
三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険



Day 612: 2012年3月31日

Balneario Camboriu (La Casa do Dolor&Angela)
58,959km to 59,011km = 52km

今日はドアがノックされる音で目覚めました。「Garage Maccoriのパーティーに行くか?」とドロール。昨晩は3時ごろまで日記を付けていたので寝不足ですが、もちろん参加です。すぐに用意をして7時半には出発。

Knocks on the door woke me up. "Do you wanna go to the party @ Garage Maccori?" said Dolor. It was 7:15am. I went to bed after 3am last night (I was writing a diary), so I was really sleepy. But why should I miss the part? So we left the apartment at 7:30am. 

本日3月31日は1964年にアメリカ合衆国の支援するカステロ・ブランコ将軍がクーデターを起こした記念日なのだそうです。なので、Garage Maccoriにはハーレー乗りであり、元海軍の司令官(Comandante=コマンダンチ)リッチーがブラジル国旗掲揚のセレモニーから始まりました。

According to Dolor, today 31st of March is the anniversary of the military coup in 1964, led by General Castero Blanco who was supported by the USA. So the party started with a ceremoney of the national flag riding. A retired navy commander RIchie - he is a Harley rider - raised the flag. 


Everyone saluted the floag. The flag was risen with honor.


We had a morning coffee after the ceremoney. Then gradually more and more Harley Davidsons came in.


I suppose there were around 50 Harleys. There were some bimmers too. BBQ was sereved to everyone. Nice.


Another article about me was on the news paper "Diarinho" today. It'sin Portugese again, so I will translate it and post it on the blog tomorrow (hopefully).

ワシはみんなに写真撮影で引っ張りだこです。何故って? それはエスペランサの日本のナンバープレートが目当てなんです。日本のナンバープレートなんて見たこと無いので、みんな喜んで写真を撮ります。そしてワシの旅の話を聞くと、みんな感心してくれるのです。写真はウガンダの独裁者イディ・アミン元大統領、にそっくりのロケ司令官です。

I was so popular. Many people wanted to take a photo with me. Why? It was because of the Japanese rego plate on Esperanza. None has seen any Japanese plate before, so they were very exciting to see one. Then they were surprised with my trip. The photo with the Dictator of Uganda, Idi Amin and Che?? No, no, it's a photo of Comandante Roque and myself


Dolor and I left there around 1pm. We rode to his farm house. We took a back road today - unpaved road. My arm seemed to be much better. There were some pain still, but I should be ready to continue my trip soon.


After having lunch at the farm house, as I did not have enough sleep last night, I fell in asleep on a couch.


Then in the afternoon, we rode back to the apartment at Balneario Camboriu. He took me to a hill where we could see the entire city of Itajai. A nice view.


Back to Balneario Camboriu, at the beachside, I met Dolor's friends and talked about motorcycles for a while.


It was a fun but long and tiring day!

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Day 611: 2012年3月30日

Balneario Camboriu (La Casa do Dolor&Angela)
58,917km to 58,959km = 42km


It'S a fine day again! I went for a work after breakfast as usual. But as Dolor will pick me up around 11:30am, I did ot go far. I walked for 1 hour and came home.


Dolor picked me up and went o the house in Itajai tohave lunch with his family. Then we went to his office to wait for a journalist and a camera man. Today Pedro would do the translation!


While waiting, I chat with Pedro.


Then around 1:30pm, the journalist and the camera man arrived. Soon the journalist started interviwing me. He asked me about my age, my family, when I left Japan, what I was doing before this trip, where I have been on this trip, how I have spend nights during this trip, what it would be the worst happened to me during this trip, what was the most dangerous situation I encountered, what it would be the best moment of my trip,
whih sport I like, why I admire Ernesto "Che" Guevara, and the message to Brazilians.


Pedro at the age of 13, translated the questions from the journalist immediately to English, and then translated my answer in Portugese. What a taalented young man he is!!


Interview lasted for 30mins or so. It will be on the news paper tomrrow. I am looking forward seeing the article. As I do not take any photo during the interview, I will get some from Dolor later.


Then Pedro took me around the offices and the factory of "Angel". Started from dispatchment room, project room, design room, the factory, pressing room etc, there are 170 employees working for "Angel". There would be around 2,000 clothes made each day. Not bad, not bad at all. 


Everyone seems to be happy working there.


The end products await for dispatchment thoughout Brazil.


There is an old Elgin sewing machine in the office of Dolor. Everything started with this old machine. The machine seems to be pround of itself!

