三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
旅の装備の紹介 / My Travel Equipments:
ライディング・ギア/ Riding Gears:
1. ジャケット / Jacket - Rough&Road Gore-Tex 防水オール・シーズン・ジャケット / Rough&Road Gore-Tex Waterproof All Season Jacket
2. パンツ / Pants - Rough&Road Gore-Tex 防水ライディングパンツ / Rough&Road Gore-Tex Waterproof riding pants
3. グローブ / Gloves - BMW GS Gloves
4. ヘルメット / Helmet - Arai Tour Cross II (曇り止め防止ピンロックシートも / With the unti-fog pin lock seat)
5. ブーツ / Boots - Alpine Stars ゴアテックス防水ツーリングブーツ / Alpine Stars Gore-Tex Waterproof Touring Boots
工具・バイク用品 / Tools
1. BMW オンボードツールキット (これでホイールまで外せます) / BMW Onboard Tool Kit
2. KTC デジラチェ (トルク管理はしっかりと!普通のトルクレンチより軽くてコンパクトなので選びました) / KTC Digital Torque Wrench
3. KTCトルクスレンチセット / KTC Torx Wrench set
4. KTCラジオペンチ / KTC Pliers
5. KTCニッパ / KTC Nipper
6. ハンマー(鉄、銅、プラスチックと頭が付け替え可能) / Small Hammer
7. 六角、プラスマイナスドライバーのビットセットとドライバーの柄 / Hexagon head set, Screw driver heads, a screw diver handle
5. パンク修理キット / Puncture repiar kit
6. GS用イグニッションセンサー / Inginition sensor for R1200GS
7. GS用サイドスタンド拡大板(サイドスタンドの面積を拡大します。カンジキみたいなものですね。ぬかるみや砂地に停める時にサイドスタンドがめり込まない!) / Wunderich Sidestand enlarger
キャンプ用品 / Camping Equipments
1. テント/Tent - モンベル ステラリッジ2型 / Mont-Bell St
ステラリッジ2型: 2人用です。室内に荷物を入れるスペースを確保できますし、1人用より快適です。多分。
2. 上記テント用グランドシート / Ground sheet for the tent above
3. ストーブ / Portable Stove - MSR Wisper Light International
4. Mont-Bellチタン製コッヘルセット(小型フライパン、ナベ大・小: 軽いのが一番!) / Mont-Bell Titanium Cooking pan set (a small frying pan, sauce pan small and extra-small)
その他の備品 / Other equipments:
1. PC - Toshiba Dynabook Satelite T110
2. Portable device - iPod Touch 8G - パナマ-コロンビア間の船の上で壊れました / Broken on the ship on the way from Panama to Colombia
3. Camera - Fujifilm FinePix XP
ライディング・ギア/ Riding Gears:
1. ジャケット / Jacket - Rough&Road Gore-Tex 防水オール・シーズン・ジャケット / Rough&Road Gore-Tex Waterproof All Season Jacket
2. パンツ / Pants - Rough&Road Gore-Tex 防水ライディングパンツ / Rough&Road Gore-Tex Waterproof riding pants
3. グローブ / Gloves - BMW GS Gloves
4. ヘルメット / Helmet - Arai Tour Cross II (曇り止め防止ピンロックシートも / With the unti-fog pin lock seat)
5. ブーツ / Boots - Alpine Stars ゴアテックス防水ツーリングブーツ / Alpine Stars Gore-Tex Waterproof Touring Boots
工具・バイク用品 / Tools
1. BMW オンボードツールキット (これでホイールまで外せます) / BMW Onboard Tool Kit
2. KTC デジラチェ (トルク管理はしっかりと!普通のトルクレンチより軽くてコンパクトなので選びました) / KTC Digital Torque Wrench
3. KTCトルクスレンチセット / KTC Torx Wrench set
4. KTCラジオペンチ / KTC Pliers
5. KTCニッパ / KTC Nipper
6. ハンマー(鉄、銅、プラスチックと頭が付け替え可能) / Small Hammer
7. 六角、プラスマイナスドライバーのビットセットとドライバーの柄 / Hexagon head set, Screw driver heads, a screw diver handle
5. パンク修理キット / Puncture repiar kit
6. GS用イグニッションセンサー / Inginition sensor for R1200GS
7. GS用サイドスタンド拡大板(サイドスタンドの面積を拡大します。カンジキみたいなものですね。ぬかるみや砂地に停める時にサイドスタンドがめり込まない!) / Wunderich Sidestand enlarger
キャンプ用品 / Camping Equipments
1. テント/Tent - モンベル ステラリッジ2型 / Mont-Bell St
ステラリッジ2型: 2人用です。室内に荷物を入れるスペースを確保できますし、1人用より快適です。多分。
2. 上記テント用グランドシート / Ground sheet for the tent above
3. ストーブ / Portable Stove - MSR Wisper Light International
4. Mont-Bellチタン製コッヘルセット(小型フライパン、ナベ大・小: 軽いのが一番!) / Mont-Bell Titanium Cooking pan set (a small frying pan, sauce pan small and extra-small)
その他の備品 / Other equipments:
1. PC - Toshiba Dynabook Satelite T110
2. Portable device - iPod Touch 8G - パナマ-コロンビア間の船の上で壊れました / Broken on the ship on the way from Panama to Colombia
3. Camera - Fujifilm FinePix XP
Day 587: 2012年3月5日
Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)

