三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Mazatlan to Durango
23,740km to 24,065km = 325km
Day83: 15 Oct 2010
Mazatlan to Durango
23,740km to 24,065km = 325km
I could't sleep well on a seat. It was uncomfortable and noisy all night.
The ship arrived Mazatlan around 10am but it took a while before we could get off. It was around 30℃ and so humid!
It was already past 11am, so we had lunch at a taqueria and took off to Durango, around 300km away. Fernando told us Mazatlan has great seafood (mariscos), but we couldn't find one easily.
The road to Durango is twisty and lots of up and down. I was having fun riding through twisty road but soon we were caught in traffic. There were sands and gravels on corners and trucks from opposite lane often came to wide to our side, so it was a bit scary. Actually a truck almost hit Shige.
It started raining and soon it became hails. At high altitude, it got colder too.
We stuck behind two bing trucks for a while and when I overtook a truck, I nearly crushed into an incoming car! It was close.
So it took almost 6hours to get to Durango. We had dinner at a restaurant near an university, and the meals were cheap and good. The lady at the restaurant told us a guy was shot dead last night near there! Well, here is Mexico.
We stayed a night at a cheap motel on the highway. It costs MX$200 a night. There was no hot water though.
We were too tired and went to sleep early.
La Paz to Cabo San Lucas to La Paz
23,290km to 23,740km = 450km
今日は朝早く起きてロスカボスに行く準備をします。 バハカリフォルニア最南端の街カボサンルーカス(Cabo San Lucas)を目指します。
カボサンルーカスと標識が出ていたのでそちらに向かい、しばらく走ると十字路にきました。しかし標識はありません。出ました中南米、標識が途中でなくなると聞いていましたが、本当です。とりあえず真っ直ぐ進みましたが、どうやら違うようなので十字路まで引き返し左へ。ようやく順路にでました。 何度かの道路工事を過ぎバイクも自分もホコリだらけになってしまいました。なんかメキシコの道路工事のやり方は効率が悪いですね。かなりの距離の舗装をひっぺがしてますが、大部分が長らく放置されているように見受けられます。出来る分だけひっぺがへばいいんですけど…⁉
あ、海岸線は綺麗ですね。海の色が青く浅瀬が緑です。 ロスカボス地域の街カボサンルーカスはラパスからおよそ200キロ。かなりのリゾート地で、物価も高そうですし来るのは間違いだったかな?
それから最南端まで行き写真撮影。ここの見所エルアルク(El Arc)には船でないと行けないとのこと。しかも10米ドルもかかるということなので諦めました。 それにしても暑い!早目にラパスに帰ろう、ということになりましたが、また標識に騙され30分くらい無駄にしました。
暑すぎるので、途中でドリンク休憩をしラパスに着いたのが5時半。急いでフェリーが発着する港ピチリンゲ(Pichilingue)港に向かいます。20キロくらい離れてます。 港でおっちゃんにチケットを見せて列に並びます。何故だかフェリーからかなり離れた場所で待たされます。ようやく動いたと思ったらまた待たされて、何度か丘を越えて、また待たされて、ようやくフェリーに乗船。うーん、メキシコ人は効率が悪いなぁ。 ワシらはキャビンなんてモノに泊まる余裕はないので、大部屋の座席を確保。周りのメキシコ人、申し訳ないですが貧乏そうで信用が置けませんね。貴重品は身に付けるかパニアに入れておいたほうがいいですね。
夕飯はタダなので早速食べに行き、デッキで夕暮れを見ようと出て見ました。ここでドイツ人のヤーナと英語がペラペラなメキシコ人のフェルナンドと知り合いました。ヤーナは3ヶ月メキシコを独り旅中。今6週間経ってメキシコシティーとオアハカがよかったそうです。フェルナンドはラパスで働いていましたが、本土に転勤するそうです。エコ器具を扱う会社で働いているそうで、かなりのエリートと見ました。船は8時に出発予定ですが、8時半を過ぎても全く出発の気配がありません。流石メキシコ。フェルナンドもメキシカンタイムはこんなもんだよと言ってます。9時頃にようやく出発。 ヤーナとフェルナンドとビールを呑みながら(ワシはコーラ)夜遅くまで話してました。 さて明日の朝にはメキシコ本土です。楽しみだなぁ。
Day82: 14 Oct 2010
La Paz to Cabo San Lucas to La Paz
23,290km to 23,740km = 450km
We got up early and got ready for Los Cabos. We were heading to Cabo San Lucas, the Southern most town of Baja California. It's around 200km away from La Paz. Well, here in Mexico, road signs are not very clear. We got lost for a while by following a road sign "Cabo San Lucas". We managed to come back on the route eventually.
