三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Day88: 2010年10月20日


Day88: 20 Oct 2010
I went out for sightseeing with Brian, Steven, Celia from Swiss and Jeff from America.
We went to Callejon del Beso, Monumento al Pipila, Universidad de Guanajuato and so on. I guess those covers the most of the attractions in Guanajuato.
Brian decided to go to Mexico City tomorrow with us. Steven and Cara will stay here for a while.
In the evening we went to see El Heroico and Nao. We talked and talked until late. As we have an early start tomorrow, so I went back to the hostel and said good-bye to Cara and Celia.
Day88: 20 Oct 2010
I went out for sightseeing with Brian, Steven, Celia from Swiss and Jeff from America.
We went to Callejon del Beso, Monumento al Pipila, Universidad de Guanajuato and so on. I guess those covers the most of the attractions in Guanajuato.
Brian decided to go to Mexico City tomorrow with us. Steven and Cara will stay here for a while.
In the evening we went to see El Heroico and Nao. We talked and talked until late. As we have an early start tomorrow, so I went back to the hostel and said good-bye to Cara and Celia.
Day87: 2010年10月19日
Zacatecas to Guanajuato
24,397km to 24,778km = 381km

今日は7時に起きて出発の準備。カーラもちゃんと起きて来ました。彼女の荷物はブライアンが受け持つ事に。 先ずはガソリンを入れて45号線を南下します。カーラも問題なく乗れます。アグアスカリエンエンテスまでは迷わない為に高速道路で。30ペソです。

アグアスカリエンエンテスでスティーブンが小腹が減ったとのことで、小休止。 ここから下道を行きます。途中の小さな街で昼メシを食べました。少年がスティーブンに懐き飯屋に着いて来ました。可愛らしいガキです。なにやら言ってますが、ワシらにはわかりません。カーラの登場!どうやらコーラが飲みたいとのこと。カーラが買ってあげました。そしたらチキンも欲しいと。ガキ、だんだん調子に乗って来ます。
さてと、ここからグアナファトまであと150キロくらいですかね。Sileoまできましたが、ここからがトリッキーです。クルクル高速に乗ったり降りたりしてようやくグアナファトの方角へ⁉ トラックが追い抜いていったら、ホワイトタイガー(白虎)が4〜5匹運ばれててます。虎を見れて虎男のワシとしては嬉しい限りです。
さてグアナファトに付きましたが、思った通りに迷路です。目的のホテルにGPS上では限りなく近いのですが、一方通行だらけで近づけません。バイクを停めるのにも一苦労。 ようやくバイクを停めて徒歩でホステルへ。ブライアンなちとは離れ離れになってしまいました。歩きでも迷いに迷って到着。カーラがいなければどんなに苦労したことか。ブライアンたちは既に到着していて、ホテルにバイクを停めに行ったとか。
バイクに戻りホテルへ。ホテルは簡単に見つかったのですが、駐車場の入り口は反対側だと。カーラが行き方をききましたが、また迷いに迷って全然辿り着けません。道をタクシー運転手にきいたり近所な人にききましたが、みんなホテルの裏口の方にいけと言います。ふむ。また道を聞こうとカーラがバイクから降りようとしたら、バランスを崩して左側に立ちゴケ! すぐにバイクを起こしてダメージを確認。エンジンガードとパニアの下側に軽く擦り傷が付いただけです。カーラが自分のせいでコケた、と落ち込んでますのでなだめる方に専念。
仕方がないので、またホテルに戻って駐車場の入り口への行き方を訪ねてると、ブライアンたちがやって来ました。ホステルのスタッフがスクーターで先導してくれるとのこと。ようやくこれで駐車場に着きました。これじゃわからないわ、てな道で辿り着きました。 チェックインして夜の街をブラブラ。そしたらエルエロい子とナオに再会。彼らのホステルでしばらく歓談して帰って寝ました。
Day87: 19 Oct 2010
Zacatecas to Guanajuato
24,397km to 24,778km = 381km
We got up at 7am and got ready. Brian will take care of Cara's baggage, so I can carry her on my bike. It took a while to get out from the city but we managed. Cara was doing all right in the pillion seat. I'm glad that she was having fun.
We took the toll road to Aguascalientes. We were stopped by highway police! No helmet on Cara! I thought we will get a fine or will be stopped to go ahead. But only they asked were documentations and a few questions. They did not mention anything about wearing a helmet. So we kept going.
