三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
焼肉とゆでたまご / BBQ & Boiled eggs
Day 540: 2012年1月16日
El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
昼頃にホセと買出し。今日は丘の上にあるスーパー「La Anonima」へ。街中も同じスーパーなのですが、こちらのほうが規模もデカし。距離もコッチのほうが近いかな。ホセが焼肉を食べたい、というので大量の肉を買い込みます。しかもホセ、「ゆでたまごを6個食う。」と言って玉子を1ダース買ってます。坂東英二が「ゆでたまごは1日6個までOK」と言っていたからそうです。
Day 540: 16 JAN 2012
El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
I started my day from the bakery again. There were many flies in the hostel, so I started to terminate them from the morning.
With Yutaka, I went to buy lots of meats to a supermarket "La Anonima"at the top of the hill. There is another "La Anonima" in the town but the one on the hill is much bigger and could be closer from the hostel.
Yutaka bought a dozen of eggs. He said he wanted to make boiled eggs. According to our hero - Eiji Bando, we could have 6 boiled eggs a day, so he wanted to eat 6 boiled eggs...
Back to the hostel, I started to cutup the meats and marrinated into my supecial souce, then we cooked BBQ. After Yutaka had 3 boiled eggs, he said he had enough of them and cut up the rest of them and mix them into the salad.
In the afternoon, we watched the TV series again. We cooked pasta for dinner. What we learnt to day was "We could eat 6 boiled eggs a day, but not at once."
El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
昼頃にホセと買出し。今日は丘の上にあるスーパー「La Anonima」へ。街中も同じスーパーなのですが、こちらのほうが規模もデカし。距離もコッチのほうが近いかな。ホセが焼肉を食べたい、というので大量の肉を買い込みます。しかもホセ、「ゆでたまごを6個食う。」と言って玉子を1ダース買ってます。坂東英二が「ゆでたまごは1日6個までOK」と言っていたからそうです。
Day 540: 16 JAN 2012
El Calafate (Fuji Ryokan)
I started my day from the bakery again. There were many flies in the hostel, so I started to terminate them from the morning.
With Yutaka, I went to buy lots of meats to a supermarket "La Anonima"at the top of the hill. There is another "La Anonima" in the town but the one on the hill is much bigger and could be closer from the hostel.
Yutaka bought a dozen of eggs. He said he wanted to make boiled eggs. According to our hero - Eiji Bando, we could have 6 boiled eggs a day, so he wanted to eat 6 boiled eggs...
Back to the hostel, I started to cutup the meats and marrinated into my supecial souce, then we cooked BBQ. After Yutaka had 3 boiled eggs, he said he had enough of them and cut up the rest of them and mix them into the salad.
In the afternoon, we watched the TV series again. We cooked pasta for dinner. What we learnt to day was "We could eat 6 boiled eggs a day, but not at once."