Between La Paz and Todos Santos road works everywhere. It looks like the road was stripped for a while. Not sure why they stripped all pavements but working on tiny parts of the section. It's so dusty and dusts are all over us and our bikes.
The coastal view was beautiful though. It got hotter and hotter during the day. We arrived Cabo San Lucas after 11am. We were looking for a place to eat but the town is so touristic and everything seems to be expensive here. Also it was hard to find a parking spot, so we went around and around. We finally found a place to eat. Mexican Combo plate (Camida Corrida) was MX$60 with a cold drink. Beef tongue stew we ordered was great!
After having lunch, we went to the road ends and tried to get to El Arco. But to get to El Arco, we have to catch a boat. It costs $US10, so we gave up seeing it. We headed back to La Paz but it was too hot to keep going. We had to stop for a cold drink. We probably stopped there too long. We arrived La Paz at 5:30pm. We hurried to Pecholingua to catch the ferry. It took for a while to get on the boat. I have no idea why we got stopped many times before boarding.
The ship supposed to leave at 8pm, but it was 9pm when the ship finally left the shore. The good thing was we had a free meal. We met Jana from Germany and Fernando from Mexico there. We talked till midnight and it was fun. We will arrive Mazatlan at 8am tomorrow. Finally I can see REAL Mexico.
Day81: 2010年10月13日
La Paz
ソカロ(広場)とカテドラル(カトリック教会)を見てから地球の歩き方'06〜'07版に載っているSematurと言うチケット販売店へ。残念ながらこの店は既に無く、バハフェリー(Baja Ferries)という会社が発券とフェリーの運航をしてる様です。
朝の街を歩くと色々な物や店が目に付きます。スーパーマーケット=スペルメルカド(Super Mercado)やタケリア、中華屋など昨日見逃してた店があります。タケリア繁盛してるので値段を聞いてみると、タコ1つ8ペソです。3つお昼に食べました。
Day81: 2010年10月13日
La Paz
We planned to go to Los Cabos but we got lazy, so we decided to look around the town and buy ferry tickets.
Passing by Zocalo and Cathedral, we looked for Sematur, the ticket shop for the ferry. But the store is closed now and we found out the ferry is operated by Baja Ferries and the ticket shop is located elsewhere.
It was good to walk around the town in the morning. We found more things and shops we did not see yesterday.
We found a taquria full of people. A taco costs MX$8! No wonder it's so popular. I had three tacos for lunch.
We went back to the hostel and asked for the direction at the reception. It was a bit of walk but we could find the place easily.
A fare for a passenger to Mazatlan costs MX$890 and for a motorcycle costs MX$1660, the total of MX$2650. It is a bit expensive, but it is a necessary cost. If we take a ferry to Los Mochis, it will be cheaper by MX$800, but it arrives in night time. That's why we chose the ferry to Mazatlan.
Now we've done everything we have to do today. Back to the hostel and surfing net, having a nap, planning routes after Mazatlan and studying Spanish, that all we did.
Brian sent me a mail and he us at Zacatecas until next Tuesday. So we can catch up in Zacatecas!
The ferry will leave at 8pm, so we will go to Los Cabos in the morning.
Mulege to La Paz
22,796km to 23,290km = 494km
Mulegeを出てしばらく走るとバイア・コンセプシオン(Bahia Concepcion)の綺麗な湾の風景が広がります。こういうところで日がなぼーっとするのもイイですね。あ、バイア・デ・ロスアンへレスもこんな感じでしたね。バハの道は路肩が無いのでバイクを停めて写真を撮りたい時に撮れないのが痛いです。なのでバイア・コンセプシオンの写真はありません。
しかし、暑い!シウダー・インスルヘンテス(Ciudad Insurgentes)で鳥のグリルを昼メシに食べました。何故だかシゲさんのチキンの方が断然デカイので、シゲさん少し肉を分けてくれました!ありがとう!給油をして一気にラパスを目指します。
少し休んでから外に夕飯を食べに行きましたが、フードコート(Area de Comidar)は店じまいしてるし、中華屋は無いしで結局タマレス(Tamales)を2つの寂しい夕食となりました。タマレスは美味しくないです。ラパスは今までの街よりもメキシコしてる感じです。なんか、もっと喧騒としてるし混乱してます。楽しそうだな、ここ。
明日はロスカボス(Los Cabos)に行く予定です。
Day80: 12 Oct 2010
Mulege to La Paz
22,796km to 23,290km = 494km
Today there is a fare distance to La Paz, so we were just riding whole day.