At Aguascalientes, we made a brief stop as Steven was hungry. He is a big guy, so he needs loads of foods! Now we took no toll road. We had BBQ chicken for lunch at a little town. Steven made a friend with a little kid and he came to the restaurant. He was telling us something in Spanish, but we didn't understand a bit. So we sent him to Cara. He was asking for money to buy a bottle of Coke. She bought one for him and now he asked for a plate of BBQ chicken! The kid is getting more wild! She told him that we were leaving soon.
We arrived Guanajuato around 3:30pm. But getting to the hostel "La Casa del Tio" was a nightmare! On GPS, we were so close to the hostel, but we couldn't find the way. We decided to take a walk to find the hostel but finding parking spot was hard as well. So we ended up parking at different spots and we were separated. Even on foot, it was hard to get to the hostel. When finally we arrived, we found out Brian and Steven already took off to the hotel with free parking spot.
So Cara and I went back to the bike to find the hotel. It was easy to find the hotel, but the entrance of the car park is opposite side... It was really hard to find the way. We asked many people but we still couldn't get there. Once Cara got off from the bike, I lost balance and dropped the bike! We quickly picked up the bike and found little scratches on the engine bar and the side of the pannier. Cara was so shocked, so I told her no to worry at all. Don't worry, Cara! It's like a war wound.
We came back to the hotel and asked for the direction again. Then Brian, Steven and Shige turned up with a guy on a scooter. He was gonna lead us to the entrance! Good job, guys! It would be no way that Cara and I could find the entrance by ourselves. Back to the hostel, we had dinner and went out to see the town of Guanajuato. Festival is on these days, so there were full of people and lots of music on the streets. We happened to see El Chio and Nao! We went to their hostel for a while and came back to the hostel and went to bed.
Zacatecas to Guanajuato
24,397km to 24,778km = 381km
さてと、ここからグアナファトまであと150キロくらいですかね。Sileoまできましたが、ここからがトリッキーです。クルクル高速に乗ったり降りたりしてようやくグアナファトの方角へ⁉ トラックが追い抜いていったら、ホワイトタイガー(白虎)が4〜5匹運ばれててます。虎を見れて虎男のワシとしては嬉しい限りです。
さてグアナファトに付きましたが、思った通りに迷路です。目的のホテルにGPS上では限りなく近いのですが、一方通行だらけで近づけません。バイクを停めるのにも一苦労。 ようやくバイクを停めて徒歩でホステルへ。ブライアンなちとは離れ離れになってしまいました。歩きでも迷いに迷って到着。カーラがいなければどんなに苦労したことか。ブライアンたちは既に到着していて、ホテルにバイクを停めに行ったとか。
バイクに戻りホテルへ。ホテルは簡単に見つかったのですが、駐車場の入り口は反対側だと。カーラが行き方をききましたが、また迷いに迷って全然辿り着けません。道をタクシー運転手にきいたり近所な人にききましたが、みんなホテルの裏口の方にいけと言います。ふむ。また道を聞こうとカーラがバイクから降りようとしたら、バランスを崩して左側に立ちゴケ! すぐにバイクを起こしてダメージを確認。エンジンガードとパニアの下側に軽く擦り傷が付いただけです。カーラが自分のせいでコケた、と落ち込んでますのでなだめる方に専念。
仕方がないので、またホテルに戻って駐車場の入り口への行き方を訪ねてると、ブライアンたちがやって来ました。ホステルのスタッフがスクーターで先導してくれるとのこと。ようやくこれで駐車場に着きました。これじゃわからないわ、てな道で辿り着きました。 チェックインして夜の街をブラブラ。そしたらエルエロい子とナオに再会。彼らのホステルでしばらく歓談して帰って寝ました。
Day87: 19 Oct 2010
Zacatecas to Guanajuato
24,397km to 24,778km = 381km
We got up at 7am and got ready. Brian will take care of Cara's baggage, so I can carry her on my bike. It took a while to get out from the city but we managed. Cara was doing all right in the pillion seat. I'm glad that she was having fun.
We took the toll road to Aguascalientes. We were stopped by highway police! No helmet on Cara! I thought we will get a fine or will be stopped to go ahead. But only they asked were documentations and a few questions. They did not mention anything about wearing a helmet. So we kept going.
