三郎とおやすみ羊のBMW R1200GSで世界一周の大冒険
カナディアンロッキーの絶景 / Canadian Rocky: What a wonderful ride
Day18 2010年8月11日
McBride to Golden
11,138km to 11,661km = 523km
朝6時に起きて出発の準備。朝は流石に寒いです。 曇っているので雨が降らなければいいなと願いつつ準備を進めます。Brianも起きて準備し始めました。8時前には出発。
先ずはJasperを目指します。 Jasperに入るて前にMt Robsonが現れます。いい山容をした山です。 何故かMcBrideからJasperまで燃費が悪いです。普段リッターあたり20キロは行くのに18.5キロです。特に高度があったわけでもなく普通に走ってたんですけどね。Brianも燃費が悪くなってました。

Jasperで給油してLake Louiseに向かいます。国立公園なのでで10ドル検問所で払います。そしたら隣の検問所にWhitehorseで出会ったNeilがいるじゃないですか!こりゃ奇遇ですな。 それにしても絶景ですな。本当に絵葉書の様な風景が広がります。Athabasca Gracierまで何回か写真休憩をしました。

Athabasca Gracierは本線からすぐそこにあり実際に氷河の上を歩けます。氷河までの歩道に所々1982とか1992とか年号があります。それは氷河がそこまであったという印です。今ではかなり後退してます氷河。説明書きでは1885年以来60%も小さくなったそうです。改めて、こりゃあ大変だァ、て思いましたね。Brianとも歩いていだ環境問題の話しをしてました。 実際に氷河を歩いて、チョット感動。表面はシャリシャリですね。

Lake Louiseまで1時間ほど走り湖畔で休憩。いい眺めですなァ。それから1号線をGoldenという街まで。
キャンプ場でもよかったのですかお金をセーブする為さらに50キロくらい走りレストエリアでキャンプ。キャンプ駄目とサインが有るんですけど、まぁいいか。でも蚊が多いのには閉口です。余りに蚊に刺されるからテントに避難。まだ8時過ぎなんですけど眠くてそのまま就寝。 明日はNakuspです。さてどんな出会いがあるでしょう⁉ 
Day18 11Aug2010
McBride to Golden
11,138km to 11,661km = 523km
I got up at 6:00am and started to pack up. It was clouded in the morning. Brian and I was ready by 8:00am and headed to Jasper.
Just before the border of Alberta, Mt Robson was showing it's mighty appearance. I took a couple of photos. Not sure why we got bad fuel consumption to Jasper. We didn't go hard and it wasn't really high in altitude. It got better after Jasper, so it is a mystery.
Fueled up on Jasper and heading to Lake Louise. At the park toll, I saw Neil, the Goldwing rider met in Whitehorse, at another lane. What a coincident! Along the way, we saw all great scenery. Just like post cards. No wonder lots of tourist come here. We stopped for photos a few times.
At Athabasca Gracier, we can walk on the actual glacier! There are signs saying the glacier was here in 1982 or 2000 along the footpath to the glacier. It is said since 1885, the glacier has lost 60% of its volume! Global warming is really affecting our planet. Brian and I was talking about environmental issues along the way. It was fun to step on the glacier.
We stopped at Lake Louise and had a rest on lake side. The view is great here too. Then we took route 1 to Golden. We could've stayed in a campground but decided to stay at a rest area to save money. We are at the rest area around 50km east of Golden.
Tomorrow we will get to Nakusp. Hope we'll meet lots of nice people there.
McBride to Golden
11,138km to 11,661km = 523km
朝6時に起きて出発の準備。朝は流石に寒いです。 曇っているので雨が降らなければいいなと願いつつ準備を進めます。Brianも起きて準備し始めました。8時前には出発。
Day18 11Aug2010
McBride to Golden
11,138km to 11,661km = 523km
I got up at 6:00am and started to pack up. It was clouded in the morning. Brian and I was ready by 8:00am and headed to Jasper.
Just before the border of Alberta, Mt Robson was showing it's mighty appearance. I took a couple of photos. Not sure why we got bad fuel consumption to Jasper. We didn't go hard and it wasn't really high in altitude. It got better after Jasper, so it is a mystery.
Fueled up on Jasper and heading to Lake Louise. At the park toll, I saw Neil, the Goldwing rider met in Whitehorse, at another lane. What a coincident! Along the way, we saw all great scenery. Just like post cards. No wonder lots of tourist come here. We stopped for photos a few times.
At Athabasca Gracier, we can walk on the actual glacier! There are signs saying the glacier was here in 1982 or 2000 along the footpath to the glacier. It is said since 1885, the glacier has lost 60% of its volume! Global warming is really affecting our planet. Brian and I was talking about environmental issues along the way. It was fun to step on the glacier.
We stopped at Lake Louise and had a rest on lake side. The view is great here too. Then we took route 1 to Golden. We could've stayed in a campground but decided to stay at a rest area to save money. We are at the rest area around 50km east of Golden.
Tomorrow we will get to Nakusp. Hope we'll meet lots of nice people there.