そして大御所イケちゃんもブエノス・アイレスに向けて出発。この宿のマッタリというかのほほんとした雰囲気を作りだしていたムードメーカー。寂しくなるよ、イケちゃん。これからもブログランキングで勝負していこう。Buen viaje, mi amigo!
さぁ、今日もほぼ一日何もしませんでしたね。いい加減出発しないとヨーロッパ滞在が短くなってしまいますね。しかし、暑い・・・。 ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* 世界ブログランキング参加中です。クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 587: 05 MAR 2012
Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)
It was a hot day again. To survive through this heat, tranquility is the key. So I tried not to do much today.
In the morning, Genji and Suzu left to Iguazu Falls. They stayed here just for 2 days only but it was fun to be with them. Have a nice day!
Then, my dear friend Ike left to Buenos Aires. He was the mood maker of the hostel for more than a week. I will miss you Ike. Have a good trip!!
We made potato salad, stir fried vegies and rice for lunch. As it was too hot and we did not have much appetite, we added some vineger into the stir fried sauce. If I ride the motorcycle in this heat, I would pass out!
I had a nap in the afternoon. When I came out from my room, there were many new guests. We picked some persimmons and star fruits from the backyard of the hostel.
Well, I didn't do much again today. I need to move on to Brazil soon; otherwise, I will have shorter time in Europe. But it's tooooo hot to ride.... ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* I joined the "World trip blog ranking" Please click the button!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)
さぁ、今日もほぼ一日何もしませんでしたね。いい加減出発しないとヨーロッパ滞在が短くなってしまいますね。しかし、暑い・・・。 ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* 世界ブログランキング参加中です。クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 587: 05 MAR 2012
Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)
It was a hot day again. To survive through this heat, tranquility is the key. So I tried not to do much today.
In the morning, Genji and Suzu left to Iguazu Falls. They stayed here just for 2 days only but it was fun to be with them. Have a nice day!
Then, my dear friend Ike left to Buenos Aires. He was the mood maker of the hostel for more than a week. I will miss you Ike. Have a good trip!!
We made potato salad, stir fried vegies and rice for lunch. As it was too hot and we did not have much appetite, we added some vineger into the stir fried sauce. If I ride the motorcycle in this heat, I would pass out!
I had a nap in the afternoon. When I came out from my room, there were many new guests. We picked some persimmons and star fruits from the backyard of the hostel.
Well, I didn't do much again today. I need to move on to Brazil soon; otherwise, I will have shorter time in Europe. But it's tooooo hot to ride.... ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* I joined the "World trip blog ranking" Please click the button!

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 586: 2012年3月4日
Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)
さて、明日は今日出来なかった作業を進めます。 ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* 世界ブログランキング参加中です。クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 586: 04 MAR 2012
Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)
It was a hot day. As I was exposed to the sun too long yesterday, I was stil tired when I got up. I need to take more vitamins to recover. I could not do much work this morning.
Saddly Ken&Yumi couple and Taku left to Asuncion. It's dad to see them off, but mis amigos buen viaje!!
