三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
骨董市に鼠 / Antique market and Nezumi
Day 560: 2012年2月5日
Buenos Aires (Dakar Motos)

米が炊けるのを待ちながら、マテ茶を水で淹れて(テレレといいます)、将棋を2局。一勝一敗。米が炊き上がったのでステーキを弱火で焼きます。焼き加減はミディアム(A Punto)。お味は? ちょっと堅かったですが、まぁ、美味しかったですよ。

しばしここでフラメンコを見ながらくつろぎ、再び街を徘徊。帽子屋は沢山あるのにベレー帽はありそうでありませんでした。名残惜しいので夕飯も外で。駅の近くでピザを。鼠はまだ若いのに世界をちゃんと見据えていて感心させられます。話していてこちらも学ばされることが多く、一緒にこの3日間過ごせて充実した時が過ごせました。今度は東南アジアで再会、もしくは日本で再会ですね。Buen viaje, mi amigo!
Day 560: 06 FEB 2012
Buenos Aires (Dakar Motos)
It was raining from the morning. The temperature was not as high as the past few days, but it was more humid... So it made me more uncomfortable....
I went to see Nezumi in the city. We walked to "Antique Street Market". We wondered if those stands were open in the rain but as the rain eased up, there were quite a few stands open already. There were mate cups, bombillas, leather goods, Che goods etc.
Buenos Aires (Dakar Motos)
米が炊けるのを待ちながら、マテ茶を水で淹れて(テレレといいます)、将棋を2局。一勝一敗。米が炊き上がったのでステーキを弱火で焼きます。焼き加減はミディアム(A Punto)。お味は? ちょっと堅かったですが、まぁ、美味しかったですよ。
Day 560: 06 FEB 2012
Buenos Aires (Dakar Motos)
It was raining from the morning. The temperature was not as high as the past few days, but it was more humid... So it made me more uncomfortable....
I went to see Nezumi in the city. We walked to "Antique Street Market". We wondered if those stands were open in the rain but as the rain eased up, there were quite a few stands open already. There were mate cups, bombillas, leather goods, Che goods etc.
We got hungry while walking and looked for any stand selling any food. But we could not find any. We found a lady selling empanadas in a busket, so we bought one each (6APs). As it wasn't enough for us, we went to a bakery to buy some breads to fill our stomaches.
Then we walked around the street again. Now we saw many people selling foods on the street!! Why we could not see them before?
We continued waking along the street. Nezumi was looking for some souvenirs to Japan and I was looking for a berret. We found a "Mercado (market)" on the street. It was the first "Mercado" I saw since I left Bolivia. As it would be Nezumi'S last chance to have Arentinian beef, so we bought 500g of beef and went back to his hostel to cook steaks.
While we were waiting for rice cooked, we made cold mate and played Japanese chess. I lost once and won the 2nd game. Then we cooked the steaks. It was a little tough but was good. After the 2nd lunch, we played Japanese chess again (I won!) and went to Boca area where is famous as Tango's birth place.
There were lots of tourists in the area and lots of souvenir shops. Nezumi said once we step aside the main street, it is the area for workers. We had drinks at a restaurant where Framenco show played. We were not sure why Framenco rather than Tango, but those dancers were pretty good. We stayed there for a while.
We had pizza for dinner. It was fun 3 days with Nezumi. He is a blight young man. I wish he will do well back in Japan. Buen viaje mi amigo!
Then we walked around the street again. Now we saw many people selling foods on the street!! Why we could not see them before?
We continued waking along the street. Nezumi was looking for some souvenirs to Japan and I was looking for a berret. We found a "Mercado (market)" on the street. It was the first "Mercado" I saw since I left Bolivia. As it would be Nezumi'S last chance to have Arentinian beef, so we bought 500g of beef and went back to his hostel to cook steaks.
While we were waiting for rice cooked, we made cold mate and played Japanese chess. I lost once and won the 2nd game. Then we cooked the steaks. It was a little tough but was good. After the 2nd lunch, we played Japanese chess again (I won!) and went to Boca area where is famous as Tango's birth place.
There were lots of tourists in the area and lots of souvenir shops. Nezumi said once we step aside the main street, it is the area for workers. We had drinks at a restaurant where Framenco show played. We were not sure why Framenco rather than Tango, but those dancers were pretty good. We stayed there for a while.
We had pizza for dinner. It was fun 3 days with Nezumi. He is a blight young man. I wish he will do well back in Japan. Buen viaje mi amigo!