三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
南米最南端!! / Fin del Mundo
Day 524: 2011年12月31日
Ushuaia (Camping Andino)
49,577km to49,654km = 77km
さて、今日はついに、ついに「地の果て」、道が尽きる所「バイア・ラパティア(Bahia Lapatia)」まで走ります。国立公園内なので、入園料が高いんですけどね。
観光バスやタクシーも走っているので、砂埃まるけ!!! 「道が尽きる所」まで20キロほどなのですが、何故か長く感じられます。
そして、ついに、ついに、到着しました!!! そこには何人かのライダーたちが集っていました。マットと友達テッド、そして、カラファテで出会ったピーター夫妻たち。いやー、まぁ、看板があるだけなんですけど、感動しますね。ヒツジも喜んでおります。

GPSによると南緯54度51.314 西経68度34.583 標高マイナス6㍍。

もう1つのキャンプ場「Camping Andino」まで戻り、ここでウベたちと再会。テントを建てて昼飯を食べて、伝説の日本人宿「上野山荘」へ。イバちゃんのジャケットを預かっている友人がいるので、またちきちきばんばんさんがいるので訪ねました。
スーパーに買出しに行きましたが、6時で閉店・・・。しかしここでブラジル人ライダーのドロールとアンジェラと出会いました。彼らはLAでシゲさんとお世話になったエルトンの友達!!! ワシのパニアのステッカーでむこうから気が付いたとのこと。しかも「世界を旅するニート」のシゲさんも知っているとのこと!! 世界は狭い!! ブラジルで再会を誓い別れました。

