三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
フォグライト修復への道 / Fixing the fog light
Day 389: 2011年8月17日
La Paz (El Carretero)
今日はメグミちゃんも参加です。美味しいドーナッツ屋があるとメグミちゃんは言うので、そこに行ってみました。1個3ボリ。ワシ等は4個ずつ食べました。味は?うーん、普通のドーナッツです。4個も食べたので胃に重いですが、なにか食べたり無い。と、いうことでBin Bonでハンバーガーを。
アダムはケンチャン・チキン定食を。マーク&クレアはカツ丼を。みんな以外にハシを器用に使いこなします。「美味しい」と言ってくれてますが、本心はどうなんでしょうかね? アダムが「日本の友達にイギリスの伝統料理、バンガーズ&マッシュを食べさせてやってくれ」ということになり、明日はワシ、イド氏、マサさんでこの間アダムの誕生日に行ったレストランで夕飯ということになりました。
Day 389: 17 AUG 2011
La Paz (El Carretero)
This morning, when I was talking to Adam, he suggested me to fix the fog light. He said it would be worth while to take the broken parts to the plastic welder where I fixedthe side cover to see if they can fix it. It would be better than spending US$164 for a new one.
So I made a close look at the fog light. A big chunk of plastic was broken off and missing. And something inside the light unit broken. I opened the light unit and found the bulb was broken and it seemed like if I replace the bulb, the light unit should be fine.
But the bulb was broken leaving some parts stuck in the bulb holder. WIth Mark's help, finally the broken pieace was taken out of the hoder, but the holder itself was now disfiguared. It's gonna be hard to put it back to the original shape!
Now it past 12 noon. I was late for the appointment with Jose and Masa. So I hurried to Hotel Alem. Before I got there, I dropped the broken fog ligh to the plastic welder. They said, it could be fixed by tomorrow! The cost would be 80Bs!! Amazing!!
Together with Megumi, we went to a donuts shop, which she said very popular among Japanese tourists. We bought 4 donuts each (3Bs each donut). They were average donuts to me though...
After lunch, we went back to Hotel Alem and saw Megumi off (she was cathcing a plain to Chile). Then I went to buy a bulb for the fog light. I could not buy a bulb itself, but what I found was the bulb with the unit. for 135Bs. It was made in Germany and exactly same as one used for the fog light. It was a little expensive, but now if the socket of the cable side can be fixed (I need Mark's expertise for this job, the fog light would be working again!
In the evening, Adam, Mark&Claire and I wen to "Ken-chan" Japanese restaurant. Jose and Masa joined us there. Adam ordered "Ken-chan Chicken" and Mark&Claire ordered "Katsu-Don". They said it was good! Adam suggested me to take Jose and Masa to the English restaurant we went for Adam's Birthday to let them experience thetraditional English cuisine.
La Paz (El Carretero)
今日はメグミちゃんも参加です。美味しいドーナッツ屋があるとメグミちゃんは言うので、そこに行ってみました。1個3ボリ。ワシ等は4個ずつ食べました。味は?うーん、普通のドーナッツです。4個も食べたので胃に重いですが、なにか食べたり無い。と、いうことでBin Bonでハンバーガーを。
アダムはケンチャン・チキン定食を。マーク&クレアはカツ丼を。みんな以外にハシを器用に使いこなします。「美味しい」と言ってくれてますが、本心はどうなんでしょうかね? アダムが「日本の友達にイギリスの伝統料理、バンガーズ&マッシュを食べさせてやってくれ」ということになり、明日はワシ、イド氏、マサさんでこの間アダムの誕生日に行ったレストランで夕飯ということになりました。
Day 389: 17 AUG 2011
La Paz (El Carretero)
This morning, when I was talking to Adam, he suggested me to fix the fog light. He said it would be worth while to take the broken parts to the plastic welder where I fixedthe side cover to see if they can fix it. It would be better than spending US$164 for a new one.
So I made a close look at the fog light. A big chunk of plastic was broken off and missing. And something inside the light unit broken. I opened the light unit and found the bulb was broken and it seemed like if I replace the bulb, the light unit should be fine.
But the bulb was broken leaving some parts stuck in the bulb holder. WIth Mark's help, finally the broken pieace was taken out of the hoder, but the holder itself was now disfiguared. It's gonna be hard to put it back to the original shape!
Now it past 12 noon. I was late for the appointment with Jose and Masa. So I hurried to Hotel Alem. Before I got there, I dropped the broken fog ligh to the plastic welder. They said, it could be fixed by tomorrow! The cost would be 80Bs!! Amazing!!
Together with Megumi, we went to a donuts shop, which she said very popular among Japanese tourists. We bought 4 donuts each (3Bs each donut). They were average donuts to me though...
After lunch, we went back to Hotel Alem and saw Megumi off (she was cathcing a plain to Chile). Then I went to buy a bulb for the fog light. I could not buy a bulb itself, but what I found was the bulb with the unit. for 135Bs. It was made in Germany and exactly same as one used for the fog light. It was a little expensive, but now if the socket of the cable side can be fixed (I need Mark's expertise for this job, the fog light would be working again!
In the evening, Adam, Mark&Claire and I wen to "Ken-chan" Japanese restaurant. Jose and Masa joined us there. Adam ordered "Ken-chan Chicken" and Mark&Claire ordered "Katsu-Don". They said it was good! Adam suggested me to take Jose and Masa to the English restaurant we went for Adam's Birthday to let them experience thetraditional English cuisine.
when I try to make a comment in English only. it shows error.
you better check and change settings for English reader.