三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
アイルトン・セナの国、ブラジル / Brazil - the country of Ayrton Senna
Day 590: 2012年3月8日
Colonia Yguazu - Paraguay to Dourado - Brazil (Hotel Guapore)
56,216km to 56,779km = 563km (Paraguay side = 41km / Brazil side = 522km)
園田のお父さんにお母さん、パブロさん、そしてシンちゃん、タツ、ゲンジ、ヨシ、サッちゃんが見送ってくれました。3週間、ほんとに楽しかったです。ペン園、大好き。またいつの日か必ず戻ってきます。皆さんもお元気で! シンちゃんとタツとは2日後にブラジルのボニートで再会予定ですが。
ブラジル側は歩かなくていいのですが、一時輸入許可証がなかなか発行されない! まぁ、ただ単に新しいシステムを導入したからやりかたがわからなかっただけなんですけど。
ふと、小さな街を通り過ぎたとき、ガソリンスタンドの「Posto Senna」という看板が目に付きました。その時は気が付かなかったのですが、少し後になって、「あ、あのアイルトン・セナの一族のブランドだ」と気が付きました。そういえば、ここブラジルは故アイルトン・セナの故国。
そしてガイラ(Guaira)からマト・グロッソ・ド・スル州(Mato Grosso do Sul)はパラナ川を渡らなければならないのですが、そこにかかる橋の名前が「アイルトン・セナ橋(Punta Ayrton Senna)」でした。アイルトン・セナの遺産はここブラジルでは生きているのですね。残念ながら、写真は撮れませんでした・・・。兄貴ゴメン!
今日は走れるところまで走ろう、と日暮れ時まで走り、結局ドウラド(Dourado)という街まで走りました。結構疲れていたので宿は82レアル(45米ドル)とちょっと高いですが、朝飯付きなので「Hotel Guapore」ここにしました。夕飯は近くのパイ屋さんで安く済ませました。
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Day 590: 08 MAR 2012
Colonia Yguazu - Paraguay to Dourado - Brazil (Hotel Guapore)
56,216km to 56,779km = 563km (Paraguay side = 41km / Brazil side = 522km)
This is the day I have to say good-bye to my home in Paraguay. I stayed 21 days here. It wasn't the longest stay in one place during this trip, but Pension Sonoda is my favorite place.
I brought out my GS to the front and put the panniers and gears on. Then I was back to be an adventure rider.
Mr.&Mrs Sonoda, Pablo, Shin, Tatsu, Hikaru, Yoshi, and Sachiko came out to see me off. It was really good to see you guys. Hopefully we can catch up soon (I will ctach up with Shin and Tatsu @ Bonito, Brazil in 2 days)
I finally left Pension Sonoda. After filled up fuel at 42km, I headed to the border to Brazil.
I was seeing those farms created by those Japanese settlers here. All the way I could see was farmland until I got closeto CIudad del Este.
The imigration process was easy, but I had to walk up to the custom office up hill. Then I crossed to Brazilian side. Imigration was easy too. But it took a while to get a temporary vehicle permission. The officer said recently the system was updated and he wasn't familiar with the system yet.
Now I was back to Brazil. The last time I spent only 30mins or so in Brazil, so it was actually my 1st full day in Brazil. I do not speak any Portguese, but Portguese is somehow similar to Spanish, so hopefully I can survive without learning much Portguese.
I bought a map of Brazil and checked the route to Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul. Together with the GPS, I should be able to navigate through.
Brazilian side was also masive farmland after leaving the city of Foz do Iguacu. At a little town when I pass through, I saw a petrol station named "Posto Senna". I did not realise what it was, but later I realised it must be owned by the relative of Ayrton Senna da Silva.
Actually my brother is a big fan of Fomular 1.WHen Ayrton Sena was alive, he was my brother's favorite driver. I liked Nigel Mansell thogh.
From the town of Guaira, to enter the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, I had to cross Panara river. Then the name of the bridge was "Ayrton Senna Bridge (Punta do Ayrton Sena)".
His ledgend is still alive here in Brazil, so I felt. I couldnot take a photo of the bridge. Sorry my bro.
As I was riding through the bridge, I was thinking about Ayrton Senna, my brother and my family.
I kept riding on until the sunset. I arrived the town of Dourado. I founda hotel with a parking space for R$82 (US$45). It was expensive, but I took a room as I was tired.