The most of the guests at the hostel went to the ramen shop, but Shin, Sachi and I remained here. We planned to cook something for lunch but the supermarket was closed by lunch time... So we cooked rice and instant noodles for lunch. Sachi offered us "Furikake" seasonings.
After lunch, as it was a really really hot day, we spent whole afternoon at the terace without going out.
I went for a nap in the late afternoon.
As we could not buy any ingredient for dinner, we ate out at "Yguazu Grill".
Mr. Sonoda gave us fresh soy beans, so we boiled them and had them as a snack. Boiled fresh soy beans is a very common snack in Japan while having beer. It was a special treat for us. As I had a nap in the afternoon, I got much better in the evening.
But I decided not to leave tomorrow. I could not complete much of works today, so I will do them tomorrow.
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にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)
さて、明日は今日出来なかった作業を進めます。 ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* 世界ブログランキング参加中です。クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 586: 04 MAR 2012
Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)
It was a hot day. As I was exposed to the sun too long yesterday, I was stil tired when I got up. I need to take more vitamins to recover. I could not do much work this morning.
Saddly Ken&Yumi couple and Taku left to Asuncion. It's dad to see them off, but mis amigos buen viaje!!
The most of the guests at the hostel went to the ramen shop, but Shin, Sachi and I remained here. We planned to cook something for lunch but the supermarket was closed by lunch time... So we cooked rice and instant noodles for lunch. Sachi offered us "Furikake" seasonings.
After lunch, as it was a really really hot day, we spent whole afternoon at the terace without going out.
I went for a nap in the late afternoon.
As we could not buy any ingredient for dinner, we ate out at "Yguazu Grill".
Mr. Sonoda gave us fresh soy beans, so we boiled them and had them as a snack. Boiled fresh soy beans is a very common snack in Japan while having beer. It was a special treat for us. As I had a nap in the afternoon, I got much better in the evening.
But I decided not to leave tomorrow. I could not complete much of works today, so I will do them tomorrow.

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 585: 2012年3月3日
Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)
朝はいつもの如くブログの編集から。メニューの「The Motorcycle」の「バイク」の記事を書きます。バイクでの旅ブログなのでもう少しバイクや装備、ルートの情報を充実させようと思いまして。これからもどんどん進化させていきますよ!
I worked on my blog from the morning as usual. I am writing an article about my GS in "The Motorcycle". I plan to add more information about my GS, the setups, the equipments and the route gradually, so please visit and have a look from time to time.

As it was saturday, we went to the Ramen shop. 12 of us!! I ordered a ramen with stewed pork and some rice balls. Ike had a plate of pan fried dumplings, a ramen, extra noodle, and a pudding for dessert... It was a full course. He did indeed enjoy the meal.
As we still have a bag full of sugar we bought yesterday, we were discussing how we could cook with it. There were a few ideas - making "Anko" (Japanese sweet) with read beans and sugar, making caramel etc. But everyone agreed with Shin's idea - making caramel coated pop corns and watch a movie together.

But when we got back to the hotel, Aki asked us if we wanted to go to his grandparents place and do some fishing. That was a cool idea. So we all went. On the way, we stopped at Aki's place. There was a puppy and he did not have a name yet. So Shin and I named him "John". Why? My god firiend Yutaka always call those street dogs "John, John". He said if he keeps callng those dogs "John", one day he would meet the real "John". So Yutaka, if you go to Pension Sonoda and visit Aki's place, there is "John"!!
As we could not fit in a car, Miyuki (the sister of Aki) also gave us a lift. We went to the place @ 60km.

At Aki's grandparents place, we digged the ground and found some warms using as baits. And we chopped some bamboo and made fishing rods. A lot of fun! The we all hopped on a pick-up and went to a pond. The scenery is just like "A summer vacation in a country side of Japan".
池に到着し、仕掛けを作って竿に取り付けて、さぁ釣りましょう! 池に餌を放り込むと速効で雑魚がちょんちょんと突いてミミズを食べてしまいます。しばらく粘りますが、いつも餌をとられるだけ・・・。違う池のほうが大物が釣れる、というのでそちらに移動。
Arrived at thepond. We assembled fishing rods and gone fishing!! Once we casted the baits, we could feel that small fish was easting our baits. Soon the baits were gone.... We stayed there for a while, but none got any. Aki said another pond would be better, so we walked up there.