At Aguascalientes, we made a brief stop as Steven was hungry. He is a big guy, so he needs loads of foods! Now we took no toll road. We had BBQ chicken for lunch at a little town. Steven made a friend with a little kid and he came to the restaurant. He was telling us something in Spanish, but we didn't understand a bit. So we sent him to Cara. He was asking for money to buy a bottle of Coke. She bought one for him and now he asked for a plate of BBQ chicken! The kid is getting more wild! She told him that we were leaving soon.
We arrived Guanajuato around 3:30pm. But getting to the hostel "La Casa del Tio" was a nightmare! On GPS, we were so close to the hostel, but we couldn't find the way. We decided to take a walk to find the hostel but finding parking spot was hard as well. So we ended up parking at different spots and we were separated. Even on foot, it was hard to get to the hostel. When finally we arrived, we found out Brian and Steven already took off to the hotel with free parking spot.
So Cara and I went back to the bike to find the hotel. It was easy to find the hotel, but the entrance of the car park is opposite side... It was really hard to find the way. We asked many people but we still couldn't get there. Once Cara got off from the bike, I lost balance and dropped the bike! We quickly picked up the bike and found little scratches on the engine bar and the side of the pannier. Cara was so shocked, so I told her no to worry at all. Don't worry, Cara! It's like a war wound.
We came back to the hotel and asked for the direction again. Then Brian, Steven and Shige turned up with a guy on a scooter. He was gonna lead us to the entrance! Good job, guys! It would be no way that Cara and I could find the entrance by ourselves. Back to the hostel, we had dinner and went out to see the town of Guanajuato. Festival is on these days, so there were full of people and lots of music on the streets. We happened to see El Chio and Nao! We went to their hostel for a while and came back to the hostel and went to bed.
Day86: 2010年10月18日


それからラファエル・コロネル博物館に行きました。ここは沢山の仮面のコレクションで知られています。Museo las mascarasですね。30ペソの入場料ですが、シゲさんはアルメニア辺りで作った偽学生書で15ペソに値切ってました。やるな、シゲさん。


昼メシは例のメルカドで羊肉のスープを食べて(ヒツジさん、ゴメンなさい!)、宿に戻りました。 ブライアンもスティーブンも明日グアナファトに向かうことにしたので、皆でネットで宿に探し。La Casa Del Tioという安宿が良さそうなので、電話。ここは我らがスペイン語の師匠カーラに電話してもらいました。1人150ペソですが、バイクを停められないので、15分くらい離れたホテルに無料駐車場があるのでそこに停められるとのこと。一応予約だけしておきました。
夜はスティーブン、エリックとサブリナでお祭りを見に行きました。スティーブンの友達のメキシコ人の女の子たちも来たので楽しかったです。 宿に戻り宿の連中とワイワイしながら、明日の宿のGPS座標を調べてました。メキシコ人のマリーシオは夜行バスで移動なのでサヨナラです。とてもイイ奴なのでチョット淋しいですね、別れるの。メキシコ人のトーマスはワシらが明日去ってしまうのを悲しがっています。出会いがあって別れがある、それが旅ですけど、やっぱ別れは淋しいなぁ。 なんか知りませんが、カーラがワシらと一緒にグアナファトに行く事になりました。メット無いんだけど、大丈夫だろうか⁉
Day86:18 Oct 2010
Shige was feeling better today, so we went out for Zacatecas sightseeing.
Catedoral and San Domingo, again. There was a free photo galary near Ex San Augustin Church, so we went in there.

Nice photos!
Then we walked all the way to Rafael Coronel Museum, AKA, Museo las Mascaras. This museum is famous for its collections of masks, and the building itself is the histrical building, so many people told us here is the must see place.
The entrance fee is MX$30 p.p, but Shige has a student card made in Armenia, so he got the half price! I need to make one in Maxico City.
There are tons of masks. I did not really expecting much, but I was overwhelmed by the number of masks.
The bonus for me was there are collections of artifacts of anceient Mexican civilizations, Olmeca, Maya, Teothiuacan, and so on. I spent long time just looking at those artifats.
We went to the mercado for lunch. We had lumb soup (sorry Mr. Sheep), and it was good. In front of the mercado, a giy was selling rat meet.... And snake meet....., I like snake.
