部屋を出ると、白いアフリカ・ツインが。彼はアルゼンチン在住のミカ。話を聞くとWTN-Jの講演にも参加したことがあるとか! アルゼンチンで多くの日本人ライダーがお世話になったホルへさんのお友達でもあるとか。彼は3週間の休みでボリビアを走りにきたそう。しばらくミカお歓談し夜は深けていくのでした。
Day 456: 24 OCT 2011
Sucre (Hostal Pachamama)
41,131km to 41,138km = 7km
The bus arrived Potosi at 5am. It was really cold night. I woke up every 1 hour... tired. At the bus terminal, I had to find a bus to Sucre. Luckily I could the last seat for 6am bus! 17Bs.
The bus left at 5:45m as everyone was on board. The bus got to the fringe of Sucre by 8am, but it took long time to get to the bus terminal from there.
Arrived at the bus terminal around 8:30am and walked to "Hostal Pachamama" the place to be in Sucre. Luckily a private room was available, so I took out all the luggage from the storage and got ready to visit "Motoservi" to install the Wilbers shock.
I got to "Motoservi" around 10am. Jaime was not there (he is teaching at a school every monday morning), so Jimmy and I started to install the Wilbers shock to my GS. We fiished the installation around 10:30am.
I took my GS fora short spin. After a few kms, I checked the shock and I saw oil on the rod of the shock!! Why!!?? I wiped the oil off and continued riding for another few kms. And I saw oil on the rod... I could not believe my eyes...
As my visa and permission of the motorcycle is running out, even though oil is leaving from the shock (?), I have to ride to Santiago to fix it. Anyway I will contact Carlos @ Santiago to ask his opinion on this.
I went back to "Motoservi" and talked to Jaime. Jaime did not charge me at all! He had done so many things for me, but he did not charge me. How kind he is!! Thank you so much. With Jaime, Jimy and Shan, we took photos, and I said good-bye to them. I will definitely come back to see them in the future (hopefully in 5 years).
Back to the hostel, I sent an e-mail to Carlos. He replied to me immediately and saying it could be oil left from the factory. He suggested me to ride about 200kms and see if oil still on the rod. If yes, the oil seal failed. If not, there is no issue. So at this moment, it is not certain if the new shock is good or bad.
I went out for lunch. I dropped my laundry to a laudromat, and went to the immigration office. I asked if I could get more days to stay in Bolivia as until 28th of October would be too short. It took more than 1 hour to process, but I got the permision to stay until 7th of Novemember! Anyway my temporary permit for the motorcycle will expire on 30th of October, I have to exit out of Bolivia before then. But now I have a little longer time, so no need to hurry.
Back to the hostel and I took a rest. While writing diaries, I heard a motorcycle was coming in. I went out side and there was a Honda Africa Twin. He is Mika living in Salta, Argentina. He took 3 weeks off and will ride around Bolivia. He went to Japan and joined WTN-J meeting!! What a small world. We talked till late.
Day 455: 2011年10月23日
Somewhere between Santiago to Iquique (Chile) to Oruro (Bolivia)
ボリビアのオルロ行きのチケットはバス・ターミナルには売ってなくて、1キロくらい離れた所にあります。ショックを担いで歩いチケットの売店へ、重い。12時と14時出発のがあったので、12時発のに。5,000ペソ(10米ドル)。しかし12時発のバス会社は「Bus Fer」。往きに砂漠で立ち往生したバス会社です。大丈夫か?と思いましたが、ボリビア時間の8時ごろオルロに着くので、スクレ行き(9時半)には間に合うでしょう。
時間は10時半過ぎ。バス・ターミナルに戻り、時間をつぶします。しまたことに11時半のバスがありました。どこでチケット売ってたんだ?? まぁ、30分だけの違いだから、問題ない、と思ったのですが、このときは。
ボリビアに入り、ダートを走ります。窓がちゃんと閉まらないので、車内は砂まみれ。しかもトイレから臭うこと! 立ち乗りの客もいるので、極悪の環境です。
Day 455: 23 OCT 2011
Somewhere between Santiago to Iquique (Chile) to Oruro (Bolivia)
The bus was still heading to Iquique when I woke up this morning.
