三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day93: 2010年10月25日
Mexico City

宿に戻り昼寝。ダラダラですね。夕方にセリアが明日チリに行っちゃうのでソカロまでブライアンと三人で歩きに行きました。メキシコシティの中心街です。なかなかの物ですな。Latino Americanoタワーはかなりボロボロでしたが。ソカロの近くにTemple Mayorがあります。アステカの遺跡です。時間外では入れませんが、やっぱりコンクリートで修復してあるのかな?それとも漆喰かな?


Day93: 25 Oct 2010
Mexico City
Today we went to Tepito. Toku-san knows the area very well, so we followed him. The member are Toku-san, Brian, Celia, Shige, El Chino, Hiroshi, Katsuya&Akie and myself, nine of us.
Tepito has wholesales and lots of stolls, so you can buy lots of cheap stuffs. A carton of cigaretts costs MX&65!
I did not have anything perticular to buy but if I could find I wanted to buy a BIMBO T-Shirt.
BIMBO is the biggest brand of bread in Mexico and popular through out Latin America. The mascot of the brand is a cute white bear, it would be cool to have a T-Shirt. But Mexican might find it is not cool, so I could not find any BIMBO goods...
Tepito is not very safe area, so I did not take camera with me. But it was fun looking around. I will go back to shop there again.
Back to the hostel, Celia, Brian and I went to Zocalo area. Ciudad De Mexico is built on top of Aztecan capital, Tinochititolan - the rock where prenty of cacuti fruits.
Later in the afternoon we had Soba - Japanese noodle party. Celia and Brian tried Soba first time and they like it! Nao bought a bottle of Mezcal in Walmart and everyone had good time!
I got a new member for our revolutional army, his name is Sho! Gradually our army is glowing.
Mexico City
Day93: 25 Oct 2010
Mexico City
Today we went to Tepito. Toku-san knows the area very well, so we followed him. The member are Toku-san, Brian, Celia, Shige, El Chino, Hiroshi, Katsuya&Akie and myself, nine of us.
Tepito has wholesales and lots of stolls, so you can buy lots of cheap stuffs. A carton of cigaretts costs MX&65!
I did not have anything perticular to buy but if I could find I wanted to buy a BIMBO T-Shirt.
BIMBO is the biggest brand of bread in Mexico and popular through out Latin America. The mascot of the brand is a cute white bear, it would be cool to have a T-Shirt. But Mexican might find it is not cool, so I could not find any BIMBO goods...
Tepito is not very safe area, so I did not take camera with me. But it was fun looking around. I will go back to shop there again.
Back to the hostel, Celia, Brian and I went to Zocalo area. Ciudad De Mexico is built on top of Aztecan capital, Tinochititolan - the rock where prenty of cacuti fruits.
Later in the afternoon we had Soba - Japanese noodle party. Celia and Brian tried Soba first time and they like it! Nao bought a bottle of Mezcal in Walmart and everyone had good time!
I got a new member for our revolutional army, his name is Sho! Gradually our army is glowing.
Day92: 2010年10月24日
Mexico City
Day92: 24 Oct 2010
Mexico City
It was hard to get up early this morning. We were supposed to go to Tepito, but Shige insisted to go a Russian Restaurant, so we had lunch there. We all got tired walking, so we went back to the hostel and did nothing again.... El Chino and I made Japanese Chicken Don for dinner but Mexican rice is not suitable for making Japanese cuisine... The soup we made was too hot and I burnt my tangue and throat.... We were chatting till early morning again, Pencion Amigo is a dangerous place for travellers as here is too comfy to stay...
Mexico City
Day92: 24 Oct 2010
Mexico City
It was hard to get up early this morning. We were supposed to go to Tepito, but Shige insisted to go a Russian Restaurant, so we had lunch there. We all got tired walking, so we went back to the hostel and did nothing again.... El Chino and I made Japanese Chicken Don for dinner but Mexican rice is not suitable for making Japanese cuisine... The soup we made was too hot and I burnt my tangue and throat.... We were chatting till early morning again, Pencion Amigo is a dangerous place for travellers as here is too comfy to stay...
Day91: 2010年10月23日
Mexico City
今日はついに遺跡廻り第一弾テオティワカンです。昨日遅く寝たわりには8時過ぎに起きちゃいました。でも何だかんだで出発は11時半ごろになってしまいました。メンバーはブライアン、エルエロい子、ナオ、マコッチとワシの5人です。 地下鉄でバスターミナル(Autobuses Norte)へ。メキシコシティの地下鉄は3ペソでどこでもいけるのでお得です。