夜はバイク乗りの集まりに参加しました。毎週金曜日2箇所で催されているとのことで、先ずはイタジャイの「MEGA Lanches」へ。ドロール&アンジェラは愛車のHONDA Valkylie 1500で、ワシはエスペランサで! まだ右ひじに痛みはありますが、短い距離なら問題ないだろう、ということで骨折後初乗りです。

Dolor&Angela took me to motorcyclist gatherings in the evening. Every friday, there were 2 venues those local motorcyclists gather. We went one "Mega lances" in Itajai first. Dolor&Angela rode their beloved HONDA Valkylie 1500 and I rode my Esperanza!! I still have some pain on my right elbow, hut we reckoned it would be OK to ride for a short distance only. 


We rode on a highway and I accelarate unto 120km/h, there was no problem with Esperanza nor myself. I think I could restart my journey sometimes next week. 

「Mega Lanches」のオーナーの名前はなんとシドニー(写真の左端)。ワシが16年過ごした街の名前と同じです。「君のような旅人を迎えることが出来て、光栄だよ。今日は店のおごり!」とシドニー。ありがとう!! 地元のバイク乗りたちとスペイン語と片言のポルトガル語、そしてドロールの通訳で盛上がります。

The owner of "MEGA lanches" (the far left on the photo) is called Sidnei (Sydney), the same name as Sydney, Australia where I lived for 16 years. He said to me "It's our previlage to have a traveller like yours. So you ae my guest tonight!" Thank you so much, Sidnei!! With the local motorcyclists I spoke in Spanish and a little bit of Portugese and of course Dolor translated to me some.

そしてもう1つの集まりはカンボリウのPHDで。ここはハーレー乗りが主ですが、バイク乗りなら誰でも歓迎。結構皆テレビと新聞を見てくれたらしく、ワシは有名人です! 嬉しいですねぇ。アルフレッドさんとジアナさんも来てました。写真撮影!と思ったら、一枚で電池が切れてしまいました・・・。

We left there around 11pm and then went to another venue "PHD" in Camboriu. Here the mojority of the customers are HD riders, but any motorcyclists are welcome. Many people could recognise me from the TV show and the News Paper, so I was kinda famous. A little bit like a celebrity!? Alfredo and Giana were there too. I wanted to take more photos but I could take only 1 as my battery gone flat.

ドロールから写真をゲットしました! ウェイトレスのお姐さんにケツを触られているワシ。


We stayed there until 1:30am or so. We went home as we were getting tired and sleepy. But the night was still young for everyone else!

明日はPHDの隣のバイク修理屋さんでパーティーに招かれています。が、朝の8時から始まるそうで、みんなどうやって早起きするんだろう?? っていうか、ワシ起きれるかな??

Tomorrow I am invited to a aprty hostedby the motorcycle repair shop next to PHD. But it will start fom 8am, I wonder how those peeple could get up so early. Well, could I get up that early??

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Day 610: 2012年3月29日

Balneario Camboriu (La Casa do Dolor&Angela)


I's a fine day again. I went for a walk after breakfast. My right arm seemed to be better and better each day.


As I walked, I was thinking how I could write an article on fiscal adjustment of Japaese goverment.


There was a big bunny at the plaza. Easter holiday is around the corner.


I walked for 2 hours nd came home. I had 4 cheese breads and saome sausages for lunch. I saved a cream donut for afternoon tea.

午後は「(仮題)増税に待った! 日本の財政難を救う。」を書き始めました。細かいこと難しいことは抜きで大まかに書こうとしましたが、結局細かくなってしまって、時間がかかります。

I started to write an article "Stop GST rate increase! How to turn around Japanese goverment budget deficit" in he afternoon. I wanted to write in macro view rather than microscopic vision, but as I wrote it got microscopic.... and it took tome to write.


So I went for a walk to have fresh air.


As I walked to the north side in the morning, I walked to the south side. I thought I could hike up the mountain at the end of the beach.


But, I found there was a river in front of the mountain! There was no bridge, so I could not cross to another shore. There was a cable car going up the mountain from this side of shore though.


Back home, I restarted to write the article. I could keep it simpler this time.


Dolor&Angela came back around 7:30pm. During dinner, we talked about life in general after retirement in Japan and Brazil and the pension system of both countries. In Brazil, people could choose monthly contribution to the pension fund, and then according to the contribution, the monthly payments after the retirement will vary. The maximum about can be received is R$4,000 (US$2,000) a month. But even thought a person makes the maximum contribution before his/her retirement, s/he will not be able to receive the maximum amount until s/he reaches to 73 years old - which is the age of the average Brazilian life expectancy. If a person retired at his/her 60, s/he will receive R$2,000 (US$1,100) a month. WIth some savings, s/he can have an OK retirement if not luxuary. The good thing is that the Brazilian pension fund is not in bad shape unlike Japanese one.


