
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



Day 390: 2011年8月18日

La Paz (El Carretero)





宿に戻りマークとハンダで修復。エンジンをかけてフォグライトのスイッチを入れると・・・、点いた!! 成功です。


DSCF9225.jpgDSCF9226.jpg夕飯はイド氏とマサさんとイングリッシュ・パブレストラン「Oliver's Travels」へ行きました。イド氏とワシはバンガーズ&マッシュ(Bangers & Mash)38ボリを。マサさんはビーフ・ラザーニャ40ボリを。量が多くて満腹です。味も良かったですよ。


Day 390: 18 AUG 2011

La Paz (El Carretero)

Today it is the part 2 of fixing the fog light. In the morning, I consulted with Mark how the socket  could be fixed. As he has solder, he would try to solder the broken pieces together.

I went to the plastic welder to pick up the fog light unit, but it was closed for lunch break. Jose, Masa and I went to have lunch @ "Ken-chan" Japanese restaurant and after that we went to "Ketal" Supermarket to buy things.

The supermarket was located really far away, but it had a good range of things on theshelves. I bought beer for Mark&Claire and Adam.

Then I went to buy a glue and picked up the fog light unit. The welder did really a good job. Even a missing part was made perfectly. It cost just 8-0Bs. A bargain.

Back to the hostel, Mark soldered the broken pieces together. I turned on the engine and trned on the fog lights, and it worked!!! Now, we glued the broken plastic parts of the socket to make it stronger.

As the clips of the socket were broken, I need to use silicon to seal the gap between the socket and the fog light. I will go to buy silicon tomorrow.

For dinner, I went to the English pub restaurant "Olivera's ravels" with Jose and Masa. JOse and I had "Bangers & Mash" very traditional English dish, and Masa had beef lasagne. It was big serve and tasted pretty good. We were so full after eating them.

As we felt so sleepy and tired, we went back to the hostels to have early bed time. Tomorrow, I will buy sikicon and the fix on y GS will be completed. Masa will go to Uyuni catching a night bus, so we will go to Kenchan for lunch for sure.


Day 389: 2011年8月17日

La Paz (El Carretero)





今日はメグミちゃんも参加です。美味しいドーナッツ屋があるとメグミちゃんは言うので、そこに行ってみました。1個3ボリ。ワシ等は4個ずつ食べました。味は?うーん、普通のドーナッツです。4個も食べたので胃に重いですが、なにか食べたり無い。と、いうことでBin Bonでハンバーガーを。




アダムはケンチャン・チキン定食を。マーク&クレアはカツ丼を。みんな以外にハシを器用に使いこなします。「美味しい」と言ってくれてますが、本心はどうなんでしょうかね? アダムが「日本の友達にイギリスの伝統料理、バンガーズ&マッシュを食べさせてやってくれ」ということになり、明日はワシ、イド氏、マサさんでこの間アダムの誕生日に行ったレストランで夕飯ということになりました。

Day 389: 17 AUG 2011

La Paz (El Carretero)

This morning, when I was talking to Adam, he suggested me to fix the fog light. He said it would be worth while to take the broken parts to the plastic welder where I fixedthe side cover to see if they can fix it. It would be better than spending US$164 for a new one.

So I made a close look at the fog light. A big chunk of plastic was broken off and missing. And something inside the light unit broken. I opened the light unit and found the bulb was broken and it seemed like if I replace the bulb, the light unit should be fine.

But the bulb was broken leaving some parts stuck in the bulb holder. WIth Mark's help, finally the broken pieace was taken out of the hoder, but the holder itself was now disfiguared. It's gonna be hard to put it back to the original shape!

Now it past 12 noon. I was late for the appointment with Jose and Masa. So I hurried to Hotel Alem. Before I got there, I dropped the broken fog ligh to the plastic welder. They said, it could be fixed by tomorrow! The cost would be 80Bs!! Amazing!!