We did have some hits, but we could not catch any for a while. It was a really sunny day, so the sunshine was sooo straong. I forgot to apply any sunscreen.... I would be read at the end of the day.
THen finally, Taku caught one! But it was a tiny fish. He said he would use it as a live bait. After this, some caught small ones.
しかし、流石タクちゃん、生餌で大物を釣りました!! これで今晩の飯が確保された!? タクちゃんが吊り上げた後別のタクちゃんも釣り上げます。ワシは結構引きが来るんですが、針にかからずバラケてしまうこと5‐6回。サッちゃんと「日本の城の名前」山手線ゲームをしながら、大魚を待ちます。そして遂に、一尾釣り上げました!! 30cmくらいの「バカ(笑)」という魚だそうです。
Then Taku did it! He got a big one with the live bait. Now we gotsomething to eat this evening!? After this, another Taku caught a big one. I got many hits, but they did not get hooked... I started to play a game with Sachiko. Then finally, I caught a big one. It was "Baka" around 30cm long.
At the end we caught 5 big fish and a small cat fish. Shin caught a snake though. Aki caight small fish using a net, so we ould deep fry them. It would not be enough for 10 hungry stomaches, but we all had fun! The sunset was beautiful.
Back to the hostel, as the supermarket was already closed, we cooked with all the ingredients. The sharrott omlett was great (the idea by Ike and cooked by Keita).
It was a fun day. But I could not do much of my work to improve my blog. So I would do lots of works tomorrow.
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にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)
朝はいつもの如くブログの編集から。メニューの「The Motorcycle」の「バイク」の記事を書きます。バイクでの旅ブログなのでもう少しバイクや装備、ルートの情報を充実させようと思いまして。これからもどんどん進化させていきますよ!
I worked on my blog from the morning as usual. I am writing an article about my GS in "The Motorcycle". I plan to add more information about my GS, the setups, the equipments and the route gradually, so please visit and have a look from time to time.
As it was saturday, we went to the Ramen shop. 12 of us!! I ordered a ramen with stewed pork and some rice balls. Ike had a plate of pan fried dumplings, a ramen, extra noodle, and a pudding for dessert... It was a full course. He did indeed enjoy the meal.
As we still have a bag full of sugar we bought yesterday, we were discussing how we could cook with it. There were a few ideas - making "Anko" (Japanese sweet) with read beans and sugar, making caramel etc. But everyone agreed with Shin's idea - making caramel coated pop corns and watch a movie together.
But when we got back to the hotel, Aki asked us if we wanted to go to his grandparents place and do some fishing. That was a cool idea. So we all went. On the way, we stopped at Aki's place. There was a puppy and he did not have a name yet. So Shin and I named him "John". Why? My god firiend Yutaka always call those street dogs "John, John". He said if he keeps callng those dogs "John", one day he would meet the real "John". So Yutaka, if you go to Pension Sonoda and visit Aki's place, there is "John"!!
As we could not fit in a car, Miyuki (the sister of Aki) also gave us a lift. We went to the place @ 60km.
At Aki's grandparents place, we digged the ground and found some warms using as baits. And we chopped some bamboo and made fishing rods. A lot of fun! The we all hopped on a pick-up and went to a pond. The scenery is just like "A summer vacation in a country side of Japan".
Arrived at thepond. We assembled fishing rods and gone fishing!! Once we casted the baits, we could feel that small fish was easting our baits. Soon the baits were gone.... We stayed there for a while, but none got any. Aki said another pond would be better, so we walked up there.
We did have some hits, but we could not catch any for a while. It was a really sunny day, so the sunshine was sooo straong. I forgot to apply any sunscreen.... I would be read at the end of the day.
THen finally, Taku caught one! But it was a tiny fish. He said he would use it as a live bait. After this, some caught small ones.
Then Taku did it! He got a big one with the live bait. Now we gotsomething to eat this evening!? After this, another Taku caught a big one. I got many hits, but they did not get hooked... I started to play a game with Sachiko. Then finally, I caught a big one. It was "Baka" around 30cm long.
At the end we caught 5 big fish and a small cat fish. Shin caught a snake though. Aki caight small fish using a net, so we ould deep fry them. It would not be enough for 10 hungry stomaches, but we all had fun! The sunset was beautiful.