As I was writing about the Fiscal adjustment of Japanese government, so this topic was very timely and very intereting to me.

これは予想外でした。さて今度はどんなインタビューになるのでしょうか? 楽しみです。  

And then, Dolor said "I will pick you up before noon tomorrow as there is another interview with anotehr news paper."! I did not expect this one! What a surprise!! I wonder what kind of interview it will be.

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Day 609: 2012年3月28日

Balneário Camboriú (La Casa do Dolor&Angela)

今日はいい天気。散歩日和です。朝飯を食べたらビーチに出てみました。砂浜を歩きます。今日はビーチの北端まで行って見ましょう!! 身体を動かして体力回復です。右腕も無理をしない程度に動かします。

It was a fine day. It would be good to take a walk on the beach, so I did after breakfast. I aimed to walk all the way to the north end of the beach. This is a part of ,y reibilitation. I will regain my strength by doing more and more exercises each day. I try to move my right arm gradually, not to stress it too much.


As it was a good day, there were lots of people on the beach drom the morning. I saw some hot chicks on the beach! But I could not take any photo of them. Damn.


I was thinking about how toturn around the huge deficit in natioanl budget of Japan, and the relationship between competition and harmony. I will write about those on this blog at later day.


There were some kids learning surfing. There were a few good waves but they were missing those probably as they did not paddling hard enough.

It took 1 hour to get to the northern end of the beach from home. The beach of Balneario Camboriu is really long. The view of the city and beach from the northern end.


I walked on Ave. Brasil on the way back. I bought 4 cheese breads and 2 cream donuts for lunch. I had them at home. It was an induldging moment.


I updated the summary of each country. You could see them from the top menu "Data". But they are still in Japanese only.


Around 6pm, I went for a walk again. This time 1 hour only. I will increase the workload and will be fitter soon!

7時半頃にドロール&アンジェラそしてペドロが帰ってきました。なんとワシの記事が地元の新聞「Jornal Boca」に載りました!! 題名は「Diarios de motocicleta」。モーターサイクル・ダイアリーズです。

Around 7:30pm Dolor&Angela and their grandson Pedro came home. They brought me a few copies of the local news paper "Journal Boca". Because an article of my journey is on!! The title of the article is "Diarios de Motocicleta (Motorcycle Diaries)"!


I was on a TV show the other day and now I am on the news paper. Those all thank to Dolor&Angela. The article is in Portugese but Pedro translated it to me. The content was why I am travelling, events doring the journy, encountering people on the journey and about Ernest "Che" Guevara. I hope I can get more exposure to the wider public and it could contribute to the revolution.


During dinner, with Dolor and Pedro, I talked about Capitalism and Socialism. Pedro is just 13 years old but he could talk about this topic. He is a very blight young man. 


My right arm seems to be in much better shape now. I wonder when I could restart my trip. I hope soon!

そして更に多くお方に読んでいただけます。 クリックして一日ご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。

I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!! にほんブログ村 旅行ブログ 世界一周へ
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Day 608: 2012年3月27日

Balneário Camboriú (La Casa do Dolor&Angela)

「Fazedores de Chuva」のホームページにワシの記事が2つ記載されました。ポルトガル語ですがご覧下さい(Google翻訳でなんとか意味は伝わるのではないか?と)! 記事はこちらから。「"Che Yoshi"」と「Pelo Mundo」です。

2 articles about me are now posted on the home page of "Fazedores de Chuva". They are in Portuguese but please have a look! Google translate my not work well, but you might get some idea of the articles. The names of articles are "Che Yoshi" and "Pelo Mundo".


Carika - the friend of Dolor is a retired medical doctor and he saw the x-rays of my elbow. He reckoned the fracture was the outer layer of the born and it would not be necessary to see another doctor to check. So the last night it passed 10days since the crush, so I took off the bandage and the casting!


Well, there were some bruises...

It looks painful but it doesn't hurt much. But depending on haw I move the arm, sometimes it gets painful. I need to be paitient. Gradually I need to do a rehabilitation and get back the strength on my right arm. I really want to ride my GS!!

今日は曇り。昼飯を食べに行きがてら街を散歩です。今日はビーチ沿いではなく一本奥の「ブラジル通り(Av. Brasil)」を歩きます。早速スーパー発見。スーパーのパン屋さんでブラジル特産のチーズパン「Pão de queijo」とクリーム入りドーナッツを買いました。

It was overcasted whole day today. I went out to the town for lunch. I walked on "Avenida Brasil" - the street 1 block behind the beach. I found a supermarket "BIG" and bought some cheese breads and a cream donut. 