テオティワカンへのバスは35ペソ、1時間くらいで到着。 とうとう憧れのテオティワカンにやった来ました!日差しがキツイですね。最初はケツアルコアトルの神殿から攻めてしました。興奮しながら階段を上がって行きます。あ、あれがケツアルコアトル(羽の生えた蛇)の頭ですね。ようやくこの目で見る事が出来ました。ナオは「テオティワカンを全力疾走!」というムービーを作ろうと全力疾走してましたが、空気が薄いせいか、途中で頭痛と吐き気がしてへたれて止めてしまいました。

それから博物館で出土品を見て回りました。 それから太陽のピラミッドへ。バートレスが修復してかなりメチャクチャになったとは聞いていましたが、うーん、なんか修復がコンクリートで固めただけ?で雰囲気ぶち壊しです。一応一番上まで登りました。空気が薄いせいか登りで息が切れます。見晴らしは最高!でも、コンクリートが目について悲しい気持ちになってしまいます。

月のピラミッドまで歩いて日陰で一休み。ここからピラミッドを見上げると中々のものです。物売りのオジサンさやって来て「ほとんどタダ」と言っています。いくらか聞いたら「一万円」と。たかいよ!ジョジョの石仮面ぽいのがあったのですが、流石に運べないので買わずにしばらくオジサンと話してました。 まあ、なんだかんだで楽しかったですが、遺跡という感じがしなく考古学興味は満たされなかったですね。

Day91: 23 Oct 2010
Mexico City
Today I went to Teotihuacan, one of the must see places during this trip!
Brian, El Chino, Nao, Makoto, and myself, 5 of us caught Autobus from Autobuses Norte to Teotihuacan.
The cost is MX$35, and it took 1 hour to get there.
We started off from the temple of Quetzalqoatle. I was so excited to see the heads of Quetzalqoatle.
Finally I could see the real Quetzalqoatle! Mr. Sheep was also so excited to see Quetzalcoatle.
We waled to Museo de Teotihuacan and then went up to the top of the Pyramid of the Sun.
It was hard to climb up the pyramid due to the thin air. The view from the top of the pyramid!
But it was really sad to see the pyramid was restored with concrete!
We walked through the avenue of the dead to the pyramid of the Moon. We found a shade and stayed there for a while. The view looking upo the pyramid was good. We climed up the stairs of the pyramid of the moon and loked down the city of Teotihuacan. It was beautiful but I felt sad as these great monuments are not kept in good shape....
Back to the hostel, I was really tired and thinking to sleep early but a problem happened.
Makoto suddenly had to gfly back home so everyone worked together to get a ticket and it worked well.
The flight is 6:30am, so we stayed up till 4am to see off Makoto. It was beatiful to see everyone worked together and completed one mission!
Mexico City
今日はついに遺跡廻り第一弾テオティワカンです。昨日遅く寝たわりには8時過ぎに起きちゃいました。でも何だかんだで出発は11時半ごろになってしまいました。メンバーはブライアン、エルエロい子、ナオ、マコッチとワシの5人です。 地下鉄でバスターミナル(Autobuses Norte)へ。メキシコシティの地下鉄は3ペソでどこでもいけるのでお得です。
テオティワカンへのバスは35ペソ、1時間くらいで到着。 とうとう憧れのテオティワカンにやった来ました!日差しがキツイですね。最初はケツアルコアトルの神殿から攻めてしました。興奮しながら階段を上がって行きます。あ、あれがケツアルコアトル(羽の生えた蛇)の頭ですね。ようやくこの目で見る事が出来ました。ナオは「テオティワカンを全力疾走!」というムービーを作ろうと全力疾走してましたが、空気が薄いせいか、途中で頭痛と吐き気がしてへたれて止めてしまいました。
Day91: 23 Oct 2010
Mexico City
Today I went to Teotihuacan, one of the must see places during this trip!
Brian, El Chino, Nao, Makoto, and myself, 5 of us caught Autobus from Autobuses Norte to Teotihuacan.
The cost is MX$35, and it took 1 hour to get there.
We started off from the temple of Quetzalqoatle. I was so excited to see the heads of Quetzalqoatle.
Finally I could see the real Quetzalqoatle! Mr. Sheep was also so excited to see Quetzalcoatle.
We waled to Museo de Teotihuacan and then went up to the top of the Pyramid of the Sun.
It was hard to climb up the pyramid due to the thin air. The view from the top of the pyramid!
But it was really sad to see the pyramid was restored with concrete!
We walked through the avenue of the dead to the pyramid of the Moon. We found a shade and stayed there for a while. The view looking upo the pyramid was good. We climed up the stairs of the pyramid of the moon and loked down the city of Teotihuacan. It was beautiful but I felt sad as these great monuments are not kept in good shape....
Back to the hostel, I was really tired and thinking to sleep early but a problem happened.
Makoto suddenly had to gfly back home so everyone worked together to get a ticket and it worked well.
The flight is 6:30am, so we stayed up till 4am to see off Makoto. It was beatiful to see everyone worked together and completed one mission!
Day90: 2010年10月22日
Mexico City
今日は盛り沢山の一日でした。 朝から昼過ぎまでいろいろ作業をしちょっと出かけてしました。