Brian and Steven decided to go to Guanajuato tomorrow as well, so we looked for accomodations in Guanajuato. We found one, La Casa del Tio, but it doesn't have parking space. We asked Cara to call the hostel to make a booking and also find out where we can park the bikes.
Her Spanish is so brilliant! She found out we can park at a hotel (20mins walk away) for free. Thanks, Cara.
Late in the evening, Steven, Eric and Sabrina took me out for a drink. Steven's Mexican girl friends also came, so I had good time.
Back to hostel, we said good-bye to Mauricio. Cara suddenly decided to go to Guanajuato tomorrow with us. So she will be on my bike. She has never ridden a motorbike and we don't have any spare helmet. Can you survive a day!?
昼メシは例のメルカドで羊肉のスープを食べて(ヒツジさん、ゴメンなさい!)、宿に戻りました。 ブライアンもスティーブンも明日グアナファトに向かうことにしたので、皆でネットで宿に探し。La Casa Del Tioという安宿が良さそうなので、電話。ここは我らがスペイン語の師匠カーラに電話してもらいました。1人150ペソですが、バイクを停められないので、15分くらい離れたホテルに無料駐車場があるのでそこに停められるとのこと。一応予約だけしておきました。
夜はスティーブン、エリックとサブリナでお祭りを見に行きました。スティーブンの友達のメキシコ人の女の子たちも来たので楽しかったです。 宿に戻り宿の連中とワイワイしながら、明日の宿のGPS座標を調べてました。メキシコ人のマリーシオは夜行バスで移動なのでサヨナラです。とてもイイ奴なのでチョット淋しいですね、別れるの。メキシコ人のトーマスはワシらが明日去ってしまうのを悲しがっています。出会いがあって別れがある、それが旅ですけど、やっぱ別れは淋しいなぁ。 なんか知りませんが、カーラがワシらと一緒にグアナファトに行く事になりました。メット無いんだけど、大丈夫だろうか⁉
Day86:18 Oct 2010
Shige was feeling better today, so we went out for Zacatecas sightseeing.
Catedoral and San Domingo, again. There was a free photo galary near Ex San Augustin Church, so we went in there.
Then we walked all the way to Rafael Coronel Museum, AKA, Museo las Mascaras. This museum is famous for its collections of masks, and the building itself is the histrical building, so many people told us here is the must see place.
The entrance fee is MX$30 p.p, but Shige has a student card made in Armenia, so he got the half price! I need to make one in Maxico City.
There are tons of masks. I did not really expecting much, but I was overwhelmed by the number of masks.
The bonus for me was there are collections of artifacts of anceient Mexican civilizations, Olmeca, Maya, Teothiuacan, and so on. I spent long time just looking at those artifats.
We went to the mercado for lunch. We had lumb soup (sorry Mr. Sheep), and it was good. In front of the mercado, a giy was selling rat meet.... And snake meet....., I like snake.
Brian and Steven decided to go to Guanajuato tomorrow as well, so we looked for accomodations in Guanajuato. We found one, La Casa del Tio, but it doesn't have parking space. We asked Cara to call the hostel to make a booking and also find out where we can park the bikes.
Her Spanish is so brilliant! She found out we can park at a hotel (20mins walk away) for free. Thanks, Cara.
Late in the evening, Steven, Eric and Sabrina took me out for a drink. Steven's Mexican girl friends also came, so I had good time.
Back to hostel, we said good-bye to Mauricio. Cara suddenly decided to go to Guanajuato tomorrow with us. So she will be on my bike. She has never ridden a motorbike and we don't have any spare helmet. Can you survive a day!?
Day85: 2010年10月17日
Zacatecas 24,397km


宿に帰ってきたらナオ君、カーラ、ケイトとメキシカンのマリーシオでマーケットに行くっていうので付いて行く事に。ブライアンも参加です。 マーケットまで徒歩で。天気がいいので気持ちイイですね。サカテカスの街を歩いて見るのもいいモノです。マーケットはバッタもんと靴や服から工具、食べ物、DVD、ゲームなどなどゴチャゴチャ売られています。 一通り見た後は違うマーケットへ。こちらは生鮮食材を扱っている市場です。夕飯様の肉とオヤツのチーズを買いました。オアハカチーズはモッツァレラと割けるチーズを併せたチーズで美味しいです! 宿に戻ってダラダラネットにお喋り。
夕飯は日本人4人で作ってカーラとイタリア人のおっさんにも振る舞いました。なかなか美味いのが出来ました。 カーラがメスカル(Mezcal=テキーラを含む蒸留酒の総称)を買ってきたので皆で呑みながらお喋りして夜を過ごしました。
Day85: 2010年10月17日
Zacatecas 24,397km
As Shige is still having high altitude sickness, I went to see Catedoral and San Domingo church.
