三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Las Vegas to Death Valley
16,897km to 17,473km = 576km
Day49: 11Sept2010
Las Vegas to Death Valley
16,897km to 17,473km = 576km
I got up at 6am and saw the sunrise. It wasn't hot if the sun is not up.
I went to Mesquito Sand Dunes first. I was thinking to walk on the dunes but I didn't as I wanna go other places before it got hot.
Scotty's Castle was the next stop. It is at North side if the park and quite far! The castle, a Spanish colonial style mansion, was built by Scotty, who deceived an investor to correct money! He was said, he lied the investor he found gold mines here and got funds from the investor. The castle was in a good shape and I liked it.
Then I went to Badwater area. It was after 10am when I got there, so it was already hot! But I managed to see Badwater. Sodium Chloride (Salt) is crystalized when water evaporates. As here is too dry, the salt crystal forms a special shape.
Next stop was Devil's Golf Course. It is similar to Badwater, but here is more lugged. I guess even devils cannot play golf here.
I skipped Natural Bridge and went through Artist Drive. So many different colours you can see. It is just like an artist sprayed colours on a campus. I certainly enjoyed riding through.
Then I went to Dante's View. The elevation here is 1,669m and you can see entire Death Valley from the top. Dante saw a view like this in hell!?
I went to Pahrump for lunch and was thinking to taking the route 266 at Lida to go through the mountains.
But by the time I got Beaty was 4pm. I had no time to make to Yosemite before the sunset. So I decided to go back to Death Valley and camp at Emigrant again. I can see stars very clearly.
Tomorrow I will go to Yosemite.
Day48: 2010年9月10日
Las Vegas to Death Valley
16,599km to 16,897km = 298km
昨日のカジノの結果は? 100ドルの負けです。
一週間まえに比べると暑さは和らいでいますが、それでも暑いです。160号線を西へ。それから190号線にはいり、7つ目の州カリフォルニアに入ります。デスバレーには3時半頃に着きました。 暑い!40度近くありますね、気温は。でもデスバレー、気に入りました。岩が色々な色しますし形も素敵です。しかもルクセンブルクのBMWクラブのメンバーBurgとJungにZabriskie Pointで出逢い(彼らはホリデーで車でアメリカ旅行中)、ルクセンブルクに来たら是非連絡してくれと言ってくれました!本当旅は面白いなぁ。
バッドウォーター(Badwater)は途中まで歩いたのですが、暑くて倒れそうなので(バイクのジャケット着てますので)、また明日朝の涼しいうちに来る事にしました。ここは北アメリカ大陸で最も標高が低い所です。海抜マイナス86メートルです。気温もアメリカで1番を記録してます。57度でしたっけ。 砂丘とかあるしキャンプ場タダだし、ここ暑くなければさいこうですね。あ、入園料は10度るです。しかし!ガソリンが高い!1ガロンあたり4.45ドルもします。今までで最高額です。雑貨屋を覗いてみましたが、基本的に雑貨とかも高いです。デスバレーに来る時は色々持って来たほうがいいですね。
Emigrantという所に今キャンプしてます。ここはタダです。バイクで独りなので色々周りの人からなんか手伝う事無いか?って声をかけられます。人って優しいんだなぁ、って改めて思う今日でした。 明日はデスバレーの見どころ満喫しでヨセミテ国立公園(Yosemite Nat'l Park)に向かいます。
Day48: 2010年9月10日
Las Vegas to Death Valley
16,599km to 16,897km = 298km
Good-bye Las Vegas!
The result of last night? Well I lost $100.
I was doing good a period of time, but I could not win back. I will come back and revenge in near future!
As Kenji was going to LA today, we left the house the same time at 1pm. Thank you, Kenji. Hopefully we can see in San Diego.
I rode through the route 160 and then on 190 to Death Valley. It wasn't that hot as a week ago, but still hot. Entering California, the 7th State of this trip. Death Valley, I like here. I can see so many different colours and shapes of rocks. There are free camp sites too. The entrance fee is $10 for a motorcycle. But gas is so expensive here. $4.45 a galon, the most expensive petrol in the State so far! Generally groceries are expensive here too. So if you come to Death Valley, you'd better buy stuffs outside before coming here.