夜はメキシコプロレス、ルチャリブレ(Lucha Libre)を見に行きました。シゲさん、ブライアン、エルエロい子、マコッチ、ヒロくん、クワンさんとワシの7にんです。バスに乗って行ったのですが、途中で出会ったおっちゃんが色々親切に会場まで案内してくれて、チケット購入まで助けてくれました。しかし、最後はチップくれと。そう来たか…。細かいのがなかったので、50ペソ渡しときました。
ルチャ楽しかったですよ。コテコテなんですが、中々技も冴えてたりして楽しみました。レスラーが登場する時に出てくる姉ちゃんたちが綺麗でそっちばっかに目がいっちゃいましたね。カメラ持ち込み禁止なので残念ながら写真はあませんが。 宿に戻り2時まで話し込んでしまいました。明日はテオティワカンに行くつもりなんでさが、起きれるかな⁉
Day90: 22 OCT 2010
Mexico City
It was busy day. I did a few thing s in the morning and fixed the pannier with the hummer I borrowed from Senola Paz.
Zego Pro case was realy hard. I spent long time to hummer the dent out, but it did not work. Brian gave me hands and finally it was fixed! Thanks, Brian!
Later in the afternoon, we went to see Lucha Libre! Brian, Shige, El Chino, Makoto, Hiro, Kang and myself had great time there. We liked lady's lucha and those girls escourting lucha wresters!
Unfortunately we could not bring our cameras into the arena, so no photo of girls at all!
Coming back to the hostel, we talked until 2:00pm.
We will go to Teotihuacan tomorrow so we have to wake up early.....
Mexico City
夜はメキシコプロレス、ルチャリブレ(Lucha Libre)を見に行きました。シゲさん、ブライアン、エルエロい子、マコッチ、ヒロくん、クワンさんとワシの7にんです。バスに乗って行ったのですが、途中で出会ったおっちゃんが色々親切に会場まで案内してくれて、チケット購入まで助けてくれました。しかし、最後はチップくれと。そう来たか…。細かいのがなかったので、50ペソ渡しときました。
Day90: 22 OCT 2010
Mexico City
It was busy day. I did a few thing s in the morning and fixed the pannier with the hummer I borrowed from Senola Paz.
Zego Pro case was realy hard. I spent long time to hummer the dent out, but it did not work. Brian gave me hands and finally it was fixed! Thanks, Brian!
Later in the afternoon, we went to see Lucha Libre! Brian, Shige, El Chino, Makoto, Hiro, Kang and myself had great time there. We liked lady's lucha and those girls escourting lucha wresters!
Unfortunately we could not bring our cameras into the arena, so no photo of girls at all!
Coming back to the hostel, we talked until 2:00pm.
We will go to Teotihuacan tomorrow so we have to wake up early.....
Day89: 2010年10月21日
Guanajuato to Mexico City
24,778km to 25,142km = 364km
メキシコシティ手前で渋滞に捕まります。そのまま走ってたら、白バイに止められました。なんとここはバイクで走ってはダメだと。そんなの書いてないし、バイクほかにも走ってるじゃん!免許証を取られたので、逃げるわけには行きません。出たな悪徳警官。早速金を要求して来ました。1人2400ペソだとぬかしております。こうなったら警察署に行こうじゃないかと、ブライアン。流石です。警官は全員で400ペソで勘弁してやると言って来ましたので、「よし、値切りさくせんだ!」とワシは思ったのですが、シゲさんとブライアンはガンとして警察署に行こうと言ってます。こうして警官を焦らして諦めさせる作戦ですな。やるな、2人とも。 結局警官は諦めて免許証を変えしてくれました。2人がいなかったら賄賂を渡すところでした。いやー、勉強になりました!