Together with Megumi, we went to a donuts shop, which she said very popular among Japanese tourists. We bought 4 donuts each (3Bs each donut). They were average donuts to me though...

After lunch, we went back to Hotel Alem and saw Megumi off (she was cathcing a plain to Chile). Then I went to buy a bulb for the fog light. I could not buy a bulb itself, but what I found was the bulb with the unit. for 135Bs. It was made in Germany and exactly same as one used for the fog light. It was a little expensive, but now if the socket of the cable side can be fixed (I need Mark's expertise for this job, the fog light would be working again!

In the evening, Adam, Mark&Claire and I wen to "Ken-chan" Japanese restaurant. Jose and Masa joined us there. Adam ordered "Ken-chan Chicken" and Mark&Claire ordered "Katsu-Don". They said it was good! Adam suggested me to take Jose and Masa to the English restaurant we went for Adam's Birthday to let them experience thetraditional English cuisine.


Day 388: 2011年8月16日

La Paz (El Carretero)
38,923km to 38,925km = 2km








Day 388: 16 AUG 2011

La Paz (El Carretero)
38,923km to 38,925km = 2km

Today I moved to another hostel "El Carretero".

It was hard to put my GS into the hostel, but I managed to let her in. I am sharing a twin room with Adam for 35Bs a night (shared bathroom, without breakfast). WiFi connection was 2Bs a day.

I visited Jose and Masa @ Hotel Alem and we went to "Ken-chan" for lunch. We stayed there for a while and Masa went back to Alem first as he had something to do. Jose and I went to the cafe @ the post office.

On the way back to ALem, we observed "The reversing man" who was "guiding" collectivos and taxis on Calle Murillo. He was "guiding" those cars with signs, but we did not get what those signs meant. He received money from those drivers sometimes. He could be the boss of collectivo industry of La Paz!!??

When we went back to Alem, we met Megumi from Toyama, Japan. We talked for a while there and her friends wanted to go to "Ken-chan" as i would be their last night in La Paz, so we went to have dinner there again!!


Day 387: 2011年8月15日

La Paz (Lion Palace)

今日はアダムの誕生日おめでとう!! 朝Facebookを見たらマーク&クレアからメッセージが来ていてラパスにいると。しかもアダムも!! 宿はEl Carretero。初日に行ったのですが、バイクを入れるのが大変だったので断念した宿です。アダムの誕生日を祝うために夕飯を一緒にすることに。



DSCF9208.jpgDSCF9209.jpg夜はアダム、マーク&クレアとアダムの誕生日祝いに夕食。インドカレーを。旅の話とかいろいろして盛り上がりました。今いるライオン・パレスは高いので何処かに移ろうとイド氏と話していたところなので、明日彼らがいるEl Carreteroに移ることに。今日行ってみたらバイクを入れるのそんなに難しく無さそうでした。初日はやっぱり事故のせいで自信なくしていたのでしょう。イド氏は再びEl Solarioへ。


Day 387: 15 AUG 2011

La Paz (Lion Palace)

Happy Birthday, Adam!!
This morning I received a mesage from Mark&Claire stating they were in La Paz with Adam. They werestaying @ El Carretero, where I tried to go on the first day in La Paz. To celebrate his birthday, they invited me to go to have dinner tonight. Great!!

During day time, I went to buy 3 bottles of octane booster. Now I would not need to worry about petrol too much. After that I hanged out with Jose and Masa.

While we were walking down a street, we saw Gan-chan. She came back from Amazon today, and she said she had great time there. Unfortunately, she was going to Sant Cruz tonight, so we said good-bye to her. Buen viaje, Gan-chan!

I went to El Carretoro. Looking at the entrance, where I thought difficult for my GS, it did not look difficult at all now. I reckoned because of the accident, I lost confident at that time. As the rat was much cheaper @ El Carretero and Jose was thinking to move back to El Solario to get his own room to recover from flue, I decided to move to El Carretero tomorrow.

