三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
釣り / Fishing
Day 585: 2012年3月3日
Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)
朝はいつもの如くブログの編集から。メニューの「The Motorcycle」の「バイク」の記事を書きます。バイクでの旅ブログなのでもう少しバイクや装備、ルートの情報を充実させようと思いまして。これからもどんどん進化させていきますよ!
I worked on my blog from the morning as usual. I am writing an article about my GS in "The Motorcycle". I plan to add more information about my GS, the setups, the equipments and the route gradually, so please visit and have a look from time to time.

As it was saturday, we went to the Ramen shop. 12 of us!! I ordered a ramen with stewed pork and some rice balls. Ike had a plate of pan fried dumplings, a ramen, extra noodle, and a pudding for dessert... It was a full course. He did indeed enjoy the meal.
As we still have a bag full of sugar we bought yesterday, we were discussing how we could cook with it. There were a few ideas - making "Anko" (Japanese sweet) with read beans and sugar, making caramel etc. But everyone agreed with Shin's idea - making caramel coated pop corns and watch a movie together.

But when we got back to the hotel, Aki asked us if we wanted to go to his grandparents place and do some fishing. That was a cool idea. So we all went. On the way, we stopped at Aki's place. There was a puppy and he did not have a name yet. So Shin and I named him "John". Why? My god firiend Yutaka always call those street dogs "John, John". He said if he keeps callng those dogs "John", one day he would meet the real "John". So Yutaka, if you go to Pension Sonoda and visit Aki's place, there is "John"!!
As we could not fit in a car, Miyuki (the sister of Aki) also gave us a lift. We went to the place @ 60km.

At Aki's grandparents place, we digged the ground and found some warms using as baits. And we chopped some bamboo and made fishing rods. A lot of fun! The we all hopped on a pick-up and went to a pond. The scenery is just like "A summer vacation in a country side of Japan".
池に到着し、仕掛けを作って竿に取り付けて、さぁ釣りましょう! 池に餌を放り込むと速効で雑魚がちょんちょんと突いてミミズを食べてしまいます。しばらく粘りますが、いつも餌をとられるだけ・・・。違う池のほうが大物が釣れる、というのでそちらに移動。
Arrived at thepond. We assembled fishing rods and gone fishing!! Once we casted the baits, we could feel that small fish was easting our baits. Soon the baits were gone.... We stayed there for a while, but none got any. Aki said another pond would be better, so we walked up there.
We did have some hits, but we could not catch any for a while. It was a really sunny day, so the sunshine was sooo straong. I forgot to apply any sunscreen.... I would be read at the end of the day.
THen finally, Taku caught one! But it was a tiny fish. He said he would use it as a live bait. After this, some caught small ones.
しかし、流石タクちゃん、生餌で大物を釣りました!! これで今晩の飯が確保された!? タクちゃんが吊り上げた後別のタクちゃんも釣り上げます。ワシは結構引きが来るんですが、針にかからずバラケてしまうこと5‐6回。サッちゃんと「日本の城の名前」山手線ゲームをしながら、大魚を待ちます。そして遂に、一尾釣り上げました!! 30cmくらいの「バカ(笑)」という魚だそうです。
Then Taku did it! He got a big one with the live bait. Now we gotsomething to eat this evening!? After this, another Taku caught a big one. I got many hits, but they did not get hooked... I started to play a game with Sachiko. Then finally, I caught a big one. It was "Baka" around 30cm long.
At the end we caught 5 big fish and a small cat fish. Shin caught a snake though. Aki caight small fish using a net, so we ould deep fry them. It would not be enough for 10 hungry stomaches, but we all had fun! The sunset was beautiful.
Back to the hostel, as the supermarket was already closed, we cooked with all the ingredients. The sharrott omlett was great (the idea by Ike and cooked by Keita).
It was a fun day. But I could not do much of my work to improve my blog. So I would do lots of works tomorrow.
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Colonia Yguazu (Pension Sonoda)
朝はいつもの如くブログの編集から。メニューの「The Motorcycle」の「バイク」の記事を書きます。バイクでの旅ブログなのでもう少しバイクや装備、ルートの情報を充実させようと思いまして。これからもどんどん進化させていきますよ!
I worked on my blog from the morning as usual. I am writing an article about my GS in "The Motorcycle". I plan to add more information about my GS, the setups, the equipments and the route gradually, so please visit and have a look from time to time.
As it was saturday, we went to the Ramen shop. 12 of us!! I ordered a ramen with stewed pork and some rice balls. Ike had a plate of pan fried dumplings, a ramen, extra noodle, and a pudding for dessert... It was a full course. He did indeed enjoy the meal.
As we still have a bag full of sugar we bought yesterday, we were discussing how we could cook with it. There were a few ideas - making "Anko" (Japanese sweet) with read beans and sugar, making caramel etc. But everyone agreed with Shin's idea - making caramel coated pop corns and watch a movie together.
But when we got back to the hotel, Aki asked us if we wanted to go to his grandparents place and do some fishing. That was a cool idea. So we all went. On the way, we stopped at Aki's place. There was a puppy and he did not have a name yet. So Shin and I named him "John". Why? My god firiend Yutaka always call those street dogs "John, John". He said if he keeps callng those dogs "John", one day he would meet the real "John". So Yutaka, if you go to Pension Sonoda and visit Aki's place, there is "John"!!
As we could not fit in a car, Miyuki (the sister of Aki) also gave us a lift. We went to the place @ 60km.
At Aki's grandparents place, we digged the ground and found some warms using as baits. And we chopped some bamboo and made fishing rods. A lot of fun! The we all hopped on a pick-up and went to a pond. The scenery is just like "A summer vacation in a country side of Japan".
Arrived at thepond. We assembled fishing rods and gone fishing!! Once we casted the baits, we could feel that small fish was easting our baits. Soon the baits were gone.... We stayed there for a while, but none got any. Aki said another pond would be better, so we walked up there.
We did have some hits, but we could not catch any for a while. It was a really sunny day, so the sunshine was sooo straong. I forgot to apply any sunscreen.... I would be read at the end of the day.
THen finally, Taku caught one! But it was a tiny fish. He said he would use it as a live bait. After this, some caught small ones.
Then Taku did it! He got a big one with the live bait. Now we gotsomething to eat this evening!? After this, another Taku caught a big one. I got many hits, but they did not get hooked... I started to play a game with Sachiko. Then finally, I caught a big one. It was "Baka" around 30cm long.
At the end we caught 5 big fish and a small cat fish. Shin caught a snake though. Aki caight small fish using a net, so we ould deep fry them. It would not be enough for 10 hungry stomaches, but we all had fun! The sunset was beautiful.
Back to the hostel, as the supermarket was already closed, we cooked with all the ingredients. The sharrott omlett was great (the idea by Ike and cooked by Keita).
It was a fun day. But I could not do much of my work to improve my blog. So I would do lots of works tomorrow.
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