I had pies at a pie shop nearby (a cheap meal). In an air-cond private room, I am updating my blog, uploading photos to facebook etc. Hopefully my friends Shin and Tatsu wil arrive Bonito tomrrow morning without any problem. I would be there around lunch time. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* I joined the "World trip blog ranking" Please click the button!
にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Colonia Yguazu - Paraguay to Dourado - Brazil (Hotel Guapore)
56,216km to 56,779km = 563km (Paraguay side = 41km / Brazil side = 522km)
ブラジル側は歩かなくていいのですが、一時輸入許可証がなかなか発行されない! まぁ、ただ単に新しいシステムを導入したからやりかたがわからなかっただけなんですけど。
そしてガイラ(Guaira)からマト・グロッソ・ド・スル州(Mato Grosso do Sul)はパラナ川を渡らなければならないのですが、そこにかかる橋の名前が「アイルトン・セナ橋(Punta Ayrton Senna)」でした。アイルトン・セナの遺産はここブラジルでは生きているのですね。残念ながら、写真は撮れませんでした・・・。兄貴ゴメン!
今日は走れるところまで走ろう、と日暮れ時まで走り、結局ドウラド(Dourado)という街まで走りました。結構疲れていたので宿は82レアル(45米ドル)とちょっと高いですが、朝飯付きなので「Hotel Guapore」ここにしました。夕飯は近くのパイ屋さんで安く済ませました。
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にほんブログ村 *******************************************************************************************************************************************************
Day 590: 08 MAR 2012
Colonia Yguazu - Paraguay to Dourado - Brazil (Hotel Guapore)
56,216km to 56,779km = 563km (Paraguay side = 41km / Brazil side = 522km)
This is the day I have to say good-bye to my home in Paraguay. I stayed 21 days here. It wasn't the longest stay in one place during this trip, but Pension Sonoda is my favorite place.
I brought out my GS to the front and put the panniers and gears on. Then I was back to be an adventure rider.
Mr.&Mrs Sonoda, Pablo, Shin, Tatsu, Hikaru, Yoshi, and Sachiko came out to see me off. It was really good to see you guys. Hopefully we can catch up soon (I will ctach up with Shin and Tatsu @ Bonito, Brazil in 2 days)
I finally left Pension Sonoda. After filled up fuel at 42km, I headed to the border to Brazil.
I was seeing those farms created by those Japanese settlers here. All the way I could see was farmland until I got closeto CIudad del Este.
The imigration process was easy, but I had to walk up to the custom office up hill. Then I crossed to Brazilian side. Imigration was easy too. But it took a while to get a temporary vehicle permission. The officer said recently the system was updated and he wasn't familiar with the system yet.
Now I was back to Brazil. The last time I spent only 30mins or so in Brazil, so it was actually my 1st full day in Brazil. I do not speak any Portguese, but Portguese is somehow similar to Spanish, so hopefully I can survive without learning much Portguese.
I bought a map of Brazil and checked the route to Bonito, Mato Grosso do Sul. Together with the GPS, I should be able to navigate through.
Brazilian side was also masive farmland after leaving the city of Foz do Iguacu. At a little town when I pass through, I saw a petrol station named "Posto Senna". I did not realise what it was, but later I realised it must be owned by the relative of Ayrton Senna da Silva.
Actually my brother is a big fan of Fomular 1.WHen Ayrton Sena was alive, he was my brother's favorite driver. I liked Nigel Mansell thogh.
From the town of Guaira, to enter the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, I had to cross Panara river. Then the name of the bridge was "Ayrton Senna Bridge (Punta do Ayrton Sena)".
His ledgend is still alive here in Brazil, so I felt. I couldnot take a photo of the bridge. Sorry my bro.
As I was riding through the bridge, I was thinking about Ayrton Senna, my brother and my family.
I kept riding on until the sunset. I arrived the town of Dourado. I founda hotel with a parking space for R$82 (US$45). It was expensive, but I took a room as I was tired.
I had pies at a pie shop nearby (a cheap meal). In an air-cond private room, I am updating my blog, uploading photos to facebook etc. Hopefully my friends Shin and Tatsu wil arrive Bonito tomrrow morning without any problem. I would be there around lunch time. ******************************************************************************************************************************************************* I joined the "World trip blog ranking" Please click the button!

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