Just after Mulege, a beautiful bay view of Bahia Concepcion was spreading all over in front of my eyes. It would be nice to stay on one of beaches there and spend days doing nothing. But I had already enjoyed the beach of Bahia de Los Angeles anyway.
We had lunch at Ciudad Insurgentes. As we were bored with taqueria, so we had grilled chickens instead. It was ok but my chicken was way smaller than Shige's. So he gave me some of his chicken, so kind of him!
It was too hot. We stopped for a cold drink before we got to La Paz. We arrived there around 5pm. It took for a while to find a hostel where we planned to stay, but we found it and we could bring our bikes into the court yard.
La Paz is the capital city of the State of Baja California Sur. It is chaotic and I feel this is more "Mexico", so I like here.
We had 2 tamales each for dinner. Tamales aren't so tasty.... Tomorrow we plan to visit Los Cabos.
Bahia de Los Angeles to Mulege
22,314km to 22,796km = 482km
iPodはどうやら落としてしまったみたいなので、パソコンを持ってネットカフェに行ってメールチェックとブログ更新。なので出発は10時半過ぎになってしまいました。 もしかしたら道にiPodが落ちてるかもしれないので、一号線まで66キロを目を皿の様にして走りましたが、やはりありません。
とりあえずゲレロ・ネグロ(Guerrero Negro)まで走ります。 ここでタケリアでタコスを3個食べました。パプリカを焼いた奴がここのはめちゃくちゃ辛くてチョットお腹が焼ける感じ。でも美味かった!ここからバハカリフォルニア・スル州に入りましたので一時間早くなります。 ここで給油も済ませてサン・イグナシオ(San Ignacio)まで走りました。
そうそう、ドリンク休憩をサン・イグナシオでした時に、トップケースからiPodを発見!大きさを調整する金具の所に挟まっていたんです。走ってる途中もしや、と思ったら、ありました!嬉しいですね。もう諦めてメキシコシティでiPod Touch4を買おうと思っていた所なので。
キャンプ場に戻りシャワーを浴びてしばらくダベっておやすみです。明日はラパス(La Paz)を目指します。宿屋に泊まっちゃおうかな。
Day79: 11 Oct 2010
Bahia de Los Angeles to Mulege
22,314km to 22,796km = 482km
I got up before the sunrise this morning. Watching the sun coming up from the mountains on the main land. It got hot as soon as the sun came up, so I put away the tent before it got too hot.
Pedro, the owner of the campground woke up at 8:30am and he boiled the remaining clams in his kitchen. There were still lots of clams but Shige and I ate them all! With a little bit of Tabasco, the clams were so tasty! Thanks, Pedro!
As It seems I lost the iPod touch, I went to an Internet cafe with my laptop and checked e-mails and updated the blog. So we left Bahia after 10:30am.
We stopped at Guerrero Negro for lunch and refuel. We had 3 tacos at a Taqueria. We kinda bored with taco now... But they were nice tacos! We supposed to stay at San Ignacio tonight. Here is an oasis in the middle of the desert. Dan and Pedro recommend us to stay here. But we did not find much interest here, so we took off to Mulege, 140km South. Oh we stopped for a cold drink at San Ignacio and I found my iPod from the top case. It stuck between the case and the adjusting handle! When I was riding I realized it might be sticking there and I found it!
We arrived at Mulege after 6:30pm. The campground is outside of the town and pretty isolated place. It costs MX$50 each and it has hot shower! After put up the tent, we went to the town for dinner. We looked for something other than tacos but we end up eating tortas at a taqueria. But it was good!
Back to the campground, took shower, and after a little chat, we went to bed. Tomorrow, we will go to La Paz.