三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
Death Valley Day 2
Day49: 2010年9月11日
Las Vegas to Death Valley
16,897km to 17,473km = 576km
7時に出発し砂丘(Mesquite Sand Dunes)へ。砂丘を歩こうかな、って思いましたが暑くなる前に他を回っておきたいので写真だけ撮って次へ。北にあるスコティーズキャッスル(Scotty's Castle)に。
次はデビルズゴルフコース(Devil's Golf Course)へ。ここもバッドウォーターと同じ様に水分が蒸発して出来たのだとおもいます。なかなか荒々しい光景ですね。悪魔でもココじゃゴルフ出来ませんよ。
ナチュラルブリッジは割愛してアーティストロード(Artist Road)へ。画家が絵の具を撒き散らした様な色とりどりの岩、地層が見れます。なるほどアーティストですね。ここはイイです。写真に色が出ないのは残念です。
それからダンテズビュー(Dante's View)へ。ここは標高1669メートルでデスバレーを一望出来ます。「神曲」のダンテにちなんだのでしょうか?地獄篇が有りますからダンテが見たよ地獄になぞらえているのでしょうか⁉
Day49: 11Sept2010
Las Vegas to Death Valley
16,897km to 17,473km = 576km
I got up at 6am and saw the sunrise. It wasn't hot if the sun is not up.
I went to Mesquito Sand Dunes first. I was thinking to walk on the dunes but I didn't as I wanna go other places before it got hot.
Scotty's Castle was the next stop. It is at North side if the park and quite far! The castle, a Spanish colonial style mansion, was built by Scotty, who deceived an investor to correct money! He was said, he lied the investor he found gold mines here and got funds from the investor. The castle was in a good shape and I liked it.
Then I went to Badwater area. It was after 10am when I got there, so it was already hot! But I managed to see Badwater. Sodium Chloride (Salt) is crystalized when water evaporates. As here is too dry, the salt crystal forms a special shape.
Next stop was Devil's Golf Course. It is similar to Badwater, but here is more lugged. I guess even devils cannot play golf here.
I skipped Natural Bridge and went through Artist Drive. So many different colours you can see. It is just like an artist sprayed colours on a campus. I certainly enjoyed riding through.
Then I went to Dante's View. The elevation here is 1,669m and you can see entire Death Valley from the top. Dante saw a view like this in hell!?
I went to Pahrump for lunch and was thinking to taking the route 266 at Lida to go through the mountains.
But by the time I got Beaty was 4pm. I had no time to make to Yosemite before the sunset. So I decided to go back to Death Valley and camp at Emigrant again. I can see stars very clearly.
Tomorrow I will go to Yosemite.
Las Vegas to Death Valley
16,897km to 17,473km = 576km
Day49: 11Sept2010
Las Vegas to Death Valley
16,897km to 17,473km = 576km
I got up at 6am and saw the sunrise. It wasn't hot if the sun is not up.
I went to Mesquito Sand Dunes first. I was thinking to walk on the dunes but I didn't as I wanna go other places before it got hot.
Scotty's Castle was the next stop. It is at North side if the park and quite far! The castle, a Spanish colonial style mansion, was built by Scotty, who deceived an investor to correct money! He was said, he lied the investor he found gold mines here and got funds from the investor. The castle was in a good shape and I liked it.
Then I went to Badwater area. It was after 10am when I got there, so it was already hot! But I managed to see Badwater. Sodium Chloride (Salt) is crystalized when water evaporates. As here is too dry, the salt crystal forms a special shape.
Next stop was Devil's Golf Course. It is similar to Badwater, but here is more lugged. I guess even devils cannot play golf here.
I skipped Natural Bridge and went through Artist Drive. So many different colours you can see. It is just like an artist sprayed colours on a campus. I certainly enjoyed riding through.
Then I went to Dante's View. The elevation here is 1,669m and you can see entire Death Valley from the top. Dante saw a view like this in hell!?
I went to Pahrump for lunch and was thinking to taking the route 266 at Lida to go through the mountains.
But by the time I got Beaty was 4pm. I had no time to make to Yosemite before the sunset. So I decided to go back to Death Valley and camp at Emigrant again. I can see stars very clearly.
Tomorrow I will go to Yosemite.