三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
16ヶ国目、アルゼンチンに!! / The 16th country of this trip, Argentina!!
Day 465: 2011年11月2日
San Pedro de Atacama, Chile to Puramarca, Argentina (Hospidaje Raliquina)
42,244km to 42,661km = 417km (42,244km to 42,401km, Chile = 157km / 42,401km to 42,661km, Argentina = 260km)



それから一気にPaso Jama(パソ・ハマ=ハマ峠)の国境へ。160キロ。なかなかの風景です。少し走ったところへ、ボリビアへの分岐点が。ここを左に折れると、あのラグーナス・ルートに行けるんですね。今回は断念しましたが、次回は必ず。

国境手前でSalar de Agua Negra(サラール・デ・アグア・ネグラ=黒い水の塩原)を左手に見ました。塩原なのですが、水が張っていて、山が映りきれいです。

まだ日は高いのでサルタまで行ってしまおうかな、と思いましたが、ここに一泊することに。「Camping」とサインが出ていたので、そこにしました。20ペソ(5米ドル)。風が強いのでペグを石で打っていたら、中指がペグに!! 結構深く切ってしまいました。中指はいろいろなことに使う大事な指なのに・・・。
Day 465: 02 NOV 2011
San Pedro de Atacama, Chile to Puramarca, Argentina (Hospidaje Raliquina)
42,244km to 42,661km = 417km (42,244km to 42,401km, Chile = 157km / 42,401km to 42,661km, Argentina = 260km)
I was ready by 9am. I said good-bye to Kris, Karin and guys at the hostel and took off to Paso Jama. Lucy was still at seep...
As there is no immigration and custom office at the border, Paso Jama, I needed to stop at the imigration / custom office at the edge of San Pedro de Atacama. As there was a queue, it took me for 1 hour to getstamped out and cancel the permission for my bike.
Then I rode straight to Paso Jama. A 160km ride to the border. Just after 20-30km from the town, I saw a turn off to Bolivia. Yes, Lagunas Route would be just lying there... This time I gave up going there, but I will do it next time. Hopefully in 5 years.
I continued riding on the paved twisty road. The altitude rised gradually. The highest point was more than 4,800m. I could see ice formed like pinacles on the road side, many of them. They were beautiful.
I reckoned when the ice was melt and evapolised, strong winds blow them and the evapolised water gets cooled very rapidly and frozen again, that's why they becomelike a pinacles.
Passed Salar de Agua Negra just before the Argentinian border. There was water on the salt plain (black water), and those mountains were reflecting on the water, it was a beautiful view.
Then I crossed the border to Argentina. My 16th country on this trip and the country where Ernesto "Che" Guevara was born and grew up.
Immigration and custom office was located 3km from the border. As I parked my GS, a tour bus came in, so I rushed into the office (otherwise I had to queue up!).
It was easy process, but a lady at the custom office told me that I should buy vehicle insurance soon.
I filled the tank up at a petrol station there and had cookies as lunch (everything in Argentina is expensive!!).
Argentinian side, it became a plain. There were some salt flats, valleys, etc, it was a nice ride through those scenaries.
Just 35km from Puramarca, it became a long descent down to a valley. A spectacular ride down there. There were many bikes parked on the road side at the beggining of the desent. Those guys were from Brazil. They were heading to San Pedro. I have seen many Brazilian, Argentinians, Chileans motorcyclists nowadays. They are certainly wealthier than the rest of South Americans.
I arrived Puramarca before 4pm. I heard there was a mountain of 7 colours, so I was looking for it. I asked many people but it tok time to find one! As all mountaing around there had multi coloured, so it was hard to tell.
Finaly I found it and parked my GS. I walked up the hill to see the mountain. But it did not look so different from others. A little disappointment.
I was thinking to go to Salta, but saw a sign "camping", so I decided to spend a night there. 20 pesos. As winds were stong, I pitched my tent and used pegs. But when I was humering a peg with a stone, I hit my middle finger against te peg and cut it deeply... Outch.
I am very tired today, and I had an early night.
San Pedro de Atacama, Chile to Puramarca, Argentina (Hospidaje Raliquina)
42,244km to 42,661km = 417km (42,244km to 42,401km, Chile = 157km / 42,401km to 42,661km, Argentina = 260km)
まだ日は高いのでサルタまで行ってしまおうかな、と思いましたが、ここに一泊することに。「Camping」とサインが出ていたので、そこにしました。20ペソ(5米ドル)。風が強いのでペグを石で打っていたら、中指がペグに!! 結構深く切ってしまいました。中指はいろいろなことに使う大事な指なのに・・・。
Day 465: 02 NOV 2011
San Pedro de Atacama, Chile to Puramarca, Argentina (Hospidaje Raliquina)
42,244km to 42,661km = 417km (42,244km to 42,401km, Chile = 157km / 42,401km to 42,661km, Argentina = 260km)
I was ready by 9am. I said good-bye to Kris, Karin and guys at the hostel and took off to Paso Jama. Lucy was still at seep...
As there is no immigration and custom office at the border, Paso Jama, I needed to stop at the imigration / custom office at the edge of San Pedro de Atacama. As there was a queue, it took me for 1 hour to getstamped out and cancel the permission for my bike.
Then I rode straight to Paso Jama. A 160km ride to the border. Just after 20-30km from the town, I saw a turn off to Bolivia. Yes, Lagunas Route would be just lying there... This time I gave up going there, but I will do it next time. Hopefully in 5 years.
I continued riding on the paved twisty road. The altitude rised gradually. The highest point was more than 4,800m. I could see ice formed like pinacles on the road side, many of them. They were beautiful.
I reckoned when the ice was melt and evapolised, strong winds blow them and the evapolised water gets cooled very rapidly and frozen again, that's why they becomelike a pinacles.
Passed Salar de Agua Negra just before the Argentinian border. There was water on the salt plain (black water), and those mountains were reflecting on the water, it was a beautiful view.
Then I crossed the border to Argentina. My 16th country on this trip and the country where Ernesto "Che" Guevara was born and grew up.
Immigration and custom office was located 3km from the border. As I parked my GS, a tour bus came in, so I rushed into the office (otherwise I had to queue up!).
It was easy process, but a lady at the custom office told me that I should buy vehicle insurance soon.
I filled the tank up at a petrol station there and had cookies as lunch (everything in Argentina is expensive!!).
Argentinian side, it became a plain. There were some salt flats, valleys, etc, it was a nice ride through those scenaries.
Just 35km from Puramarca, it became a long descent down to a valley. A spectacular ride down there. There were many bikes parked on the road side at the beggining of the desent. Those guys were from Brazil. They were heading to San Pedro. I have seen many Brazilian, Argentinians, Chileans motorcyclists nowadays. They are certainly wealthier than the rest of South Americans.
I arrived Puramarca before 4pm. I heard there was a mountain of 7 colours, so I was looking for it. I asked many people but it tok time to find one! As all mountaing around there had multi coloured, so it was hard to tell.
Finaly I found it and parked my GS. I walked up the hill to see the mountain. But it did not look so different from others. A little disappointment.
I was thinking to go to Salta, but saw a sign "camping", so I decided to spend a night there. 20 pesos. As winds were stong, I pitched my tent and used pegs. But when I was humering a peg with a stone, I hit my middle finger against te peg and cut it deeply... Outch.
I am very tired today, and I had an early night.
昨年9月にアメリカ リノで会ってから一年以上経ち南米アルゼンチンに入国ですね。