どちらも美味い!! チーズパンはモチモチしてて食感がたまらない。シドニーのシュハスカリアでも食べられるんですが、肉ばっかり食べてしまい、あまりチーズパンまで手が回らなかったんですね。今日は4つも食べました。幸せ。
ドーナッツもクリームが本物のカスタードクリームなので美味い! ブラジルのパンはレベルが高いです。全部で4レアル(2米ドルちょい)。あ、写真撮るの忘れました。

I like Brazilian chiiese bread. It was available at the "Churrascaria" in Darlinghurst, Sydney, but at that time I only had some as I was too full eating meats!! Today I bought 4 of them. I indulged myself wth those. The cream donut was excellent. The cream was "real" custard cream and dough was good too. The quality of breads in Brazil is really good. They cost only R$4 (Around US$2).


I walked on Av. Brasil northwards. There were lots of bunnies on the street as Easter is on next week. As in Australia, bunnies and eggs are the symbols of Easter here in Brail.


お、「Angel」の店発見! ドロールとアンジェラのブランドです。Angel

I found a shop of "Angel" - the brand of Dolor Angela. Angel



I walked for 2 and half hours. Back home, I got really tired and fell in asleep.


In the evening, I had dinner wih Dolor & Angela as usual. We talked about the working conditions of Japan, Brazil and Australia. In Brazil, there is 1 month paid leave, over time payment would be 1.75 times of the normal wadge for the first 2 hours, then double paid onwards. The Government takes it seriously on over time and there is a system to scan the employees finger prints at the begining and the end of the work. The information sent to the office of ministry of labour (?) and they are monitoring it. Matenity leave is 4 months and the salary is garantied by the Government. The workers can have more private time and it would be easier for employees to return to their works after thir maternity leaves. So the companies can invest more on those valuable employees as they are less likely to quit the jobs after having births.  


Before I visited Brazil, I thought Brazil was a "developing country" but recently making lots of progress. But comparing to Australia, the working conditions, at least the laws, are equal to more even more protective of those workers. In the reality there would be lots of differences depending on the areas and industories, the company of Dolor and Angela is doing business in accordance with the regulations and laws. Now Brazil is the 6 largest economy in the world.


I am not sure if I have a clear picture of the working conditions in Japan as I have not been there for long time, but I heard from my brother, my friends and read articles, so I think I have some idea. It gets much better in past few years, but the working conditions in Japan are still not the standard of a "Developed Country". There are problems on over time, difficulties to have paid leaves, difficulties to return to the works after the maternity leaves etc. I could be wrong as my conception could be outdated, but there is a tendency of companies not to invest to female employees as much as male employees and female employees tend to quit their works after marriage or having births.  If tihs trend still goes on in Japan, it would be a huge loss to the companies as well as the employees. I hope the situation gets much better now a days.


If there are conditons make those employees return to the works eaiser, the companies could retain the valuable work forces and they could invest in them further. As Japan is luck of natural resources, our main resource is "human resource". That is why Japan needs to apply better working conditions to foster better human resource to compete world wide and make the workers happier.


We talked and talked.

ドロールが「Fazedores de Chuva」にも書きましたが、われわれが会話の主題にしたのは、「何故幸福を生活のために犠牲にしなければいけないのか?」なのです。幸福になるために我々は生活(仕事も含む)していると思うのですが、現代社会、特に日本社会ではその幸福を削って生活しているように思えてなりません。

As Dolor wrote on the home page of "Fazedores de Chuva", the main topic of our discussion today was "Why happiness needs to pay the bill?" To get happiness, we keep on living (including working), I suppose. But in this modern world, especially in the society of Japan, people are living at the expense of "Happiness".


In oder to change this situation, "someone" must make a first step forward. As there is no solid "Individualism" and there is the "everyone follows one direction" mode in Japan, it would be hard to take a step forward. But I believe us "travellers" and those reading this could make a first step and create a wave of the revolution to Japan.  


そして更に多くお方に読んでいただけます。 クリックして一日ご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。

I am competing in "Round the World Trip Blog Ranking". Please click the button to make my blog No.1!! にほんブログ村 旅行ブログ 世界一周へ
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一日一回クリックするとランキングがあがります! よろしくお願いいたします!!
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2010年からおやすみ羊とBMW R1200GSで世界一周中!

Hasta la victoria siempre, Patoria o Muerte!

現在の愛車:BMW R1200GS 「Esperanza de la Tora」(世界一周)、 SUZUKI DR650SE 「孫市」(オーストラリア一周)
過去の愛車:Buell XR12R Firebolt, Yamaha FZ1, Yamaha TRX850, 、HONDA XR250R, Suzuki XF650 Freewind, Yamaha XV250 Virago
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