We went to an English Pub Restaurant. Beef Cury I had was excellent (42Bs). Bangers and Mash Adam had looked gret as well (38Bs). We talked about trips, the routes we would take from now and so on. It was a fun night and I wish Adam had a great birthday night!


Day 386: 2011年8月14日

La Paz (Lion Palace)

今日は朝マサさんと合流し先ずは昼飯。この間行ったChifa(中華)「飛龍酒家(Chifa Dragon)」に行きました。今日もカレーうどん20ボリを。それからマサさんの宿に行きマサのラップトップのメモリーを2ギガに増設。Lenovoのラップトップは開けるのが大変でした。ワシは眠くなってソファーで寝てただけですけど。

それからオバちゃんプロレス(Cholitas Wrestling)を見にコレクティーボでエル・アルトのセハ(Ceja)という所へ。2ボリ。




DSCF9145.jpgDSCF9146.jpgそしていよいよオバちゃんレスラー登場!! しかしオバちゃんというにはちょっと若いレスラーですね。コスチュームはインディヘナの女性そのもの。相手は男性覆面レスラー。しかもレフリーまで覆面レスラーに味方するという卑怯極まりない闘い。オバちゃん、ロープで首絞められてます。オバちゃんレスラー苦戦の末にようやく覆面男を撃退。


DSCF9181.jpgそうそう気になっていたんですが、違うサイドの席にダウンタウンの松本仁志がいるんです。まさか、お忍びでボリビアまで来てオバちゃんプロレスを見学してるなんて!! オバちゃんプロレスよりも彼の動向のほうが気になります!!


真打がとうとう登場しました!! 正真正銘のオバちゃんレスラー同士の戦いです。オバちゃんきらびやかにアンデス民謡に乗って登場です。でっぷりと太っています。技をかけますが汚いです。でも良く動いてます。この試合も例の卑怯レフリーが一方のオバちゃんに味方して嫌がらせをしていましたが、結局撃退されました。オバcなんの闘い、なかなかの見ものでしたが、1回見ればいいですね。



Day 386: 14 AUG 2011

La Paz (Lion Palace)

This morning, Jose and I visited Masa and went to have lunch at "Chifa Dragon". This Chifa was better than other Chifas in Peru and Bolivia. But we wonder why there was no good Chifa in Peru and here!! We really wanna have good Chinese meals!

We went back to Masa'S hostel "Alem" and fitted 2GB RAM into his new Lenovo laptop. It was a hard job to open the laptop, but Jose researched on the web and managed to do the job. I was just sleeping on the couch...

Then we took a collectivo to Ceja area of El Alto to see Cholitas Wrestling. Thi wrest;ing was special as there were female Indigena fighters!! They wore the traditional Indigena clothing and fighting on the ring! Is't it exciting??

The collectivo cost 2Bs. When we go to the venue, there was a long queue for tickets! It's very popular. The ticket cost 15Bs for local and 50Bs for foreigners. It wasn't cheap but the ticket include a snack (pop cornes) and a drink and a souvenir.

The first show was very bad... A low quality fight. Lucha Libre of Mexico was much better. 2nd one was better as there was a dwarf fighting with a bad guy!

Then a female Indigena fighter came! She looked like a normal Indigena lady on a street. She was fighting against a masked male wresler and a judge was against her. She was abused by 2 men and strangled with a rope! But somehow she managed to win.

There were 6 matches but most of them were the same. Same plot and doddy actions. But the 2nd last one was pretty good. The fight between 2 Indigena ladies. Those fat ladies could moe very quickly and swiftly. That was amazing.

We caught a collectivo back to the city and had a dinner. I was tired, so went back to the hostel early.


一日一回クリックするとランキングがあがります! よろしくお願いいたします!!
にほんブログ村 旅行ブログ 世界一周へ

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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
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