みなさん明けましておめでとうございます!!! ことしも三郎とヒツジ、エスペランサをよろしくお願いいたします!!!
Day 524: 31 DEC 2011
Ushuaia (Camping Andino)
49,577km to49,654km = 77km
The plan of the day, riding down to "The end of the road" @ Bahia Lapatia. It is located inside National Park, so we would hae to pay the entrance fee.
The campground was good but I heard that hot water is not really hot, so we decided to move to another campground. We packed up and left to Bahia Lapatia around lunch time.
Soon after we leftthe campground, Ruta 3 became unpaved. There were lots of tourist buses and mimivans, so the road was covered by dust... The entrance fee was 85ALPs!!! Very, very expensive. So Uwe decided to wait for me and Iba outside the park.
It would be less than 20km ride to "The end of the road", but somehow I felt it was further than 20km.
Then finally, finally, I arrived "The end of the world"!!! There were many motorcyclists, including Matt and his friend Ted, Paul and his wife (I met them in El Clafate), and others. There was just a sign but the feeling to be there was exceptional.
According to GPS: S54° 51.314 W068° 34.583
Altitude: -6m
The odo meter of my GS: 49,596km
I took several photos there and put my "M-26-7" sticker and "Sanbariki" sticker behind the sign.
Then I met a Paraguaian rider Cloudio and his girl friend Joselyn. He owns a motorcycle workshop in Asuncion, so he said when I come to Asuncion, I could visit them!
At National Park, there would be many treking trails and nice view points, but I went there to see "The end of the road" sign, so we left the park soon.
We went to another campground "Camping Andino" and catch up with Uwe. After lunch, Iba and I rode to Japanese hostel "Ueno Sansou", which is located outside of the town, east side.
It took a while to find the hostel, but this hostel is really famous among Japanese travelers. There we met Dai-chan who was taking care of Iba's jacket fromEster Island (she left the jacket in the hostel of Easter Island). It was full house, but the manager told us that there would be 2 beds available tomorrow, so we decided to move there from tomorrow. But there is no WiFi, and it is far from the town, it would be hard to update my blog.
Then we went for shipping to a supermarket, but all the shops in tow closed at 6pm today... it was 6:15pm already. But here at the carpark of the supermarket, I met Brazilian riders Dolor and Angela. They saw "Fazedores de Chuva" sticker given by Elton on my pannier and followed me. Then they turn out to be the friends of Elton, and they know Shigeru (DR650)!! The world is really small.
They toldme that a mimi market around the corner was still open, and we could buy some meats and drinks.
Back to the campground, we BBQed the meats and shared foods with Uwe, Matt, Ted and their Argentinian friends. It was really fun.
Then 2012 began! Hapny New Year 2012 to all!! Have a good one!!!
Ushuaia (Camping Andino)
49,577km to49,654km = 77km
さて、今日はついに、ついに「地の果て」、道が尽きる所「バイア・ラパティア(Bahia Lapatia)」まで走ります。国立公園内なので、入園料が高いんですけどね。
観光バスやタクシーも走っているので、砂埃まるけ!!! 「道が尽きる所」まで20キロほどなのですが、何故か長く感じられます。
もう1つのキャンプ場「Camping Andino」まで戻り、ここでウベたちと再会。テントを建てて昼飯を食べて、伝説の日本人宿「上野山荘」へ。イバちゃんのジャケットを預かっている友人がいるので、またちきちきばんばんさんがいるので訪ねました。
みなさん明けましておめでとうございます!!! ことしも三郎とヒツジ、エスペランサをよろしくお願いいたします!!!
Day 524: 31 DEC 2011
Ushuaia (Camping Andino)
49,577km to49,654km = 77km
The plan of the day, riding down to "The end of the road" @ Bahia Lapatia. It is located inside National Park, so we would hae to pay the entrance fee.
The campground was good but I heard that hot water is not really hot, so we decided to move to another campground. We packed up and left to Bahia Lapatia around lunch time.
Soon after we leftthe campground, Ruta 3 became unpaved. There were lots of tourist buses and mimivans, so the road was covered by dust... The entrance fee was 85ALPs!!! Very, very expensive. So Uwe decided to wait for me and Iba outside the park.
It would be less than 20km ride to "The end of the road", but somehow I felt it was further than 20km.
Then finally, finally, I arrived "The end of the world"!!! There were many motorcyclists, including Matt and his friend Ted, Paul and his wife (I met them in El Clafate), and others. There was just a sign but the feeling to be there was exceptional.
According to GPS: S54° 51.314 W068° 34.583
Altitude: -6m
The odo meter of my GS: 49,596km
I took several photos there and put my "M-26-7" sticker and "Sanbariki" sticker behind the sign.
Then I met a Paraguaian rider Cloudio and his girl friend Joselyn. He owns a motorcycle workshop in Asuncion, so he said when I come to Asuncion, I could visit them!
At National Park, there would be many treking trails and nice view points, but I went there to see "The end of the road" sign, so we left the park soon.
We went to another campground "Camping Andino" and catch up with Uwe. After lunch, Iba and I rode to Japanese hostel "Ueno Sansou", which is located outside of the town, east side.
It took a while to find the hostel, but this hostel is really famous among Japanese travelers. There we met Dai-chan who was taking care of Iba's jacket fromEster Island (she left the jacket in the hostel of Easter Island). It was full house, but the manager told us that there would be 2 beds available tomorrow, so we decided to move there from tomorrow. But there is no WiFi, and it is far from the town, it would be hard to update my blog.
Then we went for shipping to a supermarket, but all the shops in tow closed at 6pm today... it was 6:15pm already. But here at the carpark of the supermarket, I met Brazilian riders Dolor and Angela. They saw "Fazedores de Chuva" sticker given by Elton on my pannier and followed me. Then they turn out to be the friends of Elton, and they know Shigeru (DR650)!! The world is really small.
They toldme that a mimi market around the corner was still open, and we could buy some meats and drinks.
Back to the campground, we BBQed the meats and shared foods with Uwe, Matt, Ted and their Argentinian friends. It was really fun.
Then 2012 began! Hapny New Year 2012 to all!! Have a good one!!!