Back to the hostel, as the supermarket was already closed, we cooked with all the ingredients. The sharrott omlett was great (the idea by Ike and cooked by Keita).
It was a fun day. But I could not do much of my work to improve my blog. So I would do lots of works tomorrow.
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にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 584: 2012年3月2日
Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)
今日は新メニューを追加。「The Motorcycle」と「Data」です。まだまだ作りかけですが、これからますますブログを進化させていきます。乞うご期待!!
今日は金曜日なので豆腐屋さんが来ました。豆腐を2丁と油揚げを買って、さて何を作るかな? うどんを打つことになり、小麦粉と食材を買いに生協へ。
さて、出発は日曜日か月曜日になりますね。 ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* 世界ブログランキング参加中です。クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 584: 02 MAR 2012
Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)
As usual 4 bloggers (including myself) started our work on each blog. Our blogs are getting better and better each day. For example, I added a few menu at the top of the top page - The Motorcycle, Data and Map. The contents are still under construction, but I will copmplete them soon.
Katrin was to leave to Posadas, Argentina today. She joined us on the table and had a chat in the morning. As she had no fixed time table (as she will hitch hike), she joined us for lunch too. We went to the supermarket "Supermercado 41" and bought some instant noodles and chorizos. We cooked the noodle with shallots and eggs. Not only she speaks very good Japanese but she uses chop sticks very very well. How wonderful! She left the hostel around 1pm. Have a nice and safe trip. Hopefully we can catch up in Germany.
In the afternoon, I washed my GS. It was a hot day, so splashing water was fun! I just rode to Asuncion and back, but there were many bugs squashed... After washing, I adjusted the aire pressure of the tyres. Pumping up the pressure with the hand pump was a tough work. If I do this everyday, I could lose some weights.
Every friday, the Tofu maker comes to sell Tofu. We bought some Tofu. Then we decided to make Udon tonight. There would be 11 hungry stomaches, so we bought 2kg of flour and started to make dough. It was a tough but rewarding work. If we were in Japan, we would buy ready to boil Udon noodle, but here we make the noodle from scrutch. We do something we would not do in Japan. That's why I like staying here. Sachiko - the new guest here - likes visiting castles. We talk about castles we visited. It's rare to see a girl likes castles.
Everyday I meet interesting personality here @ Pension Sonoda. I enjoy staying here but I should move on. I will leave here sunday on monday.
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にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)
今日は新メニューを追加。「The Motorcycle」と「Data」です。まだまだ作りかけですが、これからますますブログを進化させていきます。乞うご期待!!
さて、出発は日曜日か月曜日になりますね。 ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* 世界ブログランキング参加中です。クリックしてご一票をいただけると嬉しいです。

にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 584: 02 MAR 2012
Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)
As usual 4 bloggers (including myself) started our work on each blog. Our blogs are getting better and better each day. For example, I added a few menu at the top of the top page - The Motorcycle, Data and Map. The contents are still under construction, but I will copmplete them soon.
Katrin was to leave to Posadas, Argentina today. She joined us on the table and had a chat in the morning. As she had no fixed time table (as she will hitch hike), she joined us for lunch too. We went to the supermarket "Supermercado 41" and bought some instant noodles and chorizos. We cooked the noodle with shallots and eggs. Not only she speaks very good Japanese but she uses chop sticks very very well. How wonderful! She left the hostel around 1pm. Have a nice and safe trip. Hopefully we can catch up in Germany.
In the afternoon, I washed my GS. It was a hot day, so splashing water was fun! I just rode to Asuncion and back, but there were many bugs squashed... After washing, I adjusted the aire pressure of the tyres. Pumping up the pressure with the hand pump was a tough work. If I do this everyday, I could lose some weights.
Every friday, the Tofu maker comes to sell Tofu. We bought some Tofu. Then we decided to make Udon tonight. There would be 11 hungry stomaches, so we bought 2kg of flour and started to make dough. It was a tough but rewarding work. If we were in Japan, we would buy ready to boil Udon noodle, but here we make the noodle from scrutch. We do something we would not do in Japan. That's why I like staying here. Sachiko - the new guest here - likes visiting castles. We talk about castles we visited. It's rare to see a girl likes castles.
Everyday I meet interesting personality here @ Pension Sonoda. I enjoy staying here but I should move on. I will leave here sunday on monday.
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にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************