We arrived Iquique just after 9:30am, 30 mins ahead of the schedule, good.
I thought I could buy a bus ticket to Oruro at the bus terminal, but I had to walk about 1km to Bolivian bus ticket offices. Carrying the shock absorber, it was a hard walk after 24hrs ride on the bus.
There were choices of the 12noon bus and the 14:00 bus. I chose 12noon bus, but one thing I did not like about it was because the bus was operated by "Bus Fer", the same bus company I took from Oruro and the bus broke down in the desert! Anyway, it would take 9hrs to get to Oruro, so it should be there around 8pm in Bolivian time. As the bus to Sucre from Oruro will leave at 21:30, so it should not be a problem.
It was just after 10:30am when I got back to the terminal. I read a book and killed time. while waiting, I found there was a 11:30am bus to Oruro. I wondered where I could buy the ticket for this bus. But just 30mins difference, I thought it would not make much difference... at that time.
The 12noon bus was not ready even after 12noon. A guy was still cleaning and a driver was, looked like, doing some maintenance. Finally we left th terminal just before 12:30pm.
I was not sure if the driver was bad or just the bus was bad, gear shifting was so bad... Especially on ascending (from Iquique road went up really high), the bus lost momentus and was really slow. The bus was dirty, I wonder where the guy was cleaning. The toilet smelt bad...
We got to the border just before 5pm. It looked like I had to miss the cnnectio to Sucre. To make matters worse, ot took long time to cross the border.
In Bolivia, as a Japanese, I am allowed to stay maximum of 90days a year. I spent 75days already, so I thought I could get another 15days. However, I got a permission to stay in Bolivia until 28th of Oct... The officer saied days while I was in Chile would be counted... Anyway, I guess I could get out of Bolivia before 28th, so I did not argue too much.
In Bolivian side, the bus rode on dirt. The windows did not close properly, so dust came into the bus... There were many standing passengers, so there was no much space... The smell from toilet was really aweful... I would never ride on a "Bus Fer" bus, NEVER!!
We arrived Oruro after 21:30pm. The bus to Sucre had left already. So I had to take 11pm bus to Potosi (6hrs, 30Bs), then in Potosi tomorrow morning, I have to take another bus to Sucre (3hrs, 17Bs).
As the bus traveled in high altitude, it was very cold! I should be in Sucre by tomorrow morning.
Somewhere between Santiago to Iquique (Chile) to Oruro (Bolivia)
ボリビアのオルロ行きのチケットはバス・ターミナルには売ってなくて、1キロくらい離れた所にあります。ショックを担いで歩いチケットの売店へ、重い。12時と14時出発のがあったので、12時発のに。5,000ペソ(10米ドル)。しかし12時発のバス会社は「Bus Fer」。往きに砂漠で立ち往生したバス会社です。大丈夫か?と思いましたが、ボリビア時間の8時ごろオルロに着くので、スクレ行き(9時半)には間に合うでしょう。
時間は10時半過ぎ。バス・ターミナルに戻り、時間をつぶします。しまたことに11時半のバスがありました。どこでチケット売ってたんだ?? まぁ、30分だけの違いだから、問題ない、と思ったのですが、このときは。
ボリビアに入り、ダートを走ります。窓がちゃんと閉まらないので、車内は砂まみれ。しかもトイレから臭うこと! 立ち乗りの客もいるので、極悪の環境です。
Day 455: 23 OCT 2011
Somewhere between Santiago to Iquique (Chile) to Oruro (Bolivia)
The bus was still heading to Iquique when I woke up this morning.
We arrived Iquique just after 9:30am, 30 mins ahead of the schedule, good.
I thought I could buy a bus ticket to Oruro at the bus terminal, but I had to walk about 1km to Bolivian bus ticket offices. Carrying the shock absorber, it was a hard walk after 24hrs ride on the bus.