Catedoral is famous for its outside scruptures and San Domingo is famous for its interrior.
Inside Catedoral, the Sunday ,as was going on, so could not walk around the inside. Sun Domingo was empty. Only a few ladies were practicing gospel.
Well, they were good, but I was not really impressed much. I guess I have seen many Cathedrals and Churchs elsewhere.
Back to the hostel, Nao, Cara, Kate and Maricio were going to the Sunday market, so I joined them. Brian also joined us.
Walking around Zacatecas was pretty good. Beatiful weather and beatuful Zacatecas streets, I felt that certainly I'm in Mexico.
The market is selling any kind of junks, shoes, shirts, DVD, tools, games and so on.
After walking around the market, we went to another market selling meats, cheese, spices and other food stuffs. I bought 1kg of beef ribs for dinner and Oaxaca cheese for snack. Oaxaca cheese is like Mozzarella and very tasty. I like it!
Back to the hostel, 4 Japanese cooked dinner together. It was a pretty good meal we made!
Cara bought a bottle of Mezcal and we had shots of mezcal (I had Coke) talked till late again.
Zacatecas 24,397km
宿に帰ってきたらナオ君、カーラ、ケイトとメキシカンのマリーシオでマーケットに行くっていうので付いて行く事に。ブライアンも参加です。 マーケットまで徒歩で。天気がいいので気持ちイイですね。サカテカスの街を歩いて見るのもいいモノです。マーケットはバッタもんと靴や服から工具、食べ物、DVD、ゲームなどなどゴチャゴチャ売られています。 一通り見た後は違うマーケットへ。こちらは生鮮食材を扱っている市場です。夕飯様の肉とオヤツのチーズを買いました。オアハカチーズはモッツァレラと割けるチーズを併せたチーズで美味しいです! 宿に戻ってダラダラネットにお喋り。
夕飯は日本人4人で作ってカーラとイタリア人のおっさんにも振る舞いました。なかなか美味いのが出来ました。 カーラがメスカル(Mezcal=テキーラを含む蒸留酒の総称)を買ってきたので皆で呑みながらお喋りして夜を過ごしました。
Day85: 2010年10月17日
Zacatecas 24,397km
As Shige is still having high altitude sickness, I went to see Catedoral and San Domingo church.
Catedoral is famous for its outside scruptures and San Domingo is famous for its interrior.
Inside Catedoral, the Sunday ,as was going on, so could not walk around the inside. Sun Domingo was empty. Only a few ladies were practicing gospel.
Well, they were good, but I was not really impressed much. I guess I have seen many Cathedrals and Churchs elsewhere.
Back to the hostel, Nao, Cara, Kate and Maricio were going to the Sunday market, so I joined them. Brian also joined us.
Walking around Zacatecas was pretty good. Beatiful weather and beatuful Zacatecas streets, I felt that certainly I'm in Mexico.
The market is selling any kind of junks, shoes, shirts, DVD, tools, games and so on.
After walking around the market, we went to another market selling meats, cheese, spices and other food stuffs. I bought 1kg of beef ribs for dinner and Oaxaca cheese for snack. Oaxaca cheese is like Mozzarella and very tasty. I like it!
Back to the hostel, 4 Japanese cooked dinner together. It was a pretty good meal we made!
Cara bought a bottle of Mezcal and we had shots of mezcal (I had Coke) talked till late again.