ガソリンスタンドで給油をしてエンジンかけたら、ヘッドライトが切れました。 ペンシオン・アミーゴには3時ごろに到着。なかなか良いところです。ずーっと話には聞いていたので、ついに来た!という感じですね。 ナオもモレーリアに行くはずのエルエロい子もやって来て皆でワイワイ愉しく夜を過ごしました。 明日はバイク屋か車屋で電球を買って、金槌でパニアを治します。
Day89: 21 OCT 2010
Guanajuato to Mexico City
24,778km to 25,142km = 364km
We got up at 7am and got ready before 8am. We said good-bye to Steven and caught a cab to the hotel we parked our bikes. We could not say good-bye to Cara and Celia, but it's ok I will see them in Mexico City.
We used the toll road in order to get to the city early. It costs MX$248! Muy Caro!!
I found a dent on my left pannier. It was made when I dropped the bike in Guanajuato a few days ago.
I need to hummer in the dent to make it water tight.
We were stopped by highway polices just before Mexico City. They said we cannot ride on that part of highway... But we saw a few motorbikes were on the highway....
They said if we pay MX$2400 each, they can let us go, but we said "Let's go to the police station".
One of the policemen targeted me and offerred MX$400 for all of us, but Brian insisted to go to the Police Station. His plan was making them give up by slowing things down. And if we go to the police station, they will be in trouble as they are asking for bribes.
And it worked, they let us go!
Guanajuato to Mexico City
24,778km to 25,142km = 364km
ガソリンスタンドで給油をしてエンジンかけたら、ヘッドライトが切れました。 ペンシオン・アミーゴには3時ごろに到着。なかなか良いところです。ずーっと話には聞いていたので、ついに来た!という感じですね。 ナオもモレーリアに行くはずのエルエロい子もやって来て皆でワイワイ愉しく夜を過ごしました。 明日はバイク屋か車屋で電球を買って、金槌でパニアを治します。
Day89: 21 OCT 2010
Guanajuato to Mexico City
24,778km to 25,142km = 364km
We got up at 7am and got ready before 8am. We said good-bye to Steven and caught a cab to the hotel we parked our bikes. We could not say good-bye to Cara and Celia, but it's ok I will see them in Mexico City.
We used the toll road in order to get to the city early. It costs MX$248! Muy Caro!!
I found a dent on my left pannier. It was made when I dropped the bike in Guanajuato a few days ago.
I need to hummer in the dent to make it water tight.
We were stopped by highway polices just before Mexico City. They said we cannot ride on that part of highway... But we saw a few motorbikes were on the highway....
They said if we pay MX$2400 each, they can let us go, but we said "Let's go to the police station".
One of the policemen targeted me and offerred MX$400 for all of us, but Brian insisted to go to the Police Station. His plan was making them give up by slowing things down. And if we go to the police station, they will be in trouble as they are asking for bribes.
And it worked, they let us go!