At Zabriskie Point, I met Burg and Jung from Luxembourg, they are the member of BMW rider's club! They are in holiday here and driving a car but they ride GS at home. They ask me to contact them when I'm in Luxembourg. Nice!
Badwater was too hot to walk with the riding jacket and boots. So I will go back there tomorrow morning when it is cooler. Here is the lowest point of North American Continent. It's 86 meters below sea level. And Death Valley is the hottest place in the States. The record is 57℃! (If my memory is correct) I'm at Emigrant camp site. It's free site. As I am in two wheels and alone, people is offering me hands. People are so kind. Tomorrow I will go around Death Valley and heading to Yosemite Nat'l Park.
Las Vegas Day 7
が、しかし明日デスバレー(Death Valley)に向けて出発します。
Wish me luck!
Day47: 09Sept2010
Las Vegas Day 7
Today it wasn't that hot. I hope it is the case in Death Valley.
In the morning I did things I could not do yesterday and went to Chinee Buffet for lunch.
It costs $8.50only and the quality is not bad. If I stay here longer, I will put lots of weight.
After I came home, I did laundry and started to pack up stuffs.
It has been a week since I came to Las Vegas. I guess I am relaxing too much.
I will be heading to Death Valley tomorrow, Iam back on two wheels again.
But before then, I will make some moey in casinos.
WIsh me luck!
Day46: 2010年9月8日
Las Vegas Day6
タクヤ君とタイチ君とTreasure IslandとMirageのショーを見て、それから空港まで。
Day46: 08Sept2010
Las Vegas Day6
This morning I made an order to Touratech for a new set of panniers and other stuffs.
I was waiting for the invoice, but it did not come through in the morning.
So Kenji and I went to the town.
First, we went to AT&T store to get Keni's iPhone 4G but the store did not have any in stock.
We were so hungry and went to KFC for lunch. We talked too long there and it was 4pm when we realised!
We went to another At&T shop and finally Kenji could get iPhone 4G. I also got a new SIM card from AT&T, and now I have US phone number.
I got the invoice but the bank was already closed, so I gotta send the payment tomorrow.
We went to pick up Takuya and Taichi at the hotel and went to see shows at Treasure Island and the Mirage. I bet some on e-Black Jack . I was breack even in the end. I will bet more tomorrow!
Then sent them off at the airport. It was fun to meet Takuya and Taichi. I hope we can see each other some where in the future.
I had dinner with Kenji and Hiro, Kenji's basketball team mate. We had a good time talking about history.
Las Vegas Day5
それから昼ごはんを「DEL TACO」っていうファーストフード屋で食べて銀行でお金を下ろす。
Day45: 2010年9月7日
Las Vegas Day5
Today is my brother's birthday. Happy Birthday my brother!
It was cloudy and raining a bit from this morning. It does not rain often here usually.
I did laundry and washed my GS. It's been a while since I washed her last time (at Murray's place in Smithers, BC). There were lots of bugs squashed everywhere! I was surprised to find some under the pillion seat. How they could get in???
She is not sparkling clean, but much cleaner now. I wish I can wash her more often but it is hard to find a place I can use water.
While washing her, it became sunny and back to usual LV day.
Then I went to have lunch at "Del Taco" and withdrew some money.
To make an order for new pannisers, I need wire-transfer the payment as the shop does not accept overseas credit cards on-line. But the bank I asked said, I need to have a bank accont with the bank to make a wire-tranfer. Ouch. I don't know what to do now....
Luckily Kenji has an US Bank account, so I can use his account todo the wire-transfer. Thanks, Kenji!
In the afternoon, we went to an Apple Store to get a new mobile phone for Kenji. When we were walking around in the shopping centre, a Russian girl talked to us in Japanese. Her name is Irena. She has a Japanese boy friend, that's why she can speak Japanese. We exchanged our facebook.
This evening Kenji's basketball team had a game, so I went to watch the game.
It was really a close game. It went for extra time (2 mins) and when only 13 sec left, the score was 40 to 40.
Unfortunately, the opponent got 3 points in, so we lost. But it was really good game and made me want to play European Hand Ball, I used to play when I was in high school.
I did not go to any casino today, but tomorrow I will definitely go and win some money!