Day84: 2010年10月16日
Durango to Zacatecas
24,065km to 24,397km = 332km
ドゥランゴは結構標高が高くさむいのですが、お湯は出ないし布団はペラペラで寒かったです。 今日はサカテカス(Zacatecas)まで300キロくらいなのでゆっくりと出発です。道も比較的真っ直ぐなので楽に飛ばせます。

しかし、メキシコの道路標識は例の如く不明瞭で2回くらいあらぬ方向に行ってしまいました。 道端にはサボテンがそこら中に生えていて赤い実がなっています。サボテンの実美味しいんだよなぁ。採って食べたいな。
最後の20キロくらいが何故か有料道路で41ペソ払わされました。有料道路がCuotaで一般道はLibreなのですが、サカテカスはCuotaとしか出てなく、やむなく有料道路へ。うーん、なんか納得いかないな。 3時頃にはサカテカスに到着。さかては古い街なので道が石畳で一方通行だらけで中々目的の宿に辿り着けません。
ようやく到着しましたが、バイクを停める場所がないので従業員の車をどかしてもらいました。ブライアンと仲間たちの3台がすでに停まっているのでバイクが5台になりました!バイク小道って感じですね。 ここで日本人のシゲ2号(El Chino)とナオに出会いました。彼らはバックパック旅行をしてます。しばらくしてからブライアンも戻って来て久しぶりの再会をしました。元気そうで何より!スペイン語のレッスンを受けていましたが、相変わらずダメだそうです!今はアメリカ人のスティーブンとアメリカ人カップルの3台で旅をしてるそうです。楽しそうだな。

Day84: 2010年10月16日
Durango to Zacatecas
24,065km to 24,397km = 332km
It was cold last night. There was no hot water and the blanket was too thin. Zacatecas is around 300km away and the road is pretty much straight, so today we could get there early in the afternoon.
There are lots of cactus on the road side. We had grilled whole chicken (pollo asada) for lunch. It costs us $110 but came with tortillas, salad, and salsas, so it was good value. We have to spoil ourselves once in a while!
The last 20km or so was toll road. Usually there are signs indicating Cuota = Toll and Libre = Free, but we could only see Cuota to Zacatecas. We paid MX$41. That sucks.
Zacatecas is old city, so the street is very narrow and lots if one way traffic. It took time to get to the hostel. Once we arrived at the hostel, there was no parking space for us. Luckily a car moved, so we could park in front of the hostel. There are 5 bikes in front of the hostel now!
We met fellow Japanese backpacker's Shige2 (El Chino) and Nao here. While we were chatting, Brian came back with his friends and we talked about our trips and motorbikes.
There was a festival in town from 8:30pm. The show wasn't good but fireworks were great. We met Kate from Ireland and Cara from the States. Cara's Spanish is excellent! Until late, we had chat about Mexico, our trips and so on and on. I had hot shower and slept in a nice warm blanket today.
Durango to Zacatecas
24,065km to 24,397km = 332km
ドゥランゴは結構標高が高くさむいのですが、お湯は出ないし布団はペラペラで寒かったです。 今日はサカテカス(Zacatecas)まで300キロくらいなのでゆっくりと出発です。道も比較的真っ直ぐなので楽に飛ばせます。
最後の20キロくらいが何故か有料道路で41ペソ払わされました。有料道路がCuotaで一般道はLibreなのですが、サカテカスはCuotaとしか出てなく、やむなく有料道路へ。うーん、なんか納得いかないな。 3時頃にはサカテカスに到着。さかては古い街なので道が石畳で一方通行だらけで中々目的の宿に辿り着けません。
Day84: 2010年10月16日
Durango to Zacatecas
24,065km to 24,397km = 332km
It was cold last night. There was no hot water and the blanket was too thin. Zacatecas is around 300km away and the road is pretty much straight, so today we could get there early in the afternoon.
There are lots of cactus on the road side. We had grilled whole chicken (pollo asada) for lunch. It costs us $110 but came with tortillas, salad, and salsas, so it was good value. We have to spoil ourselves once in a while!
The last 20km or so was toll road. Usually there are signs indicating Cuota = Toll and Libre = Free, but we could only see Cuota to Zacatecas. We paid MX$41. That sucks.
Zacatecas is old city, so the street is very narrow and lots if one way traffic. It took time to get to the hostel. Once we arrived at the hostel, there was no parking space for us. Luckily a car moved, so we could park in front of the hostel. There are 5 bikes in front of the hostel now!
We met fellow Japanese backpacker's Shige2 (El Chino) and Nao here. While we were chatting, Brian came back with his friends and we talked about our trips and motorbikes.
There was a festival in town from 8:30pm. The show wasn't good but fireworks were great. We met Kate from Ireland and Cara from the States. Cara's Spanish is excellent! Until late, we had chat about Mexico, our trips and so on and on. I had hot shower and slept in a nice warm blanket today.