There were choices of the 12noon bus and the 14:00 bus. I chose 12noon bus, but one thing I did not like about it was because the bus was operated by "Bus Fer", the same bus company I took from Oruro and the bus broke down in the desert! Anyway, it would take 9hrs to get to Oruro, so it should be there around 8pm in Bolivian time. As the bus to Sucre from Oruro will leave at 21:30, so it should not be a problem.
It was just after 10:30am when I got back to the terminal. I read a book and killed time. while waiting, I found there was a 11:30am bus to Oruro. I wondered where I could buy the ticket for this bus. But just 30mins difference, I thought it would not make much difference... at that time.
The 12noon bus was not ready even after 12noon. A guy was still cleaning and a driver was, looked like, doing some maintenance. Finally we left th terminal just before 12:30pm.
I was not sure if the driver was bad or just the bus was bad, gear shifting was so bad... Especially on ascending (from Iquique road went up really high), the bus lost momentus and was really slow. The bus was dirty, I wonder where the guy was cleaning. The toilet smelt bad...
We got to the border just before 5pm. It looked like I had to miss the cnnectio to Sucre. To make matters worse, ot took long time to cross the border.
In Bolivia, as a Japanese, I am allowed to stay maximum of 90days a year. I spent 75days already, so I thought I could get another 15days. However, I got a permission to stay in Bolivia until 28th of Oct... The officer saied days while I was in Chile would be counted... Anyway, I guess I could get out of Bolivia before 28th, so I did not argue too much.
In Bolivian side, the bus rode on dirt. The windows did not close properly, so dust came into the bus... There were many standing passengers, so there was no much space... The smell from toilet was really aweful... I would never ride on a "Bus Fer" bus, NEVER!!
We arrived Oruro after 21:30pm. The bus to Sucre had left already. So I had to take 11pm bus to Potosi (6hrs, 30Bs), then in Potosi tomorrow morning, I have to take another bus to Sucre (3hrs, 17Bs).
As the bus traveled in high altitude, it was very cold! I should be in Sucre by tomorrow morning.
Day 454: 2011年10月22日
Santiago to Somewhere between Santiago to Iquique
今日は朝アダムに別れを告げて徒歩でバス・ターミナルへ。アダムは1週間くらいサンティアゴでバイクの整備などをし、そてからカレテラ・オーストラルを南下、そしてアルゼンチンを北上する予定なので、アルゼンチン辺りで再会できそうですね。それまでBuen Viaje, mi amigo!!
Day 454: 22 OCT 2011
Santiago to Somewhere between Santiago to Iquique
I said good-bye to Adam after having breakfast and walked tothe bus terminal. Adam is planning to stay in Santiago for a week to fix his bike and sort out a few things, then he will head south to Carretera Austral. Them he will come up north in Argentina, so I think we will catch up again somewhere in Argentina. Till then, buen viaje y suerte, mi amigo!
The bus left Santiago at 10am on time. Vicky, the lady next to me on the bus was really nice. Until she got off at Coquimbo in the afternoon, we talked a lot. So I did not get bored.
But after that, I watched movies, sleeping and so on. The way to Iquique is still very long after many hours...
Santiago to Somewhere between Santiago to Iquique
今日は朝アダムに別れを告げて徒歩でバス・ターミナルへ。アダムは1週間くらいサンティアゴでバイクの整備などをし、そてからカレテラ・オーストラルを南下、そしてアルゼンチンを北上する予定なので、アルゼンチン辺りで再会できそうですね。それまでBuen Viaje, mi amigo!!
Day 454: 22 OCT 2011
Santiago to Somewhere between Santiago to Iquique
I said good-bye to Adam after having breakfast and walked tothe bus terminal. Adam is planning to stay in Santiago for a week to fix his bike and sort out a few things, then he will head south to Carretera Austral. Them he will come up north in Argentina, so I think we will catch up again somewhere in Argentina. Till then, buen viaje y suerte, mi amigo!
The bus left Santiago at 10am on time. Vicky, the lady next to me on the bus was really nice. Until she got off at Coquimbo in the afternoon, we talked a lot. So I did not get bored.
But after that, I watched movies, sleeping and so on. The way to Iquique is still very long after many hours...